Themes: age gap, daddy kink
With middle-age looming, Greg offsets his boring day job with what truly feeds his soul: photography. The camera is an extension of himself where he exposes his passion for the intersect of pleasure and pain. However, the lens also acts as a barrier, protecting his subjects from the shameful mistakes of his past, and Greg is left isolated and lonely.
Emyr stands on the cusp of fame, but adulation and abuse are both eroding his confidence, and one night, at the river’s edge, he seeks solace in the rain, hoping to hide his tears.
The photographer and the virgin rock star share an accidental connection on that dark, drizzly night. When Greg invites Emyr back to his hotel room, no strings attached, the young man should have bolted. Instead, an odd sense of trust allows him to follow Greg’s lead.
When the camera comes out, Emyr learns the stage isn’t the only place he loves to perform as Greg touches something inside him that rarely awakens. Faced with a beautiful, talented boy whose soul is as lonely as his own, will Greg be able to face his past and come to terms with it, or will he run from the connection he so desperately desires?
Chelsea - 5 Hearts
Amazing! Seriously! This is now in my top 5 favourite books ever! My fellow unicorns all completely agreed!
Daddy kink is my absolute favourite so I knew I'd love this from the very beginning. Obviously if you're not sure about daddy kink, tread lightly, read some quotes to see if it's for you, but if you do like daddy kink, boy oh boy are you in for a treat! The kink side of it did not disappoint at all! By far the best daddy kink book I've read!

“I want you to play with that beautiful dick. Get it hard for me, son. Look at me while you’re touching yourself . I want to see how much you want your daddy…”
“Yes, Daddy,” he whispered…
Now it's not always 'son’, it's kiddo and baby boy and good boy and pup and My God these pet names had me squirming with every word!

But what made this book go into my top 5 is the all round fantastic characters, lack of crappy non-essential drama and depth to the relationship between Greg and Emyr.
Greg has a serious past trauma haunting him and it was beautiful seeing Emyr so determined to help him, to have him. It takes a little while for Greg to give in and when he does he's cautious, scared of getting hurt, or hurting Emyr but Emyr never gives up. He's strength when Greg needs it. It was fantastic! All the side characters were rich and wonderful as well!
I could go on and on and on about this book, but I want you to read it and discover it for yourself, so I'll shut up now.
But do it.
Read it.
Sara - 5 Hearts
When I saw this book I jumped on it because hello, Daddy kink. From what I have read of the author I knew the story had a certain way to go (*ahem* depravity) and while I was prepared for that, I was not prepared for what I got in this at all. The author mentions that he may have written something more “romance-y than usual” and goodness was this ever romantic.
I love that yeah, this is daddy kink but not the norm we usually get or would think from the author. I won’t go into a whole bunch of details as to why, I have trouble trying to explain without spoiling and I really, truly feel that this book just needs to be read and have each moment presented so the reader gets the raw emotions. EMOTIONS people, there are so many in this I don’t know what to say and if you’ve ever read a review from me, you know that’s huge.
The chemistry between Greg and Emyr is instant and amazing. I was so into them as individuals and as a couple and all that comes with that. The sweet and sexy kink, the hurt/comfort, the Daddy/good boy and just everything. I truly have no idea what I am saying or how to properly review this because it was so much and I gorged hard core on this book.
This story, has so much more than a romance to it though it’s terribly romantic. All that happens, all that the author throws in with being exposed just about did me in. I am a sensitive reader and I was gasping and tearing up numerous times while reading. It’s a good thing I am a fair haired ginger and read this at my desk, right? Also makes sense for the permanent blush on my fair cheeks and neck while I read the sex and kink in this because holy hell, it’s hot AF! I can’t even with what I read because I would need something to bite down on to stifle the groans that may have possibly escaped while reading. It’s a damn good thing I also draw the line a dry humping desk furniture because, well you know. This was hot.
BUT, this was again romantic and dealt with many social issues of not only coming out, being your true self under the rainbow, but also dabbles in the shit storm that we, or I, as an American am currently living through. I think the dirtiest word I read in this book starts with a T and ends with P but it’s so vile, I can’t bring myself to type it nor speak it out loud.
I think I will stop my ramble now. I am sure there will be much better worded reviews of this and ones that make sense but for me, this is it. I just fell so hard for this book in so many ways. I read to feel and this book made me feel… everything. It was such a wonderfully hopeful, erotic, kinky and terribly romantic book that I did nothing at work and just read because I couldn’t stop. I was lost in the world of Emyr and Greg and when the story ended, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
SheReadsALot - 4.5 Hearts
Seduction by photo shoot.
A sweet love story with a side of daddy kink. Not what I expected prior to going in...
"It's like I want to crush him up into a little ball and tuck him directly into my heart..."...but it works.
Exposed is foremost a romance between two damaged souls who happen to meet by chance one rainy night in London, of all places. Emyr is a Welsh twenty year old rising rock star. His innocent looks and provocative lyrics have a following. Greg, forty two year old Canadian web designer and photographer, couldn't imagine his luck bucking into the crying man. Emyr's face begs to be captured on camera, Greg's camera. But even more so Greg notices someone who is cracking at the seams, he's been there, is still there. So he invites a stranger to his hotel room, just to talk. And Emyr accepts.
Thus begins their connection and their path to more.
"I am, you know," he said after a moment."Are what?""Yours. Completely.""Ha... When did I ask you that?""You didn't have to."Greg is a dominant who is still reeling from his last sub and the aftermath of what he thought was a scene. It's been five years and his self imposed celibacy has never been tested as it is with Emyr. There's an innocence that is alluring. But once he sees how obedient Emyr is, well it just calls to him. From the moment these two men meet, their connection is palpable. I kept reading along, saying to myself, this couldn't really happen, could it? Meeting a rock star and tumbling into their world?
But it's Greg and Emyr's connection, their ease with one another, the way they exposed their inner workings to each other. (Not without hesitation from one of the men) That's what I bought. It's what sold me anytime I questioned an initial response.
Greg tries to back away from the celebrity. Emyr is too young, probably straight. The impromptu photo shoot/ session didn't break his celibacy. But Greg's subconscious and feelings won't be denied. The boy got under his skin.
You get sort of numb after a while when you cut off human contact, and you end up telling yourself all sorts of bullshit--like, that you don't actually need it, that it's not so bad going without--and then you carry on building a shell around yourself with these lies. But, what you don't realize is that shell is brittle and thin and made of denial, barely containing the visceral need growing in your guts like some formless, ravenous, single-minded creature.
"Trust me, Daddy."Daddy. I smiled, and he gave me a coy grin in return."You're determined to wear me down.""I am that.""You're incorrigible.""That too."I'm a fan of age gaps, damaged protagonists with internal baggage, heroes who aren't the best at communicating their emotions. Exposed definitely has that. The angst is more internal struggles than external. Greg and Emyr have to trust, communicate. And I think it was my most favorite thing about this novel, (besides the daddy kink, duh). It was that the two communicated, even when it hurt. It was equal footing where it counted.
Now let's get to the daddy kink shall we?
Daddy kink is fairly tamer on the BDSM scale. And this story is not necessarily a formalized, contract bound pairing. It read more natural. And if you're a reader who clutches their pearl at the mention of daddy kink, this is a romance first. The daddy kink if I had to rate it on a 1 to 5 of extremes, 5 being the most hardcore, it's a 1. There was role playing, a few spankings, D/s. Bonus for the bare backing, (semi)public sex, size difference and big guy bottoming scene. I like it when daddies get breached too. ;D
If you're going in expecting hardcore scenes, you might not enjoy this as much. The sex is melting hot (hello it's a Deckard), there are definitely re-read worthy chapters. What I enjoyed about it is that it wasn't overly long drawn out scenes. Every sexual encounter read organic and fit the main characters. I did slowly grow to love the main characters, separately and as a pair. I think they're perfect for each other.
It's no surprise I enjoy this author's work and his back list varies in taste. This was the most romantic, most sweet I've ever read from him.
"You've nothing to worry about, silly--I'm yours... And you're mine, and I'll take care of that poor, neglected heart of yours just as well as I take care of that poor, neglected cock.""Well, it's not so neglected anymore," I said, making as if to mull it over what he had said. "You do take good care of it--that bodes well for my heart, I suppose."
I'm not surprised he wrote it, the tell tale signs of his writing are all there. Vivid settings, it's a road trip for a large chunk of Exposed, I felt like I was there with the pair and the cast of side characters at each location, an interesting cast of characters (Owain, Barrie, Rose and the nain dominatrix!) that you can't help to enjoy. His side characters have a tendency to enrich his stories without overtaking the shine from the main characters. There was a little suspense-ful twist, that wasn't over dramatic. It ended a little tamer than introduced.
Overall, a great read that I'm happy to add to my favorites of 2017 list.
This is sweet for this author, not necessarily your run of the mill schmoop. So if you're looking to finally delve into this author's work, Exposed is a great place to start. (His Actor's Circle series is also on the tamer side of the Deckard spectrum)
I don't know if the author will ever return to this couple. I think their HEA is pretty solid. But maybe a possible dabble into one of their scenes? I think I'm going to miss Daddy and his boy.
Who knew photo shoots could be so seductive?
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A copy provided for an honest review.