Guest Review: Jared (Boyfriend for Hire #4) by RJ Scott & Meredith Russell

Jared’s world is turned upside down after Luka hands over his pocket money to hire him as a friend for his lonely, widowed dad.

Jared is good at his job, but his soft heart means that he often finds himself in the weirdest of situations. A kind-of-threesome, a disappearing swan, and a destroyed hotel room are just the tip of the iceberg, but he is a popular boyfriend-for-hire and always in demand. He dreams of working as a family psychologist one day, and as his work with Bryant & Waites is funding his studies, the last thing he wants is to lose his job. At a make-or-break meeting, Jared vows to focus on being strictly professional. Still, almost immediately, he meets Luka sitting on the office steps with pocket money in hand and with a sadness that melts Jared’s resolve. Luka explains that his mom passed away some years ago, and his hardworking father needs a friend. Jared has no intention of taking Luka’s pocket money, but he wants to make Luka smile again, and if being hired as a friend for Luka’s widowed dad is what it takes, then he’s all in.

Being a single dad to eleven-year-old Luka is the best thing in Nate’s world, but add running a bar with long hours, and his work-life balance is screwed. There’s certainly no time for relationships, and even though Luka worries about his dad’s love life daily, romance is the last thing on Nate’s agenda. Owning Rhea’s Bar and keeping his head above water is second only to his love for Luka. His entire world consists of his son and the bar until Jared stumbles into his life. Even though Nate won’t admit it, he’s lonely, and Jared is the first friend he’s made in a very long time. Could their friendship become something more?

Reviewer: Shee Reader

I adored Jared and his series of unfortunate dates! His soft heart got him in all sorts of scrapes, and then he met Luka.

Luka is a sweet boy who is looking for a friend for his dad. With Jared though, he gets way more than that.

Nate works hard at his bar, and to be a good dad to Luka and that leaves no time at all for a social life or for that matter a love life!

Luka is the catalyst that brings Nate and Jared together, and the winding road to a relationship is cute, emotional and charming. The two men really need each other, though Jared doubts his place in Nate’s affection as Nate was previously married to Luka’s mom. The chemistry between them is lovely, and the delicate nature of Jared dating Nate with Luka along for the ride is so adorable that I loved the whole thing.

This is the fourth book in the series of Boyfriends for Hire, and each had its own independent story, as well as revisiting some of the previous boyfriends. This is a delightful series with clever writing, charming relationships and joyful HEAs for everyone.

Highly recommended.

I was given a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Release Blitz + Giveaway: The Prince and the Ice King (Gemstone Kingdoms #1) by Amanda Meuwissen

Author Amanda Meuwissen and Gay Book Promotions host today's blitz for new fantasy romance, The Prince and the Ice King (Gemstone Kingdoms #1)! Discover more and enter in the back list eBook giveaway from the author!


Book Title: The Prince and the Ice King

Author: Amanda Meuwissen

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Kris Norris

Release Date: August 3, 2021

Genre: Fantasy M/M Romance

Tropes: Fated love, enemies to lovers, cursed, slow burn

Themes: Destiny, fate, redemption, legend, overcoming prejudice

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 300 pages

It can be read alone but is the first book in a series. 

This is book 1 of Tales from the Gemstone Kingdoms.


Buy Links

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Only true love can melt a frozen heart.


Every Winter Solstice, the Emerald Kingdom sends the dreaded Ice King a sacrifice—a corrupt soul, a criminal, a deviant, or someone touched by magic. Prince Reardon has always loathed this tradition, partly because he dreams of love with another man instead of a future queen.

Then Reardon’s best friend is discovered as a witch and sent to the Frozen Kingdom as tribute.

Reardon sets out to rescue him, willing to battle and kill the Ice King if that’s what it takes. But nothing could prepare him for what he finds in the Frozen Kingdom—a cursed land filled with magic… and a camaraderie Reardon has never known. Over this strange, warm community presides the enigmatic Ice King himself, a man his subjects call Jack. A man with skin made of ice, whose very touch can stop a beating heart.

A man Reardon finds himself inexplicably drawn to.

Jack doesn’t trust Reardon. But when Reardon begins spending long days with him, vowing to prove himself and break the curse, Jack begins to hope. Can love and forgiveness melt the ice around Jack’s heart?


“Jack, is it? Far better than ‘Ice King,’ I suppose.”

The king frowned.

“I’ll call you Majesty until we trust each other. But on that day, I will call you Jack.”

“Is this a game to you?” The Ice King straightened. Reardon stood almost directly before the throne now, chilled and shivering but without any creeping frost on his hair or clothes. “What do you hope to accomplish?”

“My father is wrong for what he does, but seeing this curse on you makes me wonder if he is right about magic’s corruption, despite all the wonders it can do.”

“Magic alone did not curse us!” the king roared. “One person who wielded it did, and I brought her wrath upon me myself.”

That gave Reardon pause. There was so much he didn’t know. “You could tell me your story.”

“It is a long one, little prince, and I grow weary of your presence already.” He stood, crunching down the steps between Reardon and the throne and bringing a gust of icy wind with him.

Reardon sensed how close he was to death but stood his ground. “I only want to bring my people home.”

“And where are they supposed to go? Home, you say. The thief who almost lost her hands because she was starving, the man who lusted after the wrong noble’s son, your friend who has visions—do they have a home to go back to when their own people cast them out as villains?”

I didn’t.”

“Good for you. You only cared once it finally affected someone you knew.”

Reardon’s fists clenched to be called a heartless coward, but he’d called himself worse this past year.

He also couldn’t overlook the example of a man and a noble’s son.

“I suppose you’ve taken in all the corrupted, haven’t you?”

“You call them corrupt”—the Ice King stomped another clawed foot closer—“yet ask for leniency?”

“I only speak as I was taught. I don’t agree with it. I don’t believe they’re corrupt. Not any of them. I don’t want to. If my father understood—”

“He’d still keep up the status quo. Your kingdom shuns what they don’t understand because of my curse, yet they don’t even remember the time before.”

“So tell me! Let me know the truth so we can learn from our past instead of continuing to repeat it.” Reardon stepped forward—too close, he knew—but like before, instead of reaching out and ending him, the Ice King backed away. “You’d really let them all go, wouldn’t you? If they wanted it?”

“They don’t, but you are welcome to ask them, including your friend.”

“Then I am not a prisoner either?”

“That is up for debate.”

If Barclay had seen Reardon’s death in his vision, it couldn’t be now. Not yet. “Give me the chance to prove I will go back and change things for the better. I’ll stay for as long as it takes, but once you believe me, once you know me and I know you, let me go.”

“And what if I never believe you? You’re the prince. You could bring an army to my door after learning my secrets.”

“If you never believe me… then you either have another servant or another statue to crush. But that means you take an audience with me every day.”

The king scoffed, turning to stomp back up to his throne and throw himself onto it with an elegant ease that should have been impossible. “Sounds frightfully dull.”

“Yes, I can see your calendar is quite full.”

He rumbled with laughter like a brewing winter storm.

For a long stretch of minutes, he stared at Reardon with his uniquely human eyes—different from his companions. The Ice King was more tied to his humanity, even if he’d lost the feeling of it in his heart, and more cursed and tortured because of it, perhaps.

Yet still he said, “Fine. But make no mistake, little prince, if you prove unworthy or attempt to betray me, I will not hesitate to turn you into frozen rubble like that thief.”

All Reardon could do was return his stare and wonder—What was this curse? Why had it been cast? And what had the king been like before it changed him and his kingdom? He had to know, even if a mysterious and frightening future stretched out before him.

Love, death, and blue eyes in a sea of white.

Whatever that might mean.

“You have a deal, Your Majesty.”

About the Author 

Amanda Meuwissen is a bisexual author, with a primary focus on M/M romance. As author of the paranormal romance trilogy The Incubus Saga and several other titles with various publishers, Amanda regularly attends local comic conventions for fun and to meet with fans, where she will often be seen in costume as one of her favorite fictional characters. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her husband, John, and their cat, Helga.

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one free eBook copy of any title from Amanda Meuwissen’s backlist.

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Release Blitz + Giveaway: The Billionaire and the Escort by Evelyn Mahony

Debut author Evelyn Mahony and Pride Publishing celebrate new contemporary release,  The Billionaire and the Escort! Read more about the fake relationship romance and enter in the giveaway for a chance to win LOVELY GIFT PACKAGE AND GET A FIRST FOR ROMANCE GIFT CARD!

The Billionaire and the Escort by Evelyn Mahony

General Release Date: 3rd Aug 2021

Word Count: 81,084
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 283



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Book Description

In the world of high-end escorts, getting personal is never part of the arrangement.

When Josh Roberts became a male escort, there was no room for emotions. They went against the job description. He had a full appointment book and enough clients to pay the bills. There was definitely no time to get attached to an older, extremely successful, incredibly gorgeous man who paid for his services.

But Josh can’t turn down the money that has started rolling in, along with the gifts and the opportunity to live in the lap of luxury as the man flies him around the world to play pretend as his boyfriend. How on earth is he supposed to say no? Especially once he starts falling for his client.

James Barnwell is the successful CEO of Winter Luxury Resorts who stumbled upon Josh Roberts in a dark, high-end bar in midtown Manhattan. The young man was cocky, young, beautiful and offered James exactly what he was looking for—the chance to be with a man who knew the ropes and offered no opportunity to get attached. James had a lucrative business to run and meetings all over the world to attend. Having someone by his side would just weigh him down—or so he thinks, until he finds himself caring deeply for the man he pays for companionship, and it completely changes his world.

Two men are trying to play make believe—until they realize their sham might be closer to reality than they thought.


The bar wasn’t too busy for a Friday night. Soulful jazz filled the air of the midtown Manhattan hot spot that attracted wealthy businessmen and young, single, gold-digging women. Not many people came here unless they were looking to settle a big business deal or celebrate one—or, of course, if they were looking for one of those drunk, happy, successful men to take them home.

Which was why Josh Roberts was here tonight. He didn’t necessarily belong there. He wasn’t on Wall Street, wasn’t a millionaire, wasn’t a CEO or even someone who worked for a CEO. No, he was a college graduate with an art degree…and a booming business as an escort.

He hadn’t always been an escort. It was a fairly new profession he’d taken up by accident. It was a strange story to tell someone he didn’t know, and honestly, the industry was so hush hush that not many asked. But he didn’t mind getting paid for taking people out and sleeping with them. It had been odd at first, but it paid the bills—and beyond—and he was good at it now. He had a pretty full calendar, already booked a month out with regulars who took very good care of him financially. At twenty-four years old, he was well on his way to paying off his school loans and saving for the art gallery he hoped to open one day. And he was able to help pay his mother’s mortgage on the Brooklyn townhouse he’d grown up in. That alone made it worth it.

His mother didn’t know what he did—of course she didn’t. She couldn’t. He wouldn’t allow her to refuse his money. He didn’t live at home anymore, but she was his only family. He couldn’t risk losing or disappointing her. She was beyond supportive and would give him the benefit of any doubt…unless she knew he was being paid for sex. She wouldn’t be able to understand that. And honestly…sometimes he wasn’t sure he did. But it was satisfying his bank account, keeping food on the table, a roof over his head and more—so he kept it up. His art couldn’t pay him the way this could.

As he leaned against the end of the long mahogany bar, he surveyed the men in attendance, sipping his Old Fashioned. He wasn’t too much of a drinker and he needed to keep his wits about him when he was working—especially in a place like this. Class meant everything.

There weren’t many options this particular evening. Josh had a way of seeking out the ones who might be susceptible to his services. He worked with a lot of referrals, but tonight he’d been open and available, so he’d decided to head out and offer his services to someone in need of a good time. So far, that hadn’t been playing out too well for him. Most of the men were older, wearing rings or a little too drunk for Josh’s liking.

His gaze settled on a handsome guy in the middle of the bar who was sitting with a pretty blonde woman to his right. When Josh had first watched them, the man had been engaged as the woman had approached. He’d offered her a smile and invited her to join him.

That had been about an hour ago, however, and now the man looked somewhat tortured. He’d downed three Scotches in that time frame and was asking the bartender for another. A man in a suit stood a few feet behind him, but Josh suspected he was security of some sort, as that man had an earpiece and hadn’t had a drink all night. It made Josh curious as he watched, wondering who the guy was and why he’d need security in a bar like this. And if the man standing behind him was security, how come he wasn’t saving him from the ditz currently droning on and on about some nail polish line?

Josh finished his drink and was about to pay his tab and try his luck elsewhere when the blonde excused herself. He couldn’t hear if she would be gone for a minute or for the night, but he watched the guy’s shoulders sag slightly in what looked like relief as soon as she was a few feet away. Josh had a moment to make up his mind. Give it a shot or head out…?

The man was beautiful, about six feet tall with thick, dark hair that matched his beard. Even in the dim light, Josh could tell his temples were graying. It was a good look on the guy…fitting. Josh could see laugh lines around his eyes, no ring, a royal blue suit with a white shirt underneath and no tie. He was well dressed but not stuffy.

Josh glanced down at his own chocolate-brown three-piece suit. Being so young, he had to overcompensate to fit in. But for the man across the bar, the unbuttoned collar of his white shirt and the playful mid-range blue of his suit gave off the opposite feel, and it worked well for him. Is he into men? Josh couldn’t tell from where he stood. But he was visibly bored of his female companion, so Josh took a chance and headed his way.

“That looked brutal,” he remarked as he stood a barstool’s distance away from the man. The guy peered up at Josh with a raised eyebrow, taking Josh by surprise.

“Was I fakin’ it poorly?” The attractive man—even more attractive up close than he had been from across the bar—winced with a half-smile. Josh glanced up at the woman over his head, watching her gait slow as she returned from the direction of the restroom and saw Josh standing in her place.

“Well, she’s coming back, if that helps you feel any better about your acting skills.” His new companion cursed under his breath and took a long swig from the rocks’ glass.

“Maybe she’ll think we’re talkin’ business and find someone else to talk to?” He looked up at Josh, questioning, and he raked his gaze subtly over Josh’s suit. He wasn’t sizing Josh up. He was actually looking him over. Josh felt a little proud as he pretended not to notice. “Need a drink?”

“Sure.” Josh took the invitation coolly to avoid seeming eager and settled into the seat the woman had occupied before him. Her expression was clearly one of annoyance, but he watched her turn to find another rich man to fawn over. Phew. “Old Fashioned. Rocks. Thanks.”

The man nodded and quickly grabbed the bartender’s attention. Drink ordered, he turned back to Josh, seemingly still curious. “Nice suit.”

“Thank you.” Josh couldn’t stop the flush that heated his cheeks. Compliments always did him in, especially when the man was looking at him with those haunting steel eyes in a way that Josh hardly ever noticed his own clients looking at him.

“I appreciate you saving me,” he began, settling his gaze on Josh’s face. Josh held his look with the smallest of smiles. “Not many men would do that. They’d probably just enjoy watching me be miserable.” He huffed a laugh, and raised one side of his lips in a true half smile. “It’s not that she was a terrible gal or anything. She just…isn’t my type.” The way he said it gave Josh everything he needed to know to push on with his own agenda.

“I couldn’t bear to watch you sit through another monologue about wearing blue nail polish in the fall.” Josh mimicked her slightly, and he was pleased when the attractive man chuckled. He sipped his beverage, thoughtful. “Don’t like small blondes?” Josh then asked, licking his lips and savoring the taste of his new drink. He said it a little teasingly but was surprised when the guy just looked toward him and eyed him up and down slowly.

“I think I prefer them…bigger.” He didn’t sound so sure as he responded, and Josh had to wonder what that meant. Josh was, of course, blond, but he couldn’t be referring to him… Could he?

“You think?” Josh pressed, tilting his head as he regarded the man.

“Well, they’re usually her size, but I’m thinking of trying something new these days…”

Oh. Well, that was an interesting development. Josh hadn’t expected this to go so well.

The guy toyed with his rocks’ glass, spinning it in his fingers before turning completely to look at Josh, his body now sideways. Josh leaned against the bar, facing the man the same way. “Josh Roberts.” He extended his hand with a slight smile, roaming his eyes around the man’s gorgeous face.

The guy took Josh’s hand in a firm shake with zero hesitation. “James Barnwell… A pleasure to meet you, Josh.” He gave Josh a half smile of his own, and Josh couldn’t get past how beautiful the man was—one of his more handsome endeavors, for sure.

“So you’re looking to try something new?” Josh decided not to beat around the bush now. He’d go right in for the kill. James nodded with a lick to his sinful bottom lip. Josh wouldn’t mind kissing it. He definitely wouldn’t mind.

“I’ve uh… I don’t have any experience, but it’s been on my mind for a while.” James seemed slightly nervous now, but Josh wanted to reassure him there was no need. He gave Josh a look that was almost adorably unsure. Josh couldn’t help his own confident grin.

“Well, as it happens, I’m very well versed in such activities.” He nibbled on his bottom lip, tilting his chin down and looking up at Barnwell through his lashes. He wanted this sale, wanted to show this man a good time—especially now, knowing he’d never been with another man before. It became a challenge that spoke to Josh’s competitive soul.

James’ eyes widened a fraction and he seemed to consider the statement. Then he laughed, throwing Josh off a little. “You must think I’m some fuckin’… I’ve gotta be at least ten years older than you, and I’ve never experimented like that. I mean I have…with my—you know—but I’ve never actually been with a man. You’ve gotta be getting a kick out of this.”

Josh didn’t know which part he should be getting a kick out of—the fact he’d never been with a man, the age difference or the fact that James was insinuating that he’d played with himself. Josh was eating it all up, if he were to be honest. He’d never taken a man’s virginity, but he was up for the adventure and knew he was a safe bet as the man’s first. He knew just how to do it right and gentle, make it worth James’ time. “Well, if you think I’m judging you, you’re wrong. I’m in the wrong business to judge anyone.” Josh kept his voice low so he didn’t make a spectacle of their conversation. “It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you’ve done or not done. If you want an experience, you wanna try a taste, I can give you one. I’m happy to do it.”

Josh wasn’t one to play games. He was straightforward and as honest as they came. He pulled one of his sleek matte cards from his pocket and slipped it across the bar to James, who picked it up and looked it over, a look of surprise and a flush covering his high cheekbones as he seemed to read the word printed under Josh’s name on the card—Escort.

James cleared his throat, biting his bottom lip as he set the card back down. Josh noticed that he kept it close and he took that as a good sign. “And here I thought you were just picking me up.” James laughed a little and Josh liked the sound.

“In a way I was. You’re a handsome man. I couldn’t tell from afar whether you’d be interested in men or not, but I took my chance anyway.” Josh offered him a gentle grin.

“Do I look like I need to pay someone for sex?” James cocked his head to the side and regarded Josh through squinted, guarded eyes. He might have even been slightly offended. Josh held his ground, undeterred.

“You look like you wanna sleep with a man—but you haven’t yet and don’t know how. I’m sure you have women dying to sit on your cock. But that’s not what I’m here for.”

“And if I wanna sit on your cock, is that what you’re here for?” Hearing the word fall from James’ lips made Josh want to squirm a little. He definitely wanted that. It was always a bonus when he was physically attracted to his clients and that they had chemistry. It was often not the case.

“You can sit on anything you want, Mr. Barnwell. That is, in fact, what I’m here for.”

James grew silent at that, dropping his gaze to his glass. Apprehension bloomed in Josh’s chest, but he sipped his drink and watched the man mentally battle over whatever waged inside his mind. He took the moment to let his eyes roam the broad shoulders, the peek of chest hair, the gray on his temples. This man had to look exquisite naked, judging by the way that suit jacket pulled in all the right places.

James lifted his gaze back to Josh’s, and Josh could feel the heat and question that lingered in those blue-grays. “I’m not familiar with…your business. What’s it you want? How much do you get paid? Do you do weekends in exchange for money, gifts?”

Josh couldn’t help but chuckle…amused. “I mean, I don’t have an ad saying ‘sugar daddy wanted’ on my back, but if you’re offering…” Confusion then amusement dawned on James’ features. “Money is how I’m usually paid. I can be booked for any length of time. I can be a date to an event, a party or a companion on a trip. It’s really whatever the client wants. Whatever they want.” He stressed the word because he catered to any and all whims. He had a few hard limits but had experienced a lot. And at this point, he’d say yes to anything with James out of pure curiosity.

“Whatever they want? Give me an example, please.” He spoke quietly as he asked, as if unsure if he should. Josh was an open book. He never gave names, but he’d absolutely give examples.

“Sure. Most women want to be dominated in some way, but most men want to dominate me. I’ve gone to Hawaii on a business trip with a woman who only needed me to pretend I was her fiancé. I’ve been collared and expected to crawl on my knees like a dog. I had a woman who would pay me for one weekend a month of as much sex as she could handle. I have another woman who just wants me to sit in my briefs and rub her feet. I’ve had a few men who prefer roleplay, and I’m decent at it.” He shrugged lightly. “The ‘usual’ is I show up to the client’s place and we have sex, I fulfill whatever their fantasy or need is and I’m out of the door afterward. But like I said, it’s the dealer’s choice. Whatever the client feels like, needs or wants from me, I give. I haven’t had a single complaint.” Josh felt more than confident in his track record and his services. Sure, when he’d started, he’d had some catching up to do, had to learn his ways around certain kinks and scenes, but now he had zero issues. He felt at ease behind closed doors.

James was intrigued, if nothing else. It was written all over his suddenly expressive face. “So…kinks? Toys? Trips? Everything is on the table?”

Josh nodded. “I draw the line at violence, degrading play and extreme, potentially harmful things. Marks are fine, spanking is fine, but you can’t hit me—and I won’t hit you. You can call me names, but you can’t shove my face in a carpet or make me lick your shoes. Luckily, no one I’ve been with has tried to punch me or worse.” Josh smiled ruefully. James looked a little disturbed by that.

“Well, at least you’re taking care of yourself,” he replied with a concern that surprised Josh.

“I get tested monthly. I’m careful. It’s my job to deliver a safe and fun experience.” He wanted to make sure James knew all the details and his intentions. This business relationship had to be based on trust.

“What do you cost? Is it by the service or…?”

Josh pulled out his phone, opening the app he used to take payment. He set it down on the bar for James to see. He had no secrets. “I don’t do it by the service. I do by the hour. You can have whatever you want in the time frame you pay me for—and there’s fifty percent off your first experience, no matter the length. If a person comes back, which I can usually guarantee they will, it’s full price after that.”

James whistled low at what he saw on the screen. “You certainly are looking for that sugar daddy, aren’t ya, pal?”

Josh blushed at the term but laughed too. “I think it’s a fair trade. Good money for great sex.” He shrugged. James eyed him.

“You think you’re that good, huh?”

Josh simply smiled, nodding once. “Yes, sir. I’m that good.”

James glanced back at the security guard a few feet away then to the bartender. Josh, for a brief moment, wondered if he was about to be physically removed from James Barnwell’s presence. Then James was laying down crisp cash from his wallet on the bar and standing.

Josh followed his every move, his hopes deflating. He’d really enjoyed their banter. It had been a long time since he’d been shot down—and by someone like Mr. Barnwell…

“I’ve got a car out front. We’ll go back to my place. That’s how it works, right? My call? My place?” Josh stood before James could finish his questions.

“Absolutely, sir. Your call. Everything is your call.”

“Good. We’ll go back to my place, I’ll pour us a drink then I want you to take over. Understood?”

Josh was surprised by the expectation, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. In fact, he looked forward to blowing this man’s mind…and hopefully more. “Yes, sir.”

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About the Author

Evelyn Mahony

Evelyn has been writing since middle school, constantly getting lost in creating a whole other world (usually loosely based on a fandom of some kind) and falling in love with those characters. An avid reader, she never leaves home without a well-worn book and a notepad for thoughts. She writes almost entirely on her phone, because it’s small and easy to pull out at a moment’s notice, when the idea for a scene hits. As the wife of a busy husband and as the mother of a young daughter, two big dogs, and a horse, there’s not always designated writing time. Writing is her passion and whenever she finds a window of free time, that’s what she’s doing! 

 Check out Evelyn's website and follow her on Instagram.


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Release Blitz + Giveaway: Out for the Holidays/Out for Gold (Out in College #9) by Lane Hayes

Author Lane Hayes and IndiGo Marketing host today's release blitz, Out for the Holidays/Out for Gold (Out in College #9)! Read more about the sports romance stories and enter in the giveaway!

Title: Out for the Holidays/Out for Gold

Series: Out in College, Book 9

Author: Lane Hayes

Publisher: Lane Hayes

Release Date: July 26

Heat Level: 4 - Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 30k

Genre: Romance, Contemporary MM Romance, Sports Romance, Bisexual, College Romance

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Out for the Holidays

A Dream Come True…


This is it! I’m finally opening my own bistro. I’ve spent the last two years getting ready for this moment. I can’t decide if the holidays are the perfect time to begin a new venture, but I’m excited. It would be nice if my family were on board too.


I play water polo. I don’t know anything about the restaurant business, but I want to make sure Derek’s grand opening goes according to plan. I’ll rally our friends, send out invites, and yeah…I’ll even deal with his mother. He’s my number one person and I’ll do whatever it takes to be sure we’re out for the holidays.

Out for the Holidays is a low-angst MM romance featuring Derek and Gabe from Out in the Deep…and a host of friends from the Out in College books!

Out for Gold

Chance of a Lifetime…


Winning a spot on the Olympic water polo team is my lifelong goal and guess what?...I made it! Of course, nothing goes smoothly. This is a bad time for a shoulder injury and an even worse time for my dad to show up out of the blue. I might be doomed.


Family isn’t easy. Trust me, I know. But in my experience, ignoring obvious issues only makes them more challenging in the long run. I can’t solve Gabe’s problems with his dad, but I’ll help if I can. Win or lose, my man is going out for gold.

Out of Gold is a low-angst MM romance featuring Derek and Gabe from Out in the Deep in a full-circle quest for the ultimate prize…love.

*OUT FOR THE HOLIDAYS was originally featured in the holiday collection, Gifts for the Season. Since the anthology is no longer available, I wanted to publish it on my own and add new content. OUT FOR GOLD is a brand-new novella that really brings the whole story full-circle, featuring Gabe and Derek from Out in the Deep.


The early July air was balmy with just a hint of chill. We changed into sweats and rode two blocks to the deserted beach. We spread a blanket and sat facing the ocean with our bare feet in the cool sand. Stars glittered above us and a crescent moon did its best to cast some light, but the darkness was kind of therapeutic. And there was something poetic about the roar of the Pacific and the silent beach. I could almost imagine Mother Nature had been waiting for us.

“This is nice. We haven’t done this in a while,” I commented, crossing my arm over his as I leaned back to watch the waves breaking in the distance.

“We’ve been busy.”

“It’ll get better, Der.”

“I know…”

“But?” I prodded when he didn’t continue.

“You need to talk to your dad, Gabe.”

“I talk to him all the fucking time lately.”

“You let him talk at you. You need to tell him how you feel.”

I groaned. “That’s the last thing I need.”

“It’s exactly what you need. You’ve given him rent-free room in your head. No…you’ve cleaned out space and invited him to take a little more from you. I get it. He’s got a strong personality, and he’s your father. You’re confused, but excited too, and you’re grateful, but you’re also still pretty damn angry with him. And not dealing with those feelings is wearing on you.”

What could I say? It was true.

“Yeah. It is.”

“Sharing your experience is one thing, but giving it away is another. You don’t owe that to him or your mom or me or anyone. <em>You </em>worked your ass off for this chance. <em>You</em> did it, babe. It was all you,” he whispered fiercely.

I didn’t expect the prick of tears behind my eyes. I blinked wildly and squinted at the horizon.

“He’s not easy, Der. He’s not a villain, he’s not my enemy. I’ve talked to countless therapists and I’ve conquered the worst of my anger, but I wasn’t prepared for this. I need to read the handbook about what to do when the guy who abandons you as a kid returns with a vengeance when you’re twenty-fucking-six,” I huffed derisively. “The thing is…he isn’t going to change. He won’t suddenly turn into Dad of the Year. And if he does, it’ll be for half brothers I barely know. How is that fair?”

Derek leaned into my side. “No one said it was fair, Gabe. But he can’t fix what he doesn’t understand. And maybe he’ll never get there. That doesn’t mean you should lose sleep over old pain or worries. Let that shit go. For your sake. For your sanity.”

I gave a humorless half laugh and nodded. “You’re right.”

“I’m pretty smart,” he boasted playfully. “And I have some experience with pushy parents.”

“Your mom is nothing like him. She loves you so much she can’t see straight sometimes. And my mom is like that too…to a less obsessive degree.” I teased.


We chuckled, then let the silence fall like a gossamer blanket. I didn’t want to break it, but now that the cork was off my emotional bottle, I couldn’t help voicing one of my greatest fears.

“I don’t want to be like him, Der. If we ever have kids, I just…please let me know if I—”

“Stop.” Derek shook his head vehemently as he shifted to face me. “You are not your dad. You’re not going to turn into him the day you become a father. You know that. Someday, we will have kids, and they’re going to be really damn lucky to have two dads who love them unconditionally. You’ll probably be the fun dad who lets them get away with everything, and I’ll be the uptight one who keeps track of bedtimes and homework assignments.”

I caressed his jaw lovingly and bit his bottom lip. “Is it crazy that I’m not even a little freaked out that we so casually talk about having kids? Like it’s a foregone conclusion.”

He kissed me and rested his forehead against mine. “It is. You’re going to the Olympics, and then one of us will propose. We’ll close escrow on our house, get married, and talk about starting a family. Sound good?”

My heart was practically bursting at the seams, but I played it cool. “Yep. Sounds perfect. How many kids do you want?”

“Two. At least.”

“Same. And how will we know who should do the proposing?”

Derek smiled. “We’ll know.”

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Meet the Author

Lane Hayes loves a good romance! An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions, and were winners in the 2016, 2017, and 2018-2019 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in a not quite empty nest.

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Blog Tour + Giveaway: To Poison a Prince (A Tale of Two Princes #2) by Aldrea Alien

To Poison a Prince (A Tale of Two Princes #2) blog tour visits BMBR today! Learn more from author Aldrea Alien and Gay Book Promotions! Plus, check out the To Target the Heart ebook giveaway! (3 winners)


Book Title: To Poison a Prince

Author: Aldrea Alien

Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Leonardo Borazio

Release Date: July 31, 2021

Genre: M/M Fantasy Romance

Trope/s: Hurt/Comfort, Man in Peril, Cultural Differences, Dysfunctional Family, Mystery Murderer, Opposites Attract

Themes: Royalty, Wedding, Revenge 

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 269 231 words

It is book 2 in the A Tale of Two Princes series  

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Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

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Someone is out to murder his husband and he might just be the reason they succeed.


Imperial Crown Prince Darshan knew his journey home wasn’t going to be the modest one he hoped for, especially not after eloping with Hamish, a former prince—and now exile—of Tirglas.

When he thwarts a clumsy attempt on his husband’s life during a soirée hosted by his long-standing rival and half-sister, he figures the worst is behind them.

Yet, the threat of death continues to shadow them across the empire. Someone is intent on making the rumours of his husband’s demise a reality, someone who can erase the memory of their very presence from people’s minds.

Darshan must discover who is behind the attempts before they succeed. But who can he trust when the culprit is capable of slipping by the most vigilant of guards?


“Your highness,” Katarina said in a clear address to himself. “I hear you’ve travelled through imperial lands for some months. What is your current outlook on it?” Although she spoke Udynean, the musical hint of her own language whispered through. A much softer melody than the last hedgewitch Hamish had met.

He swallowed the wine and considered the past eight weeks of travel from the distant port of Haalabof to here, of the seemingly endless roads winding along the lands and the villages small enough to barely warrant a mention on a map. “It has certainly been an experience.” He’d been propositioned at least seven times along the way. Maybe even more that had been too subtle for him to notice.

The hedgewitch’s eyes almost sparkled. “You simply must give me details, your highness. It’s so rare to have an outside opinion on Udynea.”

Hamish opened his mouth, his agreement balancing on his tongue, only to remain silent as Darshan laid a bejewelled hand atop his.

“I’m sure my husband is most eager to oblige the request, Madam Hedgewitch, but perhaps another time would be more suited?”

Her lashes fluttering, Katarina lowered her head. “Of course, vris Mhanek.” She picked at the rest of her meal, perhaps looking for a reason to remain silent as she vibrated with an energy that reminded Hamish of his nephews when they sorely wanted to natter people’s ears off.

A pang of longing turned his stomach. A yearning to embrace his sisters, to hear his nephews scheming and his niece’s laughter. He would even take his brother’s good-natured ribbing just for a chance to hear his voice.

Hamish swallowed, blinking furiously to stem the tears threatening to spill. He hadn’t expected to feel homesick, but he’d never been beyond Tirglas before, hadn’t even been more than a week’s travel from Mullhind Castle for years. Now it was months away and there was more land to cover before they reached their destination.

A whole continent between him and his family; people he would never get to see again thanks to his mother’s poisonous ire.

“Do eat up, brother dear,” Onella purred, jolting Hamish from his thoughts. His sister-in-law gestured to the plate before Darshan, the rings adorning her fingers glittering in the candlelight. She had changed gowns, or at least the filmy topmost layer, and her arm showed no sign of Darshan’s attack. “All that dancing must’ve worked up quite the appetite. I can’t imagine the poxy inns you’ve stopped at during your travels had meals sufficient for a man of your power. You must be ravenous.”

Darshan smiled. Hamish wasn’t sure how his husband managed to seemingly detach the expression from his face, but the sight prickled his skin. “I think I’ll pass, dear half-sister.”

“But isn’t quail your favourite?” Onella pressed. “Did all those stodgy meals up north affect your palate?” She leant closer to one of the men flanking her and continued on in a loud whisper. “I hear they do ghastly things like stuff sheep stomachs and eat them.”

“They do indeed,” Katarina piped up as grumbles of distaste trembled along the table. “And the stomachs of cows and pigs.”

“There’s little from an animal we dinnae eat or use,” Hamish added, ferocious pride for his homeland’s self-sufficiency puffing his chest. “And what’s left goes to feed our dogs and pigs. We dinnae let a thing go to waste.”

“Clearly, trade relations with a superior people isn’t listed as one of those things.” Onella sipped at her wine, her gaze boring into him. “But I suppose you’re not privy to such matters, being dead and all.”

A woman part way down the table flung her head back and guffawed.

“He seems very lively for a dead man,” pointed out the woman sitting next to her as her neighbour continued to wheeze.

“Clearly not in the literal sense,” Onella said, her gaze remaining firmly on Hamish. “But it would seem that the news of how the current queen of Tirglas disowned her younger son hasn’t reached all present company.”

Darshan straightened in his chair. “Has it not?” He took up his glass and tapped his forefinger against it, waiting whilst a servant topped up the wine. “What is the rumour mill coming to if it cannot keep up with such trivial concerns?”

About the Author 

Aldrea Alien is an award-winning, bisexual author of fantasy romance with varying heat levels. Born and raised in New Zealand, she lives on a small farm with her family, including a menagerie of animals, who are all convinced they're just as human as the next person. Especially the cats. Since discovering a love of writing at the age of twelve, she hasn't found an ounce of peace from the characters plaguing her mind with all of them clamouring for her to tell their story first.

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Review: Dirty Daddies: Pride Anthology by Various Authors

Dirty Daddies presents PRIDE

Love is Love and romance comes in all shapes, sizes, and pairings. So do Daddies.

Eleven authors. Eleven brand new stories. Eleven Dominants that prove being a Daddy is about more than just your gender identity or who you desire. They have the attitude, the need to protect and provide, and a certain someone they can't wait to make their own.

With stories from some of the top authors in the genre and pairings of MM, FF and MMF, Dirty Daddies Pride is sure to put a smile on your face, a spring in your step, and rainbow-colored-stars in your eyes!

Anthology includes the following stories:

Dirty Hand (MM) by Nora Phoenix
Sculptures and Snuggles (MM) by Della Cain
Butcher’s Babygirl (trans FF) by Siobhan Smile
Van: Dr. Richards' Littles® #32 (MMF) by Pepper North
Dirty Deed (MM) by Gianni Holmes
Daddy, At Your Service (FF) by Eden Bradley
A Leap of Faith (MM) by M.A. Innes
Daddy’s Rent Boy (MM) by Chara Croft
Slippery When Wet (MM) by Morticia Knight
Daddy Abroad (MM) by P.D. Carter
Secrets and Princess Dresses (MMF) by Jamie Merrick


Well wasn't that just a lot of fun. Some goodies and some that were take it or leave it, but overall highly recommended for peoples into any kind of Daddy kink. Oh if I haven't labelled the pairings in the individual reviews that means it's MM.

A Leap of Faith - M.A Innes - 4.5 hearts

"I want to be your Dom and your Daddy and your everything"

Bailey and Harper have been exclusively "scening" together at the local BDSM club, just normal sub/Dom dynamic, you know some flogging here and there, no funny business. Nothing even coming close to a relationship despite their obvious connection. When one day Bailey admits to being a Little at times, a "grown-up" at others and sometimes still a good old regular sub.

I really dug this set up. It so unique and yet feels a bit more realistic to how a relationship of this nature might look in real life.

I loved Harper and Bailey. They were sweet, had some great relationship development and were sexy as hell.

“I was planning on romancing my boyfriend tonight and maybe playing with my sexy sub, but I think it’s my needy slut that wants to come out to play.”

Some of MA Innes books can be a bit repetitive if read one after the other but I loved this one, more unique with some great characters.

Daddy's Rent Boy - Chara Croft - 3 hearts

Trigger warning: brief mention (no description) of child predators and an abusive past relationship featuring non-con sex.

This whole story takes place in the space of 9 hours? or close to it. One night. So that alone should prepare you for some suspension of disbelief. Be prepared for the insta-love/lust story of a lifetime. This is one big fuck-fest… actually no it's not quite one big fuck-fest and in fact if it had been I think I would've enjoyed it more.

Damien's brother hires him a rent boy without his knowledge. He's a 40 year old man recently out of a loveless marriage and has never fully admitted to anyone that he's gay, but for some reason his brother knew this and hired him a hooker….. soooo, gorgeous and scared boy Jack turns up and after a bit of toing and froing they have long long dirty sex where Damien is Daddy and Jack is owned oh so thoroughly. Sounds great right? Well it was rather fantastic except……

Jack has got a pretty horrific past (hence the trigger warnings), he's scared and alone and been living on the streets and just got out of a 3 year long abusive "relationship", I say that loosely because it was described more as an "arrangement" where he "didn't fight" in exchange for somewhere to live (like an evil Daddy). There is no in-depth detail into his abuse, it's just mentioned here and there, but the fact that it was mentioned at all made everything that happened with Damien feel so uncomfortable. I just keep thinking, "no Jack, don't say you want him to keep you, you've been trained to think that's what you need in life!". Everything about a quick insta-love relationship with a controlling Daddy when he'd been through that much shit, just sours the whole thing and makes it all feel very traumatic.

This story would have been great without the abuse present. Jack could have just been a rent boy on his first job and it would have still worked without all the yuckiness that came with it.

Sexy as fuck sex and a fun premise to the story... shame it was sullied by Jack's completely unnecessary traumatic history.

Daddy, At Your Service - Eden Bradley (FF) - 2.5 hearts

I liked how this began and I liked how Cami and Grey's relationship started. I really liked Grey and her mix of masculinity, beauty, gentleness and dominating presence, I liked the contrast to delicate feminine Cami. I thought all their sex scenes and spankings were really hot and I enjoyed them all. And I really really wish I could end it there, but there is a but….

There was so much talk about the secrets they needed to reveal to each other and how they couldn't commit to a full Daddy relationship until these secrets were revealed. Knowing it's a short story, everytime the conversation came up about "revealing the secret", I thought, 'oh good they'll talk and then we can move into the kink'. But no, they revealed parts of a secret and waited until the next conversation to reveal another part….

About 75% of the way through I was starting to doubt seeing any kinky scenes because the big reveal still hadn't happened and then… and then the most annoying thing happened which had me rolling my eyes and remembering why I don't read stories with women in them. Grey was great (go figure being the more masculine female, therefore not "emotional"), Cami was not, seriously.

I actually skimmed the drama because seriously, not interested and skipped to the end to finally see their Daddy relationship come to fruition and….. it was an very hot sex scene with some Daddy naming. I was disappointed, I'm not going to lie, but I do think that's just me.

Here is the take home message. This book is about a vanilla relationship (despite the constant talk of kink) that features a partner who is more put together and in charge than the other, likes being called Daddy at times and enjoys giving a good spanking. There's silly drama that feels unique to female characters that makes you roll your eyes.

Sculptures and Snuggles - Della Cain - 4 hearts

Fluff and kink, oh the dirty dirty kinky kinky.

This is an age-play book with a Little and Daddy, however there are only a couple of scenes where Preston acts as a Little, so it's not too full-on for those people not sure about it. However…. They do explore a certain kink that I have only read about in one other book and it might make people a little uncomfortable. I, of course, was all over the kink.

Really though, this was allll fluff, not an ounce of angst, drama or even negative feelings anywhere. I enjoyed it for what it was but glad it wasn't much longer.

Dirty Deed - Gianni Holmes - 4.5 hearts

I think this one is my favourite! We have a spoiled rich boy and his father's business partner! Plus a 24 year age gap!

There was a great story arc of their tentative understanding, fighting sexual tension, Daddy showing his boy how to behave and then their happily ever after. Throw in a cheesy villain, lacey underwear and a protective Daddy and you have yourself a winner.

What I liked the most though was Noah, he was a great mix of spoiled rich kid and a good heart. Sometimes I find these characters are either really annoying because they're so selfish or it doesn't make sense that they're portrayed as so selfish because they're actually these amazing humanitarians. Noah wasn't either and I liked that. His banter with Sawyer was very fun to read, I really liked how their relationship was a mix of strict Daddy and fun teasing.

A bit more closure on the little drama side story would have been nice though. Oh and also:

 ****SPOILER: fastest fisting scene ever written, seriously you do not write that type of scene in two paragraphs .

Butchers Babygirl - Siobhan Smile (FF) - 4 hearts

Trigger warning: main character past history of rape, drug and alcohol addiction.

Well wasn't that just the sweetest book ever! Yes that sentence might sound a bit weird after putting up my trigger warnings, but this really was such a beautiful story. I kept waiting for the shoe to drop, for something terrible to happen and it never did. Butcher and Toni are just adorable!

There were a lot of places this book could have gone with the themes it explored, dysmorphia for transgender people, PTSD, hate crimes, rape, addiction and the struggle with soberity, working in life threatening jobs, but everything was kept focused on the two characters and their love. These themes were there to shape the characters we saw in the story, to give meaning to their actions and provide a deeper picture of these two women. The story is set in a time when they have grown and changed and work with their history, rather than letting it control them.

Butcher and Toni were made for each other but didn't act on their romantic feelings for sixteen years. They accepted and loved each other above anyone else their whole lives and were best friends. This story was real Daddy kink, one partner caring, protecting and providing for the other above all else. Unconditional love. It really was very sweet.

Slippery When Wet - Morticia Knight - 4.5 hearts

Very very much enjoyed this one. Calvin is literally a perfect Daddy for Ellery who is just finding his place in the world of age-play. I liked how the story showed Ellery's struggles with staying in 'little space', not overthinking things when he was meant to be in the moment. I haven't read that in many books with people new to kink and while I may have appreciated how that aspect was more realistic I can assure you nothing in this story is more than an absolute fantasy. And I loved it!

Sometimes it's nice to read about the rich perfect Daddy coming in to save the poor sweet boy and everyone falling in love within a week. The only thing I didn't enjoy was that it ended just as they were getting to the good stuff.

Daddy Abroad - P.D Carter - not rated

Oh no oh no oh no, the dreaded time jumps. I can easily handle 2 different time periods intertwining throughout the story, but this was not that! This started with '2 years later' then '2 years earlier' then 'present day', this alone had me going back to check the time period again because what made this even more confusing was alternating POV, so there was no way to really track a single person's journey. Anyway after 'present day', we skipped to 'yesterday', then referenced meeting each other ten months earlier so obviously we skipped to '3 months into quarantine', which I think was the 10 months earlier? Confused yet? Cos I sure was.

Unfortunately this sort of lost my interest, which is a shame because Michael seemed funny and like I could like him if I gave him a chance, but the time jumps had done their damage and I didn't feel like continuing.

I made it to 50% of the way through before wanting to skim, so I'll call it there and not rate it as I chose not to continue. I did skim ahead and it looks like the rest of the story was set in the time period where they met, with the epilogue jumping to "present day". Why not just write everything in chronological order and all the 'present day' stuff as the epilogue?

Van: Dr Richard's Little's 32 - Pepper North (MMF) - 3 hearts

That was ridiculous, not in a bad way but in a corny, fantastical, completely silly way.

I have never read a relationship that started as quickly as this one. Within one page of meeting they're all holding hands, touching butts and talking about bedtime stories and then one page after that…“Damn, Little boy. How have we existed without you ?”

I wouldn't read this for any kind of deep feelings or character/relationship development. There were some pretty fun kinky scenes with a 'medical' examination and they really went all in with the age-play which on their own were fun.

This was my first threesome story with a Little, Mommy and Daddy and I liked the concept so it gets extra points for that, although it didn't go into the relationship dynamics as I would have hoped.

Secrets and Princess Dresses - Jamie Merrick - MMF - 3 hearts

Hm, this is a tricky one. On the one hand this was sweet and incredibly sexy, I loved Jesse and Dalton and the snippets we saw of them being Daddies, however they were only snippets and I wanted to see so much more.

Hannah wasn't a very fledged out character, although I guess she might have been previously…. And by that I mean this was clearly a sequel to another story featuring these three and their history. And that… that is just frustrating. Yes it was good that I could follow along just fine, but everything was based around what they were like 'before' and how much they've grown 'since then' and how they've waited and waited to be together because of situations that happened 4 years ago. It didn't inspire me to go back and read their prequel because I saw their HEA (albeit rushed? But I guess not because this relationship started long before this book started), in the end it just took me out of the story.

This could have been a pretty damn sexy short about two daddies and their Little girl exploring a new kink, if not for the unread and very significant history. I would have enjoyed it much more.

Dirty Hand - Nora Phoenix - 4.5 hearts

So delicious. So so delicious. This one was gooood. Both Jack and George are unapologetic sexaholics who love a power dynamic and enjoy things to get very dirty and very rough, however they haven't been able to find someone that fits that criteria and is good for more than a one night stand.

Jack is a gentle giant.

"Oh, he had no trouble finding men to fuck, but he’d never encountered one who would let him fuck and fuss, who allowed him to show his rough and his gentle side."

And George didn't think anyone would want such a horny depraved boy, but these two are a match made in heaven.

"For the first time in his life, he was unafraid to be himself, to be as dirty and horny and slutty as he wanted to be because Jack had him. Daddy not only understood but also loved it."

The only problem with this book is that it was too short! I felt like we missed too many snippets of their relationship and finding their groove in the Daddy/Boy space.

Great way to finish this anthology with a bang!

A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

Release Blitz + Giveaway: Only You (Second Chance Omegas #1) by Willa Okati

Only You (Second Chance Omegas #1) is out from Changeling Press! Celebrate with author Willa Okati and IndiGo Marketing! Find out more about the A/B/O second chance romance and enter in the giveaway!

Title: Only You

Series: Second Chance Omegas #1

Author: Willa Okati

Publisher: Changeling Press LLC

Release Date: July 30, 2021

Heat Level: 4 - Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 100

Genre: Romance, paranormal, urban fantasy, sex/gender shifters & mpreg, second chances, action adventure

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Second Chance -- a small town where anything can happen -- and does.

Once upon a time, a eighteen year old Alpha named Alex fell in love with a pretty Omega boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Zachary was everything he’d ever wanted -- sweet, sassy, and sexy as hell. Alex would have married that boy and raised baby after baby with him -- if Zachary hadn’t run away when Alex popped the question.

Alex doesn’t give up easily. When a train derails on its way to Alex’s hometown, he’s finally got another shot at the one who got away, and he’s not going to waste it. Now he’s got Zachary in his sights, and he’s never letting go again.

It killed Zachary to let Alex go the first time. He loved that man as much as Alex loved him, and he’s never fallen out of love, but he left to give Alex his best chance at living his best life. Zachary can’t -- won’t -- be sorry for that, no matter what it cost him.

Stranded in Second Chance with nowhere else to go and no way to get there, Zachary’s got no choice but to accept the help and shelter Alex offers. The chemistry’s still there. The desire. The connection. The yearning. But when the secrets they’ve both been keeping come to light, will they shatter their bond for keeps, or bring them together in a forever kind of love?


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2021 Willa Okati

“Coffee, sir?”

“As much of it as you can fit in a cup. No cream but double the sugar. Please.”

The train attendant shook his head, but with a smile and a finger briefly pressed to his lips as he passed over not one but two Styrofoam cups filled to the brim. He was an Omega too, in his mid-thirties by the look of him, and he wore a black jet widower’s ring instead of a wedding band. Things weren’t much easier for the widowed than the unmated or separated. He understood.

Zach took a grateful gulp, not caring that the coffee was hot enough to scald his throat, and asked, “How far behind schedule are we?” Stretching his legs at the next station would do him good; they ached when he stayed still for too long.

“About half an hour, at this point."

Wishing wouldn’t make the wheels turn faster, but with nothing to look at outside in the dark, Zach adjusted his position so he could get a better view of the passengers in his car. Like most Omegas, he wasn’t very tall. Some new folks had gotten on and others disembarked while he’d dozed, and he liked wondering what their stories were. Two young Alphas who acted like frat bros; interesting, they weren’t the usual size for Alphas, but small and compact and they weren’t at each other’s throats but laughed and joked like best friends. A couple that had to be recently married from the way they could barely resist climbing all over each other; an Omega with a contented smile, probably on his way back home, and --


Oh, God.

Zach’s heart jumped into his throat and wedged stuck there even around the burn of his beverage. Three rows ahead, dark wheat-blond hair and a profile almost as familiar as his own turned to smile at the attendant as he refused their offer of coffee. It couldn’t be, it couldn’t be, he hadn’t seen that profile since he was eighteen, but -- He’d changed -- well, he’d grown up, the way everyone did, the bones of his face maturing from soft boyish cuteness to strong, masculine definition. A short beard, trimmed and shaped, that suited his strong, stubborn jaw. The kind of casual suit that would have cost the equivalent of a month’s rent in Manhattan. Elegant hands with sturdy knuckles and deft fingers, and a smile that lit up the train.

He did and didn’t look a thing like the boy Zach remembered but it was, it was, it was him.


Zach would have known him anywhere, even if he’d shaved his head and started scowling instead of smiling. If he closed his eyes, he could feel those hands on the bare skin of memory. After all, you never forgot your first.

“I love you. And I know you love me too.”

He should stop staring. Alex would sense it any second now, and he might look around, and --

His gaze drifted back up, drawn like a moth to a flame.

Alex. Oh, Alex.

Zach’s body twitched with the first pangs of arousal, wanting what he’d had once upon a time. He remembered it all, and he remembered it perfectly. He dreamed about it, when he slept. The taste of Alex’s skin, the softness and hardness of his mouth and how his eagerness had nearly rubbed the insides of Zach’s thighs raw. The fullness, almost too much and too tight, when he slid inside Zach.

“I love you. And I know you love me too.”

Anger slowly took alarm and unhappiness’s place – anger, and frustration with himself. Zach should have sensed this train was to be avoided. Dodged. Something! And Alex, sitting there as if he didn’t have a care in the world – it was everything Zach had wanted for him, the entire reason he’d left Alex in the first place, but seeing it in the flesh opened all those old wounds back up and made them bleed afresh. The pain from that moment of saying no to what Alex had offered with all his big, warm heart cut sharper than any knife – but he’d had to. You didn’t do that to your first boyfriend, did you? Take him up on a marriage proprosal and tie him down to a shitty life based on a few promises made in the afterglow?

He’d done the right thing by saying no, leaving, and giving Alex his freedom. Zach knew that. Was sure of it. Even if none of that had ever made him feel any better about it.

They must have been traveling farther and faster than Zach had realized, or he was more out of it than he’d known. Between one blink and the next the train’s PA system crackled to far-too-loud life again, announcing they’d reach their next station at Second Chance in ten minutes. Second Chance? What kind of name was that for a town?

Alex looked up at the speaker, nodded in an absent sort of way, and stood to open the overhead compartment. He took out a bulging messenger bag and slung it over his shoulder and stuffed a pair of thick gloves and a warm knit hat in the pockets of his coat. This would be his stop.

Zach caught his lip between his teeth, torn between – it was pure foolishness, the idea of going to him -- and sanity, staying right where he was.

Let it go.

Zach would have, really he would. But as Alex walked past him – always so eager to do things, that one; he would start heading for the exits before the train had even come to a halt -- he only made it two steps past Zach’s seat before he stopped. As Zach’s heart sank down past the pit of his stomach he saw Alex pause, then turn to look back.

He stopped, just like Zach had, blank with surprise. “Do I know you?”

Zach held his breath. Could he lie? Yes, but this new, matured Alex would have the life experience not to believe him, and he hadn’t changed nearly as much as Alex had. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

“I do know you. I know your face,” Alex said. His voice had matured with the rest of him as he aged, going from sweet to firm with a raspy vocal fry on the edges. “Zach?”


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Meet the Author

Willa Okati (AKA Will) is made of many things: imagination, coffee, stray cat hairs, daydreams, more coffee, kitchen experimentation, a passion for winter weather, a little more coffee, a whole lot of flowering plants and a lifelong love of storytelling. Will's definitely one of the quiet ones you have to watch out for, though he -- not she anymore -- is a lot less quiet these days.

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