A fairy-tale vacation—if he can get the ending right.
American nurse Finch Mason steps beyond the comfort of his orderly life and takes a dream trip to England, complete with a National Trust Pass so he can visit numerous historical sites. At the first one on his list, he’s warmly welcomed—and told he bought a pass good for two.
Finch doesn’t hesitate to offer the pass to Benedict, a handsome Brit also there on an outing. They spend a magical week touring the countryside, and while it’s too soon to get attached, Finch wishes their time together would never end.
Then Finch finds himself stuck abroad with no money, and he has no one to turn to but Benedict. Benedict is happy to help, but he also owes Finch some answers—such as who he really is and why he was at the estate where they first met.
Listening Length: 6 hours and 40 minutes
Narrator: Andrew McFerrin
Um.. honestly? I really hate to say this but this was probably one of the most unromantic romances I’ve read in a long time.
This starts out with Finn visiting England on impulse. He’s trying to forget his current life woes and as well as making the most of a bad decision. When he meets the dashing Benedict, he’s immediately enamored, and it’s a fortuitous mistake that allows both of them to partake in touring a historical part of the countryside. Inevitably, one meeting turns into two, and two turns into three and before they know it, Finn’s vacation has become enmeshed with Benedict’s life, as situation after situation throws them together.
Granted, I could see this as a plausible meet-cute, and it had a lot of potential, but it completely fails to produce any romance. I would say that 95% of this book is Finn getting angry or sad every time there’s a perceived rejection of Benedict’s affections or a confirmation of what he thinks is Benedict's straight status. I can’t really blame the guy because Benedict NEVER lets on what he’s feeling beyond platonic overtures, so Finn is not in the wrong for being grumpy. As one can surmise, there’s absolutely no smex except for a few chaste kisses at the very end, and it was beyond frustrating. When the proclamations finally do come, it really did seem to come out of nowhere despite knowing this was supposed to be a love story.
I’ve admitted before that Dreamspun Desires is not always a high priority on my TBR list because often, I want something a little more spicier, a little more meaty. However, I also believe there’s definitely a place in anyone’s reading repertoire for simple, low angst romance, and the few I’ve read fall into that category, but this was very far from the mark. So, if you like tropes where there is absolutely NO communication and plenty of misunderstandings on one of the MC’s part through really no fault of his own, then this is for you. What garners some points is the audio. Andrew McFerrin does a great job at distinguishing voices, portraying realistic accents, and getting the emotions just right but sadly, not even the best narrator can make this a better story.
Thank you to the author/publisher for the audio in exchange for an honest review.
See our Two for Trust eBook tag team review HERE
Tag Team Review: Yuletide Truce by Sandra Schwab
London, 1845
It's December, Alan "Aigee" Garmond's favorite time of the year, when the window display of the small bookshop where he works fills up with crimson Christmas books and sprays of holly. Everything could be perfect — if it weren't for handsome Christopher Foreman, the brilliant writer for the fashionable magazine About Town, who has taken an inexplicable and public dislike to Aigee's book reviews.
But why would a man such as Foreman choose to target reviews published in a small bookshop's magazine? Aigee is determined to find out. And not, he tells himself, just because he finds Foreman so intriguing.
Aigee’s quest leads him from smoke-filled ale-houses into the dark, dingy alleys of one of London's most notorious rookeries. And then, finally, to Foreman. Will Aigee be able to wrangle a Yuletide truce from his nemesis?
Lori - 4 Hearts
My first seasonal story of the year (even if I read it waaaaay out of season!) and it was everything I look for in my Christmas stories. It had that feel good Christmas feel to it, the one where you know it will all turn out right in the end with just a little bit of turmoil on the way. I suppose this could be classed as enemies-to-lovers, set in England a century or so ago, it was more of a class-ist disagreement - basically the posh toff got his comeuppance and fell in love. So, pretty much all good then!
It is a short read, but it's perfectly lovely. If you're looking for a book to start off your holiday reading, I'd definitely recommend this one. Feel good all the way in a palette of red and green with a dash of snow.
Lost in a Book - 4 Hearts
Merry Christmas!!!!!! It’s that time of year we all know and love with all of the ugly sweaters, countdowns to how many minutes are left until Christmas day, AND
Oh yeah, and all the Christmas books we get to enjoy. This book had 3 things going for it that initially drew me in; It's a historical m/m, it’s only 68 pages, and I needed a reality escape and thought Christmas in September would do the trick. Historicals seem to be my drug of choice lately and one of my favorite worlds to get lost in. This book was no different and I devoured the 68 pages like a bag of chips. I enjoyed this short little read and wouldn't have complained if it was longer.
Yuletide Truce takes place in 1845 London around Christmas time. Everyone is feeling the Christmas cheer except Alan "Aigee" Garmond and Christopher “Adonis of Fleet Street” Foreman. Well, Aigee would be feeling all Christmasy if Foreman wasn't being such a buzzkill and putting a damper on his favorite time of year. Aigee works in a small bookstore and reviews books for their little magazine. Foreman writes for a more fashionable publication and "has taken an inexplicable and very public dislike to Aigee's book reviews." After another scathing review, Aigee decides to confront the infuriatingly gorgeous writer and put an end to the bad press affecting his boss. This confrontation doesn’t go well because the Adonis is an asshat and Aigee loses it and rips him a new one. Bah-humbug!
Days pass and Aigee decides to visit his old neighborhood. You can take the boy out of the slums but you can’t take the heart of the slums out of the boy. While visiting, he spots Foreman being led down a questionable back alley. Out of the goodness of his heart, Aigee follows and lucky for the Adonis, is quite the street fighter because he saves his tight little ass. Foreman isn’t in the best shape and ends up in Aigee’s rooms for some much needed rest and sex. *Rewind* Huh? He just got his ass kicked with one eye swollen shut and after the blood is wiped away, it’s time for a blowjob and some friction. *sigh* I didn’t hate it though…because I’m a perv like that. Ok, Ok, before they had sex, they called a Yuletide Truce “a ceasing of hostilities in the spirit of the season and all that.” Then the sex.
This was a enjoyable little enemies to lovers read. I liked Aigee and Foreman together even though we don’t get much on page time with them as a couple due to the length. It wasn’t all jingle bells and mistletoe after the truce was called but the HEA was hard-fought. As I mentioned, they hooked up right after the altercation and the transition from conversation about a friendly truce to Aigee offering a “tongue-lashing” was abrupt and lacked finesse . However, outside of that questionable transition, it was a well rounded shorty that I enjoyed and got me through until my next hit of historical. Definitely recommended.
P.S. The cover reminded me of something my grandma would watch on the Hallmark channel. I'll overlook it since it's a Christmas book and I’m supposed to be merry and full of good tidings and shit like that.
It's December, Alan "Aigee" Garmond's favorite time of the year, when the window display of the small bookshop where he works fills up with crimson Christmas books and sprays of holly. Everything could be perfect — if it weren't for handsome Christopher Foreman, the brilliant writer for the fashionable magazine About Town, who has taken an inexplicable and public dislike to Aigee's book reviews.
But why would a man such as Foreman choose to target reviews published in a small bookshop's magazine? Aigee is determined to find out. And not, he tells himself, just because he finds Foreman so intriguing.
Aigee’s quest leads him from smoke-filled ale-houses into the dark, dingy alleys of one of London's most notorious rookeries. And then, finally, to Foreman. Will Aigee be able to wrangle a Yuletide truce from his nemesis?
Lori - 4 Hearts
My first seasonal story of the year (even if I read it waaaaay out of season!) and it was everything I look for in my Christmas stories. It had that feel good Christmas feel to it, the one where you know it will all turn out right in the end with just a little bit of turmoil on the way. I suppose this could be classed as enemies-to-lovers, set in England a century or so ago, it was more of a class-ist disagreement - basically the posh toff got his comeuppance and fell in love. So, pretty much all good then!
It is a short read, but it's perfectly lovely. If you're looking for a book to start off your holiday reading, I'd definitely recommend this one. Feel good all the way in a palette of red and green with a dash of snow.
Lost in a Book - 4 Hearts

Oh yeah, and all the Christmas books we get to enjoy. This book had 3 things going for it that initially drew me in; It's a historical m/m, it’s only 68 pages, and I needed a reality escape and thought Christmas in September would do the trick. Historicals seem to be my drug of choice lately and one of my favorite worlds to get lost in. This book was no different and I devoured the 68 pages like a bag of chips. I enjoyed this short little read and wouldn't have complained if it was longer.
Yuletide Truce takes place in 1845 London around Christmas time. Everyone is feeling the Christmas cheer except Alan "Aigee" Garmond and Christopher “Adonis of Fleet Street” Foreman. Well, Aigee would be feeling all Christmasy if Foreman wasn't being such a buzzkill and putting a damper on his favorite time of year. Aigee works in a small bookstore and reviews books for their little magazine. Foreman writes for a more fashionable publication and "has taken an inexplicable and very public dislike to Aigee's book reviews." After another scathing review, Aigee decides to confront the infuriatingly gorgeous writer and put an end to the bad press affecting his boss. This confrontation doesn’t go well because the Adonis is an asshat and Aigee loses it and rips him a new one. Bah-humbug!
Days pass and Aigee decides to visit his old neighborhood. You can take the boy out of the slums but you can’t take the heart of the slums out of the boy. While visiting, he spots Foreman being led down a questionable back alley. Out of the goodness of his heart, Aigee follows and lucky for the Adonis, is quite the street fighter because he saves his tight little ass. Foreman isn’t in the best shape and ends up in Aigee’s rooms for some much needed rest and sex. *Rewind* Huh? He just got his ass kicked with one eye swollen shut and after the blood is wiped away, it’s time for a blowjob and some friction. *sigh* I didn’t hate it though…because I’m a perv like that. Ok, Ok, before they had sex, they called a Yuletide Truce “a ceasing of hostilities in the spirit of the season and all that.” Then the sex.
This was a enjoyable little enemies to lovers read. I liked Aigee and Foreman together even though we don’t get much on page time with them as a couple due to the length. It wasn’t all jingle bells and mistletoe after the truce was called but the HEA was hard-fought. As I mentioned, they hooked up right after the altercation and the transition from conversation about a friendly truce to Aigee offering a “tongue-lashing” was abrupt and lacked finesse . However, outside of that questionable transition, it was a well rounded shorty that I enjoyed and got me through until my next hit of historical. Definitely recommended.
P.S. The cover reminded me of something my grandma would watch on the Hallmark channel. I'll overlook it since it's a Christmas book and I’m supposed to be merry and full of good tidings and shit like that.

Giveaway + Blog Tour: Rim Shot by Skylar M. Cates
Skylar M. Cates is here today with some teasers from her new novel, Rim Shot! There's also a giveaway for a random commenter! Good luck!
Love Through
the Holidays
Hello! I’m excited to be here, chatting about my guys from Rim Shot! This book is close to my
heart; I’m extremely proud of it and the characters. Set in a small, fictional
college town in Indiana, Rim Shot
explores the roommate, friends-to-lovers trope as Kyle and Micah navigate the
road to a relationship.
College life can be about junk food and tests, first romances
or broken hearts, dorm life or sports-----Rim
Shot has all of these elements and more! I really fell for Kyle’s tenderness and
Micah’s determination. I hope you will fall for them too.
When I look back at college, I always enjoy how one semester
can encompass so many holidays. I figured it would be fun to do that in the
novel. So if you want a holiday romance, I’ve got you covered. *grins*
Here are some teasers from Rim Shot and a small part of their holiday moments:
you know, that holiday with the pumpkins, costumes, and haunted houses? It’s
next week.”
have practice round the clock at that time. November and all.”
Okay, just a thought.”
we could go to one of those midnight haunted houses where they chase you?” Kyle
offered with a smile.
good.” My heart gave a funny thump.
I was
in deep shit. Ever since the time on his farm, I wanted Kyle so badly I ached.
And not just his body. I was having feelings for him. Fantasizing about sex I
could handle, but seeing Kyle as a person and caring about him? I was fucked. I
should be hardening my heart, not the opposite.
tapped my spoon on our tin pail. “I can’t remember the last time I celebrated
Halloween, not since I was a little kid dressing up as a Jedi.”
whistled Darth Vader’s theme song, and I laughed. “So you’re warning me that
you favored the villain costumes?”
really. I just like to tease you.”
I could
think of lots of ways for Kyle to tease me, including right now
weekend was a beautiful, clear day. The leaves still hung in the trees like a
bouquet of gold and red, and the air was crisp with the hint of coming snow. My
brothers and dad watched endless games of football, my sisters bickered, and my
nieces and nephews ran around the yard like wild turkeys about to get chopped.
It was the usual noisy, fun time, and after talking to both Todd and Kyle about
the holidays, I felt lucky to be home.
had a present for me. I had no idea what he might have gotten me. It didn’t
matter. He was my gift, corny as it sounded. The heat between us was enough to
be a thousand presents, and Kyle was such a part of me now that I couldn’t
imagine a future Christmas without him. Even sleeping in the other room, away
from him, was hard for me. But I respected Mr. Sweeney’s limitations.
At the
first light, I eased back the covers and went across the hallway to wake Kyle.
His door was already opening when I got there.
He was
waiting for me.
And who knows…Maybe I will write the spring semester for
Kyle and Micah some day! Spring break, anybody?
What is your favorite holiday?
Today’s Giveaway: one DSP coupon for $15 dollars to a random
Giveaway ends October 9th @ Midnight EST. Good luck!
Giveaway ends October 9th @ Midnight EST. Good luck!
Can college roommates go from friends to lovers?
Kyle: I’m confident that with hard work, my position as
point guard can carry me from rural Indiana to the NBA. I also know I’m
attracted to guys, but admitting it might disappoint my father, who is all I
have in this world. I have big dreams, so I’ll stay in the closet. As long as
my life remains scandal-free, I have a shot.
Micah: My large family can’t spare the money to help with my
education, but that won’t stop me from studying medicine. I needed to get out
of the house I was sharing with my ex before I went insane. Luckily, I heard
about a guy looking for a roommate. Living with a straight jock won’t be easy,
but it’s a chance I’m willing to take
Skylar M. Cates loves a good romance, especially ones that
are both steamy and emotionally satisfying. She is quite happy to drink coffee,
curl up with a good book, and not move all day. Her best-selling novels feature
strong, passionate men. Skylar loves to craft stories where realistic men are
challenged with emotional situations. Skylar’s character-driven series will
often feature close-knit families, animals, and loyal friendships being tested.
Skylar dreams about spending her days writing novels,
walking along the beach, and listening to good live music. She also dreams of
eating dessert without weight gain and robots cleaning her house. But she knows
she can’t have it all… yet. Although lately the laundry room is the farthest
place she has visited, Skylar still loves to chat with people from all around
the globe.
Skylar can be found
on Facebook, Twitter, or on her blog.
Review: Tops Down Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote
Will Rowan’s festival fling with sexy dancer Seth lead to something more permanent?
Rowan is stuck at a folk festival helping out a mate, and it really isn’t his scene. The yoga and singing workshops are bad enough, but morris dancing is the final straw. Bearded men with beer guts prancing around wearing bells—who wants to watch that?
All Rowan’s preconceptions are shattered when he meets Seth—a morris dancer, and the stuff Rowan’s fantasies are made of. Seth persuades Rowan to come to a dancing workshop, and Rowan’s willing to do whatever it takes to get to know Seth better. The attraction is mutual, and a lesson filled with innuendo and flirting leads to an incredible night together.
When Rowan arrives home, he’s gutted to find that Seth has given him the wrong phone number. Assuming Seth did it on purpose, Rowan resolves to forget about him. But fate—and friends—conspire to get them back together. Will they manage to stay in step this time around?
Oh story. You are so darn adorable and delicious.
Tops Down Bottoms Up is Jay Northcote at his most perfectly sweet. This is the ideal story to read when life is just too much and you want to get caught up in some pure love and lust. Heavier on the lust, which is legit as it is a shorter story so the lust is completely believable and you just know the road to love is smooth and angst free.
There’s a meet cute set up with a unique take that caught my interest from the beginning. As I have grown up on the American side of the pond I had never heard of a Morris Dancer and the author does a great job of educating by showing. It made me Google things. I generally have the attention span of a gnat and once I settle in to a book it’s going to have to take something seriously interesting or filthy for me to get my lazy buns going in another direction. So yeah, I Googled, I know stuff about Morris Dancers now, thanks Jay, that was fun.
Rowan and Seth (the Morris Dancer) meet at a festival and the eye boning started right from the get go. Rowan manages to put his foot in his mouth almost immediately and a friendly challenge is thrown down. In order to save face and possibly get closer to Seth’s face, Rowan agrees to attend a Morris Dancing demonstration/training session.
Flirty cuteness ensues and it’s obvious these two need to get some alone time. While the story is shorter and, like I said, leaning more towards the lust than the love, there is still something between the two of them that makes you believe in a potential future for them. Sure, they really need to get in one anothers britches, but their banter showed a real connection. I loved their conversations and flirtatious moments.
I wouldn’t say there’s a misunderstanding, but there is an unfortunate circumstance that throws in a smidge of angst that keeps their story from being too perfect. And even though I couldn’t really know either of them too well by this point, I had the confidence in their attraction to know that a happy ending was heading my way.
And it was happy. And the way it came about was completely believable and the warm fuzzies I got were not just from their reunion but from the friends both these guys have. It says a lot about a character when they are surrounded by solid friendships. Just another little nugget that makes me believe in the road to love for Seth and Rowan.
Tops Down Bottoms Up is going on my feel-good reread shelf to bust out when I need a book hug.
Rowan is stuck at a folk festival helping out a mate, and it really isn’t his scene. The yoga and singing workshops are bad enough, but morris dancing is the final straw. Bearded men with beer guts prancing around wearing bells—who wants to watch that?
All Rowan’s preconceptions are shattered when he meets Seth—a morris dancer, and the stuff Rowan’s fantasies are made of. Seth persuades Rowan to come to a dancing workshop, and Rowan’s willing to do whatever it takes to get to know Seth better. The attraction is mutual, and a lesson filled with innuendo and flirting leads to an incredible night together.
When Rowan arrives home, he’s gutted to find that Seth has given him the wrong phone number. Assuming Seth did it on purpose, Rowan resolves to forget about him. But fate—and friends—conspire to get them back together. Will they manage to stay in step this time around?
Oh story. You are so darn adorable and delicious.
Tops Down Bottoms Up is Jay Northcote at his most perfectly sweet. This is the ideal story to read when life is just too much and you want to get caught up in some pure love and lust. Heavier on the lust, which is legit as it is a shorter story so the lust is completely believable and you just know the road to love is smooth and angst free.
There’s a meet cute set up with a unique take that caught my interest from the beginning. As I have grown up on the American side of the pond I had never heard of a Morris Dancer and the author does a great job of educating by showing. It made me Google things. I generally have the attention span of a gnat and once I settle in to a book it’s going to have to take something seriously interesting or filthy for me to get my lazy buns going in another direction. So yeah, I Googled, I know stuff about Morris Dancers now, thanks Jay, that was fun.
Rowan and Seth (the Morris Dancer) meet at a festival and the eye boning started right from the get go. Rowan manages to put his foot in his mouth almost immediately and a friendly challenge is thrown down. In order to save face and possibly get closer to Seth’s face, Rowan agrees to attend a Morris Dancing demonstration/training session.
Flirty cuteness ensues and it’s obvious these two need to get some alone time. While the story is shorter and, like I said, leaning more towards the lust than the love, there is still something between the two of them that makes you believe in a potential future for them. Sure, they really need to get in one anothers britches, but their banter showed a real connection. I loved their conversations and flirtatious moments.
I wouldn’t say there’s a misunderstanding, but there is an unfortunate circumstance that throws in a smidge of angst that keeps their story from being too perfect. And even though I couldn’t really know either of them too well by this point, I had the confidence in their attraction to know that a happy ending was heading my way.
And it was happy. And the way it came about was completely believable and the warm fuzzies I got were not just from their reunion but from the friends both these guys have. It says a lot about a character when they are surrounded by solid friendships. Just another little nugget that makes me believe in the road to love for Seth and Rowan.
Tops Down Bottoms Up is going on my feel-good reread shelf to bust out when I need a book hug.
**a copy of this story was provided for an honest review**
Guest Review: A Cowboy's Secret by Carol Lynne
Newly edited version!
Will Lex be willing to sacrifice his long-held secrets for true love?
Nick Barker was thrilled. A summer working on his college roommate’s family ranch was a dream come true for a veterinary student. He didn’t anticipate his reaction to his best friend and roommate’s father, though.
Lex Whitefeather hired his son Sam’s best friend for the summer. He figured he’d be generous and help the kid out. He wasn’t expecting the young Adonis who stepped off the plane. Nick Barker was no kid. Years of repressed sexual desires rose to the surface that summer.
When Lex and Nick finally come together and admit their feelings, Lex is plagued by guilt. He’s not “out” to his family and friends. Lex pushes Nick away with his unwillingness to open up to his family.
A few years later, Nick is back on the ranch…
Guest Reviewer - Annery
**2 Hearts** Because I’m feeling generous and there were no grammatical issues, poor spelling, or malapropisms. Also the book was well formatted and the cover was pretty. Yes. I’m grading on a curve.
Where do I begin? I’m not super into cowboys but sometimes the mood strikes and who am I to say no to a whim? Rope, saddles, and spurs will take you a long way. Was it too much to ask? I’m sort of flabbergasted that something that had so much potential went so wrong so quick.
It’s the summer break from college and Nick Barker has traveled with his friend Sam to Sam’s home, the Lazy River Ranch. Here he is meeting Lex Whitefeather (more on that later) Sam’s father when he comes to pick them up at the airport:
“Oh sweet fuck,” he mumbled. Sam’s dad was even better-looking than his picture. Standing at least six-foot-four, the man was some kind of god to be worshipped. His Native American heritage was evident in his long, silky black hair and bronzed skin. Nick allowed his eyes to travel up the faded jeans showing off a pair of legs that went on forever, ending with a very impressive bulge. Nick swallowed. Jesus, I’m in trouble. How am I supposed to suppress and erection for an entire summer?”
Let that sink in. This f%*kery is at 6%, page 3 by my count!!! Once again I wondered if perhaps I’d missed the blurb telling me this was a shifter story. Nope. As for the erection lasting all summer I hear one should consult a doctor for such symptoms. In any case I persisted, how bad could it be? A few pages later:
“They rode the rest of the way singing to old country songs on the radio. Lex’s voice was so deep and scratchy it gave Nick goosebumps. They pulled onto the ranch road under a sign that had Lazy River burned into a huge log. Nick thought his eyes would bug out of his head when the house came into view. He’d never seen anything like it. … Nick had never seen anything this cool even in magazines.”
Really? No Architectural Digest, Dwell, or Elle Decor lying around? Sheesh. It turns out that Nick is, of course, an orphan and an unhappy graduate of the foster system. As a narrative device this is perfect. His past is summed up in a paragraph and he has no pesky relatives or for that matter friends to hinder his absolute and immediate absorption with Lex. I wasn’t mad at this. I thought a little Daddy kink, some age gap … yes! I’m on board. Alas no such luck. The age difference is there but aside from some half hearted protests from Lex and later an episode followed by preposterousness it’s inconsequential. This is just a ridiculous case of insta-lust/insta-love which rubbed me wrong and left me cold at the same time.
A couple of weeks go by and Nick, who is studying veterinary medicine, is learning to ride, ogling Lex, and using the home gym in the basement of the “incredible” ranch. One day Lex shows up for a workout and the inevitable sexy times begin including, for me, unnecessary descriptions of each MCs *ahem* nether regions: length, girth, fuzziness etc. Lex is fascinated by Nick’s hairlessness. He waxes. Here’s a snippet:
“Lex stripped off his shorts before pulling Nick to his knees. Lex began to stroke his own erection and NIck was mesmerized by the work of art in his hand. Darker than his bronzed skin, Lex’s cock was long, hard and fatter than most Nick had taken inside him. It appeared as if Lex was holding a tree branch in his hand.”
“Come on me. I want to feel your cum dripping down my body.” “Damn, that’s the sexiest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Nick said …”
Really? The sexiest? I sort of feel bad for poor Nick.
What to say about Lex? He’s evidently some kind of Native American, but also half white? His son Sam has apparently inherited blue eyes and small frame from Lex’s mother, however much is made, particularly by Nick, of Lex’s bronze skin and long black hair almost to the point of a fetish but that’s as far or as deep as his heritage matters. I’m not super PC but maybe a little more could’ve been done with this? Or maybe, considering the rest of the book, it’s a good thing it was left on the surface.
After a week of boning Nick decides he can’t stay and be a secret and Lex of course is deep in the closet and can’t come out because *reasons* so with a broken heart Lex drives his true love to the airport and proceeds to mourn his loss. For Three Years. Yep. Three Years. Cue sad music and rain montages.
Three years later Sam, who had been angry at Nick for leaving, without knowing why he left, is getting married and invites Nick back to the ranch for the wedding and as a way to repair the friendship. Even though he doesn’t know if his heart can withstand the reunion, Nick decides to go back because he’s not over Lex. He hasn’t even been able to have sex with anyone else in Three Years!
“His cock refused to work for anyone except Lex, and Lex didn’t want it anymore.”
You read it here first. And guess what? Lex has been celibate too! It’s all good though because as soon as Lex picks Nick up at the airport and a quick lunch they’re rubbing nasties in the truck and calling each other baby and honey and that’s the least ridiculous of the dialogue that follows. It seems that though Lex has been a lifelong closet case and Nick has become a monk since their one-week-sexual-tryst they’re both avid porn watchers or pulp readers and parrot all of the cheesiest lines. The afterglow of their first post separation encounter doesn’t disappoint:
“Nick crawled into Lex’s arms and started licking cum off his hand. “I love your taste almost as much as I love you.”
Lex looked at him with tears in his eyes. “I love you too. I’ll love you ‘til the day I die.”
Up to this point I’d had some G&T’s and was rolling with it. Why not? I thought this could even go in my “so-bad-they’re-good” shelf but the nonsense reached ridiculous levels in the next few chapters.
Lex suffers a pretty serious medical condition and, true my eyes were glazed over a bit, but I think that within a week or less he was not only home but deepthroating Nick. Impressive or as I call it at home, bull s*%t. Whichever. At this point I don’t know what would be considered spoilers but I can’t skip a little detail of the Lex & Nick love fest. Again within the week after Lex’s medical emergency the lovers decide that not only do they want to get married ASAP or have some kind of commitment ceremony but that they also want rings. Nipple Rings. Normal. Yep. That’s what I was dealing with. There’s more but I won’t ruin it for someone who may enjoy this brand of crazy. You never. I try to not judge but a few people may be put off by some of the role play these two get into during their marital bliss sex play. Just sayin’.
A review copy was provided.
Newly edited version!
Will Lex be willing to sacrifice his long-held secrets for true love?
Nick Barker was thrilled. A summer working on his college roommate’s family ranch was a dream come true for a veterinary student. He didn’t anticipate his reaction to his best friend and roommate’s father, though.
Lex Whitefeather hired his son Sam’s best friend for the summer. He figured he’d be generous and help the kid out. He wasn’t expecting the young Adonis who stepped off the plane. Nick Barker was no kid. Years of repressed sexual desires rose to the surface that summer.
When Lex and Nick finally come together and admit their feelings, Lex is plagued by guilt. He’s not “out” to his family and friends. Lex pushes Nick away with his unwillingness to open up to his family.
A few years later, Nick is back on the ranch…
Guest Reviewer - Annery
**2 Hearts** Because I’m feeling generous and there were no grammatical issues, poor spelling, or malapropisms. Also the book was well formatted and the cover was pretty. Yes. I’m grading on a curve.
Where do I begin? I’m not super into cowboys but sometimes the mood strikes and who am I to say no to a whim? Rope, saddles, and spurs will take you a long way. Was it too much to ask? I’m sort of flabbergasted that something that had so much potential went so wrong so quick.
It’s the summer break from college and Nick Barker has traveled with his friend Sam to Sam’s home, the Lazy River Ranch. Here he is meeting Lex Whitefeather (more on that later) Sam’s father when he comes to pick them up at the airport:
“Oh sweet fuck,” he mumbled. Sam’s dad was even better-looking than his picture. Standing at least six-foot-four, the man was some kind of god to be worshipped. His Native American heritage was evident in his long, silky black hair and bronzed skin. Nick allowed his eyes to travel up the faded jeans showing off a pair of legs that went on forever, ending with a very impressive bulge. Nick swallowed. Jesus, I’m in trouble. How am I supposed to suppress and erection for an entire summer?”
Let that sink in. This f%*kery is at 6%, page 3 by my count!!! Once again I wondered if perhaps I’d missed the blurb telling me this was a shifter story. Nope. As for the erection lasting all summer I hear one should consult a doctor for such symptoms. In any case I persisted, how bad could it be? A few pages later:
“They rode the rest of the way singing to old country songs on the radio. Lex’s voice was so deep and scratchy it gave Nick goosebumps. They pulled onto the ranch road under a sign that had Lazy River burned into a huge log. Nick thought his eyes would bug out of his head when the house came into view. He’d never seen anything like it. … Nick had never seen anything this cool even in magazines.”
Really? No Architectural Digest, Dwell, or Elle Decor lying around? Sheesh. It turns out that Nick is, of course, an orphan and an unhappy graduate of the foster system. As a narrative device this is perfect. His past is summed up in a paragraph and he has no pesky relatives or for that matter friends to hinder his absolute and immediate absorption with Lex. I wasn’t mad at this. I thought a little Daddy kink, some age gap … yes! I’m on board. Alas no such luck. The age difference is there but aside from some half hearted protests from Lex and later an episode followed by preposterousness it’s inconsequential. This is just a ridiculous case of insta-lust/insta-love which rubbed me wrong and left me cold at the same time.
A couple of weeks go by and Nick, who is studying veterinary medicine, is learning to ride, ogling Lex, and using the home gym in the basement of the “incredible” ranch. One day Lex shows up for a workout and the inevitable sexy times begin including, for me, unnecessary descriptions of each MCs *ahem* nether regions: length, girth, fuzziness etc. Lex is fascinated by Nick’s hairlessness. He waxes. Here’s a snippet:
“Lex stripped off his shorts before pulling Nick to his knees. Lex began to stroke his own erection and NIck was mesmerized by the work of art in his hand. Darker than his bronzed skin, Lex’s cock was long, hard and fatter than most Nick had taken inside him. It appeared as if Lex was holding a tree branch in his hand.”
“Come on me. I want to feel your cum dripping down my body.” “Damn, that’s the sexiest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Nick said …”
Really? The sexiest? I sort of feel bad for poor Nick.
What to say about Lex? He’s evidently some kind of Native American, but also half white? His son Sam has apparently inherited blue eyes and small frame from Lex’s mother, however much is made, particularly by Nick, of Lex’s bronze skin and long black hair almost to the point of a fetish but that’s as far or as deep as his heritage matters. I’m not super PC but maybe a little more could’ve been done with this? Or maybe, considering the rest of the book, it’s a good thing it was left on the surface.
After a week of boning Nick decides he can’t stay and be a secret and Lex of course is deep in the closet and can’t come out because *reasons* so with a broken heart Lex drives his true love to the airport and proceeds to mourn his loss. For Three Years. Yep. Three Years. Cue sad music and rain montages.
Three years later Sam, who had been angry at Nick for leaving, without knowing why he left, is getting married and invites Nick back to the ranch for the wedding and as a way to repair the friendship. Even though he doesn’t know if his heart can withstand the reunion, Nick decides to go back because he’s not over Lex. He hasn’t even been able to have sex with anyone else in Three Years!
“His cock refused to work for anyone except Lex, and Lex didn’t want it anymore.”
You read it here first. And guess what? Lex has been celibate too! It’s all good though because as soon as Lex picks Nick up at the airport and a quick lunch they’re rubbing nasties in the truck and calling each other baby and honey and that’s the least ridiculous of the dialogue that follows. It seems that though Lex has been a lifelong closet case and Nick has become a monk since their one-week-sexual-tryst they’re both avid porn watchers or pulp readers and parrot all of the cheesiest lines. The afterglow of their first post separation encounter doesn’t disappoint:
“Nick crawled into Lex’s arms and started licking cum off his hand. “I love your taste almost as much as I love you.”
Lex looked at him with tears in his eyes. “I love you too. I’ll love you ‘til the day I die.”
Up to this point I’d had some G&T’s and was rolling with it. Why not? I thought this could even go in my “so-bad-they’re-good” shelf but the nonsense reached ridiculous levels in the next few chapters.
Lex suffers a pretty serious medical condition and, true my eyes were glazed over a bit, but I think that within a week or less he was not only home but deepthroating Nick. Impressive or as I call it at home, bull s*%t. Whichever. At this point I don’t know what would be considered spoilers but I can’t skip a little detail of the Lex & Nick love fest. Again within the week after Lex’s medical emergency the lovers decide that not only do they want to get married ASAP or have some kind of commitment ceremony but that they also want rings. Nipple Rings. Normal. Yep. That’s what I was dealing with. There’s more but I won’t ruin it for someone who may enjoy this brand of crazy. You never. I try to not judge but a few people may be put off by some of the role play these two get into during their marital bliss sex play. Just sayin’.
A review copy was provided.
Giveaway + Blog Tour: Read My Mind (Under the Empire, #1) by Kelly Haworth
Welcome Kelly Haworth & Riptide Publishing who are here today to promote Read My Mind, the first in a new fantasy series. They're also offering a $20 Riptide gift card so be sure to leave a comment below to be entered. Good luck!
Welcome to the blog tour of Read My Mind, the
first book of the Under the Empire series! I hope you’ll check out all the
stops, where I explore the craft that goes into creating a fantasy series set
in a contemporary era.
Long ago, a pantheon of ten gods gifted magic to
the people of our world, changing the course of history as we know it. The
Flavian Empire now reigns over what would have been America, led by a royalty
of fire weavers. Frannesburg, the city by the bay, is a haven from the empire’s
encroaching dictatorship, and its university is bustling with people of all
magics, sexualities, genders, and races. As students study toward their
degrees, they hope to find friendships across majors, and maybe even love under
the fog and city lights.
Read My Mind follows two freshmen, Scott and
Nick, who have just started at the University of Frannesburg. Magic,
attraction, and too much homework await them on their journey to figure out who
they are now that they are on their own, and how they fit into this magical
About Read My Mind
Scott Kensington lives happily without magic;
prayer is all he needs to worship the gods. Then he starts his studies at the
University of Frannesburg, and not only is he suddenly surrounded by
eccentrics—those gifted with magic—but his own latent ability begins to
surface, with consequences that could tear his soul and family apart.
Nick Barns is grieving for his lost mother and
desperate for distraction—usually in the form of limited-edition action
figures. As a telekinetic, he’s no stranger to magic, so he offers to help
Scott adjust to his new powers. They quickly learn how their magics interact,
their shared passions soon growing beyond superheroes and immortals. But Nick’s
not taking his studies seriously, and his father threatens to pull him from the
university. Overwhelmed by his own crumbling family, Scott’s convinced he can’t
handle a relationship, but he doesn’t want to let Nick go.
With grief, guilt, and magic complicating
everything between Nick and Scott, it seems that not even the gods—or a new
comic book—can save their relationship now.
Sometimes, even reading someone’s mind won’t
help you understand what they want.
Kelly Haworth
Kelly Haworth grew up in San Francisco and has
been reading science fiction and fantasy classics since she was a kid. She has
way too active an imagination, thus she channels it into writing. Kelly is
genderfluid and pansexual, and loves to write LGBTQIA characters into her work.
In fact, she doesn’t know if she’s ever going to be able to write an
allo-cishet couple again. Kelly has degrees in both genetics and psychology,
and works as a project manager at a genetics lab. When not working or writing,
she can be found wrangling her two toddlers, working on cosplay, or curled up
on the couch with a good TV show or book.
Connect with Kelly:
To celebrate the release of Read My Mind, one lucky winner will receive a $20 Riptide gift card! Leave a comment with your contact info to
enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on October 7, 2017.
Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact
Review: Screwing the System (Screwing the System #1) by Josephine Myles
When Boss meets brat…
Forced to apply for a job he doesn’t want, Cosmo Rawlins has only one aim in mind: fail the interview and get back to making music. But his attempt to shock the sexy, sharp-suited Alasdair Grant has a very different result.
Instead of getting thrown out of the office for flaunting an interest in BDSM, Cosmo finds himself on his knees, apologising to the most dominant man he’s ever met.
Alasdair has more important things on his mind than training a novice sub, especially a rebellious bad boy like Cosmo. But there’s something beneath the youngster’s bratty attitude that fascinates him.
As Alasdair takes Cosmo in hand—and for a wild ride on his Harley—he becomes obsessed with bending the young rocker to his will, both in and out of bed. But while Cosmo might enjoy the kink, he’s not up for becoming Alasdair’s household slave.
When Alasdair goes one demand too far, Cosmo is gone in a cloud of dust. Forcing Alasdair to admit that earning Cosmo’s loyalty—and love—will involve the toughest challenge he’s ever faced.
Warning: This title contains an overbearing Top with a less than glamorous job, a rebellious brat who refuses to call him sir, and a total lack of high-end BDSM clubs or playrooms. Expect floggings over the kitchen table instead. Written in Jo’s usual exceedingly “English” English.
When readers are first introduced to Cosmo, he isn’t entirely likeable. He’d rather live on assistance while pursuing a music career than get a job to make ends meet. He thrives on playing “the system.”
But I can’t deny that his (funny) bratty attitude and antics won me over pretty quickly. He may not be the most productive member of society, but he’s got potential, if only he would put in more effort.
Alasdair realizes this about Cosmo from the start. He’s very attracted to the younger man, but Alasdair also thinks Cosmo could do with some structure in his life. Alasdair definitely has a paternalistic streak, but he’s genuinely a nice person.
Plus, he exudes sex. This is one steamy read! Cosmo and Alasdair click from their first night together, and it just gets better as the book goes on.

I liked that the BDSM in this book was a lot less “formal” than the usual. There are no clubs and grand rituals; just two men getting kinky together.
The relationship between Alasdair and Cosmo builds gradually. As they spend more time together, both MCs realize that their assumptions about the other weren’t entirely true.
Alasdair wants to give Cosmo structure and confidence to reach his goals, while Cosmo wants to give Alasdair back a life outside of work. The two learn together to balance work and fun. They’re happier together than they were alone.

This is a fairly low-drama book. The major roadblock revolves around a previous relationship of Alasdair’s and how it continues to affect him. The issue, and the resolution, was realistic.
However, there’s a problem that comes up right at the end of the book which distracted me from Cosmo and Alasdair’s happy ending. I would have liked a more concrete finish.
Even so, I enjoyed Alasdair and Cosmo’s story very much. If you’re looking for an MM opposites-attract romance with some kinky sex and not too much angst, give this book a try!
Forced to apply for a job he doesn’t want, Cosmo Rawlins has only one aim in mind: fail the interview and get back to making music. But his attempt to shock the sexy, sharp-suited Alasdair Grant has a very different result.
Instead of getting thrown out of the office for flaunting an interest in BDSM, Cosmo finds himself on his knees, apologising to the most dominant man he’s ever met.
Alasdair has more important things on his mind than training a novice sub, especially a rebellious bad boy like Cosmo. But there’s something beneath the youngster’s bratty attitude that fascinates him.
As Alasdair takes Cosmo in hand—and for a wild ride on his Harley—he becomes obsessed with bending the young rocker to his will, both in and out of bed. But while Cosmo might enjoy the kink, he’s not up for becoming Alasdair’s household slave.
When Alasdair goes one demand too far, Cosmo is gone in a cloud of dust. Forcing Alasdair to admit that earning Cosmo’s loyalty—and love—will involve the toughest challenge he’s ever faced.
Warning: This title contains an overbearing Top with a less than glamorous job, a rebellious brat who refuses to call him sir, and a total lack of high-end BDSM clubs or playrooms. Expect floggings over the kitchen table instead. Written in Jo’s usual exceedingly “English” English.
When readers are first introduced to Cosmo, he isn’t entirely likeable. He’d rather live on assistance while pursuing a music career than get a job to make ends meet. He thrives on playing “the system.”
But I can’t deny that his (funny) bratty attitude and antics won me over pretty quickly. He may not be the most productive member of society, but he’s got potential, if only he would put in more effort.
Alasdair realizes this about Cosmo from the start. He’s very attracted to the younger man, but Alasdair also thinks Cosmo could do with some structure in his life. Alasdair definitely has a paternalistic streak, but he’s genuinely a nice person.
Plus, he exudes sex. This is one steamy read! Cosmo and Alasdair click from their first night together, and it just gets better as the book goes on.

I liked that the BDSM in this book was a lot less “formal” than the usual. There are no clubs and grand rituals; just two men getting kinky together.
The relationship between Alasdair and Cosmo builds gradually. As they spend more time together, both MCs realize that their assumptions about the other weren’t entirely true.
Alasdair wants to give Cosmo structure and confidence to reach his goals, while Cosmo wants to give Alasdair back a life outside of work. The two learn together to balance work and fun. They’re happier together than they were alone.

This is a fairly low-drama book. The major roadblock revolves around a previous relationship of Alasdair’s and how it continues to affect him. The issue, and the resolution, was realistic.
However, there’s a problem that comes up right at the end of the book which distracted me from Cosmo and Alasdair’s happy ending. I would have liked a more concrete finish.
Even so, I enjoyed Alasdair and Cosmo’s story very much. If you’re looking for an MM opposites-attract romance with some kinky sex and not too much angst, give this book a try!
Review: Mirror Skin by Eric Del Carlo
Seedy private detective and burnt-out ex-cop Nick Jordon receives a visit in the night. It’s his long-dead lover Dane, naked, his memories wiped, asking for help. Worse, Dane is being pursued by armed goons.
Together the onetime lovers flee, but now Nick must solve the craziest case of his life. How can Dane be alive? And want him back? To complicate matters, Nick starts to feel his old desire for his long-gone lover. But is this really Dane?
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.
For more information see Goodreads.
Together the onetime lovers flee, but now Nick must solve the craziest case of his life. How can Dane be alive? And want him back? To complicate matters, Nick starts to feel his old desire for his long-gone lover. But is this really Dane?
This book was nearly a five heart read for me. In fact I'll get why it wasn't outta the way first - it felt too quick... too short... too compact... I was greedy basically and wanted more. I couldn't believe it when I saw I was 50% through, I honestly thought I was within the first 10%. Now I'm not afraid to admit I like a hefty tome and a story (when well written) I can get my teeth into. I thought there was nowt worse reading-wise than struggling to read through a book that was boring to me as a reader. I was wrong, because at least on par with that, apparently, is settling into a good, well written story and realising you're halfway through already. I'm greedy, I know that, but this book could definitely have been a five heart read with a bit more content. More twists, a longer resolution and more struggle.
What I did get, and what I did love, was a fab concept with excellent characters and excellent writing. It had a sort of noire feel to it with a sci-fi/futuristic twist. I liked it a lot. Nick, burnt out and drink fuelled is a great character and I could have done with a whole lot more of him. He was everything I want in a PD but I guess I wanted his struggle to be longer, harder. More dead ends, maybe. Yeah, I know, I want, I want...
Dane - Dane who'd been dead for ten years but turns up alive, naked, memory-less and without having aged a day, was the perfect opposite to Nick. Again I just wanted more. I loved his recovering 'memories', the dystopian world they lived in. I could definitely see the first part of this book as one story, with more twists and action as alluded to above and then the end part, in the jungle, as a second story - after all, Dane is still who he is.
So I suppose basically what I'm saying is this; the book is well written, the author has a great style, great concepts and a uniqueness that I liked. This reader though wanted, needed, more. The story is like like fish 'n chips, bloody lovely but add that curry sauce and it's a whole new level. I wanted the curry sauce.
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.
For more information see Goodreads.
Blog Tour: Dragon's Hoard by M.A. Church
M.A. Church is here today to talk a little bit about her new Dreamspun Beyond release, Dragon's Hoard. See our 4 ❤ review of it HERE.
Hey everyone! I’m M. A. Church, and I’m here to share my latest release, Dragon’s Hoard. The novel is part of the Dreamspun Beyond line at Dreamspinner Press. So, of all the paranormal being, why did I pick a dragon?
For one reason, they’re intriguing. References to these mythological creatures are found in almost every culture dating back to ancient times. While actual proof dragons exist has never been found, the mythology for them is universal, widespread, and seems to be everlasting.
That leads to another point of interest concerning dragons—their diversity. Some are depicted as having a snake-like body. Others are lizard-like. Some have wings, some are without. Some breathe fire and some spit ice. And don’t even get me started on their colors: red, blue, black, white, gold… and so on. Some cultures look at dragons as destructive and evil, while others view dragons as a symbol of power, strength, and good luck.
And finally, I just like them! Warwick is everything I find fascinating in a dragon: huge, can fly, and deep down, just wants the love of his mate. What’s not to like, lol?
To be loved by a dragon is to be treasured.
A hundred years ago, werewolf Alpha Montgomery took a risk driven by desperation—he borrowed money from the ancient dragon Warwick Ehecatl, putting up the pack lands as collateral. Now the debt is due, and dragons don’t forget—or forgive. Warwick demands Montgomery’s son, Avery, and three businesses as compensation. As an Omega, Avery knows he is basically useless to his pack, so he might as well agree. He soon has second thoughts, though. Warwick is fearsome, and he’s free to do as he likes with Avery.
Warwick knows his race’s reputation, and he even admits some of it is deserved. But he’d rather cut off his tail than let his innocent mate’s light go out. It won’t be easy, but buried deep, there’s something between them worth safeguarding.
Startled, Avery glanced at the sky, a sky that was once again cloudless. “Ho-ly shit, Warwick.”
Warwick huffed. Avery was going to take that sound as one of amusement. With his feet still stuck to the ground, he stared intently into Warwick’s eyes, searching. There. There was that human intelligence he was looking for. Avery wasn’t about to ask if Warwick could understand him. Nothing irritated a shifter more, but now he understood the need humans had to ask.
“Wow, you are… you are….”
Horribly gorgeous. Beastly. Imposing. Intimidating. Threatening too, although Avery didn’t feel in peril. Maybe he was as empty-headed as rumors said Omegas were, because the creature in front of him could probably snap him in half with those powerful jaws. Which was not the most comforting thought, and he instinctively took a step back, but a low, rumbling purr rose from the dragon’s chest. Calmness flooded his system, a sense of well-being that quickly chased away the sudden spurt of anxiety. His nerves settled, and the wonderment of what was standing in front of him began to rise again.
“You are magnificent, awe-inspiring, and scary as hell.” Avery rested his hand on his chest as his breathing slowed.
The dragon—no, he needed remember to call him Warwick, not “the dragon”—rolled his eyes. He could almost hear Warwick saying of course he was scary as hell. He was a dragon, after all. Just like that, any residual unease fled. That was so typically Warwick. For the first time since Warwick shifted, Avery laughed.
Buy Link:
M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full-time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it!
When not writing, she’s exploring the latest M/M novel to hit the market, watching her beloved Steelers, or watching HGTV. That’s if she’s not on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two children.
She is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.
Contact M.A.:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nomoretears00
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/nomoretears00
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/MA-Church
The Harvest FB fan page: www.facebook.com/#!/theharvest00
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/MAChurch
Email: nomoretears00@hotmail.com
Tag Team Review: Clay White: A Bureau Story (Bureau, #2) by Kim Fielding
Someone—or something—is murdering young men in San Francisco. Clay White has been fired from the Bureau of Trans-Species Affairs, but he’s determined to track down the killer. When he comes across a vampire named Marek, Clay assumes he’s caught the perp. But the encounter with Marek turns out to be more complicated than Clay expected, and it forces him to deal with his own troubled past and murky psyche. As Clay discovers, sometimes the truth doesn't come easy—and the monsters are not who we expect.
If you’re feeling charitable all of the proceeds from the sale of this book will go to DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS so… buy one for yourself and your friends!
Jenni Lea - 3.5 Hearts
He's on the trail of who he thinks may be the cause of the latest string of desiccated young men that have been turning up around the city. He catches up to Marek, his suspected perp, in a local club and hopes, by some subterfuge, to take him down.
Things aren't always what they seem, however, when he discovers that not only is Marek not the villain he's looking for, but that Marek is also on the hunt for this monster.
This book had a different feel than its predecessor, Corruption. It takes place in a more modern time, at least from what I could garner by the subtle hints dropped throughout the story. While I liked the tone and tempo of this, I missed the somewhat ethereal feel of the first book. I kept wanting for Clay and Marek to have the connection that Grimes and Ten had. I didn't quite get that here but what I did get was good.
Things didn't turn out like I expected them to when I first started reading this. For some reason, I thought Clay was something other than human. I have no idea why I thought that, but there you go. Sometimes it's best not to look too far into my brain. So, when the events that happened later on in the story, well, happened, I was pleasantly surprised. I love when a story doesn't follow the standard tropes.
And we get to see Grimes and Ten again! They're still together and their connection to each other is stronger than ever. Clay sees their connection and is filled with a want he didn't think he was capable, or deserving, to feel. His thoughts turn to Marek in hope that maybe, just maybe, he can have that same connection with him.
This book left me wanting more. Whether that's because it was so good or because it was too short, I have no idea. All I know is that I'm waiting with bated breath for the next book. I need to see how everything turns out for these guys (Yes, I know. Vague JL is vague).
Recommended for those who enjoy a different take on paranormal. The world building, while subtle, was complete and didn't leave me wanting. And the writing, of course, was excellent. I say give this book a try. If nothing else, your money will go to a good cause.
Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ - 4 Hearts
SPOILERS FOR CORRUPTION so if you’ve not read it yet prepare to be spoiled.
Clay White takes place in the same AU established in “Corruption” but is more modern in tone and less dark. Clay is a former agent of The Bureau. What’s that saying? You can take the boy out of The Bureau but you can’t take The Bureau out of the boy or some such.
Clay has gone rogue (sort of) and is focused on finding who or what is desiccating young men in San Francisco. To that end he goes to a club one night and meets Marek. Marek is an OLD vampire within this world. Turns out Marek is also trying to track down the killer. I have some thoughts on what motivates Clay, but they’re kinda spoilery so I'll leave it at you have to read it and come to your own conclusions.
Clay and Marek have a wholly different dynamic that’s compelling in its own rite but not as magnetic as Ten and Grimes. There is lust between them initially and I got the feeling that they were inevitable, but the timing’s wrong, so they leave it as a hookup. For much of the story they aren’t together but it's clear they both got under the other's skin so when they reunite… DAMN!
Speaking of Ten and Grimes… guess who make an appearance? I LOVE them! Like, seriously, I could talk about them all day and their dynamic is so… *heart eyes* Anyways, Clay is pointed in their direction for help with the case because they’ve been working as private investigators. Since forever. There are no dates but their whole vibe and a few things that happen make it clear they’ve been together for a loooonnnnnngggggggg time which made me heart eyes even harder.
Anyhoozit, I told you I could squirrel on them endlessly.
The two things I enjoy most about this series are the banding together of ex-bureau, quasi-disgraced agents, and the fact that Fielding has crafted a universe wherein she can move about with ease in time. If the next one is futuristic I will not be sad about that. At all.
Another thing I like, though I could be reading too much into the subtext, is the general theme that being different shouldn’t automatically equate to being feared. That resonates with me living in a Trump America. Most of the monsters out there are just plain ole human and the fact that these supernatural/paranormal beings are forming their own justice league to protect (most of) them anyway makes me a lil verklempt.
Recommend to UF, AU and romance fans.
Can’t wait to see who gets drafted into the justice league next!
ARCs were provided by the author.
If you’re feeling charitable all of the proceeds from the sale of this book will go to DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS so… buy one for yourself and your friends!
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Averaged |
Jenni Lea - 3.5 Hearts
"Monsters come in many guises. Some of them are human."Clay White knows this to be true. A big beast of a man, Clay's seen more than his fair share of monsters, the biggest of which being his own father. After being "let go" from the Bureau for a case gone horribly wrong, Clay's drifting in life, not setting down roots. But just because he no longer carries a badge doesn't mean he can't still hunt down those who would harm the innocent.
He's on the trail of who he thinks may be the cause of the latest string of desiccated young men that have been turning up around the city. He catches up to Marek, his suspected perp, in a local club and hopes, by some subterfuge, to take him down.
Things aren't always what they seem, however, when he discovers that not only is Marek not the villain he's looking for, but that Marek is also on the hunt for this monster.
This book had a different feel than its predecessor, Corruption. It takes place in a more modern time, at least from what I could garner by the subtle hints dropped throughout the story. While I liked the tone and tempo of this, I missed the somewhat ethereal feel of the first book. I kept wanting for Clay and Marek to have the connection that Grimes and Ten had. I didn't quite get that here but what I did get was good.
Things didn't turn out like I expected them to when I first started reading this. For some reason, I thought Clay was something other than human. I have no idea why I thought that, but there you go. Sometimes it's best not to look too far into my brain. So, when the events that happened later on in the story, well, happened, I was pleasantly surprised. I love when a story doesn't follow the standard tropes.
And we get to see Grimes and Ten again! They're still together and their connection to each other is stronger than ever. Clay sees their connection and is filled with a want he didn't think he was capable, or deserving, to feel. His thoughts turn to Marek in hope that maybe, just maybe, he can have that same connection with him.
This book left me wanting more. Whether that's because it was so good or because it was too short, I have no idea. All I know is that I'm waiting with bated breath for the next book. I need to see how everything turns out for these guys (Yes, I know. Vague JL is vague).
Recommended for those who enjoy a different take on paranormal. The world building, while subtle, was complete and didn't leave me wanting. And the writing, of course, was excellent. I say give this book a try. If nothing else, your money will go to a good cause.
Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ - 4 Hearts
SPOILERS FOR CORRUPTION so if you’ve not read it yet prepare to be spoiled.
Clay White takes place in the same AU established in “Corruption” but is more modern in tone and less dark. Clay is a former agent of The Bureau. What’s that saying? You can take the boy out of The Bureau but you can’t take The Bureau out of the boy or some such.
Clay has gone rogue (sort of) and is focused on finding who or what is desiccating young men in San Francisco. To that end he goes to a club one night and meets Marek. Marek is an OLD vampire within this world. Turns out Marek is also trying to track down the killer. I have some thoughts on what motivates Clay, but they’re kinda spoilery so I'll leave it at you have to read it and come to your own conclusions.
Clay and Marek have a wholly different dynamic that’s compelling in its own rite but not as magnetic as Ten and Grimes. There is lust between them initially and I got the feeling that they were inevitable, but the timing’s wrong, so they leave it as a hookup. For much of the story they aren’t together but it's clear they both got under the other's skin so when they reunite… DAMN!
Speaking of Ten and Grimes… guess who make an appearance? I LOVE them! Like, seriously, I could talk about them all day and their dynamic is so… *heart eyes* Anyways, Clay is pointed in their direction for help with the case because they’ve been working as private investigators. Since forever. There are no dates but their whole vibe and a few things that happen make it clear they’ve been together for a loooonnnnnngggggggg time which made me heart eyes even harder.
Anyhoozit, I told you I could squirrel on them endlessly.
The two things I enjoy most about this series are the banding together of ex-bureau, quasi-disgraced agents, and the fact that Fielding has crafted a universe wherein she can move about with ease in time. If the next one is futuristic I will not be sad about that. At all.
Another thing I like, though I could be reading too much into the subtext, is the general theme that being different shouldn’t automatically equate to being feared. That resonates with me living in a Trump America. Most of the monsters out there are just plain ole human and the fact that these supernatural/paranormal beings are forming their own justice league to protect (most of) them anyway makes me a lil verklempt.
Recommend to UF, AU and romance fans.
Can’t wait to see who gets drafted into the justice league next!
ARCs were provided by the author.
Blog Tour + Giveaway: Loving Sarajevo by CL Mustafic
CL Mustafic and IndiGo Marketing host the Loving Sarajevo blog tour at Boy Meets Boy Reviews today! Check out today's info on the D/s romance and enter in the giveaway to win a NineStar Press eBook (winner's choice)!
Title: Loving Sarajevo
Author: CL Mustafic
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: October 2, 2017
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 97500
Genre: Contemporary, LGBT, Family drama, BDSM, D/s, spanking, travel, businessmen, men with children
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Gage has problems saying I love you. After five years with his live-in boyfriend, Lucas, he still hasn’t said it. When Lucas calls it quits, it’s not a surprise, but it couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time—the eve of Gage’s first business trip to Sarajevo.Nikola, who’s been tasked with chaperoning Gage during his stay, is the walking epitome of sex on a stick. Gage quickly develops an attraction to him, even before he’s certain it could ever be reciprocated. When the feeling turns out to be mutual, Gage is surprised by Nikola’s domineering bedroom persona but finds he likes being manhandled by the sexy Bosnian.
After a heated disagreement, Nikola must convince Gage that even though they’ve only known each other a short time, what they feel for each other is worth fighting for. With only his cell phone and a plan, Nikola goes about getting the man who has stolen his heart to give them a chance at happiness.
Loving SarajevoCL Mustafic © 2017
All Rights Reserved
Chapter One
“I swear to god, if you get on that plane tomorrow, I’m going to pack my shit and go home,” Lucas shouted.Gage sat on the couch looking up at the slight blond man who was in the middle of having yet another tantrum brought on by Gage having to leave on a business trip. “I thought this was your home,” Gage replied blithely.
It wasn’t the first time Lucas threatened to leave, and it probably wouldn’t be the last since they’d had this same argument each time Gage left on a business trip. Still, he knew he’d get on the plane, and when he got back in a month, Lucas would be there—apologetic and looking to make up. That’s the way it had gone for the last two years—ever since Gage took over the emerging markets accounts at his dad’s company.
“You know that I only came here to be with you. There’s no other reason anyone would come to this Podunk town.” Lucas gave Gage his best scowl. “But you’re never here. This isn’t what I signed up for.”
“I told you I’d be gone quite a bit. I never lied to you. You were the one who decided to move here. I was fine with driving down to see you on the weekends.”
Okay, so he knew Lucas wasn’t exactly happy in a smaller city, but it was Lucas’s decision—after a year and a half of only seeing each other on weekends—to move. Lucas had been happy in Minneapolis, when they both had their own places and could see each other whenever they’d wanted but had grown weary of the weekend-only visits that were primarily spent in bed. Gage had been just as happy with seeing Lucas only on the weekends when he’d moved back north to his hometown, and with all of Lucas’s drama of late, he’d been thinking he’d be happy to go back to that arrangement. He’d thought his feelings for Lucas would deepen over time but, though he cared for Lucas, he’d never fallen in love with him—or at least he didn’t think this was what love felt like.
“Sure you were fine with that, but I want more. I’m not just some booty call here for your pleasure when you need to get off,” Lucas spat out. And there it was. It was like there was a script for their lives, and this scene was repeated often.
Lucas wanted more, and at the age of thirty-seven Gage probably should too, but he’d come to realize more wasn’t always better, and even though he tried, it was impossible to convince Lucas what they had was good enough. He’d only let Lucas move in with him because he’d been lonely, although now he was thinking he should have gotten a dog.
Pushing himself up off the couch, he went to Lucas. This was the part where he always took Lucas in his arms and let him cry it out until he decided to stay. Then Gage would take him to the bedroom, fuck him through the mattress, and Lucas would fall into a contented sleep in Gage’s arms. In the morning, Lucas would wake up just enough to tell Gage to have a safe trip and that he loved him when Gage kissed him before he left for the airport. Of course, Gage would reply with a “Me too” because he’d never said the actual words to anyone before, and he wasn’t about to start with Lucas—Gage had never lied to Lucas.
“Don’t even, Gage,” Lucas said holding up his hand to ward Gage off. “I’m not going to let you sweet-talk me into bed this time.” Oops, Lucas had gone off script. He looked up at Gage with his big blue eyes on the brink of tears. “I’m really going this time. You know I love you more than anything, but I can’t do this. I’m sick of being alone so much, and there’s nothing here for me. All of my friends and family are back home. You’re all I have here, and you’re never here.” His voice cracked with emotion, and he ended his speech with a sniffle Gage knew always preceded the tears that were inevitably going to come.
“Babe, come on; we do this every time. You know how this is going to play out. Can’t we just skip this?” Gage grabbed his hand, giving it a tug, and Lucas let himself be pulled to Gage’s chest, even wrapping his arms around Gage’s waist like he wanted to be there. Lucas’s chest hitched, and Gage knew he was crying before the wetness seeped through his shirt. Gage stood there holding him for a couple of minutes, hoping Lucas would come to his senses like he normally did.
“I have to leave, Gage. Maybe you were right. Maybe we’re just in different places in our lives—our timing is off. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m going to be gone when you come home. I hope you understand. I don’t want you to hate me because I still love you. Maybe someday you’ll be ready, but I can’t take the chance that you may never be,” Lucas said into Gage’s chest after he’d calmed enough to talk.
Gage couldn’t help thinking how sad it was that Lucas was the one saying it to him instead of the other way around. He should be the one ready to settle down and start a family, not Lucas, who was only twenty-six—just a cute little twink. Someone like Lucas should be out clubbing and fucking everything that moved and not tied down to a guy like Gage.
It wasn’t that Gage didn’t want to be with just one guy for the rest of his life and maybe adopt a couple of dogs or kids or whatever. It was hard for him to explain it to Lucas because he didn’t really understand it himself. He could tell Lucas that his shrink diagnosed him with “commitment issues” that stemmed from his not “fully accepting his homosexuality,” but Gage was sure Lucas wouldn’t buy it for a minute—hell, Gage didn’t buy it for more than the time it took him to walk from the guy’s office to his truck.
“You have to do what’s best for you, Luke. I just wish you wouldn’t have waited until the night before I leave to tell me.” Gage was more than a little annoyed at the timing.
“If I would have told you sooner, you’d have had time to talk me out of leaving. I thought about just letting you leave, thinking I was happy, and moving while you were gone, but I couldn’t do this over the phone. I’ve loved you too long to end it that way,” Lucas said softly. He tilted his head up to look at Gage, who leaned down for a kiss, which Lucas accepted, letting Gage kiss him tenderly but pulling away before it could become anything more. “I can’t do one last goodbye fuck with you, Gage, I know how it will end. I’m going to go stay at Jen’s tonight. I’ll move my stuff out before you get back.”
“You don’t have to go. You can stay here. We’ll just sleep. Just let me hold you while we sleep one more time.” It was finally sinking in—Lucas was serious this time and was going to leave. That fact hit Gage harder than he figured it would. He wasn’t sure he wanted Lucas to stay, but he was almost certain he didn’t want him to go either. Yeah, I can’t even figure things out in my own head, some great catch I am.
“No, you know that is not what will happen. I need to go now while I still have some control over my emotions.” Lucas put on his coat, grabbed his car keys off the hook by the front door, and then turned his tear-stained face to look at Gage. “I’m so sorry, Gage. Have a safe trip. I love you.” Opening the door, Lucas walked out on Gage without giving him the chance to say “Me too.”
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Meet the Author
CL Mustafic is a born and bred American mid-westerner who mysteriously ended up living in one of those countries nobody can ever find on the map of Europe. Left with too much time on her hands—let’s be honest here: it was the lack of television channels in her native language–and too many voices in her head trying to fill the silence, she decided to give her life-long dream of writing a novel a shot. So now, between shuttling kids back and forth from various activities and risking her life on the insanely narrow, busy streets of her new hometown, she loses herself in her own made-up world where love always wins.Facebook | Twitter | eMail
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