Release Blitz: Heart of the High King (D’Vaire #19) by Jessamyn Kingley

Don't miss author Jessamyn Kingley and Gay Book Promotions release blitz for Heart of the High King (D’Vaire #19)! Check it out today!

Book Title: Heart of the High King (D’Vaire, Book 19)
Author: Jessamyn Kingley
Cover Artist: LJ Anderson, Mayhem Cover Creations
Release Date: September 3, 2020
Genre/s: M/M Urban Fantasy Romance
Trope/s: Fated mates
Heat Rating: 3 flames

Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited

Honoring Fate demands unbreakable courage.


High King Aleksander D’Vairedraconis prefers the comforts of home, rarely leaving his estate. While forthright by nature, his sexuality is a secret Aleksander guards—even his best friend is unaware. With the possibility of his mate showing up at his large estate in Arizona next to impossible, Aleksander focuses on family and building more wealth to allow them to flourish.

Duke Rafferty Kestledraconis is new to the Council of Sorcery and Shifters and is learning what he can about this fresh start. His life revolves around pleasing his royal father and brothers, and he rarely explores past their plot of land. Unable to refute an order given by his king, he travels with his eldest sibling to the remote D’Vaire sanctuary, where to his bewilderment, he discovers that his mate is the only High King in the dragon realm.

Aleksander and Rafferty are ill-prepared for the reality of being mates and unready to take the final step of being fully joined, but together, they slowly build something worth protecting. Circumstances soon spin out of control, testing their fortitude and straining their wills. In the end, they must cling to hope if they want to be together—it will take everything that rests in the hearts of the High Kings to honor the call of Fate.


Aleksander stood out on his deck with his other half in another eye-searing outfit of mismatched reds and greens, and it was awkward. During lunch, the man who Fate had chosen for Aleksander hadn’t said a word while he sat across from him at one of the round slabs of wood to the side of the kitchen. Instead, he savored every bite of his meal. Rafferty was undoubtedly a foodie who liked to languish over good taste. Quite the opposite of Dra’Kaedan who was also silent whenever he had a fork in his hand, but that was because he was shoveling it in at the speed of light.

Aleksander hadn’t missed the small smile that played around Rafferty’s mouth as he found something that pleased his palate. When he was finished, Rafferty had gazed longingly at the island where the buffet was set out, but Sullivan gave him a sharp look. With that scowl that drove Aleksander nuts plastered on his sexy face, Rafferty waited patiently for the entire group to finish.

After taking his plate to the dishwasher, Aleksander had invited Rafferty outside. Now that they had some semblance of privacy, neither of them knew what to do about it. Time continued to stretch out uneasily, which made Aleksander nervous, so he just went with the first thing that popped into his head.

“What do you say we shift and fly? You can see the entire land that way.”

For a split second, there was excitement in his dark eyes; then a frown appeared. “I need to talk to Sullivan first.”

“Before you can shift?”

Rafferty waved a hand randomly in the air. “It’s a whole thing. Being a black dragon…well, it’s complicated. He’s just inside. Give me a minute.”

Wondering what in the world he was talking about, Aleksander waited patiently until Rafferty re-appeared. “Well?”

“It’s cool. Sullivan said it was better to do it here, actually.”

“Are you going to explain that?”

“I told you, it’s complicated. My dragon makes people uncomfortable, which I don’t enjoy. But it’s like Sullivan said, it’s a been a while for me and if I don’t, I might get sick again.”


“I get human shit like colds and flus regularly. Could you turn around or something?”

“No need,” Aleksander told him and lifted an arm to point in the general direction of one of the additions they’d put on the house. “There’s a changing room over there. You can put your things in a cubby and shift right outside. As soon as I see your dragon, I’ll do the same, okay? And hey, I have a dragon that makes people uncomfortable too. I get it, but if you allowed your beast out frequently, you wouldn’t get sick.”

“It’s just to the right?”

Holding back his sigh, Aleksander nodded. Rafferty strolled to it, and Aleksander noticed for the first time the way he hunched slightly, as if he wanted to make himself appear smaller. Odd behavior for a below-average height dragon, and Aleksander wondered about his home life. Kendrick didn’t have positive things to say about them barring Sullivan, who he admittedly didn’t know that well.

Barely down that train of thought, Aleksander spied a gorgeous black dragon trotting out from the other side of the changing room. His scales were more matte than shiny, which was unusual. The former emperor and current Reverent Knight, Drystan, was the only other dragon known to Aleksander that lacked a bright sheen. It was a testament to the diversity Fate gave them, he thought as Aleksander strode over his land.

Inside the little space for shifting, Rafferty’s clothes were carefully folded in a slot nearly in the corner, Aleksander noted as he stripped to skin. Walking out into the warmth of the early afternoon heat, Aleksander took only seconds to morph into the largest beast in dragonkind. There’d only been pain for the first year or so as his body finally acclimated to the extremeness. With a small run on sturdy legs, Aleksander took flight while Rafferty did the same only a few feet away.

Pleasure swept over him as he soared upward. Not only was he always happy to be in the air, it was the first time both man and dragon enjoyed it with their mate. He let out a burst of fire in celebration, his long tail whipping upward so he could barrel roll in excitement as Rafferty responded with flames of his own. While their human counterparts were struggling to find their common ground, the instinctive natures of their dragons already understood what a gift they were to each other. It was for Aleksander the first sign that this was going to work and that Fate hadn’t made a mistake with him and Rafferty.

About the Author
Jessamyn Kingley lives in Nevada where she begs the men in her head to tell her their amazing stories which she dutifully writes it all down in what has become a small mountain of notebooks. She falls in love with each couple and swears whatever book she wrote last is her absolute favorite.
Jessamyn is married and working toward remembering to start the dishwasher without being distracted by the scent of the magical detergent. For personal enjoyment, she aids in cat rescue while slashing and gashing her way through mobs in various MMORPGs. Caffeine is her very best friend and is only cast aside briefly for the sin better known as BBQ potato chips.
Join her Facebook group, Jessamyn's Ruffian's

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Blog Tour + Giveaway: Redesigning Max (Foothills Pride #2) by Pat Henshaw

Author Pat Henshaw and Other Worlds Ink host today's blog tour stop for re-release, Redesigning Max (Foothills Pride #2) from JMS Books! Find out more about the contemporary romance and enter in the giveaway for your chance to win a $10 JMS Books gift card!

Redesigning Max - Pat Henshaw

Renowned interior designer Fredi Zimmer is surprised when outdoorsman Max Greene, owner of Greene’s Outdoors, hires him to revamp Max’s rustic cabin in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Fredi is an out-and-proud Metro male whose contact with the outdoors is from his car to the doorway of the million-dollar homes he remodels, and to Fredi, Max is a typical straight man’s man.

When Max blatantly and clumsily flirts with Fredi, Fredi’s stereotypical view of Max is shattered. Is this a build-up to a gay bashing? Cautiously believing Max is closeted and is trying to come out, Fredi decides he’s game to put a little spice into Max’s life, whether it’s in the colors and fixtures he’ll use to turn Max's dilapidated cabin into a showplace or over one of the many lunches and dinners they share talking about the remodel. Who can blame a guy for adding a little sensual pleasure as he retools Max’s life visually? Besides, Fredi has a backup plan if he’s wrong about Max’s intentions.

Life would be all wine and roses if it weren’t for Max’s former friends and their conservative families. Alarmed with Max’s obvious infatuation, they make it their business to save him from sliding into hell.

With the battle on, will Fredi and Max win the fight for a life of happiness together?

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About the Series
During the recession at the beginning of the 21st century, many gays and lesbians moved from the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento to the Sierra Foothills. FLAG (Foothills Lesbians and Gays) was formed. This series was written for them.

Other Books in the Series:

Foothills Pride Series

What's In a Name | Redesigning Max | Behr Facts | When Adam Fell


Pat is giving away a $10 JMS Books gift card with this tour – enter via Rafflecopter:

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Redesigning Max meme

Designer Fredi and adventure guide Max go to lunch right after they meet:

By the time we got to the Rock Bottom Cafe, I felt like I’d bottomed out. I was hungry, tired, and feeling the first twinges of a headache.

Max hadn’t exaggerated about how much I’d hate the Rock Bottom’s decor. It was the worst of rural cafe: hellacious plastic flowers, grotesque plastic-covered booths, peeling gangrene-painted beadboard walls, pockmarked linoleum floor, and faded food-stained menus. It made the cabin look almost palatial, except it didn’t smell as bad.

As Max slid into one side of a booth and I into the other, he said, “Food’s great here. Okay?”

I glared at him, but I had to admit the odors coming from the kitchen wove seductively around us.

After we’d ordered and had gotten glasses of iced tea, which I liberally dosed with artificial sweetener, Max leaned back in his side of the booth and blew out a little breath.

“So guess here’s what you need to know about me.” He was looking at the tabletop. “I was an only kid when my folks died. Raised by my aunt and uncle with their four boys. I was the youngest and nobody cared what I thought, so I don’t talk much.”

Oh dear. I wasn’t sure which of those statements I should answer, if any. My heart bled for the beautiful man in front of me who would give me a raging hard-on if I let my libido take control.

His words and lack of self-pity made me want to create a unique space where he’d feel completely at home and that would soothe him when he needed it. I probably wouldn’t end up his BFF or someone he could unbend with, but I could create a warm cocoon to shelter and coddle the man or let him entertain his friends comfortably.

The image of the young Max feeling like an outsider when he was thrust on his uncaring aunt and uncle to raise was banished by the waitress who put lunch in front of us.

“Oh. My. God!” I nearly drooled into the chili and homemade bread as I tasted them. “This is incredible.”

“What’d I tell you?” Max gloated. “Said you shouldn’t be put off by the decor. Some of us are more than our decor.”

I spooned up a couple of bites, then looked at Max. “You really do think I’m a snob, don’t you?”

Why was it so easy to get him to blush? I hadn’t a clue, but his quick, mercurial red cheeks had me intrigued.

“No, no, I don’t think you’re a snob,” he protested. “I mean, you’re just so….” He waved a couple of fingers at me, but kept his elbows on the table as if protecting his bowl of chili.

“I’m so what?”

Max shrugged. “I don’t know. Beautiful. And fancy,” he added, ducking his head over his bowl.

Ah, I understood now. Max was intimidated by my suit.

“Look, you came to get me in the coffee shop. I was dressed to take a rich lady through her house later this afternoon. I can work in jeans and a T-shirt”—did Max think I wore suits every day?—“or anything I want. Pajamas even. You just caught me on a suit day.” Which, I didn’t add, was too often for even my overblown sense of style.

Now Max was staring at me.

“Yeah, right. You wear jeans,” he scoffed, but looked interested, intrigued.

I shrugged. “Okay, not when I’m with a client. At home I’m way more casual.” I might have sounded a tad defensive.

“Yeah, right,” Max muttered with a grin.

I left it lying there. It wasn’t worth fighting about. But it bothered me that he saw such a divide between us. I was just a man, wasn’t I? Just like him, right? What was he going on about? Sheesh.

Author Bio

Pat Henshaw

Pat Henshaw, born and raised in Nebraska, has lived on the U S’s three coasts, in Texas, Virginia, and now California. Before she retired, she held a number of jobs, including theatrical costumer, newspaper features reporter and movie reviewer, librarian, junior college English instructor, and publicist. She also loves to travel and has visited Canada, Mexico, Europe, Egypt, and Central America as well as almost all fifty US states.

Now retired, she enjoys reading and writing as well as visiting her older daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren on the East Coast and playing havoc with her younger daughter’s life in NorCal. She thanks you for reading her books and wants you to remember that every day is a good day for romance.

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Exclusive Tour + Giveaway: On the Wings of War (Soulbound #5) by Hailey Turner

Author Hailey Turner and A Novel Take PR share an exclusive from the latest from the popular urban fantasy series, On the Wings of War (Soulbound #5)! Discover more and enter in the giveaway for a chance to win an e-book to kindle email addresses from Hailey Turner’s back catalogue (three winners)! Good luck!

On the Wings of War by Hailey Turner

Series: Soulbound V

Publisher: Self-Published

Release Date: Print & ebook – September 2, 2020

Length: 109,151 words

Subgenre: LGBTQ Urban Fantasy

Warnings: None

Get it now:
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Book blurb:

Remembering the dead will always give them life.

The coveted Morrígan’s staff is up for sale on the black market to the highest bidder, and SOA Special Agent Patrick Collins will do whatever it takes to ensure the Dominion Sect doesn’t get their hands on it. Returning the weapon to its rightful owner is another step on the long road toward clearing Patrick’s soul debt, but he won’t walk it alone. Jonothon de Vere won’t let him.

Obeying the gods means Patrick must travel to London. For Jono, it means facing a past he thought he’d left behind forever. His return to England isn’t welcome, and neither is their pack, but Jono and Patrick will face the antagonism together. Politics aside, their priority must be the mission, but the bone-chilling secret they uncover in the London god pack will have far-reaching repercussions no one can ignore.

A race against time takes Patrick and Jono from the streets of London to the bright lights of Paris, where hospitality is thin on the ground, the air is filled with whispered prayers for the missing, and the Morrígan’s staff will end up in the one place it should never have gone—a graveyard.

For beneath Paris lie the long-forgotten dead, and when they rise to walk again, the living can only hope to die.

On the Wings of War is a 109k word m/m urban fantasy with a gay romantic subplot and a HFN ending. It is a direct sequel to A Vigil in the Mourning. Reading the first book in the series would be helpful in enjoying this one.

About On the Wings of War by Hailey Turner: This is an exciting sequel that builds on the series plot and makes readers keep wanting more!

Excerpt for Boy Meets Boy

“How the fuck is the Savoy neutral ground?” Patrick asked as Jono navigated the car through evening London traffic. Patrick had swapped out his suit for his usual jeans, T-shirt, and leather jacket with its cold charms activated instead of heat. He had a feeling his outfit wouldn’t pass muster with hotel staff.

“Why are you asking me? I haven’t been in London for years,” Jono said.

“Conducting pack business isn’t usually done so publicly, but the London god pack alphas were adamant about meeting at the Beaufort Bar,” Sage said from the back seat.

Patrick rested his elbow against the window to prop up his head. “That’s a lot of literal human shields they could end up using if things go bad.”

“Do you think things will?” Wade asked. He had a box of Jaffa Cakes in hand, another in his lap, and was steadily eating his way through them. The sound of him chewing hadn’t stopped since they got in the car.

Sage’s expression became grim in the rearview mirror. “It’s a possibility we have to accept. Their dire wasn’t pleased about being forced to agree to the meeting. I think it’s safe to say his alphas will feel the same way.”

Patrick’s gaze drifted over the winding view of the Thames at night and the way some of the more well-known London landmarks glowed against the night sky. It was just the four of them for the meeting, with Nadine handling the needs of the WSA while Patrick turned his attention toward his pack. He trusted her to keep the WSA from asking too many questions about his absence, but knew he’d have to face them all again tomorrow.

Showing up bruised would definitely have them asking questions.

“Tom didn’t know what you three were when we met with him at the pub yesterday,” Jono said.

Patrick turned his head fractionally to look at him. “Meaning?”

“He thinks you’re human. Depending on what the god pack has heard about New York, they may not know you’re a mage, Sage is a weretiger, and Wade is a dragon.”

“We aren’t giving up Wade’s form unless we’re backed into a corner.”

“Didn’t you tell me not to shift mass while we were in London?” Wade asked.

“We’ll make an exception if it looks like we’re losing the fight.”

“We won’t lose,” Jono said, sounding way too confident for Patrick’s liking.

Patrick snorted. “Let’s operate under the assumption they know everything public about us and we don’t know jack shit about them. If we’re going in blind, let’s be prepared for anything.”

Sage leaned forward between the seats. “If they demand a fight in the challenge ring, will you agree to it?”

Patrick opened his mouth to say no when Jono beat him to it with the wrong fucking answer.

“Yes,” Jono said, sounding calm even if the steering wheel creaked beneath his grip.

Patrick jerked his head around to stare at Jono. “Excuse me?”

“If things are as messy as we think they are, then refusing to fight won’t get us very far. We need the right to stay in London.” Jono turned his head to glance at Patrick, his wolf-bright blue eyes flashing from reflected streetlights. “You need that right, Pat.”

Sage sat back with a sigh. “He’s not wrong.”

Patrick stared at Jono. “You aren’t fighting them.”

Jono turned his attention back to the road. “Neither are you.”

I will be fighting them if they insist on deciding things in the challenge ring. That’s my responsibility as dire,” Sage said.

Praise for The Soulbound Series:

Hailey Turner never disappoints! The Soulbound series continues in On The Wings of War with Turner's unique and compelling world-building, beloved characters including Wade the ever-snacking cutie pie, and the same kind of page-turning action we've come to expect from a Hailey Turner story. Whenever I read a Soulbound novel, I come out of it feeling smarter and a little bit breathless, like if I looked behind me there might be a tiny bit of magic and dragon smoke wafting in the air. I can't recommend this new Hailey Turner novel enough. Grab it now! - Bestselling author, Lucy Lennox

With every new book in the Soulbound series, I ask myself how Hailey Turner could possibly top this, and in true Patrick style, challenge accepted. Each book in this series is even better than the last, and I’m absolutely in love with these characters. I can’t get enough of Patrick, Jono, Wade, and On the Wings of War is an adrenaline-fueled adventure you don’t want to miss! - Bestselling author, Charlie Cochet

Hailey Turner is a wonderful writer, and nowhere is this better illustrated than in the Soulbound series. The world of Patrick and Jono is so perfectly realised and populated with rich characters drawn from mythology and folklore. I couldn’t put this book down. - Bestselling author, Lily Morton

I have been a fan of the Soulbound series since the very beginning, but somehow it gets better with every new installment, and this one is the best yet. The twists and turns are tighter, the action more explosive, the love between Jono and Patrick deeper, and the bonds with their found family even sweeter, making On the Wings of War one of the most satisfying reads I’ve had in a long time. This book was a roller coaster ride I never wanted to end. - M/M Author, May Archer

About the Author: Hailey Turner is big city girl who spoils her cats rotten and has a demanding day job that she loves, but not as much as she loves writing. She's been writing since she was a young child and enjoys reading almost as much as creating a new story.

Connect with Hailey Turner:

You can keep up with Hailey's future projects by joining her newsletter, where you can instantly download several free short stories:
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To celebrate the release of On the Wings of War by Hailey Turner, we are giving away three e-books to kindle email addresses from Hailey Turner’s back catalogue. Open internationally, must be 18 to enter and win.



Release Blitz + Giveaway: Nightway Chant (Coulter & Woodard #3) by M.J. Calabrese

Author M.J. Calabrese and Gay Book Promotions host today's release blitz for Nightway Chant (Coulter & Woodard #3)! Learn more today about the series' latest and enter in the giveaway for a chance to win a $25 gift card or a full set of print books from the author!


Book Title: Nightway Chant, Coulter & Woodard 3
Author: M.J. Calabrese
Publisher: Self-Published
Cover Artist: Jessica Henshall
Release Date: September 1, 2020
Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romantic Suspense
Trope/s: Murder and mayhem
Themes: Detective and Criminal Profiler
Heat Rating: 3 flames
Length: 60 000 words
This is a trilogy and should be read in order

Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited


There was a time in Detective Eagle Woodard’s life that he would like to forget, but Eagle’s past catches up with him and it’s threatening to destroy everything and everyone he holds dear.

Dr. Adam Coulter is recovering from a cancer diagnosis and Adam and Eagle’s relationship is stronger than ever, but the continued disappearance of their son, Michael, overshadows their happiness. A new threat appears in the form of a man Detective Eagle Woodard thought dead. Sergeant Dean Kessler aka ‘The Viking’ is on a mission to destroy his old Black Ops team mate. Secrets held in silence by Eagle for over a decade come to the surface, threatening his relationship with Adam and with Eagle’s family.

Not only is The Viking after Eagle, but when Dean Kessler finds his younger brother is in Albuquerque, he becomes a target for his older brother’s revenge as well. Eagle wants to deal with Dean on his own, but the people who care for Eagle the most aren’t about to let him do this by himself.

The question is, will Eagle be able to keep the worst part of himself locked away or will he need ‘The Skinwalker’ to help him defeat ‘The Viking’?

Author's Note: This book begins about six months after the end of Book 2 in the Coulter/Woodard series. This is the third planned book in the Coulter/Woodard series. No others are planned at this time, but who knows if the muse will strike. There are secondary characters who might need to have their stories told, but if they do, then the stories will be standalone novels.

PLEASE NOTE: This story contains some scenes of BDSM, drug abuse, and violent death. If these are triggers for you, this book may not be for you.


“Oh, God, Eagle. I wasn’t ready. Grace told me I wasn’t ready, but I thought I was. Oh, God, Eagle! I wasn’t ready to hear those words.” A tearful Dr. Adam Jonathon Coulter-Woodard walked quickly away from the entrance of the LGBTQ Health Clinic. He had circled the desert landscaped courtyard in front of the building by the time Eagle Woodard placed his foot on the last step.

Detective Eagle Woodard stood silent, watching his husband freak out. He knew if he let Adam run off some of his nervous energy then they’d be able to talk. They’d prepared for this moment for six months… or so he thought. Adam saw his psychotherapist, Grace, twice a week, and once a month Eagle joined them for a co-session. After all the trauma his lover had suffered in his life and the revelations of the past few years, in Eagle’s opinion, his mercurial husband needed all the help he could get.

He watched as Adam flopped down on a concrete bench and he buried his shaking head in his hands. Eagle rolled his eyes at the dramatics. He’d married a diva. He’d known that from the start, but couldn’t the man, for once, be normal? Eagle sighed and turned as he heard footsteps on the walkway behind him. Rick Kessler’s face told him everything he needed to know and the large, white envelope in his hand confirmed it. It would contain test results and a referral to an outside physician. Rick made too much money for the Center’s programs. He could see the younger man trying to hold it together, but the closer he got to Eagle the more his face crumpled.

Eagle opened his arms and Rick walked into the embrace, burying his face against his partner’s shoulder as he started to cry. Eagle reached up, stroking Rick’s soft, blond hair, swaying side to side, trying to soothe him. Rick didn’t have to say the words, he knew his friend was HIV positive. The tears subsided and the younger man pulled back. “I swear, I haven’t been with that many guys in my life, but of course one of them had to be positive. Eagle…” His words failed him as he fell back into his former lover’s arms.

As Eagle held the younger man, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. It was an old warning. He hadn’t felt something this strong in a very long time. Raising his eyes, he checked the perimeter, but nothing seemed amiss. Only a lone coyote trotted across the street, turning for an instant to look at him before moving on. The feeling grew stronger and he knew they were being watched by a hostile. His time in Special Ops had helped him hone this sixth sense. Slowly, tilting his head, he glanced up at the parking garage across the street. For a fleeting instant, he thought he saw a ghost, a Ch’íindii, but then he blinked and there was nothing there. He had a sick feeling in his stomach. Something was here. Something formidable and this feeling was a harbinger, a warning to him to be very careful because death was close by.

Rick turned his head as he looked over at Adam then he snickered. “I knew he’d react like that when he got the news. He’s a fucking drama queen.” He looked up at Eagle, “And I knew you’d be a rock. You always are.” Again, he dropped his head. “My life is over, Eagle. I’ve fucked up one last time and my life is over.”

Eagle laughed, “Now who’s being a drama queen. Your doctor will get you started on meds if you need them. You’ll have a normal life span, Rick. It’s not like it used to be.”

He felt Rick’s shoulders droop a little further, “But the job…”

“You’d be surprised how many on the force are positive and a number of them aren’t gay, by the way. If you don’t tell anyone, all this information is confidential, and no one needs to know.”

Again, Rick stepped back, but this time he started to walk away. Eagle took a few hurried steps and caught up with him, grabbing his arm. Suddenly, Rick whirled around, bringing his hands up, he captured Eagle’s face between his palms and kissed him passionately. Eagle took hold of his former lover’s hands and brought them down between them as he broke the kiss. “I don’t want to be alone, Eagle, please….” Just then Eagle’s phone rang. The Detective snatched it from his pocket and was surprised to see the name of the caller on the screen. He took the call as he turned away from Rick.

“Dr. Kostas?”

“Detective Woodard, you’d better get to Presbyterian’s ER. Your son was just admitted, and his asshole boyfriend is trying to get him out of here. He’s in bad shape. Someone’s beaten him half to death. Hurry.”

About the Author
My mother now regrets her fateful words she offered the day I came home from our small town library in Palm Springs, California (yes, I’m a Cali girl) complaining that there were no more books to read. “Then why don’t you write some.”
My father never saw his old Remington portable until I entered college and they gifted me an IBM Selectric. By then I had produced at least two dozen unpublishable novels which make me cringe when I read them today.
I found inspiration in innumerable odd jobs (from migrant work as a Date palm pollinator to the person who cleans the washing machines at the launderette to professional Dominatrix) for stories. After a stint in Rehab for Alcohol and Heroin abuse (so when I write those scenes, I know what I’m talking about), I cleaned up and have stayed that way for 29 years. (Me and Sir Elton, LOL). My gypsy lifestyle gave me a unique perspective on the different people who inhabited the Washington, Oregon, Arizona, California, and New Mexico areas where I have lived.
After 3 very bad marriages to men, I finally figured out what was wrong and fell in love with a woman when I lived in Portland, OR 23 years ago. We’ve been married since 2008 (yes it was legal in California at that time). We now live in Asheville, NC and love the people in this liberal and accepting corner of the mountains of North Carolina.

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Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win a
$25 Gift Card
2nd prize
a full set of the print books (unsigned)

Review: Wild Sky by Zaya Feli

Tauran Darrica has been retired from the Valreus Sky Guard for four years following the Battle of the Broken Wings that resulted in the death of his dragon. Now, all Tauran wants to do is spend his days forgetting the past and gambling his way to an unsteady income.

So when his old general from the Sky Guard hunts Tauran down to request his help with staving off the increasingly aggressive wild dragon population, Tauran refuses. But a fire ruins his rented room and leaves him without a place to stay, and Tauran finds himself on the road to Valreus, after all.

Tauran is determined to stay as far away from dragons as he can get, but a starry-eyed young man from Sharoani, land of the wild dragons, might just ruin his plans.

Kalai Ro-Ani has spent his life watching the stars, knowing he could never reach them.
With his wild dragon Arrow, he sets out for the city of Valreus in the hope of building himself a better future than he could have stuck at the foot of the Kel Visal dragon temples.

But nobody told Kalai that only the Sky Guard is allowed to own dragons, so when Arrow kills a guard in Kalai’s defense, it looks like his adventure might be over before it can begin. But a chance encounter at the old Valreus archive offers Kalai the future he’d been hoping for. In the span of a single day, he has a home, a job, and a purpose.

In Valreus, something much bigger falls into his lap – along with a tall and striking Valrean man with a rather strange disposition.

An impressive fantasy overflowing with dragon love!

For those who know me well, I do not give 5’s easily nor readily. In fact, this is my first for the year. I also don’t tend to like, and truly avoid, long reads but despite this being over 700 pages, I barreled through this with ease.

As per the blurb, Tauran is a self imposed retired soldier of Valreus’s Sky Guard. He and his dragon once kept the city and surrounding realms safe, but a terrible tragedy struck and Tauran chooses to forget by drinking away his sorrows, far from anything and anyone from his past. When his former general tracks him down and pleads for his help in training new dragon rider recruits, Tauran unwillingly returns to a place he swore he never would again. The changes wrought while he’s been gone are many, and the memories both good and bad, hit Tauran hard as he struggles with desperately wanting to run but being unable to do so especially when presented with a rare unhatched dragon egg.

Kalai is a foreigner to Valreus. He’s looking for adventure with his dragon Arrow, and comes from Sharoani, a place known for its dragon temples and masters, a place that’s as elusive as it is secretive, the community there living harmoniously and mysteriously with wild dragons. Kalai’s limited, but still important, knowledge lands him a job as the new archivist and automatic dragon expert for the Sky Guard, tasked to interpret ancient Sharoani texts and assist with the newly found dragon egg, all of which puts him in the direct path of Tauran.

What ensues is a richly painted world divided on how dragons fit into human lives. The dragons are rightly revered and cherished but also extremely sought after for their skills, especially in the Sky Guard. However, there’s conflict brewing across the lands and previously peaceful wild dragons are attacking the city, all indicating toward something very amiss. Tauran and Kalai find themselves smack dab in the middle of disturbing going ons, and when things don’t add up, they must find the answers no matter the danger or cost.

Beware substantial PTSD, lots of hurt comfort, dealing with frustrating disabilities, drug addiction, betrayal, and some gory violence. However, what you’ll also get is a thoroughly plausible, realistic sweet slow burn romance in and amongst the brewings of war and possible annihilation. Feli delivers on dragon legend and lore and fleshes out the divided countries. She also deftly describes the tenuous relationship between human and dragon, where should one be so lucky as to form an unbreakable bond with such a rare creature, their life will be forever altered and affected. Each dragon is endearing in their own unique way, their distinct personalities shining through and brought to vivid life, which only made me cherish every scene they were in, wanting more despite them all featuring so heavily throughout the story.

Point blank. If you love dragons in your stories, then this is an absolute must. Overall, when you have something of this size and magnitude, when it delivers on the romance, the plot, the grand scope of things, when it brings all the wonderful dragon-ness you could ever want, one can’t help but be moved by the struggles of these fantastic beings and the imperfect men who love them. Both Tauran and Kalai draw strength from the other and their dragon counterparts to be so much more than they ever thought possible. It sorta kinda helps things along when your whole belief system is called into question and everyone and everything is in danger, for such challenges either make or break you. Here, Tauran and Kalai obviously come out on top.

So again, I’m happy to say that this is my first 5 star rating for the year because ONE, this never felt like 764 pages and TWO, when I read the last sentence, I was seriously sad that there wasn’t more as it leaves the reader not with a cliffhanger but a desire to know what happens next. I think that pretty much says it all, and I can only hope Feli brings us more of Tauran and Kalai or at least, further tales of this wondrous wonderful world!

Release Blitz: The Lucky Cat (Treasure Trove Antiques #1) by L.M. Somerton

Author L.M. Somerton and Gay Book Promotions promote new release from Pride Publishing, The Lucky Cat (Treasure Trove Antiques #1)! Discover more about the first in the new series today!

Book Title: The Lucky Cat
Author: L M Somerton
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Cover Artist: Louisa Maggio
Release Date: September 1, 2020
Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance, thriller/suspense, light BDSM
Heat Rating: 4 flames
Length: 60 343 words/ 241 pages
It is the first book in a new series.

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Antiques and ammunition do not mix well.


The antique trade is not known for its life or death excitement and Landry Carran is happy that he has to contend only with furniture polish, woodworm and his irascible boss. He gets all the thrills he needs at his favorite BDSM club, Scorch.

Detective Gage Roskam is hunting stolen jewels taken from a Tokyo exhibition then shipped to Seattle. Mired in a deadly race involving the Yakuza, an enigmatic Englishman and too many indecipherable clues, he doesn’t have time to indulge in Dominant fantasies.

When their worlds collide, neither Landry nor Gage expects things to get quite as complicated—or dangerous—as they do. When Landry steps into the path of some powerful, ruthless people, it’s up to Gage to protect him. Along the way they might just discover what they both need.


Sometimes there were advantages to being vertically challenged. Landry, his ass sticking out from under a seventeenth-century folding card table, paused to contemplate other occasions when his five-feet-six-inch stature had been of benefit. Not when attempting to get served at his favorite leather bar, though getting squished between all those black-clad hunks was always bearable. He snorted. Not when reaching for his preferred brand of chips at the market, which were always on the top shelf. Put there, he was sure, by the snotty assistant manager as revenge for Landry turning down his offer of a quick blow job in the staff restroom. As if. Never at family meals when he got to sit between his older twin brothers like a blond munchkin between two extras from Vikings. He reversed, wiggling his back end to avoid a willow-patterned platter balancing on a brass coal scuttle. His knees ached and he’d banged his elbow on a cast-iron fireguard, but he had rescued the battered cannonball making an escape attempt beneath teetering piles of stock.

“Well, there’s a pretty sight.”

“Hey!” Landry went for indignant rather than flattered. He tried to get up too soon and banged his head on solid, woodworm-free oak. “Fuck me!” He finally made it to open air and scrambled to his feet, rubbing his already messy hair into further disarray.

“Is that a request?”

Landry looked up…and up…into a pair of twinkling pale-blue eyes. The customer, because that was who Landry guessed the newcomer must be, was drop-dead, my-ass-is-yours gorgeous and he was grinning. Well, smirking.

“Funny man. What can I help you with, sir?” Landry gritted his teeth and remembered that Mr. Lao, his boss, would swat him like a bug if he snarked at a potential patron. Though, on this occasion, it might be worth it to mess with the man.

“Another leading question.”

Landry rolled his eyes. Black hair, blue eyes and a stubbled, chiseled chin did not equate to a free pass. “The massage parlor is three doors down, just before St. Peter’s. You can get a full-body whatever then confess all in the space of an hour.” He made an ineffective attempt to brush dust from the knees of his ripped black jeans. Blue Eyes reached into his jacket and produced a wallet, which he opened to display a Seattle PD badge and ID card.

“Gage Roskam. Is your boss around?”

Landry was more turned on than intimidated by the badge. Cop plus handcuffs equaled sexy time. Every cop he’d ever met had had a ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude and a natural bent for control—just the type of man Landry liked to mess with. He batted his lashes. “And what makes you think I’m not the boss?”

“You’re not a sixty-eight-year-old Chinese guy by the name of Jian Lao?”

“Very observant, Officer. All that training paid off.” Landry put an extra bit of swing into his hips as he walked toward the cash desk at the rear of the shop.

“Putting your tax dollars to work, brat.”

“Hey! Aren’t you supposed to call me sir, what with you being a public servant and all?”

“In your dreams, and you should show more respect for law enforcement.”

“Gonna make me?”

“You’re lucky I’m on duty or I’d bend you over the nearest flat surface and give you the spanking you’re begging for.”

About the Author
Lucinda lives in a small village in the English countryside, surrounded by rolling hills, cows and sheep. She started writing to fill time between jobs and is now firmly and unashamedly addicted.
She loves the English weather, especially the rain, and adores a thunderstorm. She loves good food, warm company and a crackling fire. She's fascinated by the psychology of relationships, especially between men, and her stories contain some subtle (and some not so subtle) leanings towards BDSM.

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Release Blitz + Giveaway: Drive Me Crazy (Food Truck Warriors #1) by Beth Bolden

Foodie romances your thing? Check out today's release blitz from author Beth Bolden and Gay Book Promotions for Drive Me Crazy (Food Truck Warriors #1)! Discover more about the contemporary romance and enter in the $25 Amazon gift card giveaway!

Book Title: Drive Me Crazy (Food Truck Warriors #1)
Author: Beth Bolden
Publisher: Beth Bolden Books
Cover Artist: Angsty G Book Cover and Media Design
Release Date: August 26, 2020
Genre/s: Contemporary gay romance, opposites attract,
work romance, foodie romance
Heat Rating: 4 flames
Length: 83 000 words
It is a standalone story.

Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited


When Tony Blake walks into what might be a blind date, he’s surprisingly intrigued despite his irritation with his meddling brother. But when Lucas turns out to be a new employee for their food truck, Tony’s usual charm deserts him.

Lucas might be fantastically creative in the kitchen, but to Tony’s disappointment, he’s not interested in more than a casual hookup. Old Tony would have loved the lack of strings, but New Tony is finally ready for it all.

He’s ready to find love, and to help the food truck thrive. What he needs is Lucas next to him, revolutionizing their carnivore menu with his vegan point of view, and what he wants is Lucas underneath him in bed, turning his life inside out.

As the kitchen heats up in the Los Angeles summer, can Tony figure out how to drive Lucas crazy enough to change his mind?


Tony was muttering as he climbed back into the truck.

“Gabriel’s here,” he said, “and so is Ash. And the fucking picnic truck.”

Lucas didn’t know who Gabriel or Ash were, but he had heard of the famous—or apparently in Tony’s mind, infamous—picnic truck. It was called Basket, and it specialized in all kinds of stuff you’d bring to a picnic or a cookout: ribs, hot dogs, potato salad, deviled eggs. Lucas had ordered from it once and had been surprisingly impressed by their macaroni salad. Macaroni salad, that fucking mainstay of middle-class American potlucks and grocery store delis. Completely reimagined and absolutely crazy delicious.

But it sounded like Tony was not exactly thrilled they were here, which kind of made sense, because they definitely seemed to grab the lion’s share of attention wherever they went.

“They’re new,” Lucas said. “A novelty.”

“Ross is a dick,” Tony grumbled, “and Aaron is an even bigger dick.”

That surprised Lucas. Tony didn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d trash his competition. “Really?”

“They stole our onion dip recipe,” Tony said. “Well, Wyatt’s onion dip recipe. And he thinks it’s funny, but it’s really not, because then we had to take it off the menu.”


“They claimed theirs is an ‘old family recipe’ which is total bullshit, but somehow it was basically identical to ours, and Wyatt didn’t want us to look like we were copying them, even though we’d had it as a side, nearly from the start. That was when we decided we’d do more salsas, lean into the fish tacos and stuff.”

“You should make it for me sometime,” Lucas said. He hadn’t intended for it to sound like an invitation or, god forbid, a date, but Tony glanced over in surprise, like he’d just propositioned him. Over onion dip, for god’s sake.

“Next big event, we’ll add it as a special. At least if freaking Basket isn’t around.”

Lucas told himself that he wasn’t disappointed in the way Tony dismissed him. He probably wouldn’t be around for the next big event, and Tony knew it.

Returning to his final set of prep, Lucas tried to let it go, but the way Tony had said it was weird. Stole. Money and a recipe were totally different beasts, but there was a weird similarity there that kept bothering him, piquing his curiosity. Finally, even though he knew better than to bring up what was clearly a sore subject, Lucas put his knife down and turned towards Tony, who was working on the spinach artichoke mixture for the grilled cheese, wilting spinach in a huge pot on the stove.

“What do you mean, they stole it?” Lucas asked.

Tony looked up, surprise etched on his face.

“Like, did they break into the truck and steal the recipe?” Lucas continued, gesturing to where the vague recipes were written out in bold, slashing letters that he’d discovered was Tony’s handwriting. “Or did they just buy some and duplicate it?”

“I don’t know,” Tony said. “I wish I did, but fuck if I know how they got it. I guess they could have recreated it. But . . .”

“It was totally identical,” Lucas finished. “Fuck, that sucks.” He knew how hard it would be to recreate a recipethat closely. It’d take dozens of attempts, and tons of time. Not the kind of time that anyone would waste in the food truck business. Tony was probably right; somehow the Basket guys had stolen the recipe.

About the Author

A lifelong Oregonian, Beth Bolden has just recently moved to North Carolina with her supportive husband and their sweet kitten, Earl Grey. Beth still believes in Keeping Portland Weird, and intends to be just as weird in Raleigh.

Beth has been writing practically since she learned the alphabet. Unfortunately, her first foray into novel writing, titled Big Bear with Sparkly Earrings, wasn’t a bestseller, but hope springs eternal. She’s published nineteen novels and six novellas.
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a $25 Amazon gift card

Release Blitz + Giveaway: Finding Our Love by Amy Tasukada

Finding Our Love is out! Join author Amy Tasukada and Gay Book Promotions in the celebrations! Read more about the contemporary romance and enter in the eBook giveaway where 3 people can win their own copy of Finding Our Love!

Book Title: Finding Our Love
Author: Amy Tasukada
Publisher: Macarons & Tea Publishing
Cover Artist: Natasha Snow
Release Date: September 1, 2020
Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance
Trope/s: Forbidden love, opposites attract
Themes: What is art, family
Heat Rating: 4 flames
Length: 28 000 words/ 146 pages
It is a standalone story.

Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited
A struggling artist. A devoted son.
Will they sacrifice everything for forbidden desire?


Kyoto, Japan. Iroha is sick of his boyfriends only dating him to get closer to his famous artistic sister. Shelving his own creative ambitions to run a mafia-funded gallery, he seeks comfort in a fake relationship at an exclusive host club. But when he sets eyes on the outlandishly dressed Kenta, something real stirs in his heart.

Kenta works hard to keep his place as a top-five host at the exclusive Aphrodite’s Castle club. Though it’s put a damper on his love life, the lucrative gig earns him more than enough to support his elderly parents. But when he breaks the rules and falls for the enigmatic Iroha, his income plummets and jeopardizes his family’s welfare.

Heedless of the consequences, Iroha and Kenta plunge into a passionate affair. But the shadow of Iroha’s creative failures threatens to break them apart. And when trouble pulls Kenta back home, the rift between them becomes a chasm.

Can Iroha and Kenta find a common canvas to paint their perfect picture of devotion?

Finding Our Love is the delightful first novel in the Aphrodite’s Castle Host Club MM contemporary romance series. If you like caring men, Japanese culture, and the quest for happiness, you’ll adore Amy Tasukada’s heartwarming tale.

Buy Finding Our Love to enjoy passion’s delicate brush today!


Kenta couldn’t have asked for someone more understanding than Iroha. He didn’t mind how their dates were squeezed into the awkward afternoon hours before work or how Kenta tasted like coffee from the two cups he’d drink so he wouldn’t yawn through them. Three weeks together and four hiking dates later, Kenta couldn’t believe how each one turned out better than the last. Well, maybe not blow-job-in-the-woods good but good in a different way.

Anytime Iroha grabbed Kenta’s hand, a warmth would spread through his body, and anytime he closed his eyes, he’d see himself strolling down a mountain path with Iroha for years to come. Maybe it was silly to think like that after only a few weeks together, but anyone who put up with how often Kenta stopped to take a picture of bugs had to be a keeper.

“Iroha!” Kenta waved, spotting Iroha outside the train station.

Iroha always stood out with his long hair and punk clothes, and with Kenta dressed for work, they’d no doubt be getting a few odd looks. Kenta doubted he’d even notice.

Iroha swirled his sucker around in his lush lips. The gesture went straight to Kenta’s cock. Kenta swore Iroha found even more suggestive things to do with the candy. Kenta licked his lips. Maybe the next date he could convince Iroha he wanted to finish the painting he’d started. Then they could move onto the bed.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?” Iroha asked.

Kenta crossed his arms. “If I told you, it would spoil the surprise.”

“I liked all your surprises so far, so I’m sure I’ll love this one too.”

Kenta hoped Iroha’s words would stay true. All their dates had been things Kenta liked, and he’d made a special effort to come up with something Iroha might enjoy.

The art museum was hosting an exhibition of an artist whose work took Kenta’s breath away. Kenta had even managed to snag tickets for her interview. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Iroha’s face.

“Come on, it’s this way,” Kenta said.

They made their way down the busy sidewalk. Urban hiking might’ve offered less opportunity for bug photos, but Kenta enjoyed it nonetheless.

“How many different art colonies did you go to?” Kenta asked.

Iroha pushed up his glasses. “Why do you ask?”

“You talk about them a lot. You must’ve really liked your time there. I was curious.”

Iroha had been guarded talking about himself, but anytime he talked about his stay at an art colony, his eyes would light up, his hands would start moving, and Kenta would finally feel the warmth of them connecting.

Iroha let out a nervous laugh. “Sorry, I don’t mean to blab on about them.”

“I like it.” Kenta reached out, wanting to take Iroha’s hand, but they were in public. Kenta could only hope his words would express the longing pulling at his heart. “I want to know everything about you.”

Iroha stopped, his cheeks darkened, and his eyes shined with an unmistakable glimmer. Happiness, relief, whatever they spoke clutched at Kenta’s heart, and he knew Iroha wouldn’t hurt him.

“I want to know everything about you too,” Iroha said, words steady, slow, but Kenta didn’t need to hear them to know Iroha felt the same.

They walked in silence. Their steps in sync, one after another. Kenta’s heart thumped out a steady rhythm of hope with no doubt that Iroha’s was beating the same.

About the Author
As an only child, Best Selling Author Amy Tasukada began putting her daydreams to paper at the young age of ten. She was inspired by Japanese literature, works from French classic authors like Marcel Proust, as well as tons and tons of yaoi/boys’ love manga. However, there were only so many books that piqued her interest. Fueled by an obvious lack of books she wanted to read, Amy decided to write them herself.
Amy found her niche in the LGBT genre with Japanese influenced gay fiction. Though her works span a wide range -- from gritty mafia thrillers to fluffy, contemporary romance, Amy uses her deadly, but delicate writing style to weave exciting tales of suspense, love, and gore, all under the supervision of her amazing editor (and calico cat), O’Hara.
While crafting her novels, Amy researches each setting extensively to paint the most colorful picture for her readers. She creates each story’s setting in a way that has been described as “crisp and lyrical” by fans.
When she’s not penning a new installment of her mafia series or attending a writing workshop, the North Texas author can be found drinking tea, reading, or filming J-fashion hauls on her YouTube channel.

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one of three ebook copies of Finding Our Love

Audiobook Review: Out on the Serve (Out in College #7) by Lane Hayes

Roommates to friends to lovers…


I need a roommate fast. Even a temporary one. Beggars can’t be choosers. Going pro after graduation has been intense, and time is precious. Thankfully, Braden seems cool. He’s a little quirky…and very sexy. Of course, I would never get involved with a roommate. That’s a bad idea. Isn’t it?


Moving to Long Beach seems like a no brainer. It’ll be a perfect chance to wind down before grad school and a nice respite from my folks. Plus, my new roommate is a great guy. A little messy, but sweet. Gotta admit, I like him more than I should. And we’re off to a strange start when a mutual friend hooks me up with his ex. Elliot’s the one I want, but going from friends to lovers is a risk. We could end up out on the serve…or we could win it all.

Out on the Serve is a low-angst MM, bisexual romance starring two roommates, one neat, one messy, beach volleyball, a lot of sand, and a little summer fun. This story is part of the Out in College series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Listening Length: 6 hours and 16 minutes
Narrator: Michael Dean

Fun, sweet, and sexy - exactly what I’ve come to expect from this series! Also, Michael Dean once again did an excellent job with the audiobook narration.

When Elliot and Braden become roommates on short notice, neither is entirely sure what to expect. It doesn’t take long for them to clash a bit, as Elliot’s a bit of a messy person and Braden likes every neat and orderly.

Despite that, they hit it off and become friends pretty quickly. They find it easy to connect and have fun together.

The only potential complication - the undeniable underlying sexual tension.

And boy was that some good tension! Even better was the physical chemistry once Braden and Elliot got hot and dirty together.

I really liked that Braden, so buttoned-up in other parts of his life, really let loose with Elliot. Trust is key to good sex!

However, both men are pretty much on the same page that there’ll be an end date to the summer fling.

But then feelings get involved.

It was very cute how “coupley” Elliot and Braden became without realizing it. Whether they were playing together, spending time with mutual friends, or just hanging out, the two just clicked.

I would have liked some more depth to the characters. Both MCs have backstories that could have been explored further, and I don’t think it would necessarily have muddied the “low angst vibe” of the book.

The big stumbling block in the relationship - aside from the self-imposed summer fling deadline - did have to do with Braden’s backstory, so that provided some insight.

But I was glad to see that the angst didn’t last long! Also extra bonus points for cute grand gestures!

The only slight annoyance - I couldn’t take the whole social media angle seriously. I rarely find it believable as a plot device.

Regardless, this was a very easy and enjoyable read. Recommended if you’re looking for something sweet and sexy!

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.