Review: The Innocent Auction by Victoria Sue

London 1810.

Their love was a death sentence.

Deacon, Viscount Carlisle, was aware of the slums and gin-lanes of London. Just as he was aware of the underground traffic that furnished the brothels and bath houses with human innocents. He was also aware that the so-called justice system would hang the accused without much of an attempt at a defense, unless the unfortunate had deep pockets to pay for it.

He just hadn’t expected to be directly involved in any of it.

It started with a plea for help and ended with forbidden love, the love between a Viscount and a stable-boy. An impossible love and a guarantee of the hangman's noose.

Will Deacon fight for Tom? Will he risk the death sentence and take that fight from the stately halls of his English mansion to the horrors of Newgate Prison and the slums of London?

Or will he realize that if he doesn't, death will be a welcome end to the loneliness of the sentence he is already living?

"Their love was so forbidden that their very touch could wrap a hangman's noose around them. The very reason they had come to London should send a warning racing through his veins, but it wasn't fear that warmed his blood, it was desire that snaked such a salacious path."
If I have to describe "The Innocent Auction" by Victoria Sue in a few words: passionate, intense, forbidden and well plotted.

This is a story about forbidden love between a Earl and his stablehand that would have never happened if not for circumstances, or a fine writer's hand pulling the strings. The story begins with an innocent auction, a private sale of young "virginal" boys to molly houses. Caught your attention? Let's get the triggers out the way: attempted non-con, death (minor character), kidnapping. This tale mixes grit, some realism and snapshots of the persecution gays faced in the Regency era - imprisonment, pillory, hanging. Horrific.

Deacon is a rescuer. He is the heir to an earldom that is up to its ears in debt. But he will fight for what is right. He is kindhearted to his staff, he truly was a good man. A rarity in the gentry. Know what else he is? A closeted homosexual. He didn't acknowledge that part of himself until later in life, late twenties. It was a young man, eighteen year old Tom, whom he rescued from the innocent auction nearly five years ago, that gets him to finally realize something. The reason why he was perfunctory (if that) with hetero sexual relations, had to close his eyes to get hard...was because he was attracted to the same sex. And he is very attracted to supple, blonde Tom. For Tom, it was likewise.

The attraction happens very soon in the book, like before 20% kind of soon. When that usually happens in books, I get nervous. Can the author have enough talent to carry the story for a novel length? I had nothing to worry about. The Innocent Auction had twists, turns and action. And it's also not a PWP, it has plot for days. Some subplots got a little indulgent and angst happy (my biggest quibble is the last action/suspense subplot in the the final 10% before the epilogue - how could that happen so easily?) But the intensity of Deacon and Tom's attraction was the main plot pushing this story.
"How had it got to this? [...] That feeling that there was something missing. That everything you wanted in life was condemned as a sin. Who were other people to judge?"
The story alternated in POV, it waited a little long in the beginning to get to Tom's POV but it improved somewhere toward the middle, it's not a 50-50 but it definitely gets the points and subplots across. Tom had a harsh life, at first I thought his attraction was just misconstrued gratefulness from being liberated from the evil pimp, Samson. But thankfully his POV finally kicked in.

In between the harsh realities for both characters, fighting their feelings though it's apparent they're made for each other, Tom not thinking he is good enough, Deacon trying to rebuild through an unwanted marriage proposal (he needs cash that bad) and trying to save his family and their reputation, the romance is yummy, a little quick especially for two men who have never acted on their attraction to men before. It could be considered insta-love but they had the depth of feelings to back it up.
"I want you desperately. I want to feel your skin, naked, beneath me. I want to hold you in my arms while I taste every inch of your body. I want to sleep in your arms. I want yours the last face I see tonight, and the first one I see tomorrow. I want to wake up in the middle of the night and be able to kiss you while you sleep, because I can. Because tonight society doesn't judge us. We owe nothing to no man, except to each other."
When the sex did finally happen, it was hot - erotic, great dirty talk...delicious.

What kept this from being a 5 Heart Read for me? The neat ending and insta-love (hey it's a double edged sword). The men struggle and at a few points, I could not see how a HEA could ever happen (it does) but after all of that, it felt like the chips got stacked pretty easily for that epilogue. There were a few editing mishaps for me like how one prisoner's sentence changed from hanging in one chapter to deportment in the next.

The story does a very good job of convincing the reader about Deacon and Tom's intense connection. They have a brief history where it was instrumental in making Tom into the man he became. His ending would have been far different and sad. I think the story's strongest points are the way the research didn't read like an info dump. We're taken to Newgate prison, we get to see the harsh realities for the poor and working class. We get to glimpse Regency London's underbelly.

Victoria Sue is a new to me author. And after reading The Innocent Auction, it most certainly won't be my last. I do love finding good MM Regency when I can, I think Regency period lovers might need to check this out...soon.

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Guest Review: Country Soul by Remmy Duchene

When Jackson Rawlings comes out of the closet, he loses everything: from his record label to the self-confidence he needs to perform on stage. Jackson feels as if the world is out to get him. Broken and afraid, he escapes to Hallesford and the ranch he calls home. All he wants is to live out the rest of his life peacefully and out of the spotlight.

But the fates just love interfering in his life.

Marques Lopez is the owner of Phoenix Records, and not only does he hate what happened to Jackson, he feels Jackson Rawlings has plenty more to contribute to the music industry. He ventures into small-town USA to find the singer and when he does, Jackson is a mere fragment of the man he used to be. To make matters worse, Marques’s body and heart step in to present him with a choice between business and pleasure—unless he could have his cake and eat it too…

Guest Reviewer: Fantasy Living

This story opens on a whole lot of feels, and I’m grateful for it. Jackson grabbed my attention from the first page and held onto it throughout the story. His emotions were raw and real, and not whiney. Remmy Duchene hit the mark in portraying Jackson’s broken heart.

Jackson has come out and is still adored by his fans. Country music is his life’s work and he loves it with his whole heart. But his record label doesn’t feel like he is good for business, and ends their contract, stating “creative differences”, while still making money from his entire catalogue of work.

Enter Marquis. The executive of a small record label in New York City, that does not have a country singer on their lineup. But no matter, Marquis is fascinated by the enigmatic singer, and is outraged when he sees the final press conference where Jackson indicates he will be retiring. This is a travesty against the music industry, and music in general, and he is determined to get this man on his label with his full back catalogue of songs.

And then he meets Jackson, and his dick is so happy it wants out immediately, even though (especially because?) Jackson is a growly beast who doesn’t want Marquis in his space. With some coaxing, Marquis manages to talk Jackson into a week of music creativity, to see if he can mend his broken music-heart, and get over the betrayal of the music industry.

Marquis was hot, and pushy. I loved him. He wanted what he wanted, and he wasn’t leaving until he got it. Stalkerish, maybe. In a very sexy way. And since he had a few things to offer, it was a good trade. He managed to cut through the emotional reactions Jackson was having, and show him what could be his again.

The chemistry was definitely there, all over the pages. It was a matter of how, when, and where, rather than if Jackson would come around. Jackson isn’t a prude but he doesn’t give it up easily, and the hard to get was endearing.

When they came together it was sexy. Not burn your panties off, but hot enough to know the chemistry worked. The relationship building was more important, because for Marquis, this turned into a together plan, a forever plan. He just had to get Jackson, and his tattered heart, on board.

I would have loved this story to be longer, but it was satisfying anyway. The author nailed all the feels, the relationship building, and the sexy togetherness, along with a real plot. I will be looking out for more from Remmy Duchene in future.

Dreamspinners Press

Review: Rag and Bone (Rag and Bone #1) by K.J. Charles

It’s amazing what people throw away…

Crispin Tredarloe never meant to become a warlock. Freed from his treacherous master, he’s learning how to use his magical powers the right way. But it’s brutally hard work. Not everyone believes he’s a reformed character, and the strain is putting unbearable pressure on his secret relationship with waste-man Ned Hall.

Ned’s sick of magic. Sick of the trouble it brings, sick of its dangerous grip on Crispin and the miserable look it puts in his eyes, and sick of being afraid that a gentleman magician won’t want a street paper-seller forever—or even for much longer.

But something is stirring among London’s forgotten discards. An ancient evil is waking up and seeking its freedom. And when wild magic hits the rag-and-bottle shop where Ned lives, a panicking Crispin falls back onto bad habits. The embattled lovers must find a way to work together—or London could go up in flames.

This story is set in the world of the Charm of Magpies series.

Warning: Contains a warlock who needs to go straight (but isn’t), a waste-man running out of patience, blood magic, bad-tempered justiciars, and a pen with a mind of its own.

"Oh my days..."

This story should've been named Sweetness and Light. I feel like I tasted a rainbow after reading Nespin's story. No Skittles required!

I even thought their fighting was cute! I found myself smiling almost the entire time. KJC does a marvelous job of showing both sides of the proverbial coin and making me like both characters equally. Her skills in fleshing out characters quickly is unparalleled so much so that I knew even when they quarreled that they loved each other to pieces even if they hadn't said it out loud, but all of the dialogue buttressed the radiance of these two. 

They don't have the magic of Craphen, but they have something that's entirely, uniquely their own. 

Mate, you're the best thing I've ever had.

Crispin is a graphomancer and is making an effort to develop his powers without using blood magic. This is a... battle because trouble seems drawn to these two like a moth to a flame. Strange events that involve them both and requires they work together to unravel these mysteries. Simply put, they make a good team. Crispin has the worst luck and that just messes with his head. Ned provides the balance; he's very sensible and logical, steady. What I loved the most, though, was the way they fill in each other's blanks and do it in such a seamless way. Neither comes across as flawed or lacking. 

Which is precisely what kept giving me the rainbow feels-every time one of them would start to doubt their worth or think they weren't good enough for the other those fears were allayed and their relationship strengthened. Really, it made my heart swell. They're the perfect balance of sweetness without being saccharine. And every time Ned called Crispin Freckles... And how Crispin always ends up doodling Ned... I just... Right. In. The. Feels.

Of course, the justiciars make appearances, Stephen and Mrs. Gold included, which I loved; yet this is wholly Nespin's adventure, parts of which are disgusting. That creature thing... *shudders* I could almost smell that thing. They should get an award for not hurling. I felt like hurling. One word-GROSS. The story is nicely paced and beautifully written, as always, with evocative language. 

I'm not sure where the series is headed, but there was a character that made a brief appearance who Ned dubbed "Blue Eyes" that I'm still quite curious about. I feel like we've not seen the last of ole Blue Eyes. I certainly hope we've not seen the last of Nespin because everyone needs this kind of sweetness in their lives.
A man could write a thing and even if he didn't have Crispin's powers, sometimes the world changed anyway.

I think it's prudent to advise anyone considering reading this to read A Queer Trade first. There are several references to events that happened in that short that are relevant to this story.

Another entertaining, fun and just a delightful KJC read and a beguiling addition to the Charm of the Magpies universe.

An ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Find out more on Goodreads.

Release Day Review: Tartan Candy by KC Burn

Finlay McIntyre (aka Raven) is a successful adult film star with a penchant for kilts, until an accident cuts short his stardom and leaves him with zero sexual desire, lowered self-esteem, and no job. He knew his porn career wouldn’t last forever, but he wasn’t prepared for retirement at twenty-eight. While trying to figure out the rest of his life, Raven agrees to attend a high school reunion. That’s when a malfunctioning AC unit in his hotel room changes everything.

Caleb Sanderson, an entrepreneur with his own HVAC business, has no idea what to expect when he steps into Raven’s hotel room to fix his AC unit. They’re attracted to each other, but Caleb, closeted, can’t afford a gay relationship, not with his mom pressuring him to produce grandchildren. If he wants to keep Raven—who no closet could hold—he’ll need to tell his family the truth. But Raven has a few secrets of his own. He refuses to reveal his porn past to Caleb, a past that might be the final obstacle to Caleb and Raven having any kind of relationship.

Come for the kilts, stay for the MC’s!

I’ve always been a KC Burn fan. I’ve read most of the books by this author and listened to many on audio. When this one was offered up at the clubhouse, this Peach pounced and reading Tartan Candy reminded me how much I enjoy this author’s words. The two MC’s have the opposites attract thing going on pretty hard and their meet cute is movie worthy. This is a slow burn story, but that fit considering where the two guys were in their lives.

Caleb comes from a large family and almost lost his mother when he was in high school. His family is close and their opinion means the world to him. He admitted to himself in high school that he was gay, but with his mother’s health at the forefront of everyone’s minds, the thought of causing her more stress firmly put him in the closet. As he’s gotten older it’s been easier to stay in then come out and since he didn’t have anyone to come out for, he’s just it alone and deflected his families well-meaning attempts to fix him up with all the single ladies.

Then there’s Raven. He’s a former porn star, who was in an accident that cut his career short. He’s floundering a bit now as he finishes his business degree and tries to figure out what to do with the rest of his life, much sooner than he had planned. He’s been on his own for years and the porn studio he was a model for, Idyll Fling, basically saved him from a life on the streets. One of the things I really liked about Raven was his unapologetic reaction to his previous line of work. He’s not ashamed and good for him. He made no excuses, enjoyed his life and appreciated the opportunity for a better life he wouldn’t have had otherwise with his sorry excuse for a mother. It may be a pretty Pollyanna kind of view, but it was refreshing to read something other than pain and regret from a former porn star. 

The one thing these guys have in common is loneliness. Caleb can only be himself with his best friend, his out and proud cousin, Jaime. So, big family that loves him, but only one person knows him. Raven has acquaintances but has always kept a certain distance between himself and others. It’s pretty much all he knows. He really thinks all he has going for him is his looks, which, by the description, is fiiiiine. Add the red streaked black hair and his trademark kilt and it’s no wonder Caleb was a smitten kitten when he first laid his eyes on Raven.

As I mentioned, this is a slow burn of a story. Both dudes have issues that they are finally willing to deal with to be able to offer up their best selves to one another. How much does that sound like couple’s therapy? Sorry. Not sorry. It was actually very sweet because they weren’t just trying to be better so they won’t be lonely anymore, they truly see the value in what they need to do to be together.

I would be completely remiss in my reviewing ‘duties’ if I didn’t mention the secondary characters. There were some really great ones that I would most definitely like to read about if the author turns this into a series. Caleb’s cousin Jaime, is awesome. He’s unapologetically gay around his family and while he camps it up a bit around them, he’s also fiercely protective as well. He’s the guy you want to have your back. Raven’s friend Will from the studio is an absolute sweetheart and I can tell he’s lonely too. I need to see him happy. Raven didn’t realize that Will was truly a friend until he left the studio, but Will is right there for Raven as they embark on their business venture, Tartan Candy. And finally, Francesca, that girl rocks. She gets setup on a date with Caleb and she’s got his number pretty quick. She turns into a good friend to Caleb at a time when he really needed one. It’s always great to read a female in an MM book that you want to have drinks with.

The ending felt a little rushed. There was still the big reveal of the big secret, the necessary angst and recovery to be wrapped up in a pretty short period of time. It was done well, I would have just liked a smidge more to make sure in my heart of hearts that these boys were A-OK. Overall though, it was a comfortably sweet and easy read. It made my heart schmoopy-happy and made me love the characters both separately and together.

For more information on Tartan Candy by KC Burn, head over to Dreamspinner Press.

**a copy of this story was provided for an honest review**

Review: The Art of Hero Worship by Mia Kerick

Trembling on the floor, pressed beneath a row of seats in a dark theater, college freshman Jason Tripp listens to the terrifying sound of gunshots, as an unknown shooter moves methodically through the theater, randomly murdering men, women, and children attending a student performance of Hamlet. Junior Liam Norcross drapes his massive body on top of Jason, sheltering the younger man from the deathly hail of bullets, risking his life willingly, and maybe even eagerly.

As a result of the shared horror, an extraordinary bond forms between the two young men, which causes discomfort for family and friends, as well as for Jason and Liam, themselves. And added to the challenge of two previously “straight” men falling into a same-sex love, are the complications that arise from the abundance of secrets Liam holds with regard to a past family tragedy. The fledgling passion between the men seems bound to fade away into the darkness from which it emerged.

Jason, however, is inexplicably called to rescue his hero in return, by delving into Liam’s shady past and uncovering the mystery that compels the older man to act as the college town’s selfless savior.

The Art of Hero Worship takes the reader on a voyage from the dark and chilling chaos that accompanies a mass shooting to the thrill of an unexpected and sensual romance.

"Why do I need you so much? Why am I addicted to your arms and your voice and your sound and your smell?"
"I... I don't know"
"You saved me."
Right out of the gate, we're thrust into this intense scene where our MC's are victims of a theater shooting. Jason panics, and then freezes. He makes decisions he'll later regret and the only reason he got out of there alive was because of Liam. A stranger that protected Jason and got him to safety.

During this scene and shortly after, Liam and Jason make some stupid decisions. I was ready to put the book down. I was not about to read an entire novel featuring these two morons. But I eventually found my heart and realized these guys were just involved in a shooting. They panicked (of course!) and made some silly decisions. Nobody can predict how someone would react in a situation like that. We'd all like to think we'd keep our heads and be smart. Well, that's what Jason thought, too.

Jason had many regrets from that day and had a hard time dealing with the aftermath. He found comfort in the short time he spent with Liam, before he had to go back to reality. He became a shell of his former self, refusing to go out. Until he met up with Liam again and he found a glimmer of hope that he might be able to feel normal again. Jason isn't sure of why he feels this way for Liam, or what his feelings are exactly, for that matter. He's never looked twice at another guy before, but there was something about Liam that Jason needed.
"I want to worship my hero, as he so deserves. I want to show him with my body the tangle of feelings inside me. Because my emotions are all caught up like a fish in a net... and the more I struggle to escape them, the more they entrap me."
Liam needed Jason just as much, but in a different way. He saved Jason that horrible day in the theater, and wanted to always keep him safe. He felt a strong urge to keep Jason protected and for Jason to be his.

This is a double GFY story and the guys bring the emotion in spades. They had a lot of chemistry on a emotional level. They (especially Jason) have so much turmoil in their lives and struggle to move on from the shooting they witnessed. They rely heavily on each other for comfort and support. Even though both of them always thought of themselves as straight, they never tried to deny the strong feelings that developed between them.
"I think I told you this last night, but I'm going to say it again. I couldn't feel the way I do for anyone but you-- male or female. I feel so much... I think I could fall in love with you."
Emotionally? They were really great together. Physically and sexually... not so much. It's a double GFY, for goodness sake! Where was the sexual tension? They were definitely more connected on an emotional level rather than physical. I don't need sex in a book in order for me to enjoy it and I have plenty of favorites that don't have any sex scenes. But if there's going to be on page sex, I'd like some chemistry and tension. Please and thank you.

Some of the characters were OTT, especially the women. They were painted in a particularly negative light. Every once in a while it's fine with me, but most of the women in the story? No thank you. 

The dialogue felt too formal and stilted. I admit, I highlighted the crap out of this story and there were plenty of scenes and quotes that I loved, but sometimes there were quotes that I just can't picture anyone saying, let alone a college student. 

As always with Mia Kerick, there was a beautiful message in Jason and Liam's story. The Art of Hero Worship really focused on labels... and then chucking them out the door. They don't matter. Love is love.

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Find out more info on Goodreads.

Guest Review: When Adam Fell (Foothills Pride, #4) by Pat Henshaw

When his lover Jason’s drug addiction spiraled out of control, TV celebrity chef and cookbook author Adam de Leon walked away from him. Adam also abandoned his renowned restaurant in San Francisco to start a small bistro in the Sierra Foothills.

Five years later Adam is battling the conservative leaders of Stone Acres, California, to open a new restaurant in historic Old Town when Jason turns up on his doorstep—a recovered Jason, now going by the name David and claiming he's overcome his addictions. What’s more, he begs Adam to take him back and says he’s ready for their happily ever after.

Adam has enough on his plate with problems plaguing the opening of his restaurant. And now he’s having a hard time deciding which to follow—his head or his heart.

Guest Reviewer: Fantasy Living

This romance was about two people who needed to part ways, one for the push into rehabilitation, and one for emotional self-preservation. I know the feeling well. I have no doubt that everyone knows someone, knew someone, or is otherwise touched by drug addiction. It is a really hard topic for me to read about. I have a personal stake in the hope that comes from that future date when the person you love is whole again.

That is why I was very interested in this story. I wanted to read about the other side of things. The rebuilding of trust, and the hope that this isn’t just another line which ultimately ends in self-perceived failure, abandonment, and self-loathing of not being able to just be there through it all. My expectations may have been a little high with the topic, but I don’t think so. It’s one of those pieces, that if written with well roundedness, can be something amazing, and give everyone that light they need to see in the dark.

This story didn’t go as deeply into the rebuilding for me. I felt that the characters lacked that crucial element of emotional reknitting of their hearts. Jason’s reinvention into David - off-page - was well thought out, and explained in a way that gives credence to his current state, but Adam was nowhere near emotionally available to analyse how he was dealing, to heal in a real way. He was in stasis where he hadn’t fully healed from the wounds of his past, and was too busy being busy to really get into that mindspace to move on. I didn’t see the rebuilding of trust in a way that satisfied me.

If you’ve ever been betrayed by someone you love in a way that is ongoing, where you have no control over the outcome, or even really believe the validity of someone’s apology, you know that the trust is the hardest to rebuild. David can spout about how he has been reborn, but it is not believable that Adam would just say “Okay, I’ll accept that” while not being there for the journey, to see the truth in the words. It should have taken a lot more for him to accept the changes for truth, and there wasn’t enough evidence for me as a reader, to believe that this had occurred. His stony attitude may have contributed to that feeling.

On the other hand, I enjoyed the plot of Adam trying to reestablish himself in the town he grew up in. I liked the quirky drama and the way it was resolved. The overall story was promising, and I enjoyed it. I just wanted more from Adam. I needed to get into his heart and really see him.

I believe in unconditional love, I live it. There are still boundaries, but you will never walk away, even when you maybe should, for a while. I accept that Adam and David will always be it for each other. I believe in their relationship. I just don’t believe their healing journey as a couple has finished. I would definitely read a sequel to this story, to see how they are doing a year from now, with Adam getting real about what’s inside him. I don’t need mushy, I would prefer it not be, but I do need to see something more from him, and maybe a little more from David.

Dreamspinners Press

Review + GIVEAWAY: Red River (Pack #2) by Cardeno C.

Two Alpha shifters join together to lead their pack and build a family.

Commitment, loyalty, and strength aren’t enough to make Wesley Stone’s birth pack accept an Alpha with a physical imperfection, even if it’s a meaningless mark. Putting the safety of his pack above his own wellbeing, Wesley trades himself for another Alpha and agrees to mate with a stranger in a mysterious, insular pack.

Alphas from Jobe Root’s family have led the Red River pack from the first day shifters walked the earth. Now the time has come for Jobe to fulfill his destiny, but to do that, he needs his mate by his side. Spiritual, easygoing Jobe reveres Mother Nature and trusts in fate, yet he can’t help being nervous about how his mate will react to his new life in Red River, his new life with Jobe.

Two Alphas with contrasting personalities, different upbringings, and divergent beliefs come together for the good of their packs. But to stay together, Wesley and Jobe must see beyond the surface and embrace every facet of themselves and their union. 

I have two reactions I flip flop between when reading Cardeno C. I'm either saying "D'aawww!" or "Holy shit, that's hot." Happens every time.

Wesley is an alpha and is so ready for his uncle to hand over the reins and start leading his pack. But his pack doesn't trust him and would never be okay with him being their leader. He has a scar-type mark on his stomach that he was born with. Wolves are very much into appearances when discerning weakness, so for them, this makes Wesley appear weak and not fit to be alpha. He really couldn't have done anything to gain their trust, it just wasn't going to happen for him. I'm still not quite sure why they were so flippin' hard on him. Are they just that narrow-minded? I'm not sure, I'd have liked more explanation other than just that he was imperfect.

He was sent to another pack that was in need of an alpha and would welcome him with open arms. Not only would they make him alpha, but he had a mate waiting there for him. Even though mates are fated and nobody can just choose one for you. In return he was getting a pack to lead, so he went with the whole mating thing.

So... his mate, Jobe, is all kinds of awesome. He's kind, sweet, and down to earth. He's very in touch with Mother Nature and the impact she has on their pack. Wesley's pack wasn't as in tune with Mother Nature as this new pack and had to adjust to the importance Jobe set on her. But Jobe would wait. He was so patient. Gawd, that man is a saint! For him, he's already waited for his mate for years, what's a little more time?

There were a couple misunderstandings that I saw coming pretty early on. They weren't due to a deliberate lack of communication, they both made some assumptions that led to some pretty big misunderstandings. Especially for Wesley.

Poor Wesley. He really was a great guy and was dealt a crappy hand. He was treated unfairly by his pack in the beginning, no matter how obvious it was that all he wanted was to lead them. Hopefully, the new alpha of his old pack will set them all straight.

Which I'm hoping will happen in book 3. We are getting more of these sexy shifters, right? We can't leave Ricky hanging.

Check it out on Goodreads!

GIVEAWAY TIME! Enter to win an ebook copy of Red River! Comment below with your name and a way of contacting you (email, Goodreads, Twitter, etc). This giveaway will end on March 2 at 9PM PST when a winner will be randomly drawn. Please respond to the winning email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.

Review: Boys Who Go Bump in the Night (Mad About the Brit Boys #2) by JL Merrow and Josephine Myles

When boy meets (supernatural) boy.

Buckle up as two queens of British gay romance take you on a whistlestop tour of all things paranormal. Vampires, genies, ghosts, magicians and shifters all get their chance for a bit of boy on boy action, in five erotic stories that span the range from the humorous to the sublime.

Will you seek to make your fortune with magic and ritual, or pin your hopes on a genie’s power to grant wishes? Discover a shifty young man on a Scottish shoreline, meet a hapless garlic farmer who’s been turned into one of the undead--and if you dare to venture into the cellar, gird your loins for a horny ghost!

These stories have all been previously published, but are now available exclusively in this anthology.

From the pens of British authors JL Merrow and Josephine Myles,this collection of five short stories, each with a paranormal twist, was an enjoyable way to pass the time. As with all anthologies I preferred some stories to others - but they all bring something to the collection. I have to admit that I love these two authors - but for both of them, I am more of a fan of their longer stories. Short stories bring something different to the table which many prefer. I am though, in general, a longer story gal and so, through no fault of the authors, this did affect my rating.

Leeches and Layabouts by JL Merrow is a humorous take on vampire mythology. It made me chuckle and was perfect to read with a cuppa and some biscuits. Short but different, it worked!

Something Queer by Josephine Myles I really liked - but I wanted it to be a long story. I wanted all these elements in a novel. I don't think thios is a reflection on he writing though, I think it's a reflection on my greedy reader preferences.

Sacrifice by JL Merrow suffered the same fate in my reading hands. I truly enjoyed the elements of this story, but it made me greedy. It made me want this as a full length novel, with all the depth that comes with that. I loved the characters and the story arc, but I wanted more. I don't think it's the author's fault that I am greedy...

Et in Orcadia by JL Merrow had a very melancholy tone to it. It was sad and somewhat haunting, in a way that only takes of the sea can be.

One Last Wish by Josephine Myles was pretty laugh out loud funny from the start. A good way to round up the anthology, it was humorous and romantic.

For fans of anthologies, short stories and tales woith a paranormal twist, I recommend this collection.

For more information see Goodreads.
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.

Release Day Review: The Winter Prince by R. Cooper

His heart stolen by a powerful pari’s magic, a young prince’s veins slowly fill with ice. That is what the stories say. Three years have passed since, and all efforts to save Kisin have failed. He won’t survive another winter. To save the prince’s life, Razin, the court wizard and Kisin’s childhood friend, plans to seek out the pari. But unbeknownst to Razin, Kisin’s heart was never stolen; he gave it freely to escape the pain of impossible love—his love for Razin. Razin won’t accept Kisin’s fate, for reasons obvious to anyone who knows anything of love.

Kisin agrees to the desperate quest, out of duty and a need to protect Razin. But it isn’t long before Razin realizes saving his prince will require more than simply retrieving his heart. Razin will have to convince him to want it.

I’m a big fan of fairy tales and especially the ones that have a little extra grit to keep them interesting. I’m also a big fan of R. Cooper’s writes, if you haven’t read Dancing Lessons yet, you really need to. So, I was really looking forward to reading this one. The premise sounded unique and in that way the book did not disappoint. The language the author used was beautiful and there was symbolism aplenty.

The Winter Prince himself goes by a few names, see, in his culture their names change as they age. It sounds like it would have been hard to follow, but it really wasn’t. I still don’t really get/remember what every incarnation meant so some of that was lost on me, but for the majority of the book he was Kisin. I He was also known, from his younger days, as Arrow and I liked that name best. It suited him.

The rumor is Kisin gave his heart away to a pari, a kind of angelic fairy dude. (I had to GTS – google that shit) but I could figure it out from the context. It was generally assumed that his heart had been seduced away from him and he was left without any means to keep him warm not just physically, but emotionally. The author did a really good job with the descriptions here. I was cold just reading it and my heart really hurt for Kisin. You know how, when you’re REALLY cold and how much it hurts when you’re exposed to too much heat too fast? It’s almost like the cold is better because you’ve gotten used to it? That’s how Kisin feels ALL the time. He’s incredibly loyal and noble, he is a prince and the leader of the immortal guards after all, so he tries not to let anyone in on how bad his condition has become. Everyone knows though and before long the conclusion is reached that Kisin will likely not survive another winter without his heart and he and the wizard’s apprentice head out on their quest to retrieve his heart.

Now, the wizard’s apprentice, Razin, is everything warm to Kisin’s cold. All words to describe him ring of warmth. He’s described as “slight, and brown as rosewood . . . “ with “eyes the color of cassia”. Rosewood being found in tropical climates and cassia being the bark of the “true” cinnamon tree, both things that brought warmth to my mind. He dresses in robes the color of pomegranate and it’s pretty obvious that Kisin is a smitten kitten for Razin. And vice versa. This is where I had my troubles with the story. I had the complete setup for an epic adventure of a fairy tale.

The only thing that left me wanting by the end of this book, was actually less. I wanted less.

Let me try to explain. The first 60-ish% of the book is the setup and conversations between the two MC’s, lots of conversations that didn’t move the story forward. Neither of them opened up to share their feelings beyond reminiscence of their childhood friendship, and they were both obviously a little fussy about being together. Being near the one they wanted most but didn’t think they could ever have for all kinds of royalty rules reasons made for snippy traveling companions. They had all manner of slightly cryptic conversations that said lots of words without saying much and then just when the conversation miiiiight move forward and enlighten the other MC (and me) as to why they’re in the situation they’re in . . . .BAM! Interruption! And then they continued questing without a new hint to keep me hooked on the WHY??? I would be OK with it if I learned a little something new each time, but it was not to be. It felt much longer than it actually was and that was frustrating.

Once the book went past the 60% mark, things really got rolling and my interest was all in. A couple new characters had been introduced that made everything more interesting and the two MC’s finally, FINALLY, started talking. The beautiful language continued, it had some meaning to it, and the story moved forward. There was some pretty good heroic action that was fun to read and a factor that every good fairy tale should have.

The ending came pretty quickly and I wished I could have had a little more of them together to get my brain wrapped up in an HEA for Kisin and Razin. I liked them together a lot, Razin’s snarky endearments for Kisin, when he would call him his “dull Arrow” or his “sharp Arrow” depending on the conversation were really cute. Just when I got my reading reward of the two of them finally together the book was over. It’s hard for me to get completely invested in a relationship when it took most of the book for them to even admit their feelings. In the end I just needed less conversation in the beginning and more at the end to balance out the story.

One last note about the cover, not something I would mention and I digress from the story here, but I’m not sure which of these guys is supposed to be Razin but neither is how he was depicted in the book. Or even Kisin for that matter. Neither of those guys is him either. That’s a bummer, because I loved how they were described and even slightly more representative pictures of them would have been a real plus. Kind of an opportunity for an amazing cover wasted considering how visually descriptive and visceral the writing was. This book deserved better representation on its cover.

For more information and purchase information on The Winter Prince, visit Dreamspinner Press.

**a copy of this story was provided by the publisher for an honest review**

Review and Excerpt: Wood (Psycop #3.2) by Jordan Castillo Price

Victor Bayne might not be handy when it comes to carpentry, but if there’s one tool he does know how to wield, it’s the tiny metal doohickey that comes with ready-to-assemble furniture from SaverPlus.

The shelves aren’t for the cannery—Vic would never manage to sneak cheap pressboard and veneer past Jacob’s watchful eyes. Jacob’s Uncle Leon, however, is nowhere near as fussy. And since he’s only got one arm, he’ll need help putting together his new treasure.

It’s no surprise to find the instructions baffling and convoluted…but were they always so disturbingly dirty?

This PsyCop interlude is a cute, sexy romp that will delight readers who’ve enjoyed the series through PsyCop #3, Body and Soul.

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday dear Vic...
Happy Birthday to you.

That's right, today is my favourite PsyCop's birthday and he's we're celebrating with Wood, a new short from PsyCop author, Jordan Castillo Price.

Vic is actually putting up furniture of the flat pack variety, it's the kind of furniture making that is right up his street (the only kind he knows how to assemble, he can wield that doohickey like a pro!) No problemo dude... well, it wouldn't be if he wasn't getting distracted by the filthy instructions.

The furniture may be made of pressboard and veneer, but Vic's still contending with wood.

This short is laugh out loud funny, it really is. Vic is so...Vic, and I couldn't love him more. Putting up furniture is supposed to be awkward, but not in this way. To make matters worse, Jacob's uncle is there, ghostly hand and all. What's a psych to do? The dynamics between Jacob and Vic are perfect and I'd absolutely recommend this to all PsyCops fans. And everyone with a filthy sense of humour.

Here’s the thing about being in a long term relationship. There’s more involved than just inside jokes and shared mortgages, objectionably healthy things in the fridge, or discarded socks that never find the laundry hamper. Back when a horny, shape-shifting, mirror-shattering entity exploded in Jacob’s apartment and left him with nowhere to sleep that night, I’d suggested he stay at my place. And when we outgrew that place, we found a new one. Together.

That fateful decision didn’t just score me a boyfriend. It earned me a family.

It’s not too big, as families go. Jacob has one sister, and she’s always pissed off about something. Her kid is no gem, either. Both parents are still alive, and grandma too, though I think she’s pushing a hundred fifty. But Jacob’s uncle Leon is the one who shared a special bond with him. He’d taken Jacob to his first concert at age twelve: Weird Al Yankovic. He bought Jacob his first soldering gun. Apparently this was a big thing in late 1970’s Wisconsin. He probably would’ve been the one to teach Jacob to drive stick, too, if his right arm hadn’t been torn off in an industrial accident years before.

I like the guy. I may not have the history Jacob’s got with him, but he’s easy to talk to, and he always acts excited to see me. Missing arm or not, he could count on our help to put together his new furniture. No doubt Jacob’s dad could’ve handled it, but it gave us an excuse to drive up for the weekend without centering our trip around seeing Clayton play soccer or looking at Clayton’s latest science diorama or sitting there uncomfortably while Clayton looks daggers at us. Okay, he only does that to me, not his beloved uncle Jacob—but the point is, I was kinda looking forward to being the youngest guy there in the male bonding session for a change.

Leon greeted us at the door with the standard greeting, asking us how the drive was. The missing arm greeted me with a wave. I nodded at them both while Jacob handled the amicable banalities.

I eased past into the living room while Leon launched into a tale about a certain legendary local speed trap. Even though I’d only seen Leon’s place a few times before, the new remodel startled me with its striking difference. Nothing structural had been changed, but the mishmash of furniture styles was gone. Now there was a theme of sorts. Big, inviting leather couch and chairs, and walls painted various coffee colors, and a sleek flatscreen mounted above the mantel. I thought I’d miss the white walls, but with the monochrome muted palette and lack of clutter, there was a warmth and simplicity to the new setup that I liked. Plus, you gotta hand it to someone willing to remodel at his age. It’s pretty optimistic if you ask me.

The only thing left to handle was putting together the bookshelves. My fingers were itching to tackle the massive stack of cardboard boxes marring the interior wall of the living room and get those cluttery books they contained in some kind of order. My actual preference would be to drop them off at the local Goodwill, but I’ve learned to pick my battles.

To Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble

A copy of this story was given in exchange for an honest review.

Review: Torque by Charley Descoteaux

Sometimes letting things get complicated is the best way to figure it all out.

Mick Randall is on the run, from the biker culture he grew up in and his impossible vision of love. Alaska should be far enough to escape his old life—until he rolls into a wrecking yard and gets lost in a pair of pale, bottle-green eyes.

Scotty Bell has spent years learning to channel his fiery temper into the heat of a welding torch. His sexual heat has always been slower to ignite, but one look at Mick rouses confusion alongside desire. In all his life, he’s only been attracted to one other person—his best friend, Mercy Taylor.

Mick lands a temporary job at the yard, and finds an uneasy crash pad at Scotty’s place…where the ragged ends of his emotions get tangled up in Scotty and Mercy’s relationship.

But when Mick hears a Harley engine from his past bearing down on him, his first instinct is to go back to the half-life he’d been living. Lest his secrets destroy the only two people who’ve ever made him feel whole.

Warning: Contains references to abuse, subversive ideas about sexual identity and gender expression, and a free-range bisexual on a mission.    

DNF 65%- No rating

Cards on the table. When I read the blurb I read MMF which is my jam! Throw in blue collar and a character with a shady past and I was hitting the Request button like it was Easy Button. Not long after I was approved for the book the blog's promoter sent a blog tour request and I thought, "Great! I'm already reading it, so let's do this thing". As the info for the tour trickled in I noticed the word trans* and did the dog head tilt, reread the blurb and STILL thought, 'wait, what?' but I'd already been approved so... make lemonade out of lemons, right?

I have nothing against trans* or reads involving trans* characters but what I signed up for, I thought, was MMF, so yeah disappointed wouldn't be far off the mark as an adjective for my feels. There's an ocean's worth of difference between MMF and MMM*. Mercy, who at 65% barely qualified as a secondary character, is trans* MTF with no intention, I presume, of getting bottom surgery. Great! Super! Not what I signed up for. And as long as I'm talking sexuality tags, I'm pretty sure NO ONE is bisexual in this book. Mick strikes me as a closeted  homosexual with a tit fetish which is also fine. Again, not what I was signed up for and not what the tags/blurb led me to believe. After reading through all the blog tour info apparently one of these characters is supposed to be asexual? I'm fairly certain, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that asexual individuals do not like having sex. Period. All of these people seem pretty enthusiastic about some form of sexual activity so I don't know what to make of that.

I'm not sure even if the book had been tagged appropriately that I'd have been able to finish it for a few reasons. First and foremost, there is no hook, nothing to captivate me as a reader, nothing to get me to invest in these people. The relationship between Scotty and Mick isn't given adequate time to develop thereby making it feel awkward and stilted when they started talking about "home" and longevity. It seems heavily reliant upon telling rather than showing. The whole plot point about Mercy's brothers looking for her... Why? It would think they achieved their endgame already so why come back looking for her? And the plot device of Mick's backstory and being "on the run" is nonsensical particularly in light of the prison scene. Why would ANYONE be out to get him? Lastly, none of these characters do anything for me. They're all flat and I agree with another reviewer that the writing is clunky and also add bland.

I've never read anything by this author before and I've heard good things about her, so maybe this is just an anomaly. I'd be willing to try something else by her because the concept of this story did appeal. Unfortunately, the execution of that idea failed for me. Also, I would respectfully suggest that someone consider rewording the blurb to be more concise. 

I've actually never DNF'd a book I've gotten from NetGalley before and I'm hoping this won't negatively affect my rating there. Apologies to NetGalley, the publisher and the author.

An ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Find out more on Goodreads.

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Torque by Charley Descoteaux

Author Name: Charley Descoteaux

Book Name: Torque

Release Date: February 23, 2016

Today we're very lucky to be interviewing Charley Descoteaux author of Torque.

Hi Charley, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your current book.

Thank you for having me!

1)   Tell us about your book.

Torque is a Romance featuring a bisexual man, a man on the ace spectrum, and a trans woman with no plans for surgeries. Most of it takes place in a working wrecking yard, so no glitz or glamor, but a lot of angst.

2)     How difficult was it to get into the main character’s head?

Not difficult at all. I grew up a lot like Mick did, trying not to let anyone know how different I was. I’ve known Micks and Scottys and Mercys in real life, but didn’t consciously model any of them after a real person.

3)     Is this book a standalone or do you plan on visiting it again?

I think it’s a standalone. The trio is bound to have more adventures, but probably won’t be solving any murders or anything else that’s very interesting. I like a series as much as the next gal, but once the players make the all-important commitment, the Romance story is pretty much over.

4)     Why did you choose to write M/M stories?

For the past three years or so I’ve been concentrating on LGBTQ+ Romances because I like writing stories about people like myself. I spent many, many (many…) years searching for books about people I could identify with—without having to read between the lines. Many of those books were tragedies, which I like sometimes but a steady diet of them just makes me depressed. When I couldn’t find the stories I wanted to read, I started writing them. A couple of those stories got some interest from New York agents and editors but the consensus seemed to be “you can write, but I can’t sell this story.” So, I took a couple of years off to do other fun things and during that time the online based small presses really took off. I did a lot of reading and watching and learning, and finally worked up the courage to submit a story to one of the publishers where I spent my paychecks. I’m so glad I did, it’s been wicked fun.

Torque isn’t a Male-Male Romance, but I hope M/M readers will give it (and books like it) a try. The Romance genre has so much potential, I’m excited to see where it will go next!

5)     Where do you find your inspiration?

Everywhere! The Portland Metro Area is great for inspiration—you never know what you’ll see even on well-travelled routes. In fact, the inspiration for Torque was a battered old VW Bug and for a while I saw it everywhere. I haven’t seen it for a while and I wish I would have taken a picture of it when I had the chance. That car has a lot of character. I hope you enjoy the story it inspired!

Thanks again for letting me visit!


Sometimes letting things get complicated is the best way to figure it all out.

Mick Randall is on the run, from the biker culture he grew up in and his impossible vision of love. Alaska should be far enough to escape his old life—until he rolls into a wrecking yard and gets lost in a pair of pale, bottle-green eyes.

Scotty Bell has spent years learning to channel his fiery temper into the heat of a welding torch. His sexual heat has always been slower to ignite, but one look at Mick rouses confusion alongside desire. In all his life, he’s only been attracted to one other person—his best friend, Mercy Taylor.

Mick lands a temporary job at the yard, and finds an uneasy crash pad at Scotty’s place…where the ragged ends of his emotions get tangled up in Scotty and Mercy’s relationship.

But when Mick hears a Harley engine from his past bearing down on him, his first instinct is to go back to the half-life he’d been living. Lest his secrets destroy the only two people who’ve ever made him feel whole.

Warning: Contains references to abuse, subversive ideas about sexual identity and gender expression, and a free-range bisexual on a mission.

Pages or Words: 47,337 words

Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Fiction, Ménage/Poly, Romance, *Trans, Asexual, LGBTQ+ Fiction 

Find out more on Goodreads.

Publisher: Samhain Publishing

Cover Artist: Kanaxa


Mick slept on the couch for two weeks before Scott let him get dinner. Mick brought a pizza, hot wings and a six-pack. When he offered Scott a beer, Mick thought for a second he was about to get decked.

“No thanks, I don’t drink. But you go ahead.”

Mick put five bottles in the fridge and popped the top on the sixth. The long pull of rich beer felt like cool water after he’d been walking for weeks in the desert.


“Nope. I got enough of that before I was even born, I don’t need any more.”

It only took half a beer for Mick to get past the uncomfortable feeling he should’ve asked Scott to tell him more, or that he should’ve switched to Mountain Dew. Scott rented an On Demand movie, something forgettable with vampires, and they sat in their places on the couch and divided their attention between the movie and the pizza for the next two hours. Tom camped out in his usual spot between their thighs, graciously accepting all the chicken and pepperoni tributes offered to him.

After the movie was over they watched another one on HBO, but didn’t pay much attention to it. Mick had a nice buzz going and was happy to sit back and listen to Scott talk about his project—the VW Microbus he was converting into a flatbed. A warm, fuzzy feeling Mick almost didn’t recognize as happiness set up camp in his gut, and life was good.

He thought, more than once or twice, that Scott leaned toward him in a way that was a little more than friendly, but it had to be the beer.

Too bad.

Mick jerked in surprise when he realized he’d started to lean toward Scott. He had no right to be “more than friendly” to Scott. None at all.

Scott reached out to grasp his shoulder. “You okay, Mick?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Are you ready for bed?” Scott kneaded his shoulder, sending a current through his body.

“The movie isn’t over.”

“It’s not very good. If you don’t want to finish it, that’s okay with me.” Scott smiled and sat back against the couch, releasing Mick’s shoulder.

He couldn’t help himself, he leaned forward. Only a little bit. He didn’t want to lose Scott’s touch. In that moment, he couldn’t think of anything more important than Scott touching him, not even self-preservation.

Mick Randall wasn’t a stranger to self-medicating with alcohol but before he found Bell’s he hadn’t had a lot of money to spare, and lately he hadn’t had the time. Together, those circumstances had turned him into a lightweight. That had to be the explanation for why he saw a come-on in every glance and heard innuendo where surely Scott didn’t mean any. He’d have to be a lightweight to want so badly to respond to Scott’s touch with an embrace.

Maybe I should quit drinking.

Mick wasn’t capable of walking in a straight line by the time he hit the can, but it didn’t matter. Four beers was plenty and he’d take the other two out of Scott’s fridge the next day and remember not to bring more. If he wanted a drink, he wouldn’t have to drive far. When he left the bathroom his thoughts centered on that warm, happy feeling, and what he could get up to the next day. Before he knew what was happening, Scott had him backed against the wall, both hands spread across his chest.

All that fuzzy warm happiness disappeared, replaced by a tiny shiver of panic mixed with a side of relief. The relief tangled with a mix of “fucking finally” and “what the fuck” that made Mick dizzy. Or maybe that’s just the beer.

“Scott. Maybe I should sleep somewhere else tonight.”

“Yeah. Like in my bed with me.”

“I was thinking like my car, or a motel.”

Scott frowned and pushed him back against the wall harder, caressing his chest and shoulders as he did. The contrast of the unyielding wall against his shoulder blades and the man in front of him spun Mick’s head around once. “You don’t feel anything like Mercy. I knew you wouldn’t.”

“Don’t you think Mercy would—”

“She wouldn’t care. I’m not the only one she fools around with.” Scott leaned against him, chest to chest, close enough to kiss.

“Let me go.” Mick took hold of Scott’s shoulders and tried to push him back, but Scott was stronger than he looked.

“No. I don’t want to.”

“What am I supposed to do now?” Mick couldn’t see a clear path to the door. Panic reared up in the back of his mind—he had no game plan for this, no idea what his part should be.

“You can let me blow you. Or you can blow me. I don’t care who goes first. You want me, don’t you?”

Mick tried to speak but couldn’t. He couldn’t get a decent breath either, not with Scott’s hands on him. He nodded and tried to pull himself together.

“Haven’t you ever hooked up before?”

“Yeah.” Liar.

“Well, so have I. I’m not a little kid. You don’t have to—”

“I know you’re not.” Mick squeezed Scott’s shoulders, anxious to learn how his skin felt over those hard muscles, how those muscles looked when he moved. “I know.”

“So why—”

“I’ve hooked up before.”

“So why not with me?”

“Because it’s different with you. I mean, it would be— I can’t…”

“You think I’m an idiot? Too dumb to know what to—”

“No! No. That has nothing to do—” Mick saw something in Scott’s eyes that made the rest of that sentence turn to dust in his throat. He swallowed hard and was about to—no idea what he was about to do, but he couldn’t stand there forever—when he saw something else that stopped him. “You’re shaking.”

“Yeah.” Scott’s voice had a hard edge so when he surged forward, his erection pressing against Mick’s thigh, it was unexpected.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m trying to keep from punching you in the face.”

“Why do you want to punch me in the face?”

“Because you’re pushing me away. I thought you liked me.”

“I do like you. But—”

“Don’t say it’s not right. I’m dumb but I’m not—”

“I didn’t say you were dumb. You’re not dumb.” Mick could barely speak past his desire, so his last few words came out as breathless as he felt. He’d started panting and the sound filled the short hallway. “Please don’t punch me in the face.”

Scott frowned, but fear and pain was mixed up with the anger and desire showing in his light bottle-green eyes. Mick felt it all right along with him.

“Maybe I should go.”

When Scott didn’t respond Mick slid against the wall, sideways. In just a few steps, Mick wasn’t supporting all of Scott’s weight anymore, didn’t feel his tense muscles or his heat. Mick gingerly pushed off from the wall and walked backward, toward the living room.

“You don’t have to.”

“I think I do.” Mick sat on the sofa to pull on his boots and Scott dropped onto the cushion beside him. Mick straightened, one boot on and one off, and Scott grabbed him and kissed him.

Buy the book:

Meet the author:

Charley Descoteaux misspent a large chunk of her youth on the back of a Harley, meeting people and having adventures that sometimes pop up in her fiction. She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area during a drought, and found her true home in the soggy Pacific Northwest. Charley has survived earthquakes, tornadoes and floods, but couldn’t make it through one day without stories.


Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: $20 Amazon gift card

A special thanks to Will at Pride Promotions for organizing this blog tour.