Release Blitz + Giveaway: Alpha Rush (JT's Bar #7) by Sue Brown

Welcome author Sue Brown as they celebrate the series finale, Alpha Rush (JT's Bar #7)! Find out more about the contemporary romance and enter in the $20 Amazon gift card giveaway! 


TITLE: Alpha Rush

AUTHOR: Sue Brown

RELEASE DATE: 11th March 2021

PRICE: $3.99


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BIO: Cranky middle-aged author with an addiction for coffee, and a passion for romancing two guys. She loves her dog, she loves her kids, and she loves coffee; in which order very much depends on the time of day.

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His lover is missing. A fierce storm is coming. His romantic vacation has turned into a nightmare. If Costa makes the call to his team, will they come?

It was supposed to be a calm vacation. A chance to decompress after a dangerous mission. To find out if the heated kisses between him and Collins could turn into something more.

When Collins disappears after an argument, Costa is miles from home and on his own. Is he overreacting? It’s only been a couple of days. Is Collins really missing or is he holed up in a bar somewhere like everyone believes?

But time runs out. A ferocious storm is due to hit the resort, and Costa needs help. But will his team come when they realize he’s asking them to find Collins?

Book 7 in Sue Brown's tense action series where risk and romance are played for high stakes. Passion and danger are always close to home in J.T’s Bar, where alpha men get a second chance at love.


General Teaser 

Tony Costa curled up on the unmade bed. The call had to be made. He couldn’t wait any longer. He pressed the button. He heard the call connect and a sleepy Irish drawl. “What do you want?”

“It’s…” Costa coughed to clear his throat. “It’s Costa.”

“What’s wrong? Do you need me? I can be out on the next flight.”

Costa blinked back the tears at his team leader’s willingness to drop everything for him without even knowing the problem. “Collins is gone.”

The next time Doyle spoke there was no trace of sleepiness left. “Explain.”

Costa could hear him whispering to Perez to call Mitchelson.

His section leader was going to kill him.

“We’re in Cancún and—”

“I know,” Doyle said brusquely.

“We argued yesterday.” What the hell had they argued about? He had trouble remembering. “Nick stormed out and never came back. I’ve tried the other hotels, the hospitals and the clinics. And the morgue.” Even the word got stuck in his throat.

“Well done. Good. Talk to Perez.”

Costa blinked at being passed off to his teammate.

“Costa, we’ll be out to you as soon as we can,” Perez assured him. “Doyle’s going to ask Ruiz to arrange the flights.”

“You don’t have to—”

“Shut up,” Perez said roughly. “Of course we do.”



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Audiobook Tour: Loose Ends (Badlands #4) by Morgan Brice

Author Morgan Brice and Gay Book Promotions visit on the Loose Ends (Badlands #4) audiobook tour! Find out more about the Kale Williams narrated urban fantasy today! 


Book Title: Loose Ends (Badlands #4)

Author: Morgan Brice

Publisher: Darkwind Press

Narrator: Kale Williams

Release Date: January 19, 2021

Genre: Urban fantasy MM paranormal romance

Trope/s: Established and evolving relationship, problems with an ex, hurt/comfort

Themes: facing the past, rebuilding trust, found family 

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 6 hours and 22 minutes

It’s #4 in the Badlands series, but can be read/listened as a standalone story.

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Cold cases, old enemies, ex-lovers, and vengeful spirits—will Simon and Vic solve the case or become the newest ghosts of the Grand Strand?



Cold cases, old enemies, ex-lovers, and vengeful spirits are making life dangerous for psychic medium Simon Kincaide and his boyfriend, homicide detective Vic D'Amato.

The ghosts of Myrtle Beach are restless, trapped by love, secrets, scandals, and spells, keeping Simon busy protecting the living from the unhappy dead. Someone from Vic's past is out to destroy him and everyone he holds dear, and the high-profile trial of the first case Simon and Vic worked together puts them in the spotlight - and put a target on their backs. As a deadly trap closes around them, can Simon and Vic tie up the loose ends to stop the threat, or will they become the newest ghosts of the Grand Strand?

About the Author

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon! 

Author Links

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Follow the tour and check out the other blog posts and reviews here


Release Blitz + Giveaway: The Last of the Moussakas by Fearne Hill

 Author Fearne Hill and IndiGo Marketing celebrate the release of contemporary romance, The Last of the Moussakas! Read more and enter in the $10 NineStar Press credit giveaway! 


Title: The Last of the Moussakas

Author: Fearne Hill

Publisher: NineStar Press

Release Date: 03/08/2021

Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 74900

Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, contemporary, gay, Greek island setting, Greek culture, celebrity Friends to lovers, In-the-closet/coming out, soulmates, humorous, chefs, musician, chef, second cousins, family drama

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Max Bergmann is Europe’s hottest drum and bass DJ. From the outside, his life is a whirl of glamorous vodka-fueled parties and casual hook-ups, whilst inside he craves the one thing he can’t have – his Greek childhood friend, Georgios Manolas.

Following a disastrous PR stunt and one drunken hook-up too many, Max realises the time has come to reassess his life choices. Returning to his childhood home on the Greek island of Aegina, if he wants any chance of having Georgios permanently in his life, he has to delve into the mystery of the longstanding hatred of the Bergmann’s by Georgios’s family.

Georgios is a chef and has spent his whole life on the tiny Greek island of Aegina. He has held the family restaurant together since he left school, with very little reward, and dreams of one day running a restaurant of his own on the island. Yet if he acknowledges his feelings for Max, he runs the risk of losing not just his traditional Greek family but also his livelihood.

As Max slowly uncovers the secrets of the past, he is left wondering whether a little Greek girl’s heart-breaking wartime diary could not only hold the key to his family’s history, but could it also unlock his and Georgios’s future together?

The Last of the Moussaka’s is a light-hearted, warm romance about two men’s quest for the truth about the past and unlocking a path to a future together.


The Last of the Moussakas
Fearne Hill © 2021
All Rights Reserved


“I’d heard you were back,” I say neutrally, eyeing the lean, blond man slouched at one of the outside tables. His pale-blue shirt is rumpled and half undone, although he has clearly tried to rebutton it at some point and failed to align the buttons correctly. In one hand, he nurses a bottle of Fix lager and in the other a thin roll-up from which he takes a long drag before attempting to focus his blue gaze on me. I fold my arms across my apron.

“And if Papa Marcos sees you, he’ll tell you to get on your way; you’re not welcome here after what happened last time.”

Papa Marcos is actually my uncle, not my father, but that’s what everyone has called him for as long as I can remember. And this is his restaurant.

“Christ, that was ages ago, Georgios,” slurs the young man, shaking his head in mild protest. A wave of that thick yellow hair falls over his face with the movement, and he lazily pushes it aside before taking another swig from the bottle. He misjudges the precise location of his mouth and some of the amber liquid dribbles down his chin unnoticed. Ash from his cigarette falls unimpeded onto his jeans.

“Well, Papa Marcos has the memory of an elephant, and frankly, I don’t blame him if he tells you to bugger off. You’re lucky you’re even allowed back on the island, to be honest.”

The blond man regards me for a long second, his heavy-lidded gaze momentarily focussed. I feel a familiar lurch in my stomach, somewhere between pleasure and pain, and deliberately push it aside. Not tonight and not like this. Not ever again, in fact, I tell myself. I can’t continue tormenting myself like this, I just can’t. Picking up a tray, I gather empties from the table next to the man, aware of those blue eyes blearily following my every move as I cross to and fro around the outside restaurant area, clearing up the debris from departed diners.

We’ve reached midsummer, and the night has been as busy as any so far this season. I’ve cooked for eight hours non-stop, catering for well over a hundred covers. Day trippers and weekenders from the mainland pack into Aegina, joined by a smattering of rich yachting types and locals enjoying a hot Saturday night. It’s after one in the morning; the last table of guests has finally paid up and left. The town still buzzes with families and groups of friends at the neighbouring bars. Having wiped down the last of the outside tables, I disappear back inside.

After another half hour I’m done in the kitchen. Papa Marcos has long gone, as have the rest of the kitchen staff, leaving me to cash up and lock up. I’m the only person he trusts to do this reliably, not that he gives me any credit for it. I get paid just as little as everyone else, despite doing the bulk of the prep work, cooking, and having to manage a disparate bunch of occasional chefs, porters, pot washers and waiters. I can be sure as hell my lazy cousin and my brother won’t go the extra mile. I try to spend the time thinking happy thoughts about Agnes, my girlfriend of a couple of months. She’s nice, really nice, and pretty too. Shame I hardly have time to see her.

I extinguish the outside lights and, in the gloom, almost miss the body now sprawled across the table in the far corner, the empty green beer bottle dangling loosely from one elegant tanned hand. I detect gentle snoring as I approach and watch for a few moments as the man sleeps on, head cradled on his arm, his fair lashes resting on his cheeks, shoulder-length golden curls fanning around his face. A snail trail of saliva dribbles across his sleeve. And yet, despite his dishevelled and drunken state, I know without a shadow of doubt that Maximillian Bergmann is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

“Max,” I begin, nudging him gently. Too gently, it would seem, as the snoring rhythm remains unaltered. “Maxi!” I shout a little louder, gripping his upper arm and shaking him with more force. “It’s home time, Maxi!”

Max gradually stirs and looks around hazily until his bloodshot eyes alight on my familiar face. He smiles tipsily. “Always here to save me, my Georgie boy.”

I ignore him; I’m tired and hot, my feet are aching, and I’m desperate for my bed. I can’t recall the last time I was allowed a day off. “Right, come on Max, just stand up. I’m not messing about. You need to go home.”

The harsher tone of voice and the tug on his arm bring Max to a more alert state, and he lurches to his feet, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

“And I’m not a boy!” I add, pulling Max along with me. “I’m twenty-five, Max. Almost a year older than you!”

Max pushes me away. “I need a piss.”

He steps back from the table and turns towards the beach. “Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you’re cross, Georgios Manolas?” he mumbles over his shoulder.

He weaves his way through the tables and steps down off the restaurant decking, onto the narrow strip of pebbly sand which makes up the town beach. After only a couple of paces, Max reaches the water’s edge, swaying slightly as his fountain of pee arcs into the shallow foam at his feet.

“And you wonder why the good folk around here don’t like you very much,” I mutter under my breath and glance around to check we are still alone.

Max buttons himself up then totters back to where I’m waiting for him. He smiles his perfect easy white smile at me as if he hasn’t a care in the world. He probably doesn’t, I think uncharitably and check my watch. Possibly too late for taxis, and one look at Max makes it unlikely any drivers will agree to have him so inebriated in the back of their cabs anyway, particularly if they recognise him from previous trips. And even though the sensible half of my brain tells me to let Max find his own way home, the other half warns me that I won’t sleep easily knowing he’ll end up crashing somewhere on the beach for the night.

“Come on then, Max,” I sigh wearily. “I’ll give you a lift. The scooter’s parked over here.”

My Vespa has seen better days, having belonged not only to Dion, my older brother, but also to my older cousin Nico before him. Neither of them treated it with the care it deserves. Yet, although it may resemble a rust bucket, the 150cc engine is solidly reliable, even with the extra weight of a second adult. As Max clambers behind me, I warn him to hold on tight. “And don’t fall asleep! Stay awake! I haven’t got a helmet for you!”

Max’s arms obediently snake around my waist, and my oldest friend nestles the warmth of his body into me, resting his head comfortably against my back. We have shared scooter rides many, many times over the years, and as I head up away from the main street and along the coast road, it seems that Max snuggles in even closer. There had been a time when I lived for moments like this, alone with Max’s lean torso warm along the length of my back, but not now. I’m not going to let futile dreams of what could be with Max fill my head again, even if my heart demands that I push my foot to the pedal and just keep on going. I fail miserably to conjure up a mental image of my new girlfriend Agnes’s pretty face.

Aegina is not a big island, only about fifteen kilometres across and ten kilometres north to south, so it doesn’t take very long on the empty roads to get to Max’s parents’ place, cloistered in the hills above Kypseli village. Once we leave the coast road and wind our way up the narrow lanes, we encounter not a single soul.

His parents’ house is a newish villa but built in traditional old Greek style. With lush bougainvillea creeping up the walls, the two-storey elegant limestone sprawl contrasts sharply with the plainer, shabbier village dwellings on either side. Situated in an enviable spot; the views from the terraces stretch all the way to mainland Piraeus, with olive and lemon groves dropping away from the main house and providing acres of much-needed shade in the heat of the day. His parents had demolished the previous villa several years earlier and built this even grander place in its stead. At the time, my mum and I couldn’t see why they had bothered, it’s not as if they frequently visit the place. In fact, Max and his shifting collection of hangers-on are the only regular visitors these days. We negotiate the security gates, and as we head up the long private drive, I can see all the lights in all the rooms blazing, the empty swimming pool lit up like an airstrip for small aircraft. I shake my head; my dad would have said they’ve got more money than sense.

I kill the engine, and with my foot resting on the ground for balance, I wait for Max to move. He doesn’t budge an inch, his arms remain firmly wrapped around me, his front pressed cosily into my back. I wonder if he’s fallen asleep after all.

“Hey, Maxi, time to let go.”

“What if I don’t want to let go?”

His drowsy words are muffled against my neck. His fingertips find their way into the gap between the buttons on my shirt, and I can’t help an involuntary hitch in my breath nor ignore Max’s murmur of contentment as his smooth palm caresses the skin of my flat belly. “You like that, don’t you, Georgie boy?” he croons throatily into my ear.

That sweet accent, mostly Greek, but betraying a hint of foreignness at intense moments like this. I let my head drop back, losing myself in the sensation of the leisurely circular massaging of my belly and the feel of that hot breath and soft lips grazing my ear. God, it would be so easy to say yes, to climb off the scooter and allow Max to lead me by the hand into the house.

Pushing his hand away, I force myself to stay firm. “Stop it, Max,” I plead, closing my eyes. “Come on; please get off the bike. I’ve got work again in the morning, and I’m knackered. Just get off now. Please.”

The warm press of body against mine vanishes. The seat rises slightly as Max’s weight lifts, and I look up, sensing him standing next to me. “I do love you, Georgie boy, you know that, don’t you?”

I turn away from him, fiddling with the wing mirror. “Whatever. Go to bed and sleep it off.”

I head back to our little house hidden amongst the backstreets of Aegina town. A dwelling ideally suited to a family of four, ours accommodates an extended family of eight. Privacy and solitude are rare commodities, and the gulf between my modest home and the one I’ve just ridden away from feels as vast as the Saronic sea, the stretch of water separating Aegina from the mainland.

The whine of my scooter engine sets off a cacophony of local dogs, ours included. I give him a cursory pat as I pass him chained up in his usual spot under the eaves at the side of the house. God knows what all these territorial dogs, so beloved of us islanders, are actually guarding; none of us has anything of value worth stealing, but perhaps we just like to know who might be dropping in on us anyway.

The house is quiet, and I efficiently remove the sweat and grime of my working day under a dribble of a lukewarm shower before creeping into my room. I share the tiny space with Dion, and in the half-light, I can make out his lumpy body under the covers, flat on his back, dead to the world. His ugly snores are such a familiar soundtrack to my nights that they hardly register. I undress silently and slip into the narrow bed, separated from his by only a foot, and close my eyes.

Sleep eludes me as I knew it would; it is always the same whenever Max Bergmann strolls back into my life without warning. In between his visits, I can sometimes manage to forget about him for days at a time, and then just when I’m back on track, he turns up out of the blue, shaking me to the core, flipping my ordered existence upside down. I have a bloody girlfriend now, for God’s sake!

Giving up on sleep, I flick on my phone and indulge in a guilty pleasure: tracking his movements online via his company’s Instagram page. His last gig was headlining a drum and bass festival in Berlin, and before that, he’d done a stint at a big club in Manchester. Globetrotting—well, Europe-trotting as usual. And what had I done while Max had been lapping up the adoration of thousands of fans? Cooking approximately a gazillion moussakas and preparing my entire family’s body weight in tzatziki.

Truthfully, I had been expecting Max to appear again sooner or later. He rarely leaves it longer than a couple of months between visits to the island. He’s half Greek, after all, and spent much of his childhood here. His roots are on this island, and that drags him back, but his presence always unsettles me now. So different from when we were kids, when I counted down the days on the calendar until his boarding school holidays with growing excitement, knowing he would be back with me, and I’d have weeks and weeks with him all to myself. But lately, his presence feels like an open sore I can’t resist picking.

There is a familiar pull as my mind helplessly replays the feel of him riding pillion on the bike, pressed up against me, his soft palm flat against my belly, those maddening stroking circles, his breath and his low seductive voice warm against my throat. What if I don’t want to let go? My hand has strayed to my dick, achingly aroused against the well-worn duvet, and I’m working myself, imagining those circles moving lower and lower until it is Max’s hand on me, Max who is stroking me, Max who is loving me. My own fist is a poor substitute, but my balls tighten nonetheless, and I roll over onto my stomach as I start to come, rubbing myself hard against the friction of the sweaty sheet, stifling my frustrated groans against the pillow.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Meet the Author

Fearne Hill lives deep in the southern British countryside with three untamed sons, varying numbers of hens, a few tortoises, and a beautiful cocker spaniel. When she is not overseeing her small menagerie, she enjoys writing contemporary romantic fiction. And when she is not doing either of those things, she works as an anaesthesiologist.

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Review: Hexes and Horns (Magic Emporium) by Rowan McAllister

Ryan O’Byrne has rules: 1) no using his magic, 2) no getting dragged back into his family’s craziness, and 3) no dating supernaturals of any kind, especially shifters … in other words, nothing and no one who will tempt him to break rule number one.

But what if the gorgeous wall of muscle he can’t seem to stay away from just happens to be a shifter? Well, it is only a short-term thing, and he isn’t a master of denial for nothing.

Leo Holt can’t help it if he has a teeny tiny weakness for bad boys—not really bad, just a little prickly around the edges. Even for a unicorn, all sweetness and light, all the time, can get a little boring. But, falling for the eldest son of the dark witch family who runs his little West Virginia town might be getting his fingers too close to the fire, even for him.

For Ryan, it was supposed to be a simple trip back home to show support during a family crisis. But when hexes, secrets, a family demon, and the O’Byrne witches are involved, nothing is ever simple.

Hexes and Horns, is part of the Magic Emporium Series. Each book stands alone, but each one features an appearance by Marden’s Magic Emporium, a shop that can appear anywhere, but only once and only when someone’s in dire need. This book contains explicit sex scenes, a muscular moonshiner, a reluctant witch, a spooky best friend, and a guaranteed HEA.

My favorite of the series thus far!

As per the blurb, Ryan is called home to help with a dire situation, and he hates being there, adamantly suppressing his magical abilities and turning the other cheek in regards to his morally corrupt family. Ryan wants nothing to do with being a witch, nor does he want to mingle with any other supernatural or paranormal members of the community, but when he comes across the sunniest ray of sunshine named Leo, all of Ryan’s rules go out the window.

Here, McAllister definitely brings a different twist to her heroes. Most notable is Ryan’s background and personal struggles. Just because he’s a witch who has yet to fall into dark magic doesn’t mean he isn’t tempted. This contrasted wonderfully with Leo’s hippy laid back be-what-may attitude. It was a refreshing surprise regarding who Leo is as a shifter, and it’s that very secret that fuels the plot as his life is endangered by Ryan’s family.

This also has a very organic progression as to how Ryan and Leo fall for each other, interspersed with some sweet flirting, funny banter, and nice smexy. Ryan is commendable in his determination to not do what comes magically easy and in how he fights his very nature. Leo was a dreamboat - kind, generous, all accepting, and honorable.

Though still easy breezy, in comparison to the first 4 stories in this loosely connected series, this had an appreciated depth to it. I’m keeping my hopes up that the next story from Maslow can continue this winning streak!

Audiobook Tour + Giveaway: Hide and Seek: Stories from the Sound (All Cocks Stories #6) by TM Smith

The Hide and Seek: Stories from the Sound (All Cocks Stories #6) audio book tour visits the blog! Join author T.M. Smith and Gay Book Promotions on their visit for the Mackenzie Brennan narrated hurt/comfort romance! Enter in the $10 Amazon gift card giveaway!


Book Title: Hide and Seek: Stories from the Sound (All Cocks Stories) book 6

Author: TM Smith

Publisher: TTC Publishing

Narrator: Mackenzie Brennan

Release Date: February 12, 2021

Genre:  M/M Romance

Trope/s: Strangers to lovers

Themes:  Hurt/comfort

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length:  7 hours and 7 minutes

It is book 6 in the series.

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Truths come out and trust is put to the test. Can the All Cocks family find the happiness they deserve?


Dusty Anderson left his hometown in Justin, Texas, for the Big Apple not long after graduating high school with dreams of becoming an actor. A year later, no closer to realizing his dream but pretty damn close to being broke, he comes across a flyer in a local gay bar that provides a solution to his dilemma.

Six years later, Dusty has all but forgotten his dream to be an actor. The family he gained when he went to work at All Cocks and the job itself are enough for him - for now, at least.

David Thompson is barely 21, high on life and starting his second year at NYU as an art student. Now that he is old enough to enjoy the city’s nightlife, David finds his first crush at a local hot spot in the village, The Monster Bar. Young love is laid to rest, though, when David comes out to his mother and older brother...with disastrous results.

A tragic incident at the hands of David’s brother changes the course of all of their lives and brings the two together, but is it coincidence or fate? Regardless of unlikely circumstance, Dusty is inexplicably drawn to David, who suddenly finds himself alone in the world. Protective of David from the start, Dusty realizes his extended family at All Cocks and his best friend Kory will not understand this new relationship. Fearing the worst, Dusty plays a dangerous game of hide-and-seek, risking everything to keep David safe and sheltered.

But hiding can only last for so long, and David and Dusty aren’t the only ones dealing with uncertainties. The Dimir men find that the one thing they’ve longed for might be within reach and Dusty’s father, Dean, arrives in town unexpectedly with secrets of his own.

Note: This book was previously released in the All Cocks Stories series. This book is intended for mature listeners due to adult content.

About the Author 

A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; Smith is an avid reader that just happens to write sweet & sexy gay romance. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.

Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!


Social Media Links

Audible Profile  |   Blog   |   Website  |  Twitter: @TTCBooksandmore 

Facebook: Author TM Smith  |  Join the TRIBE on Facebook  |  Pinterest   |   YouTube

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions


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Release Blitz + Giveaway: Starting from the Top (Starting From #5) by Lane Hayes

Author Lane Hayes and IndiGo Marketing host today's release blitz for contemporary age gap romance, Starting from the Top (Starting From #5)! Find out more and enter in the $25 Amazon gift card giveaway!


Title: Starting From The Top

Series: Starting From, #5

Author: Lane Hayes

Publisher: Lane Hayes

Release Date: March 8, 2021

Heat Level: 4 - Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 83k

Genre: Romance, Age Gap, Rock and Roll, Hurt and Comfort, Bisexual, Contemporary Romance

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The guitarist, the dad, and a band on the rise…


A quiet place to live and some time to recharge before my band heads out on the road again sounds amazing. I wouldn’t mind a distraction too, but my new neighbor is off-limits. There are rules about not getting involved with your bandmate’s ex, right? And Sean isn’t my type anyway. He’s too bossy, too commanding, and he has way too much baggage. I’ve learned that it’s best to let go of the heavy stuff. So why am I so drawn to him?


Coming out later in life has taught me to protect my privacy at all costs. And while juggling a handful of businesses and two kids isn’t easy, I excel at the art of multitasking and keeping everything separate. But Johnny blurs those lines. He’s easy-going, sweet-natured, and cool. In short, he’s everything I’m not. I want to know all about him…starting from the top.


The cheery sound of family fun drifted through the house…the dog barking, cupboards closing, and a girlish squeal of delight. And more dog barking.

I chuckled at the chaotic homey cacophony. I would never have envisioned this was Sean’s life. He’d always seemed like a badass boss to me—not a man who’d wear an apron to bake cupcakes with his daughter while his son had a guitar lesson. His chocolate mussed hair and concerned parental frown made him look goofy and yet very…endearing. In a hot dad way.

Okay. Definitely time to go. I reached for the knob just as Sean did.

“I’ll walk you out,” he insisted, holding the door open.

I stepped onto the porch and blinked against the bright afternoon sun at the hilltop view of the city. “Wow. This is nice.”

“Yeah,” he agreed absently. “How was he?”

“Amazing. The next Chuck Berry.”

Sean sighed grumpily. “Less sarcasm, please.”

“Sorry, Dad.” I snickered. “He was great. I mean, he sucked, but I think he had fun. I told him to keep the guitar and practice on his own. If you want me to come back, I will.”

“Really? That’s good.” He stared at the horizon for a moment before glancing my way. “I wanted to—why are you smiling at me?”

“You’re fuckin’ covered in chocolate. It’s in your ear.” I made a face and tugged at my own ear.

He gestured at the apron. “Baking isn’t my thing.”

I flashed a megawatt grin at him. “Sure, it is. Are you decorating those cupcakes with anything besides frosting?”

“Sprinkles. You’re welcome to join us.”

“Thanks, but I don’t want to crash your family time.”

Sean inclined his head. “So…did he talk to you?”

“It took a little coaxing. Full disclosure…we played video games before we picked up the guitars. You’re not paying me, so I don’t really feel guilty. I just don’t want you to think it was a jam session from the start.”

“I know.”

“You know?” I repeated.

“I snuck in to see how you were doing. Hulk let you down. You might want to go with Iron Man or Captain America next time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I snort-laughed, then sobered. “As for Parker…he’s a good kid. He’s shy, reserved, and likes organization. He seems like the kind of person who excels at things he can control. I bet he builds killer Lego sets. He might learn a few songs, but I doubt he’s a savant. You never know, though. Kids are sponges. They pick up stuff you and I would never catch.”

“That’s true. I’m impressed. And you’re right…about everything. He keeps a lot inside. He’s always been that way. Very thoughtful and methodical. He sets a high bar for himself. He likes to get things right the first time. He does well in school, but he’s struggling with the transition to junior high. His old friends tried out for sports and he opted not to. It’s left him feeling ostracized and alone. Hormones don’t help. I thought it might be good for him to spend time with someone cool who—”

“Cooler than you?”

“Well, let’s not get crazy.” Sean flipped the corner of his apron and let out a self-deprecating laugh. “I just…thanks for doing this. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. Hey, if he really is interested, we can do this regularly. My schedule is light for the next couple of months, but it’ll get crazy again in late spring.”

“I’ll call you.”

“Text me. I hate phone calls.” I held out my right hand and snatched it away a second later, narrowing my gaze. “You have frosting on your nose.”

“My nose?” He wiped his hand over the apron, then across the tip of his nose. “Did I get it?”

“No. Come here. Let me help you.” I stepped into his space and brushed the sugary goodness away.

“Did you get it?” he asked in a huskier than normal tone.

“Yeah, but it’s on your ear and your chin and…”

“Where else?”


I ran the pad of my thumb under this bottom lip. “Got it.”

I didn’t move. I should have, but something held me in place. I studied his features, noting the flecks in his eyes. I wondered what color they were…gold, green, brown? I traced a line at the corner of his mouth, rubbing the scruff of his neatly-trimmed beard. I stared at his full lips for a long moment before meeting his gaze. Then I inched closer and…kissed him.

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Meet the Author 


 Lane Hayes loves a good romance! An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions, and were winners in the 2016, 2017, and 2018-2019 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in a not quite empty nest.

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Blog Tour: Pretty Poison (Sinister in Savannah #3) by Aimee Nicole Walker

Join author Aimee Nicole Walker and Vibrant Promotions as they promote the Pretty Poison (Sinister in Savannah #3) blog tour! Read more about the latest in the romantic suspense series today!

Pretty Poison

Sinister in Savannah Series, Book Three

Aimee Nicole Walker

LGBT Romantic Suspense

Release Date: 02.20.21



Redemption seeker. Chameleon. Damaged heart.

By day, Rocky Jacobs is a private investigator. By night, he produces Sinister in Savannah, a true-crime podcast, with his two best friends. Rocky’s life revolves around three principles: possessing skill is better than having luck, a man’s reputation is everything, and there’s no sacrifice too great for those you love.

Is Tess Hamilton pretty poison or just unlucky in love?

That’s the question the trio of trouble will try to uncover. This investigation strikes a little too close to home for one of them. Tess, a woman accused of killing her three husbands, has been tried and convicted in the media, something Rocky knows all too well. When their investigation turns up nothing but dead ends, Rocky will keep digging. Is it because he believes in her innocence? Or does Rocky hope to find redemption for himself by achieving it for Tess?

A stagnant case turns out to be the least of his problems.

What happens in Vegas never truly stays stay there. For fifteen months, Rocky has been running from a tragedy that shattered his life and countless others. The most painful casualty was the destruction of his marriage to Asher Dunleavy. When the sexy federal marshal turns up in Savannah, Rocky is reminded of his greatest love and deepest regret. Every minute spent in Asher’s presence makes him yearn for the life they lost. Will Rocky drown in the sorrows of what might’ve been or fight for what could be?

Sinister in Savannah series is a fictional podcast exploring the city’s most nefarious crimes with Southern-fried snark. The books explore friendship, love, loss, and the irrepressible human spirit. Pretty Poison is book three of three. While each novel is written about a different couple, the series should be read in order due to continuing storylines. Sinister in Savannah is an LGBT romantic suspense series with mature language and sexual content intended for adults eighteen and older.

Trigger warning: the main character struggles with PTSD resulting from an investigation involving a murder-suicide. While the content is not overly graphic, it could still cause emotional harm to some readers. One of Rocky’s side effects is anxiety, which may trigger similar reactions in those battling the disorder. As with the murder-suicide scene, I avoided being too graphic with his attacks.

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Setting the aluminum pan on the counter, Rocky pulled the mixing bowl from the cabinet and a whisk from the drawer while Asher pulled out ingredients from the refrigerator. 

“How old is this ham?” Asher asked. 

“Honestly, I’m not sure. Sniff it.” 

You sniff it.” 

Rocky crossed the room. Asher lifted the deli bag up, and Rocky took a deep whiff to see if the contents were still fresh. “It’s good.” 

“Forgive me if I doubt your food freshness test.” 

Rocky shrugged. “It’s never let me down before.” 

“They say there’s a first time for everything, but I’ll happily go the rest of my life without experiencing food poisoning.” 

They locked eyes and started to laugh because it was a conversation they’d had many times during their short marriage. Rocky reached inside the deli bag and tore off a hunk of meat and popped it into his mouth. Asher’s eyes dropped to Rocky’s lips and he seemed mesmerized by their movement. And maybe Rocky chewed the tiny piece longer than necessary before swallowing and declaring it safe enough for Asher to eat. 

“Where do you keep your skillets?” Asher asked. 

Rocky crossed his arms over his chest. “And you claim to know me so well.” He muscled Asher out of the way and opened the oven door, then gestured to the pots and pans stacked neatly inside. “Tah-dah.”

Ever since she was a little girl, Aimee Nicole Walker entertained herself with stories that popped into her head. Now she gets paid to tell those stories to other people. She wears many titles—wife, mom, and animal lover are just a few of them. Her absolute favorite title is champion of the happily ever after. Love inspires everything she does, music keeps her sane, and coffee is the magic elixir that fuels her day. I’d love to hear from you

Audiobook Review: Bitter Heat (Heat of Love #3) by Leta Blake

A pregnant omega trapped in a desperate situation, an unattached alpha with a lot to prove, and an unexpected fall into love that could save them both.

Kerry Monkburn is contracted to a violent alpha in prison for brutal crimes. Now pregnant with the alpha’s child, he lives high in the mountains, far above the city that once lured him in with promises of a better life. Enduring bitterness and fear, Kerry flirts with putting an end to his life of darkness, but fate intervenes.

Janus Heelies has made mistakes in the past. In an effort to redeem himself, integrity has become the watchword for his future. Training as a nurse under the only doctor willing to take him on, Janus is resolute in his intentions: he will live cleanly in the mountains and avoid all inappropriate affairs. But he doesn’t anticipate the pull that Kerry exercises on his heart and mind.

As the question of Kerry’s future health and safety comes to an explosive head, only the intervention of fate will see these desperate men through to a happy ending.

SRAL ABO binge continues! Full force!

I've literally devoured this series and bought the audio books to listen along while reading them from my personal stash. Why? Michael Ferriauolo is a narration genius. He's just so good *cough*try the audio Caged series by Bey Deckard*cough* But I digress.

I'm a fan of Leta Blake's Heat of Love series (yes, you must read in order). The lengths are on the long size with each main book at 100+K a piece, but I tell you I breezed through with minimal skipping. Don't let the size intimidate you. I have loved each main romantic couple (or throuple) in their own way. Book #3- Bitter Heat was no different.

First off, the pairing? Didn't see that a mile a way. Two damaged souls finding love? Who doesn't enjoy that trope?! Triggers: suicidal ideation, attempted abortion, rape/non-con, domestic violence

We have Kerry Monkburn, the omega with a disability and a violent, abusive contracted alpha, our resident villain from books #1-2 (Wilbet Monhundy) and Janus Heelies, the asshole spoiled alpha from book #2, Alpha Heat, who is recovering from his illness and trying to reform from his philandering ways.

Bitter Heat literally starts with a violent bang as we're thrust into the aftermath of Kerry having to spend his heat in prison with Wilbet. (ugh, just typing Wilbet's name make me mad). And we get to see his bleak view of the world. His has no rights since he signed them away once he contracted (married) his alpha, Wilbet. And since Wilbet in in jail, Wilbet's evil parents control Kerry since he's consider basically property. Imagine how horrible it is to have your in-laws control you and your body?

Kerry ends up being knocked up and he returns to his poor mountain hometown to try to spend his pregnancy is sort of peace. Janus Heelies ends up in the mountain boarding house (ran by Kerry's family) to train to become a nurse. He's on his road to redemption and what he didn't expect is to be snagged by the taciturn Kerry.

Kerry is ornery and stubborn and is damaged on the outside and much as the inside. Janus sees something in him and though Kerry fights him, he's still fascinated with him. There's intrigue, more mentions of violence as the most of it happens off page, hurt/comfort, recovery and love. There's a bit of humor too with Kerry's mountain folk (think hillbilly).

What I enjoy about Blake's world as though it's in the future and women have died out, technology advances are slow. I'd like to think it's the result of missing women and creativity was slower. Because I questioned throughout the series, how humans were able to create alpha, beta and omegas but we're just getting to the creation of photographs and only using landline phones.

The narrator is a delight to listen too. His voices are great. He emotes like a dream and I was never bored. He really adds to the reading experience. I loved his mountain people voices and Monte Monhundy, the most. Sometimes Janus and Kerry's voices got hard to differentiate but since I read along, it wasn't bad.

And Caleb and Yosef make an appearance. It was like a mini reunion.

There is angst but there is definitely a happy ending that I guessed, but not with the unexpected twist.

I highly recommend this series as it's creative and delight to read each main character. And I see there's #3.5 (Winter's Heart) offered for free, featuring Heat of Love offspring. I dunno if I'm ready to jump into the future with them.

But I definitely will have a hard time letting the characters go.

Recommended for ABO enthusiasts who like good plots, don't mind angst and enjoy characters that leave an impression.

Exclusive Blog Tour: An Echo in the Sorrow (Soulbound #6) by Hailey Turner

Author Hailey Turner and A Novel Take PR promoter the latest in the popular urban fantasy series, An Echo in the Sorrow (Soulbound #6)! Don't miss today's exclusive excerpt!

Title and cover: An Echo in the Sorrow

Series: Soulbound 6

Publisher: Self-published

Release Date (Print & Ebook/Audio): March 1, 2021

Length (Print & Ebook/Audio): 117,943 words

Subgenre: LGBTQ Urban Fantasy

Warnings: None

Cover artist: AngstyG LLC

All buy links or pre-order links:

Book blurb:

Forgiveness is a hollow prayer you only hear in your dreams.

Patrick Collins has spent years handling cases as a special agent for the Supernatural Operations Agency, even as his secret standing in the preternatural world has changed. He should have confessed to his role as co-leader of the New York City god pack when he and Jonothon de Vere took up the mantle months ago, but he didn’t. Now that split loyalty will cost him at a time when he can least afford it.

Outmaneuvered, framed for murder, and targeted by the Dominion Sect, Patrick has to face a past full of lies to regain his freedom. Revealing the truth means he’ll need to give up the life that has defined him. Everything he’s fought to build with his pack is at stake, and losing them isn’t a price Patrick is willing to pay, but some choices aren’t his to make.

Jono knows they can’t cede any more territory if they want to win the god pack civil war spilling into the streets of New York City. But the souls of werecreatures are free for the taking when demons come to town and angels sing a warning no one can ignore. When Jono’s worst fear comes to life, and he loses the one person he can’t live without, the only option left is to fight.

Facing down the demons of their past and the ones in their present, Patrick and Jono will learn the hard way that some sins never wash away clean.

An Echo in the Sorrow is a 118k word m/m urban fantasy with a gay romantic subplot. It is a direct sequel to On the Wings of War. Reading the first book in the series would be helpful in enjoying this one.

Boy Meets Boy Excerpt:

“Weren’t the two of you were getting a ride?” Sage asked.
“We were until our driver saw my eyes. He kicked us out of the car and canceled the pickup.”
“The news is rife with werecreature stories right now, and none of them are positive. That’s still a rude thing to do.”
“See?” Wade interjected. “Even Sage thinks he was an asshole.”
Jono rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t going to have a row with the bloke when it’s his car.”
“I can send someone to pick you guys up,” Sage said.
“We’ll be fine.”
“You’ll be at risk.”
“I understand that, but they’ve proven we’re at risk no matter what we do. Hiding won’t change that.”
“I wasn’t talking about hiding, but about being cautious.”
“We’ll be fine. You know why.”
Sage ignored his subtle reminder about Fenrir. “Are you falling back on your do as I say, not as I do idiocy? Because we’ve discussed your stupidity in that area before.”
Wade cackled loudly at that and smirked at Jono.
Jono shook his head. “That’s more Patrick’s state of being.”
“You both hold the title of idiot when it comes to personal safety sometimes. Traveling outside right now isn’t safe. I thought yesterday was enough of a reminder?”
“I’m aware of that, but I don’t want to be late. We should be fine on the subway.” Jono sidestepped a woman walking her dog, ignoring the way the dog growled at him. “If we keep arguing over this, Wade and I will be at the office by the time you end the call.”

About the Author: Hailey Turner is a big city girl who spoils her cats rotten and has a demanding day job that she loves, but not as much as she loves writing. She's been writing since she was a young child and enjoys reading almost as much as creating a new story.

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