Cover Reveal: Rough Trade (The Woodbury Boys #3) by Sidney Bell

The Clubhouse is aflutter today because Sidney Bell has chosen us to reveal the cover of Rough Trade today right here!

A.K.A. GHOST'S BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!

Fans of the Woodbury Boys have been chomping at the bit for this one and the cover does not disappoint so with further ado... behold Ghost, uh rather, Rough Trade!


Quick-witted hustler Ghost is no stranger to living dangerously; survival has always been the name of the game.

He’s just always gone it alone.

Now he’s got the wrong people breathing down his neck, and the only way out demands placing his trust in the unlikeliest of heroes: Duncan Rook, a gruff cop whose ethics are as solid as his body.

Cozying up to a criminal is hardly what Duncan’s reputation on the force needs—especially when that criminal is temptation personified. Ghost is Duncan’s polar opposite, and the last person he expected to fall for.

So then why does every imaginable scenario for taking down their common enemy end with Ghost in his arms?

Rough Trade is set to release in ebook on December 3rd and You can pre-order it at these retailers:

Carina Press
Barnes & Noble
Google Play

If you've not experienced Sidney Bell's writing yet, get in the game! Her books are filled with complex and flawed characters who are trying to find love in this strange and beautiful world we live in. She's a master of writing gritty romance and Rough Trade, if you know anything about Ghost, will be another in a line of books that consume a reader.

  • Hard Line made it to the Lambda Literary recommended reads for April 2018.
  • Loose Cannon was praised by RT Book Reviews.
  • Bad Judgment is simply remarkable. Ask anyone.

Want to know more? Visit Sidney's website, and p.s., she welcomes questions!

You can also connect with Sidney via:


Add Rough Trade to your Goodreads TBR list here:

Release Blitz + Giveaway: Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch

Celebrate the release of fantasy historical Salt Magic, Skin Magic with author Lee Welch and Signal Boost Promotions! Learn more from today's blitz and enter in the Salt Magic, Skin Magic eBook giveaway!

See our 4.5 Heart review HERE!

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 78,000 words approx.


Lord Thornby has been trapped on his father’s isolated Yorkshire estate for a year. There are no bars or chains; he simply can’t leave. His sanity is starting to fray.

When industrial magician John Blake arrives to investigate a case of witchcraft, he finds the peculiar, arrogant Thornby as alarming as he is attractive. John soon finds himself caught up in a dark fairytale, where all the rules of magic—and love—are changed.

To set Thornby free, both men must face life-changing truths—and John must accept that the brave, witty man who’s winning his heart may also be about to break it. Can they escape a web of magic that’s as perilous as love?


“Magic, folklore, dark deeds, and hot romance combine in this wildly enjoyable, inventive story set in a lovely alt-Victorian Gothic world. More please!”

—KJ Charles, RITA™-nominated author of THE MAGPIE LORD and SPECTRED ISLE

"Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch is the sort of book you want to read again the moment you reach the end. Beautifully written, with a romance that is by turns sweet and scorching, it belongs on the keeper shelf of any lover of paranormal historical."

—Jordan L. Hawk, author of the WHYBORNE AND GRIFFIN and HEXWORLD series


Thornby was walking along the moorland path, calm as you please, nose in the air, apparently admiring the autumn colours in the distant oaks in the park.

“Stop, Lord Thornby! I want to talk to you.”

Thornby walked faster, slight limp becoming more pronounced.

“Stop, I say!”

John felt in his pockets for his vials and pouches, then changed his mind and simply put on speed. He’d come to this remote part of the grounds in the hope of a rest. He’d not slept much last night with the walls of Raskelf muttering and whispering, and the antiquities from Egypt shrieking muffled curses from the other side of the corridor.

The thought of Thornby had kept him awake as well; so resistant to the Judas Voice—that had given John an unpleasant moment—and so unapproachable, with that aristocratic hauteur you could never breach. And so strange. Why did the man wear such peculiar clothes? Today it was tight black pantaloons and a high stock that would have been fashionable forty years ago. And over this bizarre Regency costume was a rusty black greatcoat with wide cuffs, and a tricorn hat that would have looked well in the previous century.

And, yes, Thornby was handsome—heart-stoppingly so—with arrogant grey eyes, a mane of brown hair that almost reached his collar, and a preposterous red mouth. He was tall and thin and carried himself like a fencer. There was, too, something whip-taut about him, some unbearable tension that made you feel he might lash out. Or suddenly kiss you. Thornby had looked John up and down when he was introduced, finally unbending so far as to give John a slight inclination of the head. And John’s mouth had gone as dry as if Thornby had extended one of those elegant white hands and given his balls a gentle squeeze.

It was tiresome, really. It made it so much harder to concentrate. He must make sure he didn’t allow his attraction to the man to cloud his judgement. Possibly Thornby was using a glamour spell. John couldn’t sense one, but sometimes by their very nature they were difficult to detect.

So, he mustn’t think about how good it would be to slide his fingers inside Thornby’s old black pantaloons, how good it would be to taste his lovely mouth, and wipe that damned snooty expression off his face. If John had been in London, he would have gone to one of the houses that catered to men of his taste, and tried to forget about it. Here in the middle of rural Yorkshire it was far too dangerous to approach anyone, and in any case, farm lads were not his type. He’d simply leave as soon as he could tell Catterall he’d done his best.

They walked in single file for perhaps five minutes. The path smelt of rotting leaves, and a biting wind began to make its presence felt as they crossed into an open piece of moorland. Splashes of muddy water were spotting the back of Thornby’s coat. John used the close proximity to feel for magic. Like last night at dinner, he could sense nothing emanating from Thornby. There was certainly no demon reek, so Thornby probably wasn’t a theurgist, or if he was, he was a very fastidious one.

But then Thornby didn’t feel like a materials man either, and John could generally recognise his own kind. So, how had Thornby broken those charms? Now John was closer, and had longer to concentrate on Thornby alone, he thought there might be something magical, at the very edge of his awareness, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Most magicians used demons or materials, but there were other ways, so perhaps Thornby used some unfamiliar method.

John charged his ward stone, and put it back in his pocket. He patted his bag of salt and checked his Gelomorous twine and the demon trap, just in case. Whatever spells Thornby cared to throw at him, he was ready. In fact, he was almost looking forward to a fight.

They reached an open place a hundred yards from a small pine spinney. The dark trees were contorted sideways as if fleeing the icy wind. The sun, behind its grey pall of cloud, was beginning to set. Thornby suddenly stopped and swung around.

“Well, Mr Blake? I suppose you’d like to explain yourself?” Thornby’s chin was up, beautiful mouth curved in disdain.

Author Bio

Lee Welch wrote her first book aged seven (a pastiche of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and first had an idea for an m/m romance aged twelve. She loves books and comics, and when she’s not writing, she’ll probably be reading. Her favourite authors include Ursula Le Guin, Graham Greene, Linda Medley, Dylan Horrocks and KJ Charles. By day, Lee works as an editor and business communications adviser, mainly persuading people not to say ‘utilise’ when they mean ‘use’. Her job has led her to work in areas as diverse as mental health, nursing, accident prevention and the criminal justice sector.

Lee loves to hear from readers. You can find her at:

Twitter: @leewelchwriter


Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Blog Tour: The Fox, The Dog and The King (The Cassie Tam Files #2) by Matt Doyle

Discover new NineStar Press lesbian science fiction, The Fox, the Dog, and the King (The Cassie Tame Files #2) with help from author Matt Doyle and Other Worlds Ink! Check out today's blog tour stop!

The Fox, the Dog and the King, by Matt Doyle

Matt Doyle has a new lesbian sci fi book out:

New Hopeland City may have been built to be the centerpiece of the technological age, but some remnants of the old world still linger. The tools of the trade have changed, but the corruption remains the same, even in the criminal underworld …

When PI Cassie Tam and her girlfriend Lori try to make up for their recent busy schedules with a night out at the theatre to watch the Tech Shift performer Kitsune, the last thing they expected was for Cassie to get a job offer. But some people are never off the clock, and by the end of the evening, Cassie has been drawn into a mundane but highly paid missing pet case. Unfortunately, in New Hopeland City, even something as simple as little lost dog can lead you down some dark paths.

Until now, Cassie wasn’t aware that there even was a rabbit hole, let alone how far down it goes.

Publisher | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords


“I’m sorry, but did you want to get changed before we speak? We’d be happy to leave the room while you get ready. It must be hard work performing in both the TS gear and a kimono thick enough to house projectors without them moving out of line with each other, even if they are the smaller, lightweight models.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Kitsune sighs. “There’s a wireless motion detection system in each hand too,” they add, waving two metallic, clawed paws. “You’ll note that my tails are missing. They don’t yet make multi-tailed suits, you see, and the number is important within the folklore, so we had to find other solutions. The projector tucked under the obi sash keeps the back open nicely, and it allows movement, both in animation and in the actual device, but it’s a bit stronger than the main ones.”

“Meaning that it’s heavier,” I reply.

“Indeed. The way the system works is identical to the tail guidance in regular suits though.”

I frown and Lori clarifies, “Regular Tech Shift gear uses two small wireless touchpads to control tails, one for the bottom half, and one for the top half. They’re embedded in the hand rest of Ink’s front legs. For hybrid-style gear, they usually sit inside the thumb of each hand. It’s the same concept in each one, but animal-style gear allows for bigger movements, while hybrid gear measures micro movements.”

“Which would be rather fiddly, given the level of movement that I require. These are built into the paw pads and are set to register larger movements so that the tails can move in time with the different dance routines and my more flamboyant gestures,” Kitsune explains, demonstrating one of the hand flourishes from the show. They pause then and chuckle. “Ah, but I’m rambling. I am afraid that changing is, contractually speaking, impossible. Will my appearance be a problem?”

“No, I’m used to Tech Shifters…”

Lori laughs and cuts in with, “You are sonot used to us yet.”

I laugh quietly, despite myself. The miserable old loner that still lives in my head says I should be angry about that; I’m working after all. But the part of me that was enjoying the evening is far more prominent and reminds me that this was supposed to be Lori’s evening too. I can allow her a small jab or two on that basis. “My early experiences with Tech Shifters were notpositive,” I say, addressing Kitsune. “I’m getting better, though. What do you mean by ‘contractually speaking,’ if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Not at all. It is essentially as it sounds. The Kitsune brand is a joint venture between myself and Kevin, and there is a lot of paperwork involved dealing with how the whole thing is to be played out in every mundane situation that you could imagine. What it means is that I can boss Kevin about and make him my dogsbody as much as is required, but at the same time, I must respect his rather brilliant marketing strategies. Part of that means that the mystery of the Kitsune’s true identity is to be protected at all times. As such, I do not meet with anyone without my professionalface on. It seems a little strange, I know, but he was previously a historian of certain old-world sporting brands by trade and thought that applying a degree of what he called kayfabewould help give the whole thing a new edge. I can’t say that he was wrong.”

“So, are you Kitsune when you’re around family too?” Lori asks. “Or partners?”

“Oh, I have no time for partners, not with mytouring schedule. With family, I can be myself, though Kevin did insist upon them signing a gagging order to prevent them from revealing my identity to anyone who hadn’t signed a similar contract. You should have seen my mother’s face when he brought that up. I honestly thought that the rolling pin she was holding was going to be put to nefarious use. Outside Kevin, even my oldest friends do not know who resides beneath the mask.”

“That must be hard to maintain,” I say.

“Oh yes, I have cover stories and everything. It’s somewhat akin to witness protection if television is to be believed. As far as most know, I am simply a touring stagehand for the great performing fox spirit.”

I nod. “Kitsune, as pleasant as this is, I assume there was a reason that you wanted to see me?”

“Oh yes, of course. I saw the news coverage of your recent success with that Gary Locke character,” they say, and Lori flinches slightly. “As far as local detectives go, there are plenty of them about, but you are certainly the most well regarded. I have actually been in town for a week now, and I am due to remain here for a further two. I am afraid that, over that initial period, I was subject to a crime of the nature I am led to believe the police do not take overly seriously.”

“The police wouldn’t be happy about not knowing your identity, regardless of the crime. If it’s one that they won’t usually touch, that doesn’t leave many possibilities. What are we talking about?”

“It is rather lonely on the road,” they sigh wistfully. “A few months ago, we stopped in Toledo, and I was awoken from a post-performance nap by a clattering outside the tour bus. I wandered out, expecting to find a fan or two hunting autographs, and instead found this charming little thing skulking around the bins. I named him Fish.”

Kitsune produces a phone from their kimono, loads up a photo, and passes it over. It shows a snow white American Shepherd dog sitting on one of the tour bus seats and giving the camera a suspicious look. It’s too big to be a puppy, but certainly not big enough to be fully grown.

“You named your dog Fish?”

“It seems strange, doesn’t it?” Kitsune laughs. “There’s a reason, though.” They take the phone back and enlarge the picture, revealing that the dog’s tail is about half the length it should be. It was easy to miss at normal size because the single colouring made it seem like it was tucked under its legs. “When I was young, my parents had some rosetail betta fish. One of them was pure white, and it had a habit of nibbling through its tail fin. When we took Fish to the vet, they said that the tail damage, judging by the angle of the marks, was likely self-inflicted. I couldn’t remember what my parents called the fish, so I just stuck with Fish.”

I nod. “And I assume that Fish is now missing?”

“I am afraid so. It happened yesterday, during the early hours. I was woken by a loud bang and found that Fish was gone, and the tour bus door was open.”

“Could Fish have run away?”

“It would have been difficult for him to open the door, but not impossible. I don’t think that he would have run, though. We were lifelines for each other, you see. He kept me company during the day, and when he had nightmares, I comforted him. If he was spooked, he would usually run and hide near my bed. I heard something else too, a van door being slammed shut maybe? And then an engine.”

“So you’re thinking that he was stolen.”

“Honestly? I don’t know. Do you think that you could take the case? How much would it cost?”

Author Bio

Matt Doyle lives in the South East of England and shares his home with a wide variety of people and animals, as well as a fine selection of teas. He has spent his life chasing dreams, a habit which has seen him gain success in a great number of fields. To date, this has included spending ten years as a professional wrestler, completing a range of cosplay projects, and publishing multiple works of fiction.

These days, Matt can be found working on far too many novels at once, blogging about anime, comics, and games, and plotting and planning what other things he’ll be doing to take up what little free time he has.

Review: Aftershock (Ever After #2) by Tanya Chris

Being acquitted of Jamie’s murder won’t bring him back. Syed might be free, but he’s lost his lover and his sub, along with his sense of control, his libido, his friends, and the stomach to inflict the kind of pain Jamie thrived on. Even his high-rise apartment doesn’t suit him anymore.

Dashiell is drawn to the handsome man he represented in court, but he’s promised himself never to get involved with another confident playboy. His next boyfriend—if he can find such a thing—will see him as something more than a backup plan for a better offer. And how could he ever give a man like Syed what he wants anyway?

Dashiell fears the day Syed will ask him to bear more pain than he can handle as Syed struggles to reconcile how he’s coming to feel about Dashiell with how he still feels about Jamie. Can their fledgling relationship survive the discovery that Syed’s new sub might be representing the man who murdered his last sub?

Jamie deserves justice, Dashiell deserves love, and Syed wants to be the one to give both these men exactly what they need.

Content warning: this book includes descriptions of homophobic hate crimes. There is very mild BDSM content.

Aftershock could potentially be read as a stand alone but I wouldn't recommend it since characters from Aftercare make appearances and parts of the story carries over.

At its heart this story, and this series, is about rebuilding oneself in the wake of loss and one I've thoroughly enjoyed. Syed and Dashiell's romance is quieter in ways than Aayan and Garrett's was; it didn't feel as frenzied. But it was no less moving.

Syed is still reeling from Jaime's murder. He was shunned by friends due to the circumstances of his murder and Jaime's family for their shared proclivities. His brother has found the love of his life and he's never had the best relationship with his parents due to his being gay.

In the face of all this upheaval and without Jaime he struggles to define himself.

Dashiell was a member of his legal team and has a crush on Syed. Dashiell also has some baggage of his own in the form of a wretched ex. Dashiell's self-image and self-worth took a beating from that douche-mcgouche making him primed for some TLC.

They start off slow. Dating. Getting to know each other with a simmering attraction between them that slowly gains steam.

I really have to tip my hat to Tanya Chris for the panache she's demonstrated in depicting the characters in this series and their struggle to not only rebound but make sense of their feelings. This trope can be hit or miss for me if enough gravitas isn't given to the lost love. I have a tendency to lose interest in the narrative when the previous relationship is minimized. Tanya Chris has taken the time to show how much Syed and Garrett have grappled with their feelings.

Their relationship feels organic in the way it evolved. I love that they build something together that is wholly different from what Syed had with Jaime. Jaime was a masochistic sub and Syed met his needs. Dashiell is submissive who wants to serve and please. One would think there would be a hole where Syed's sadistic needs weren't being fulfilled but Syed is primarily a dominant who can't seem to stomach impact play subsequent to Jaime's death. He has always derived the most pleasure and satisfaction from D/s. So, if you're expecting loads of kink, this might be a miss for you. There is D/s that Dashiell is new to, so no high protocol stuff and one bondage scene. I love lots of kink especially impact play but this level suits them and that gave me warm fuzzies.

Syed will always love Jaime but he can love Dashiell too. He can and does make a new start. From redecorating the apartment to realizing Dashiell needed him to call directly rather than using Bhupati and multiple other ways he deliberately changes and adjusts to accommodate Dashiell and the new version of Syed that's learned from past mistakes, is wiser and maybe a little braver than he once was.

Aftershock has quite a bit of legal eagling, maybe not as much as Aftercare but be forewarned anyhow. Also, mind the trigger for homophobic hate crimes! Dashiell's client is... challenging. Honestly, I kept trying to hate him but I wound up mostly feeling sorry for him and hoping he finds his way. Actually... *sheepish duck/shrug thing* I wouldn't be averse to reading Casey's story. Or Bhupati! I loved him. Or both! #greedy

Recommend to fans of contemporary romance who like a little hurt/comfort with a smidge of kink and a slowish burn.

An ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Giveaway + Blog Tour: Star-Crossed Lover (Dreamcatchers #2) by Liv Olteano

Author Liv Olteano is here today with an excerpt from her latest in her Dreamcatchers series, Star-Crossed Lover. Find out more about this paranormal romance, listen to the inspiring playlist, read an excerpt and be sure to enter in the giveaway for a $10 Dreamspinner Press gift card! Good luck!

See our 4.5 Heart review HERE!


“It was broad daylight when I walked into club Zee, but as soon as I got inside, darkness embraced me.

It was rehearsal time for many of the dancers, and the bar was open. During the day you could go in, have your drinks, and watch some rehearsals—all without an entrance fee. Dancers didn’t wear their flamboyant outfits for rehearsal, though since some of them wore considerably less clothing, one might say it was an even better sight. The single- and two-dancer-wide mini stages sprinkled all through the tall and semidark room were black, and so were the floors. Laser lights glided down the dancers’ bodies at night. During rehearsal they had modest colorful lights moving about now and then. There was something more playful than sensual about the mood during the day, and I liked that better.

I also rarely had the time to stop by during the night, considering my “working hours” as a dreamcatcher. Hunting spaga—our enemies—was a nighttime job, since they attacked people in their sleep to steal away their life force and induce nightmares in the process. Our fierce spirit guide Asibikaashi—the Spider Woman and Spirit Mother we lovingly called Aashi for short—asked we be ready to go out on mission from about ten in the evening to close to sunup. Having a curfew after more than six decades of service might have seemed embarrassing, but since I was a long-lived man that looked barely a day older than forty, I kept my ego in check. Some embarrassments you got used to. Like living with my teammates: Claw, our team leader and the oldest dreamcatcher I knew personally; Drew, the annoying one of our two new team members and the muscle of our team; and Drew’s mate and strangely all-around nice guy, Angelo. We were Team 32, operating in the Queen Anne area of Seattle. Regular people couldn’t know about us, or it would make them likelier targets for the spaga. Hanging around people made them likelier targets too. It was best for everyone for us to keep as much distance as we could. But visiting club Zee was a habit I couldn’t shake. In my mind, I made up for it by casting spider magic–fueled protections on the club and people here. As I knew pretty well after all my years of dreamcatcher service, there was no such thing as a perfect shield or protection against the spaga. The reason they chose sleepers as targets was that they were more vulnerable then, but there was no such thing as impenetrable security regardless of circumstances.

Club Zee was pretty popular during the day, and more so at night. Though at night there was pulsing, throbbing, bang-your-brains-out music, during the day the DJ played a different kind of tune. The soft notes of a rock ballad poured out from the speakers, giving the dancers who were practicing a sort of languorousness to their movements. The slower pace made every muscle of their bodies stand out as they moved.

My gaze sought him out before I could stop it. He was never hard to spot. His russet hair, coupled with the soft glow of the spotlight aimed at him, made the sweat on his body look like honey dripping down the corded sinew. For some inexplicable reason, he whipped his head around as if my stare had poked him in the ribs. His gaze shot to mine over the floor, locating me with laser-like precision despite the light and dark effects in the club. I could see the corner of his lips tilting up slowly. It was a lazy, provocative grin that spoke of satisfaction at the attention I couldn’t stop giving him each time I stopped by. He tilted his chin ever so slightly upward and moved his hips with the kind of smoothness that only a serpent should possess. No creature with bones in their body should be able to wiggle like that. This guy would be the death of me, I was pretty sure.

It took a considerable conscious effort to look at anything but him. A fan of self-discipline, I put in that effort and looked away.

I could sense Ginger’s gaze following me as I moved across the floor. I felt it like sticky, warm fingers constantly rubbing over my skin. No matter how long he’d practice from this point on, I knew his gaze would be aimed at me. His focus was a missile that ignited my awareness and arousal, even from this far away. My loins throbbed almost painfully.

If I were a poet or a bard, I might write poems and songs about all the things that simply laying eyes on him did to me. But though I appreciated poetry and music, Ginger’s effect on me had to be kept a secret—from him, first and foremost. In the little hours of morning, after a mission was done but before sleep would take over, I could lie in my bed and contemplate at leisure the sea of desire for and thoughts of him that I nearly drowned in every day; I could examine how that sea eroded away my will to not have him, and how my longing for him grew deeper and more tormenting with each grain of sand lost. Wave after wave of fantasies tormented me. Dreams of what could be but wouldn’t almost pulled me under. If anything, seeing him helped me keep my head on straight—while I was in his presence, that was. As soon as I was without it, I felt adrift in dark waters, shaken by cruel and relentless storms. ”

Want to read more from Chapter 1? Check out the book on the Dreamspinner Press site and hit the Read an Excerpt button right beneath the cover. xD


A love worth crossing the stars for.

Taka has been a dreamcatcher and part of Team 32 for over six decades, but nobody has tempted him like Ginger—a dancer at club Zee. Too bad dreamcatchers aren't allowed to have meaningful relationships with regular people. His willpower proves a finite resource, though, when a mission at the club means spending much more time around Ginger.

Ginger’s infatuation with Taka is unwavering. When he proves to have some paranormal skills of his own, he earns himself a place on the team—if he wants it. His decision will change his life—not to mention Taka’s—irrevocably.

But living in the now could prove an issue for a man who has as much history as Taka. Can Ginger’s determination help him make his way into Taka’s heart?

Goodreads Link

Buy Links


About Liv Olteano
Liv Olteano is a voracious reader, music lover, and coffee addict extraordinaire. And occasional geek. Okay, more than occasional.

She believes stories are the best kind of magic there is. And life would be horrible without magic. Her hobbies include losing herself in the minds and souls of characters, giving up countless nights of sleep to get to know said characters, and trying to introduce them to the world. Sometimes they appreciate her efforts. The process would probably go quicker if they’d bring her a cup of coffee now and then when stopping by. Characters—what can you do, right?

Liv has a penchant for quirky stories and is a reverent lover of diversity. She can be found loitering around the Internet at odd hours and being generally awkward and goofy at all times.



Star-crossed Lover Playlist – Part 2

6. Harry Styles -Sign of the times

7. One Republic - Colors

8. Kaleo - Broken Bones

9. Paolo Nutini - One day

10. Blue October - A quiet mind

11. Zayn & Sia - From dusk till dawn

Blog Tour: The Missing Ingredient by Brian Lancaster

Welcome Brian Lancaster who's making his clubhouse debut today in support of The Missing Ingredient! Read an exclusive excerpt below and ICYMI see our 4.5 ❤️ review here.

Exclusive Excerpt:

thirty Wednesday night, Marcus lay on top of the thick cotton quilt in his hotel room in Birmingham, mulling over the lease signing meeting, which had gone so much better than expected. As usual, a lot of the negotiation points had been complicated, but since the opening of Shepherd’s Bush three years ago, he surprised himself at how much he now understood. Nevertheless, that kind of detail bored him—Marcus preferred to be holed up in the kitchen, playing with knives and fire and creating magic.

Just then his phoned beeped with a message.

U awake?

Tom. And just like that, he found himself smiling and his spirits lifting as his thumbs flashed eagerly across the keys.

Nope. Fast asleep. What’s up?
Cant sleep. Keep thinking.
Friday night and what I’m going to do to u.

Marcus gulped, even as his heart sped up. He still had trouble processing Tom’s feelings for him.

U still there?
You’re killing me Tom.
Killing isnt what I have in mind. Can I call you? You know you can. Anytime.

Seconds later the phone rang and Tom’s deep breathing came down the line. Before he could prepare himself, Marcus’s erection began stretching his sweatpants.

“Good evening, Thomas Bradford. To what do I owe the pleasure? You want me to count sheep with you?”

Tom’s deep laughter rumbled pleasantly down the phone. “You know something, Marcus? Just hearing your voice does it for me these days.”

Marcus smiled and his neck warmed. For all Tom’s past insensitive behavior, every now and then he had a way of stalling Marcus with his frank and honest sentiment. “And to think you were going to dump me.”

“Shit. We both know I was wrong.”

“Tossed out with the garbage.”

“Not going to let me forget that, are you?”

“Not on your life.”

Tom’s chuckle warmed Marcus to the core.

“By the way, Tom, don’t forget Katie has to take a cake tin to school tomorrow.”

“Shit. Where—?”

“I’ve put it in the cupboard beneath the sink. In the blue recycled shopping bag. Don’t worry, she’ll remind you in the morning. And Charlie has her piano lesson after school. But I’ve arranged for Moira—”


“—to pick her—what?”

“I’m losing my erection with all this baby talk.”

“You’ve got a hard-on?”

“Rock solid.”

“Fuck,” said Marcus before groaning softly into the phone and throwing himself into the pile of pillows along the headboard. “Now I wish I was there.”

“You are. Just keep talking. But please, no more cake tins or piano lessons.”


Sometimes it takes losing everything to realise what you had all along.

Up-and-coming London chef Marcus is poised on the edge of success, but apart from the occasional casual encounter, the only men who seem to stick around are investors. His best friend Lorraine Bradford—Raine—and her family used to keep him grounded, but a horrible accident took her life and left Marcus’s godchildren without a mother.

But if the death throws Marcus’s life into turmoil, it’s far worse for her husband, Tom—especially since she died in a car with a strange man. Tom is consumed by grief, and he shuns the help of friends. Until almost a year later, that is, when Marcus stumbles upon Tom out with his daughters and sees how far Tom has fallen. So he steps in and, bit by bit, helps them to rebuild their world until their lives return to a semblance of normality.

Then the unexpected happens: Tom confesses he has romantic feelings for Marcus, and nothing can ever be the same.

Add it on Goodreads!

Buy Links:

Dreamspinner Press


is an author of gay romantic fiction in multiple genres, including contemporary, paranormal, fantasy, crime, mystery, and anything else his muse provides. Born in the sleepy South of England, the setting of many of his stories, he moved to Southeast Asia in 1998, where he shares a home with his longtime partner and two of the laziest cats on the planet.

Brian Lancaster once believed that writing gay romantic fiction would be easy and cathartic. He also believed in Santa Claus and the Jolly Green Giant. At least he still has fantasies about those two.

Born in the rural South of England in a town with its own clock tower and cricket pitch, he moved to Hong Kong in 1998. Life went from calm and curious to fast and furious. On the upside, the people he has since met provide inspiration for a whole new cast of characters in his stories. He also has his long-term, long-suffering partner and two cats to keep him grounded.

After winning two short story competitions in 2006 and being published in a compendium, he decided to dive into writing full- length novels. Diving proved to be easy; the challenge has been in treading water and trying to remain afloat. Cynical enough to be classed a curable romantic, he is not seeking an antidote. When not working or writing, he enjoys acting in community theater productions, composing music, hosting pub quizzes, and any socializing that involves Chardonnay. And for the record, he would like to remind all those self-righteous white wine drinkers that White Burgundy, Chablis, and Champagne are still essentially Chardonnays.

Review: Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch

Lord Thornby has been trapped on his father’s isolated Yorkshire estate for a year. There are no bars or chains; he simply can’t leave. His sanity is starting to fray. When industrial magician John Blake arrives to investigate a case of witchcraft, he finds the peculiar, arrogant Thornby as alarming as he is attractive. John soon finds himself caught up in a dark fairytale, where all the rules of magic—and love—are changed.

To set Thornby free, both men must face life-changing truths—and John must accept that the brave, witty man who’s winning his heart may also be about to break it. Can they escape a web of magic that’s as perilous as love?

4.5 Duly Impressed Hearts

I must say, this brought the best of historical romance and seamlessly mixed it with a new twist on magic as well as a known fantastical legend.

This starts off with Lord Thornby who is trapped. His father has made it his sole purpose to marry him off for personal greed and until Thornby agrees, he can’t leave the family estate. Literally. Surely that’s not possible right? Is Thornby slowly losing his mind from being confined for so long?

When mysterious guest Mr. Blake arrives, the hope he brings at possibly setting Thornby free is a thought too good to be true! However, his claims that magic is real is preposterous! Or is it?

I admit this started off a bit slow, but soon the tension builds, slowly ratcheting up the psychological suspense for our two protagonists. When things don’t easily fall into place and Blake can’t quite explain how and why Thornby is unable to move beyond the estate’s boundaries, the desperation is hard felt as time starts to run out.

What this exceeds at is the slow progression of the relationship between Thornby and Blake. Each are a lot suspicious of the other but as more and more is revealed, they realize that to have an ally, and an amorous one at that, is definitely a relief, a comfort, and a boon.

I quite enjoyed the subtle nuances of this story and the insecurities and vulnerabilities of these two men who were so used to being on their own, isolated due to their own disparate stations in life and by of course, their sexuality. What they discover in the other was something wonderful and refreshing which was often counterbalanced by the heavy atmospheric feel as the mystery and questions pile up. This all leads to an explosive reveal that had me at the edge of my seat and reading well into the night.

If you want something smart and different and full of weighty emotions, then this is it! Throw in a good dose of paranormal fantasy with nicely done dashes of sexy dirty, and one gets quite the welcome wonderful tale!

My only complaint is that Lee Welch hasn’t written more and that’s a completely unabashed plea to do so in this fascinating historical AU!

Thank you to the author/publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Review: Star-Crossed Lover (Dreamcatchers #2) by Liv Olteano

A love worth crossing the stars for.

Taka has been a dreamcatcher and part of Team 32 for over six decades, but nobody has tempted him like Ginger—a dancer at club Zee. Too bad dreamcatchers aren't allowed to have meaningful relationships with regular people. His willpower proves a finite resource, though, when a mission at the club means spending much more time around Ginger.

Ginger’s infatuation with Taka is unwavering. When he proves to have some paranormal skills of his own, he earns himself a place on the team—if he wants it. His decision will change his life—not to mention Taka’s—irrevocably.

But living in the now could prove an issue for a man who has as much history as Taka. Can Ginger’s determination help him make his way into Taka’s heart?

This is the second book in the Dreamcatcher’s series and I to recommend you read the first to get a handle on the folklore and all the players involved. Okay? Right then. I am not going to hash over all the details from the first book and just dive right in because this book was good. Like Joey from Friends liking Rachel’s English trifle good.
My whole life had been a map to this moment. Every breath I had ever taken had been meant to steer me to this: to him in my arms.
Having met Taka before, we know the man, who fought in World War II and had his family murdered by spaga, is a force to be reckoned with. Taka lives the true life or a warrior, one of a solitary life that always has intense longing underneath. The man is fierce but lonely and the man is terrified to love anyone again after having everything and everyone he’s ever loved taken from him by the evil he now swears to fight. But Taka is soon to be up against something so strong, even he or the all-powerful Aashi couldn’t have seen coming; a ginger stripper with a heart of gold and the spirit of a dreamcatcher.

Oh yeah.

I love that Taka has been spending his non-working hours just hanging out at club Zee to watch the eye candy, known as Ginger, dance around in next to nothing clothing. The flirting between these two was fun and playful yet always with an undertone of serious want that was palpable. You know Taka wants Ginger, but is holding back thinking he can’t be involved with a human. It’s beyond obvious that Ginger wants in Taka’s pants and then to crawl inside the man’s heart and remain there forever. It’s only when Aashi basically demands that Taka hang out more at the club to see why it’s a spaga magnet and ley line hotspot that we get a chance to let these two bless us all with the UST and a payoff.

Getting more of Taka’s backstory was of course heartbreaking and yet I loved reading it to see how he met Claw. Those two friends and fighters have been in each other’s lives for years and the trust and care they show one another is beautiful. So it makes sense that when Claw becomes worried and fixated on one person, Nathan Gallagher, who is related to the caster they want to catch and think is responsible for creating the new spaga; it would be Taka’s task to worry about his friend. But… BUT! OMG! Nathan Gallagher is going to be more than just the person Claw is fixated on and the next book, is going to be so good!

Sorry. Got sidetracked there.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the take on star crossed lovers and how it’s taken this long for Ginger and Taka to find one another. The lore of the dreamcatchers is such a rich tale and we get more in depth with it while learning about fated mates/star crossed lovers. I dug Ginger’s weapon and gifts and can’t wait to see him take on more missions and become a stronger warrior.

Now, while this book was a fun read, I am a bit baffled to the ending. I know there is another book after this but the ending is so abrupt… it left me hanging. Not even in a cliffhanger way, but more of a flipping the pages to see if I missed something. It just ends. That’s it.

But other than that, this is a great addition to the series and the line. I am ready for the next book.

An ARC was provided by the publisher.

Giveaway + Release Blitz: Blood Bathory: Be Not Proud (The Guardians of Gaia, #3) by Ari McKay

Help authors Ari McKay and Signal Boost Promotions celebrate the release of the third in the Guardians of Gaia series, Blood Bathory: Be Not Proud. Find out more about this fantasy story and be sure to enter in the giveaway for your chance to win an e-copy of Blood Bathory: Like the Night below! Good luck!

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Cover Design: Lou Harper

Length: 330 Pages

The Guardians Of Gaia Series

Book #1 - Blood Bathory: Like The Night - Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book #2 - Blood Bathory: Absence Of The Sun - Amazon US | Amazon UK


Death, be not proud…

The conclusion of the war between Elizabeth Bathory and the Guardians of Gaia draws closer, but the theriomorphs and their allies are caught between vampires loyal to Elizabeth Bathory’s daughter, Anna, and humans controlled by Elizabeth and her sire, Thrace. With the forces of evil now pressing on them from two sides, the theriomorphs need help, and they need it fast!

And soonest our best men with thee do go...

It has been five hundred years since Antonio de Barajas, one of the oldest surviving theriomorphs, lost his mate at the hands of his worst enemy. But Gaia never revealed the whole truth about Raphael’s fate, and Antonio is shocked when Raphael arrives to train Evan St. John and Adam Carson as true Dark Guardians. Yet the man who returns after so long is not the same man Antonio once loved. The hard and lonely life as Gaia’s hunter has changed Raphael almost as much as his lost memories of Antonio and the love they once shared.

Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men...

Antonio must work with the stranger who wears his lover’s face, and while Raphael is welcomed by most of the team, one member sees his return as a threat to his own place in Antonio’s life. But Thrace has allied himself with terrorists who possess a weapon of mass destruction. Now the theriomorphs and Dark Guardians must work together in a race against time to discover Thrace’s plan. Even as Antonio and Raphael are irresistibly drawn to one another, Antonio risks losing far more than his heart this time. If he and his team fail in their mission, millions will die, for Thrace will stop at nothing to destroy Gaia once and for all.

Ari McKay is the professional pseudonym for Arionrhod and McKay, who have been writing together for over a decade. Their collaborations encompass a wide variety of romance genres, including contemporary, fantasy, science fiction, gothic, and action/adventure. Their work includes the Blood Bathory series of paranormal novels, the Herc’s Mercs series, as well as two historical Westerns: Heart of Stone and Finding Forgiveness. When not writing, they can often be found scheming over costume designs or binge watching TV shows together.

Arionrhod is a systems engineer by day who is eagerly looking forward to (hopefully) becoming a full time writer in the not-too-distant future. Now that she is an empty-nester, she has turned her attentions to finding the perfect piece of land to build a fortress in preparation for the zombie apocalypse, and baking (and eating) far too many cakes.

McKay is an English teacher who has been writing for one reason or another most of her life. She also enjoys knitting, reading, cooking, and playing video games. She has been known to knit in public. Given she has the survival skills of a gnat, she’s relying on Arionrhod to help her survive the zombie apocalypse.




Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Review: The Missing Ingredient by Brian Lancaster

It can take losing everything to realize what you had all along.

Up-and-coming London chef Marcus Vine is poised on the edge of success, but the only men courting him are investors. That leaves Marcus with some free time—which is fortunate, because his godchildren need him.

A year ago, a horrible accident killed Marcus’s best friend, Raine, leaving her children without a mother and her husband, Tom, without a partner. Consumed by grief, Tom has been going it alone, refusing help, but when Marcus sees him out with the children, it’s obvious that Tom and his two daughters need someone. His persistent caring finally wears Tom down, allowing him to accept the comfort Marcus offers. Soon Marcus is up to his elbows in homework, home-cooked meals, and after-school activities. Over time he helps them rebuild their world, until soon their lives are approaching normal.

Then the unexpected happens: Tom confesses he has romantic feelings for Marcus, and nothing can ever be the same.

There are books that you read that give you a sense of hope and this book did just that. With an organic friends to lovers’ romance that isn’t typical, Brian Lancaster has written a wonderful romance that makes this reader believe in the power of love more than ever.

Told from the POV of famous chef Marcus Vine we quickly learn that Marcus is all about the work and not so much about a relationship. He has the normal hookups to scratch the sexual frustration itch but remains unattached. While out with his friend and manager Tina, he sees Tom Bradford the widower of his best friend Raine out with his daughters. You see, Marcus is the girls’ godfather, but after a sharp and unfair plea from Tom at Raine’s funeral, Marcus has left the Bradford family alone. But seeing how ragged Tom looks, he knows he has to do something. Taking a stand and calling Tom’s mom, Marcus heads over to Tom’s to declare his intentions of being part of the family once again and helping Tom out with the girls.

I call this story organic because that’s how it felt. From the moment Tom and Marcus have a chat about Marcus wanting to help Tom to seeing how their friendship once was with playful banter, it was easy to get lost in the story. Of course it helped to know Marcus always fancied Tom, but with Tom being straight and married to his best friend, there was never a chance to act because Marcus isn’t like that.

So anyway.

Tom accepts Marcus’ help to shuffle the girls to and from school and activities and help out with meals, being a chef and all. He and Tom reconnect as friends and begin to deepen this new relationship they gave as co-caretakers of Charlie and Katie. The foursome go about on outings and are seen as a happy family with two dads a few times which tickles Marcus, but confuses Tom. When Marcus has to go away for a month to open a new restaurant in New York and comes back to a different attitude from Tom, we get to the bottom of what’s going on.

I loved the journey we get with Tom and his sexuality. Tom has always considered himself straight and never looked at a man the way he does now with Marcus. I have always believed that sexuality is fluid and we don’t fall in love with a gender but a person. It made sense for Tom to develop feelings for Marcus and not just because he’s eye candy. Tom and Marcus have a close friendship and taking care of Tom’s girls creates a domesticity that both men crave. The feelings Tom has make him see Marcus in a new light. Plus, his whole speech was amazing. Not as amazing as his moment at the end of the book, but I loved his rambling at how he sees Marcus now and that he needs Marcus to back off so Marcus doesn’t find him repulsive. Ugh. Tom, you are so lovely to read and all I wanted was for you and your girls to be happy and have Marcus in your life.

Marcus, goodness but I adored you. You are smart and cunning in business but so very loyal to your friends. You get to see so much of Tom and even help him to the mystery of where his wife was going the day she was killed in a car accident. You will do anything for Tom including denying your feelings and wants when it comes to Tom, letting him call all the shots. But you sir, are not a doormat and when it comes to being hidden away like a dirty little secret, you stand up for yourself even though you broke your own heart. You are a lovely and forgiving man who knows his own heart even if you are so confused by Tom in that epilogue, I loved being witness to everything you do in this book.

I really loved this book. It had everything that I needed to watch Marcus and Tom fall in love and be a family. The girls were delightful and even Tom’s parents and Jeanette were great additions to the story. I rooted for Marcus and Tom from the beginning, wish I could have seen Marcus in those trunks, would have teased Tom about that tux color and I still go a bit numb thinking of the incident with Katie.

I just adored this slow burn friends to lovers story with a bit of twist. That end, that very last bit was beautiful with what is symbolized.

Release Blitz + Giveaway: 2230: The Perfect Year by C.M. Corett

Check out today's 2230: The Perfect Year release blitz with author CM Corett and IndiGo Marketing! Learn more about the science fiction/time travel romance and enter in the $10 NineStar Press giveaway!

Title: 2230: The Perfect Year
Author: CM Corett
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: August 6, 2018
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 30600
Genre: Science Fiction, time travel, research lab, scientist, aliens, fated mates

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Alex Coulson spends his days as a lowly laboratory assistant. At night, he watches movies in his lonely apartment and dreams of exciting adventures and handsome leading men.

When an electrical fire breaks out in the lab, an experimental machine malfunctions and Alex is caught in the explosion. He awakens, injured and confused, to learn he has traveled two hundred years into the future—to the year 2230. Under the care of the gorgeous Doctor Baylin Davies (a definite contender for a leading man) Alex recovers quickly, and his feelings for Baylin deepen each day. Baylin is handsome, sexy, caring, and a verified genius—everything Alex could ever dream of. Add in the whole concept of living in the future, and Alex soon decides the year 2230 is the perfect year to begin his new life.

But then there’s the major…

Whenever the intimidating military man, Major Marcais, is near, a strange power overcomes Alex’s senses, clouding his mind and weakening his desire to be with Baylin.

When the major reveals he is an alien and declares Alex to be his life mate, Alex must find the strength to resist him. And while fighting for the man he truly desires, Alex just might discover he’s the leading man in his own adventure.


2230: The Perfect Year
CM Corett © 2018
All Rights Reserved

Chapter One
Alex Coulson’s sports shoes made a loud squawk on the polished floor. His step faltered. Had anyone heard? He scanned the cavernous office foyer. With gray marble floors and clusters of expensive couches, it looked nothing like a scientific research center and more like an exclusive hotel. An empty hotel. Of course it was empty; only the truly dedicated work on Sunday. Actually, the dedicated and people like him—sad, pathetic losers without a life. He shook his head.

Okay, Alex, quit the self-pity party. No one likes a whiner.

After another quick glance around the foyer, he strode forward and headed down the long corridor lined with identical doors. The small panes of glass in each one allowed him a glimpse inside the research labs—all empty. He appeared to be the sole, sad, pathetic person here today. At the end of the corridor, he stopped in front of the door labeled “Authorized Personnel Only.”

One wave of his security pass over the sensor and the lab door slid open. The sharp smell of smoke and plastic invaded his senses. His nose twitched. Crap! Electrical fire! No doubt about it. As the wire’s plastic coating melted, it gave off a distinct smell. He scanned the room, searching for the source, but everything appeared normal. He dashed through the main room and into the smaller lab.

Like an early morning fog, a veil of smoke hovered near the far wall, centered over the control panel. In seconds, his heart rate hit full throttle. “Crap! Crap! Crap!” The Accelerator control panel! His focus flicked to the partition wall protecting the experimental machine from prying eyes. Good. No sign of smoke there. That would be bad. Very bad. He dashed into the thickening cloud of smoke and headed toward its source.

With short, gasping breaths, he swallowed and choked on the thick acrid air. What about the fire alarm? Why hadn’t it triggered yet? He slammed his hand onto the control-panel power button and then stepped back. No shutdown. Nothing. Like ocean buoy lights viewed through the fog, the faint glow of backlit buttons and switches remained. He blinked rapidly as his tear ducts reacted to the invasive smoke, creating a torrent of tears. From beneath the watery veil, he focused on the computer screen embedded in the wall. What the hell? Why was the program running? Had he forgotten to close it the previous night? His boss would have his—

A flame erupted behind the control panel.

“Oh, God!” Coughing, he stumbled backward. What should he do? Brave the flames and try to turn off the program? Call the fire department? Fire extinguisher?

Yes! Fire extinguisher.

He spun around and grabbed the red cylinder hanging on the wall. Maybe he could put the fire out before it caused too much damage. Maybe it wouldn’t even come to the attention of management. He ripped off the safety guard thingy, pointed, and pulled the trigger. The white substance spewed out toward the flames, dousing them in a cozy blanket of white powder. “Ahhh, yes. Against all expectations, Alex Coulson saves the day!”

His boss would be pleased with him. Okay, not pleased exactly because he had most likely left the Accelerator program running, but pleased because a major fire would have brought their unauthorized work to the attention of management. “And that would be bad.”

With a few short blasts of the fire extinguisher, he completed the blanket of white over the control board. He frowned and contemplated the scene. A little more wouldn’t hurt. Better to be safe than sorry. Crouching down, he directed the nozzle under the desk and pulled the trigger. Just in case.

He stood up and surveyed the room. Okay, it could have been worse. The whole lab could have gone up in flames, destroying countless hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment. Not to mention the oh-so-secret data his boss guarded as if it held the answers to the universe. Yes, it could have been much worse.

He drew in a deep breath…and doubled over with the force of a violent coughing fit.

Crap. Smoke. Not a good idea to take deep breaths.

Fire extinguisher still in hand, he stumbled back to the main lab. His breath rasped in his throat, forcing its way past raw, inflamed flesh. At least the air in the main lab remained relatively smoke-free. In a few minutes, he would re-enter the inner lab and clean up the mess. With a bit of luck, the damage would be minimal. Maybe he could fix it himself. Clean up the fire retardant, replace a few wires, and—hey presto! Good as new with no evidence of the program he left running—no cause to fire him.

The shrieking of an alarm pierced the air, assaulting his eardrums with shrill vibrations. He closed his eyes and mouth, scrunching and squeezing his face as if trying to block the sound from entering any other orifice. A millisecond later, a deluge of water erupted from the ceiling sprinklers like an unexpected shower of summer rain. The muscles in his jaw slackened, and his mouth fell open.

Oh, crap!

Water drummed on his head and shoulders, seeping under the collar of his jacket. Mini rivers flowed across computers and desks before cascading to the shallow lake forming on the floor. The fire extinguisher hit the ground beside his foot with a waterlogged clunk.

I’m a dead man. Not to mention fired!

His shoulders slumped. Could his life get any worse?

The floor shook, sending vibrations up his legs and into his queasy stomach. Oh shit. Rule number one: never ask if it could get any worse. What the hell? An earthquake? Light exploded from the inner lab, propelling bright sparks through the doorway like tiny shooting stars. Water sloshed around his feet as he stumbled backward. The Accelerator! “Oh, shit, shit, shit!”

So. Not. Good.

A loud humming joined the vibrations. It pulsed through his body, loud enough to be heard over the sprinklers and fire alarm, shaking him to the core. Paralyzed, he stood transfixed. The inner lab glowed with a pulsating green light, matching its beat in harmony with the tremors running through the building and his body.

The vibrations were so intense he couldn’t move his legs. His head hurt and numbness crept over his face. He clutched his head and squeezed his eyes shut. Vibrating, pulsating, and humming. Could his brain explode? Would they find his gray matter splattered all over the lab and floating in the newly formed lake?

As he opened his eyes, a fresh shower of sparks shot toward him. Burning! His arm burned, stinging like the devil at a precise spot on his forearm. He slapped the sleeve of his jacket like a maniac until the pain receded to a dull ache.

Okay, time to run.

In his mind, he stumbled toward the door, but his body refused to cooperate. He looked down. His legs were—

What the hell? His body appeared pixelated and a few sections were…missing? Whoa! There was some weird, scary shit happening.

The humming intensified, sending a wave of nausea through his stomach. He couldn’t feel his legs. Were they still attached to his body? The world tipped and then faded around the edges. No, no, no! He’d seen the experiments, and he had no way to stop the Accelerator from frying him—like those rats.

So. Not. Pretty.

At least no one would miss him.

Oh, God, that’s a sad and pathetic fact.

Searing hot pain exploded in his head like a—



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Meet the Author

CM Corett is an Australian author of M/M romance who has given up on trying to limit herself to one sub-genre. She writes contemporary, historical, sci-fi, and time travel… and she may have a few paranormal drafts hidden under the bed! An avid writer and reader of love between men, she has lived in the USA and traveled the world gathering inspiration for her stories. She loves movies, superheroes, and video games with awesome graphics. She hates housework and anyone who expects her to notice (or care about) the dust on top of the fridge.

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