Eternity comes with a price. Forever is a lonely word and Etienne Vaillancourt needs more than blood.
Andrew Delaney needs to pay down his student loans, maybe save enough money to fix up his relic of a Honda. No rush, Andrew’s got his whole life ahead of him.
But one lifetime isn’t always enough.
A chance meeting in a movie theatre is the start of a future neither man had thought possible. A future together … if they can handle forever.
It’s been ages since I’ve read a vampire story and I was sooo glad this wasn’t a flop!
Etienne is a 236 year old vampire in a 28 year old’s body. During a chance meeting whilst seeing Twilight (I know right!?!), Andrew walks into Etienne’s life. Humans don't know vampires exist in this world, so Andrew and Etienne have a new relationship to work out as well as this secret that will need to be revealed.
I like how this world had elements of traditional vampires, like how Etienne actually dies when the sun rises and comes back to life when it sets and how his pupils turn red when feeding. Boyz has mixed these ideas into vampires living within the modern world with little details like how Etienne manages his wealth over 200 years. It was pretty engaging.

What really surprised me was the banter and humour. I loved how Etienne and Andrew interacted with each other. Andrew is happy and down to earth and Etienne has a dry sarcasm that compliments Andrew nicely.
Holy shit. How did I not think of that before? Andrew walked into the school, grin stretching across his face . There were a veritable arsenal of taunting, teasing nicknames for Andrew’s oh, so, dignified favourite fiend: Dracula, Nosferatu, Vlad, Night Walker. Awesome.
The build up of Etienne’s and Andrews relationship and the eventual ‘vampire’ reveal was great. It was pretty realistic with them dating first and slowly becoming more serious. It was a little bit insta-love with Etienne feeling Andrew was ‘special’ from the moment they met. It was all quite sweet and I was surprisingly suck to the pages because of these two.
Etienne took Andrew’s hand. “But you, there is no darkness in you. The first time you smiled at me, I saw it; sunshine . It is a part of you, it is who you are. Laughing, and teasing, calling me those ridiculous names; you chase the darkness away.”
The sex was hot! All biting and bleeding, everything vampire books should have! Some scenes were fade to black and some were glossed over but it was explicit enough to keep me interested, so that's saying something.

So if this was so good why the average rating? Well I was rating this 4.5 hearts all the way until the epilogue, when I finished I couldn’t believe how much was cut out completely and I find that really disappointing.
Spoiler ahead.
We finish the end of the book (minus epilogue) with Andrew deciding whether he was going to let Etienne ‘turn’ him. From about 80% onwards I expected not to see ‘the turning’ in this book as the build up was really well done and I knew it was the first of a trilogy. Then came the epilogue and the words…”Eight years later….. and yes Andrew has already been turned and apparently there was a bit of a story/drama with the whole process, so why the fuck couldn’t I read about that!!! It's what the whole story was building up to! I was sooooo excited to read about two characters I really liked going through the most important decision and moment of their lives, but no, instead I got highlights. Unfortunately the rest of the trilogy isn't about them either, so there's no possible way of getting more information about how they got to the point of their HEA.
I really really enjoyed this and I’ll definitely continue with the series, but I’m still so disappointed with the ending when I think of this book.
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