Seasons change, and so do fashion trends. But in this heartstring-tugging PsyCop short, what’s beneath the clothes matters most.
Do clothes make the man? Jacob Marks cuts an impressive figure in his tailored suits, but Victor Bayne is another story. Nowadays, Vic does his ghosthunting in off-the-rack blazers, polyester blend slacks and cop shoes with nonskid soles. But back before he was a PsyCop—or even officially psychic—he rocked combat boots and a beat up biker jacket…and lots and lots of punk T-shirts. When he finds a faded tee in the back of a drawer, he’s eager to lob it in the trash. Jacob, however, finds himself waxing sentimental about Vic’s younger, more carefree days.
This steamy 5000-word PsyCop short in Jacob’s voice takes place after PsyCop #6, GhosTV.
Victor Bayne is one of my all time favourite characters. I really love him. Most of the PsyCop stories are written from his point of view. He's self deprecating yet confident. The PsyCop with the talent to see ghosts, to interact with ghosts, yet who fears the shadows. He really is a string of contradictions - beautiful contradictions that make him so interesting (also the Victor Bayne cover model is gorgeous and exactly how I imagine Victor to look). I love reading the books from his POV... but I also love these little shorts from Jacob's opinion.
Victor sees the good side of Jacob; the muscles, the protectiveness; the hard-worker who everyone who is in awe of. The guy who is indestructible. We see him constantly through Victor's eyes and especially in the way he compares them. Jacob sees the wonder that is Victor. I think that is what I gain most from these short interludes into Jacob's head. Everything we know about Victor, about Jacob and Victor's relationship, is confirmed but in a way that is less biased as we have both guys thoughts at last.
I like Jacob's opinion of Vic. A lot. He sees the man I see - and that man is funny, sexy, intelligent...
He is the man I love. Memento is particularly about this, about how Jacob sees Vic and how it differs from how Vic sees Vic. I like Vic, the punk before the suits that is still at the heart of who he is, even if he is mellower in his older age!
I suppose I ought to mention the hot sex. Um, it's hot...
I have to say Gomez Pugh is one of my favourite narrators, and he does this short complete justice. If you like audio books, if you like PsyCops, if you like Jordan Castillo Price, then I'd say give this book a go.
For more information see goodreads.
Review: Something Like Stories: Volume One by Jay Bell
Benjamin Bentley and many other beloved characters from the Something Like... series make their triumphant return in this collection of short stories and bonus material.
Something Like Yesterday
travels to the past where Eric Conroy attempts to find love against a backdrop of intolerance and political upheaval. In
Something Like Fall
, Ben meets Jace's family and tries to cope with many changes in the years that follow. Allison Cross finally gets her dues in
Something Like Tonight
, examining the relationships in her life during a girls night out.
Something Like Eternity
takes the series where it has never gone before as Victor
Hemingway seeks out his ultimate destiny. Also included is a character
guide and a timeline of key events thus far. Laughter and tears await
you in this very special anthology!
Simply wonderful.
Fans of Jay Bell's Something Like series are in for a TREAT. If you haven't read any of the series yet, I wouldn't suggest you start here. I don't think these stories would pack the same emotional punch without reading all six of the previous books first. And what an emotional ride it was! All four stories brought out The Feels. I had also just finished up listening to Something Like Autumn... so yeah. It was a tear filled day.
To the stories!
In Something Like Yesterday Eric tells Tim of his past loves and heartbreak. I've always wondered about Eric's past and of his feelings for Tim. And now we know! And from Eric's POV, no less. While parts of his past were heartbreaking, he did have years in a relationship full of love. If anything, this proved his feelings for Tim even more. He wasn't bitter about his breakup with Gabriel, instead he was thankful that everything led to having Tim in his life. He certainly didn't have the same kind of love for Tim as Gabriel, but there is no doubt that he loved Tim.
Something Like Fall felt like a series of extra scenes from Ben's POV. It started with him and Jace visiting Jace's hometown, which resulted in Jace opening up about some things from his past he had kept from Ben. Which was great because I wondered how much Ben knew about Victor. Then the story moves forward to Ben saying goodbye to Jace. To say this scene was beautiful would be an understatement. The final section is all about Jason and how Ben and Tim cope with inviting him to live in their home. All the scenes were from very different points in Ben's life, but fit together so perfectly.
Something Like Tonight was just fun. Of course it was also emotional, because duh. I can't seem to be around any of these characters without feeling all the feels. But it was mostly fun. Allison is worn out and tired. Tired of taking care of everyone else, so her wonderful hubby suggested she take a night out all by herself. Prior to her night out she happens to see Michelle and they decide to have their girl's night together. The drank, got into some shenanigans, and went home to their loving families. I loved seeing this side of Allison.
And then... and then came Something Like Eternity. Like I said earlier, I had just finished listening to Autumn the same day I read this, so there were tears. LOTS OF TEARS. Amazing, happy, hopeful, wonderful tears. Victor is in the afterlife. He's in the same afterlife Jay writes about in Hell's Pawn (another must read). Victor has made a space for himself here that feels like home. It resembles the clearing where he stayed by Jace's house. He starts to feel a pull, like a calling. He knows he's meant to be somewhere else, but can't pinpoint where that somewhere else should be. So he runs into some helpers. I'll let you read the story to find out who those helpers were, but Jay Bell took Victor's story to a place that I never even dreamed it could go. I'm in tears again as I'm thinking about Victor and the feeling of hope his story left me with.
At the end there's a character guide and timeline, which is a fantastic addition. But now I have to go reread Hell's Pawn! Seems I missed a few things the first time around.
I went in knowing I would love this and I did. The new POV's, how different all the stories were, revisiting these characters, everything. I loved everything.
A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Find out more info on Goodreads!
Simply wonderful.
Fans of Jay Bell's Something Like series are in for a TREAT. If you haven't read any of the series yet, I wouldn't suggest you start here. I don't think these stories would pack the same emotional punch without reading all six of the previous books first. And what an emotional ride it was! All four stories brought out The Feels. I had also just finished up listening to Something Like Autumn... so yeah. It was a tear filled day.
To the stories!
In Something Like Yesterday Eric tells Tim of his past loves and heartbreak. I've always wondered about Eric's past and of his feelings for Tim. And now we know! And from Eric's POV, no less. While parts of his past were heartbreaking, he did have years in a relationship full of love. If anything, this proved his feelings for Tim even more. He wasn't bitter about his breakup with Gabriel, instead he was thankful that everything led to having Tim in his life. He certainly didn't have the same kind of love for Tim as Gabriel, but there is no doubt that he loved Tim.
Something Like Fall felt like a series of extra scenes from Ben's POV. It started with him and Jace visiting Jace's hometown, which resulted in Jace opening up about some things from his past he had kept from Ben. Which was great because I wondered how much Ben knew about Victor. Then the story moves forward to Ben saying goodbye to Jace. To say this scene was beautiful would be an understatement. The final section is all about Jason and how Ben and Tim cope with inviting him to live in their home. All the scenes were from very different points in Ben's life, but fit together so perfectly.
Something Like Tonight was just fun. Of course it was also emotional, because duh. I can't seem to be around any of these characters without feeling all the feels. But it was mostly fun. Allison is worn out and tired. Tired of taking care of everyone else, so her wonderful hubby suggested she take a night out all by herself. Prior to her night out she happens to see Michelle and they decide to have their girl's night together. The drank, got into some shenanigans, and went home to their loving families. I loved seeing this side of Allison.
And then... and then came Something Like Eternity. Like I said earlier, I had just finished listening to Autumn the same day I read this, so there were tears. LOTS OF TEARS. Amazing, happy, hopeful, wonderful tears. Victor is in the afterlife. He's in the same afterlife Jay writes about in Hell's Pawn (another must read). Victor has made a space for himself here that feels like home. It resembles the clearing where he stayed by Jace's house. He starts to feel a pull, like a calling. He knows he's meant to be somewhere else, but can't pinpoint where that somewhere else should be. So he runs into some helpers. I'll let you read the story to find out who those helpers were, but Jay Bell took Victor's story to a place that I never even dreamed it could go. I'm in tears again as I'm thinking about Victor and the feeling of hope his story left me with.
At the end there's a character guide and timeline, which is a fantastic addition. But now I have to go reread Hell's Pawn! Seems I missed a few things the first time around.
I went in knowing I would love this and I did. The new POV's, how different all the stories were, revisiting these characters, everything. I loved everything.
A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Find out more info on Goodreads!
Happy New Year!!!!
Can you believe it? 2016 is already here!
While you're wiping the 2015 dust off and welcoming the 2016 confetti all over...yo' body
We hope you had
So that you spent the night partying like this:
and doing a little:
Have a happy, healthy and prosperous, unicorn New Year!!!
From the U.M.
Review: Magic and Mistletoe by Annabelle Jacobs
Christmas is Harry’s favourite time of the year, but it looks like he’ll be spending it alone. When it comes to the men he fancies, his luck is non-existent. Harry’s nerves always get the better of him—especially when he tries to talk to Andrew, the hot guy downstairs.
Everything changes when Harry meets a mysterious girl in the woods who professes to be a witch. He dismisses her claims, but when odd things start happening to him, he has to reconsider.
Andrew was attracted to Harry from the start, but their awkward encounters put him off. All goes well until Harry opens his mouth—and ruins it with his stupidity and silly comments. When Harry suddenly becomes more relaxed and they have a proper conversation, Andrew realises his first impression was wrong. As the days count down to December 25, they get swept up in the Christmas spirit and their relationship moves faster than either expected.
A little winter magic might have been the push they needed, but Harry worries that when it wears off, he’ll no longer be the man Andrew wants.
Cute. Cute. Cute.
Did I mention cute? Slightly whimsical with a touch of magic this is really exactly the kind of Christmas story I love. I've said it before but this year there has been a plethora of fab-u-lous seasonal stories and this was definitely one of them.
I don't know about you, but for me a Christmas story needs to be sweet and readable and happy and the literary equivalent of a whipped-cream-and marshmallow-topped hot chocolate. It has one job; to make me feel warm and snuggly and glowing just a little with happiness. This book manages that super well.
Everyone knows what it's like to make a cringworthy first impression. Right? Or have foot-in-mouth-syndrome - humour me here . At least, I know I do, which means that I instantly sympathised and empathised with Harry. Trying to make a good impression and screwing it up royally time and again is the pits, I wanted Harry to win his man and I wanted Andrew to see the true Harry beneath the blundering buffoon.
Wanting the characters to hit it off is pretty much number one aim in a gooey Christmas story. It's what I wanted and with a touch of magic it's what I got. A perfect winter read!!
A copy of this book was given ion exchange for an honest review.
To find out more, see Goodreads.
Everything changes when Harry meets a mysterious girl in the woods who professes to be a witch. He dismisses her claims, but when odd things start happening to him, he has to reconsider.
Andrew was attracted to Harry from the start, but their awkward encounters put him off. All goes well until Harry opens his mouth—and ruins it with his stupidity and silly comments. When Harry suddenly becomes more relaxed and they have a proper conversation, Andrew realises his first impression was wrong. As the days count down to December 25, they get swept up in the Christmas spirit and their relationship moves faster than either expected.
A little winter magic might have been the push they needed, but Harry worries that when it wears off, he’ll no longer be the man Andrew wants.
Cute. Cute. Cute.
Did I mention cute? Slightly whimsical with a touch of magic this is really exactly the kind of Christmas story I love. I've said it before but this year there has been a plethora of fab-u-lous seasonal stories and this was definitely one of them.
I don't know about you, but for me a Christmas story needs to be sweet and readable and happy and the literary equivalent of a whipped-cream-and marshmallow-topped hot chocolate. It has one job; to make me feel warm and snuggly and glowing just a little with happiness. This book manages that super well.
Everyone knows what it's like to make a cringworthy first impression. Right? Or have foot-in-mouth-syndrome - humour me here . At least, I know I do, which means that I instantly sympathised and empathised with Harry. Trying to make a good impression and screwing it up royally time and again is the pits, I wanted Harry to win his man and I wanted Andrew to see the true Harry beneath the blundering buffoon.
Wanting the characters to hit it off is pretty much number one aim in a gooey Christmas story. It's what I wanted and with a touch of magic it's what I got. A perfect winter read!!
A copy of this book was given ion exchange for an honest review.
To find out more, see Goodreads.
Annabelle Jacobs,
Guest Review: Happy Birthday by B.D. Roca
Motorcycle Club Enforcer Nick is tough, but even he has a conscience. It’s slowly destroying him, together with memories of his parents’ ugly deaths. Nick eliminates the guilty, but Jake Rushman is the innocent witness to a murder. It will be one kill too many.
Determined to find redemption, Nick plans to trade his life for Jake’s. Neither man counts on the fierce, powerful bond that the collision of their opposing worlds brings, and Jake refuses to let Nick sacrifice himself. He offers Nick the one thing he's never had: hope.
But with a violent past tracking them, Nick might be forced to do the one thing he promised himself he never would—kill again.
Guest Reviewer: Samantha
Nick cut him an arctic glance. “You still want that little secret to stay secret?”Jake Rushman saw something he shouldn't have seen - a witness to an unfortunate and bloody crime - and now he has to run for his life. But nothing is ever that easy, and Nick, the man sent to cut any loose ends, is hot on his trail.
Mike went the color of putty. “You wouldn’t.”
“You’re right, I wouldn’t. Not unless I heard you talked. In which case, all bets would be off.”
“You’re a fucking bastard, Nick. I thought you were better than—”
“I’m a paid killer, Mike. What the fuck were you expecting?”
The thing is, Nick's tired of the life. Since fifteen, he's been enforcing for his MC, and it's eating away at him. This time, he knows his target isn't some low life who deserves what he gets. No, Jake is innocent, and Nick has a plan, one that ends with trading one life for another.
He was on the edge of a cliff. And he wasn’t jumping, he was diving, a huge swan dive, like those famous cliff-top divers in some exotic place he’d seen on television once. Only they landed safely, bodies cutting into seawater like knife blades.To my knowledge, this is B.D. Roca's first published story, and it's an awfully good one. While I teetered around a 3.5 or 3.75, I decided to round up on the basis that as a first time published author, I was impressed with this debut.
And his dive was a killing one.
The story and short and fast paced. At times, it suffers from this pace. There are pieces of the story that end up feeling constricted, too many emotions squeezed into a small space. What helps is the way the author writes. Their style is not for everyone, but for me it was quite poignant and I enjoyed the flow.
One particular instance of the short-story-syndrome (I made that up, but whatever), is how Nick's mind goes so quickly from suicidal to hopeful. I'm not saying that can't be an instantaneous thing, but not enough depth was put into the story beyond why he was suicidal. His past behaviors were hinted at - he's an enforcer, he's killed plenty - but the reader never really gets exposed to the raw essence of those feelings. With that, some of the emotional content at the beginning surrounding Nick's idea of suicide felt stunted. The author could've dug more and really exposed their character.
One other small issue I had was some of the typos or grammatical issues. There weren't an incredible amount, but there were enough that I made note of a few. At times, I think it was a bit difficult for me, as a reader not completely familiar with Aussie turns of phrases, to understand (which is my thing, not the authors. An author should be able to stay true to their dialect), but others were just some jumbled sentences.
BUT, all that being said, this story had a whole lot of good going for it. It has a plot that is attractive to a reader and a real nice dash of heat. Nick and Jake were steaming, and the author balanced the number of sex scenes to the actual length of the book, so it wasn't overloaded.
I mean, I'll say it, I love a good MC story with a morally ambiguous character. To me, that's hot. I just wish we could've seen a tad bit more of it. I almost wanted the transition to be harder - to see some bumps in the road, but I think that just goes to the length of the story and what the author intended. That being said, I think they achieved their goal of a hot, fast story that will satisfy a reader.
I'll certainly be looking forward to more from this author, as I see a great deal of potential in their words.
For more information on Goodreads or Booklikes!
Review: Price of Freedom (Shadow Play #2) by Helena Maeve
Some stories just aren’t meant to be told.
From warzones to domestic scandals, Ulysses has built a career as a high-profile journalist at the expense of both family and relationships. Now his dogged pursuit of the truth has cost him credibility and job security. Discredited and depressed, he hunts for the story that will re-establish him as a trustworthy name in British journalism.
Stumbling across a string of mysterious murders that spans the breadth of the continent may prove a godsend. Yet catapulted into a world of spies and outstanding blood debts, Ulysses finds himself collaborating with elusive Robin, a man on the run whose past is as dark as the desires he awakens in Ulysses. Their chemistry is incendiary, breathtaking, unlike anything Ulysses has ever known. And chances are the fallout will prove proportional.
As Robin’s dealings land him in the crosshairs of the British intelligence services, Ulysses is faced with a choice that may cost him his life.
I consider myself to be well versed in thrillers. Hells bells, I've read and kept up with Ludlum but this book... I hate to say it but I got out espionaged by a romance novella.
In my defense I have had considerable trouble concentrating recently so maybe I just wasn't paying close enough attention, but I got to the end and still didn't know if Robin was an active agent or not. I don't even want to talk about how long it took me to figure out he was CIA.
I feel like a failure but I'm tipping my hat to Maeve. She gives good spy.
In the case of Price of Freedom the spy is a trans FTM BAMF! named Robin. He's got some sort of weird ninja spidey skills-turns up in living rooms and alleys. Always lurking. Always at the ready to take care of badness. Badassery is in his wheelhouse.
As was the case with the first in this series, where things aren't as tight is the relationship between Ulysses and Robin.
Ulysses is a freelance reporter hot on the trail of a murder which may involve the SIS when he crosses Robin's path. The entire story is told from Ulysses' perspective and I think having some of Robin's would've provided depth to their relationship. And clarity.
They're most certainly hot for each other, but the ending felt rushed. Just when things were getting interesting it was over. I feel like this is Maeve's MO-leave them wanting more and she definitely accomplished that. Again. But I would dearly love to see her give a full length novel a go.
Overall, I'd say the espionage plotline is stronger than the romance plotline, but I like her writing style so much that even though I find this series somewhat lacking in the romance department I can't seem to stop reading it. So take that for whatever it's worth.
A review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Find out more on Goodreads.
From warzones to domestic scandals, Ulysses has built a career as a high-profile journalist at the expense of both family and relationships. Now his dogged pursuit of the truth has cost him credibility and job security. Discredited and depressed, he hunts for the story that will re-establish him as a trustworthy name in British journalism.
Stumbling across a string of mysterious murders that spans the breadth of the continent may prove a godsend. Yet catapulted into a world of spies and outstanding blood debts, Ulysses finds himself collaborating with elusive Robin, a man on the run whose past is as dark as the desires he awakens in Ulysses. Their chemistry is incendiary, breathtaking, unlike anything Ulysses has ever known. And chances are the fallout will prove proportional.
As Robin’s dealings land him in the crosshairs of the British intelligence services, Ulysses is faced with a choice that may cost him his life.
I consider myself to be well versed in thrillers. Hells bells, I've read and kept up with Ludlum but this book... I hate to say it but I got out espionaged by a romance novella.
In my defense I have had considerable trouble concentrating recently so maybe I just wasn't paying close enough attention, but I got to the end and still didn't know if Robin was an active agent or not. I don't even want to talk about how long it took me to figure out he was CIA.
I feel like a failure but I'm tipping my hat to Maeve. She gives good spy.
In the case of Price of Freedom the spy is a trans FTM BAMF! named Robin. He's got some sort of weird ninja spidey skills-turns up in living rooms and alleys. Always lurking. Always at the ready to take care of badness. Badassery is in his wheelhouse.
As was the case with the first in this series, where things aren't as tight is the relationship between Ulysses and Robin.
Ulysses is a freelance reporter hot on the trail of a murder which may involve the SIS when he crosses Robin's path. The entire story is told from Ulysses' perspective and I think having some of Robin's would've provided depth to their relationship. And clarity.
They're most certainly hot for each other, but the ending felt rushed. Just when things were getting interesting it was over. I feel like this is Maeve's MO-leave them wanting more and she definitely accomplished that. Again. But I would dearly love to see her give a full length novel a go.
Overall, I'd say the espionage plotline is stronger than the romance plotline, but I like her writing style so much that even though I find this series somewhat lacking in the romance department I can't seem to stop reading it. So take that for whatever it's worth.
A review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Find out more on Goodreads.
Review: Stalked (The Slayers, #2) by H.C. Brown
Who's more dangerous – a stripper, an assassin, or a serial killer?
The Stripper Ripper is stalking the streets of New York City, preying on male strippers, and the press is making mincemeat of a helpless police force.
In desperation, the police refer the serial killer's case to the Slayers, a team of enhanced, undercover super soldiers. The commander of the Slayers puts his team on the streets to watch over the Ripper's favorite targets.
One of these targets is Micah, a twink stripper and a desirable sub. Micah's baby sitter is one of the newest members of the Slayers, Sorren, as cold-blooded an assassin as they come, and the last person you'd expect to harbor feelings for his charge.
True to form, Sorren is as surprised as anyone at his new infatuation, but Micah is hiding something. Will Micah learn to trust his protector, or is he destined to be the next victim on the Stripper Ripper's list?
Come join me in WTF land, won't you? There are pancakes.
New to me author, H.C. Brown's "Stalked" is the second book in The Slayers series. It is about nano enhanced super soldiers or ex-soldiers who are extremely rich, like mega billionaires (they like throwing that around while stating it's not a big deal) who investigate murders under the FBI's nose (for why?) and run an ultra exclusive BDSM club.
The setting is supposed to be New York City where the city that never sleeps actually sleeps: "the road is empty and I'd say the entire population is asleep". And has a murderer on the loose, the Stripper Ripper. The Stripper Ripper is targeting dark haired gay twinks. Micah who is 5'2" , a stripper and submissive is hiding a past and secrets (that is never explained in the book). His real name is Jeremiah Sterling but he goes by the stage name Snake. He's the next target of the murder but is truly doing the space cadet league of the TSTL Academy proud because he continues to bumble his way into the killer's path over and over again.
Oh...while making time to strip and be submissive. For whom? The Slayers, of course! The Slayers are cyborgs? *scratches head* Some of them are and all of their blood is. Who cares?! They play pretend at BDSM and have lots of cash like at a time $5000!! They have billions in the bank! Whoop whoop, hooray for superficiality!
Soren is the big bad 'Dom' Slayer who doesn't care because he's programmed that way. But he likes the "butterfly" aka Micah. While searching for the killer (LOL to the search and the killer), Soren forces Micah to have sex under the guise of using their nano pheromone the first time since Micah was iffy with his consent. He basically told Micah to shut up and take it. It was supposed to be sexy? So I'll warn if the book doesn't, dubious consent. The rest of the times the sex happened, it wasn't SSC [safe, sane, consensual] or BDSM but in WTF land I think it's considered
The BDSM...I am tagging it as such because the book is tagged as such. Please don't think this is. This is some made up BDSM that is just abuse. You have a nano enhanced 6'7" asshole who admits he wants to torture his "pup" and flay his skin off since the nanos will heal him. He think it's "pain pleasure"/ "edge play" or whatever bullshit he wants to package it as but it is abuse. That is not BDSM.
With that asinine logic I should go to my bank and declare myself a frigging millionaire!
The book barely knew the basics of BDSM. Anytime it sort of got something right, there goes Soren or the Slayers or whatever other hokey thing barging in to muck it up.
The book started like a bad B movie, it was laughable, but sort of fun. However, once the crap BDSM started, and the way Soren treated Micah happened, it wasn't fun anymore. I can only stretch my reality suspension rubber band so far. It broke somewhere in the middle. The author didn't seem to care about characterizations or plots or setting as much as the story continued.
* Have an American read future stories in this series over if there will be more since it read like pseudo Brit/Aussie mish-mash. This is supposed to be set in America and it doesn't read like it.
* Know the setting - just because New York City points of interests can be Googled doesn't mean it will read authentic. It doesn't. Was this an alternative universe? A different planet with a fake Manhattan? If it was, it should have been clearer.
* Having all of your characters use the same colloquialisms and share the same thought processes melds all of your characters together. Though this story is a deep as a pocket of air, it made the story useless by the end. Um...Sorren style. (What was up with the lame and awkward dialogue and catchphrases by the way?)
* A person who is 6' 7" can not just stand straight and have sex with another person who is 5' 2" without some body mechanics issues. Think...of the logistics. The taller one's cock will automatically land in the shorter one's ass when in the book he complained about the shorter one barely reaching his shoulders? Unless the shorter twink has freakishly long toes, about 12 inches or so. Excuse me.
* Since when did stripper = sub? A stripper can be a sub but it doesn't mean that all strippers are submissives. So why would a random person call a gay strip club to order a personal night with a submissive? Is there a menu that I missed? The strip club (Pinkies) where the twink originally worked did not state at any time that it was also BDSM club. In the land of WTF, this is all okay and $5000 seems to be the golden ticket to anything. (Please refer to the awesome gif above.)
The suspense part was ridiculous. The murder? why? The entire thing was stretched out. He could have struck so many months earlier. The couple is ridiculous. The premise was interesting, maybe written could've been something? I didn't read the previous book. I was lost about the backgrounds of the Slayers but I think I'd still be lost if I did read the first book. There were questions unanswered, items not developed. I'm not interested in reading any more of this series. My eyes can't roll any more for today.
Why not the just give it a 1? wasn't so bad in the beginning. cheesy as hell, weak characters and surprisingly not all about sex but once the sex started, it went to shit. And the cover isn't bad. *shrugs*
Now it's time for me to leave WTF land. I'd love to eat pancakes all day but I can't. Bye!
Not recommended for anyone I know. I highly doubt I'll be reading this author again.
For more information on Goodreads or Booklikes!
The Stripper Ripper is stalking the streets of New York City, preying on male strippers, and the press is making mincemeat of a helpless police force.
In desperation, the police refer the serial killer's case to the Slayers, a team of enhanced, undercover super soldiers. The commander of the Slayers puts his team on the streets to watch over the Ripper's favorite targets.
One of these targets is Micah, a twink stripper and a desirable sub. Micah's baby sitter is one of the newest members of the Slayers, Sorren, as cold-blooded an assassin as they come, and the last person you'd expect to harbor feelings for his charge.
True to form, Sorren is as surprised as anyone at his new infatuation, but Micah is hiding something. Will Micah learn to trust his protector, or is he destined to be the next victim on the Stripper Ripper's list?
Come join me in WTF land, won't you? There are pancakes.
We'll need the sustenance. |
New to me author, H.C. Brown's "Stalked" is the second book in The Slayers series. It is about nano enhanced super soldiers or ex-soldiers who are extremely rich, like mega billionaires (they like throwing that around while stating it's not a big deal) who investigate murders under the FBI's nose (for why?) and run an ultra exclusive BDSM club.
The setting is supposed to be New York City where the city that never sleeps actually sleeps: "the road is empty and I'd say the entire population is asleep". And has a murderer on the loose, the Stripper Ripper. The Stripper Ripper is targeting dark haired gay twinks. Micah who is 5'2" , a stripper and submissive is hiding a past and secrets (that is never explained in the book). His real name is Jeremiah Sterling but he goes by the stage name Snake. He's the next target of the murder but is truly doing the space cadet league of the TSTL Academy proud because he continues to bumble his way into the killer's path over and over again.
Oh...while making time to strip and be submissive. For whom? The Slayers, of course! The Slayers are cyborgs? *scratches head* Some of them are and all of their blood is. Who cares?! They play pretend at BDSM and have lots of cash like at a time $5000!! They have billions in the bank! Whoop whoop, hooray for superficiality!
Soren is the big bad 'Dom' Slayer who doesn't care because he's programmed that way. But he likes the "butterfly" aka Micah. While searching for the killer (LOL to the search and the killer), Soren forces Micah to have sex under the guise of using their nano pheromone the first time since Micah was iffy with his consent. He basically told Micah to shut up and take it. It was supposed to be sexy? So I'll warn if the book doesn't, dubious consent. The rest of the times the sex happened, it wasn't SSC [safe, sane, consensual] or BDSM but in WTF land I think it's considered
The BDSM...I am tagging it as such because the book is tagged as such. Please don't think this is. This is some made up BDSM that is just abuse. You have a nano enhanced 6'7" asshole who admits he wants to torture his "pup" and flay his skin off since the nanos will heal him. He think it's "pain pleasure"/ "edge play" or whatever bullshit he wants to package it as but it is abuse. That is not BDSM.
"Can we discuss boundaries? A contract perhaps?"There is nothing more that I loathe than Doms written like Soren. This book went from a possible 2.5-3 Hearts to a straight D- aka 1.5 Hearts with that bullshit. Ordering someone around and declaring yourself a Dom while wearing black leather and having a "dungeon" doesn't make you a Dom.
Soren wanted to shake him. Boundaries, holy fuck, would this little shit ever trust? "No! I refuse to discuss limitations, or contracts. I am a Dom and in my dungeon, we go by my rules. I will push you to the edge and you will trust me to give you pleasure."
With that asinine logic I should go to my bank and declare myself a frigging millionaire!
The book barely knew the basics of BDSM. Anytime it sort of got something right, there goes Soren or the Slayers or whatever other hokey thing barging in to muck it up.
The book started like a bad B movie, it was laughable, but sort of fun. However, once the crap BDSM started, and the way Soren treated Micah happened, it wasn't fun anymore. I can only stretch my reality suspension rubber band so far. It broke somewhere in the middle. The author didn't seem to care about characterizations or plots or setting as much as the story continued.
* Have an American read future stories in this series over if there will be more since it read like pseudo Brit/Aussie mish-mash. This is supposed to be set in America and it doesn't read like it.
* Know the setting - just because New York City points of interests can be Googled doesn't mean it will read authentic. It doesn't. Was this an alternative universe? A different planet with a fake Manhattan? If it was, it should have been clearer.
* Having all of your characters use the same colloquialisms and share the same thought processes melds all of your characters together. Though this story is a deep as a pocket of air, it made the story useless by the end. Um...Sorren style. (What was up with the lame and awkward dialogue and catchphrases by the way?)
* A person who is 6' 7" can not just stand straight and have sex with another person who is 5' 2" without some body mechanics issues. Think...of the logistics. The taller one's cock will automatically land in the shorter one's ass when in the book he complained about the shorter one barely reaching his shoulders? Unless the shorter twink has freakishly long toes, about 12 inches or so. Excuse me.
* Since when did stripper = sub? A stripper can be a sub but it doesn't mean that all strippers are submissives. So why would a random person call a gay strip club to order a personal night with a submissive? Is there a menu that I missed? The strip club (Pinkies) where the twink originally worked did not state at any time that it was also BDSM club. In the land of WTF, this is all okay and $5000 seems to be the golden ticket to anything. (Please refer to the awesome gif above.)
The suspense part was ridiculous. The murder? why? The entire thing was stretched out. He could have struck so many months earlier. The couple is ridiculous. The premise was interesting, maybe written could've been something? I didn't read the previous book. I was lost about the backgrounds of the Slayers but I think I'd still be lost if I did read the first book. There were questions unanswered, items not developed. I'm not interested in reading any more of this series. My eyes can't roll any more for today.
Why not the just give it a 1? wasn't so bad in the beginning. cheesy as hell, weak characters and surprisingly not all about sex but once the sex started, it went to shit. And the cover isn't bad. *shrugs*
Now it's time for me to leave WTF land. I'd love to eat pancakes all day but I can't. Bye!
Not recommended for anyone I know. I highly doubt I'll be reading this author again.
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Review & GIVEAWAY: Dick, It's What's for Dinner by James Cox

Six months on a military ship with my two friends, cooking food for the crew in nothing but skimpy shorts, what could possibly go wrong? Let’s see, our friendship starts to turn sexual. We agree to cook naked for extra money. One friend turns out to be a thief, the other is facing his shyness to admit he loves me, and atop all that, we’re thrust into the middle of a war. I was a dreamer trying to conquer my wish of being a chef, not some space fighter. How were we going to survive in combat conditions?
My best advice: Watch out for boiling water while cooking naked on a spaceship. Oh, and once in a while, play the hero.
Don't forget to enter the giveaway below! It's your chance to win an ebook copy from James' backlist. The only problem is... what to choose?!
Oh, for the love of balls, this was fun.
Vern, Ale and Rei are besties and they work at a bar where they shake their sexy asses to pay the bills. When they receive a job offer they can't refuse, they hope to be able to pursue their dream jobs with the large payout they're promised. In Vern's case, he loves to cook and dreams of being a chef. Luckily, the job offers him this opportunity. But with naked dancing. And a little chef hat on his penis. No joke.
I loved the sci-fi world building. I could clearly picture everything, but was never confused. It was an easy read, which is uncommon for a sci-fi romance, IMO. It also helped that Vern was so completely likable. The story was from his POV and I loved being inside his head.
As the guys work their new job, they start to push their unspoken boundaries a bit. All for the sexy show, of course, nothing more. Until it's not all for show and their real feelings come to the surface. They all had feelings for each other before there was touching involved, but it was never discussed and the guys kept it all to themselves. Given the premise and the title, I was surprised by how much I felt from these guys. This wasn't only some fun sci-fi erotica (although, it was that) but there was definitely a great romance between Vern, Ale and Rei. I was especially surprised by Ale. The big guy is just a soft marshmallow inside and he ended up stealing the show for me.
Fun, flirty, with a bit of an emotional punch. Definitely my fave from James Cox, thus far.
So, when James Cox invited members of the clubhouse over to his pad to have dinner, more specifically, Dick for Dinner, Breann and I tripped over each other heading out the clubhouse door.
James always provides a fun sci-fi adventure and this one is no exception. Once you get past your appreciation of the title of course :D.
The world building was detailed without being overcomplicated making it easy to dive right into the story and understand where the characters are coming from. The story is written from Vern’s perspective and his character was extremely likable, charming and deliciously horny. He’s an aspiring chef who’s working as a stripper/waiter to earn enough to finish his training. He works closely with Ale and Rei. Ale is a big ol’ hunk of a man that Vern has a crush on and he’s a bit of a mystery. Rei is a pilot in training who’s working his way through training just like Vern. The three have great chemistry on the surface and once the story really gets going the physical attraction moves into something much sweeter and deeper. James threw in just enough feels to take the story from pure sci-fi campy fun to something more.
James writes a damn fine menage relationship. His characters are all very unique so you don’t get them muddled during sexy times and he doesn’t discount the feelings that each has for one another. They are different, but no less important. Vern feels differently for Ale than he does for Rei, doesn’t make it any less significant, but it’s unique and I think that’s why they work for me.
The adventure was great fun and his hero’s always have the charm and “accidental luck” that make them great to read. They aren’t perfect and no victory comes easy, that’s what makes them all the more heroic in my book. They are regular horny guys in an extraordinary situation.
The ending was delicious as I was expecting from the title and I liked reading how the guys had evolved and come together after all the shenanigans were played out.
A couple of fave sentences, because I always highlight the hell out of James’s sentences:
“Ale was a sight that made cocks harden and weep.”
“His long legs ate up the space much like I wanted to eat his dick.”
“His cheeks were the shade of a hard-spanked ass.”
For more info on Dick, It's What's for Dinner, check it out on Goodreads.
**a copy of this story was provided for an honest review**
Enter to win an ebook copy from James Cox's backlist! Simply comment below with your name and a way of contacting you (email, twitter, Goodreads, etc). The giveaway will end on Monday, January 4th 9PM PST when a winner will be randomly drawn. Please respond to the winning email within 48 hours, or another winner will be chosen. GOOD LUCK!
Review: The Christmas Pageant by D. River
When Troy Swenson left the army to raise his little brother, he had no idea what he was in for. Now a high school history teacher at Brentsen Academy, he finds himself drafted into running the school's Christmas Pageant. There's just one problem: He has no idea how to do that.
Fate intervenes and sends him help in the form of Taylor Douglas, a parent of one of his students. Taylor is a handsome, funny guy and if Troy allowed himself to think such things he'd find him very attractive. However, Troy doesn't have time for romance. He barely has time to breathe as he struggles to keep the Christmas Pageant from falling apart around him.
What he doesn't realize is that Taylor is going to drag him out for fun no matter what feeble protests Troy offers. Troy finds friendship with Taylor easy. The problem for Troy then becomes, how does he keep the feelings he starts to have for Taylor in check?
I am a huge fan of Christmas stories and this one did not disappoint. There is a fine line, I feel, with Christmas stories. A line that separates cute from cheesy - now don't get me wrong, I'm a sap and I pretty much love 'em all, but there is some skill in pulling off a warm, cosy Christmas story that doesn't cross from one side to the other. This year, there has been a plethora of fabulous seasonal stories, and this is definitely one of them.
D. Rivers is a writer I enjoy. He has a wonderful way with words and includes a cast of characters that just make a story. I'm always partial to surrounding characters as they can really make or break a story. The kids in the pageant, Troy's son... they all fleshed out a good story and added to it.
A great story that I recommend to everyone who enjoys Christmas stories as much as I do.
A copy of this story was given on exchange for an honest review.
For more information check out Goodreads.
D. River,
Short Story,
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