Review: Dangerous Waves (Mermen & Magic #3) by L.M. Brown

A blind merman fleeing the sunken city of Atlantis is torn between the family he left behind and the love he swims toward.

When Dax lost his family to a shark attack he swam away from everything he had ever known. Now he has come to Atlantis, hoping to reconnect with those he left behind. When he finds his birth clan torn apart, he realizes his journey is just beginning.

Kai is an Oracle, a blind merman, who only has sight when he has a vision. Atlantis, a sanctuary for so many mer people, is his prison. Desperation drives him to beg the Atlantean Goddess of Love for help.

With the goddess's promise of love to tempt him, Kai persuades Dax to take him along when he leaves the sunken city.

Although Dax has some reservations about traveling through the ocean with a blind merman in tow, he quickly discovers Kai isn't as helpless as he appears. Attraction comes easy, but Kai doesn't seem to feel the same way.

Kai knows he must seduce Dax if he hopes to win his heart, but his inexperience may be his downfall. With Dax's former lover at the end of their journey, he knows time is running out.

A goddess can only help so much, especially when another immortal would see them part. If the two stubborn mermen want a life together, they will have to learn to communicate and fight for their love.

Back again for L.M. Brown's mermen!

(You know if I return to a series more than once, I've been hooked)

The last 2016 review on the blog is all about the fantasy. (Hey, this is me we're talking about-it's a fave genre)

L.M. Brown has created quite the world in the Merman & Magic series--readers visit the sunken island of Atlantis, inhabited with merfolk and sea creatures. Plus there's mythology thrown in with an interesting cast of god/goddess side characters that add a sense of magical instability in the tales. The gods are awakening from their stasis...the world doesn't know what it's in for.

In the third installment, Dangerous Waves, the prophetic Oracle mer family are the focus as well as Dax was the ex-lover from book #1. The Oracles are a group of three merfolk who are blind due to their psychic-like abilities. They are blinded once their get their powers at puberty, meaning they are virgins and must remain untouched. Kai, the Oracle of the present and protagonist, longs for a love to call his own, even though it's forbidden. He calls for help from the meddling goddess of love, Medina.

If you've been following along in the series (and I strongly suggest reading in order), then you know mer people are highly sexual. The Oracles aren't allowed any freedoms, basically prisoners in the kingdom of Atlantis. Enter the highly sexual Dax, the former lover of book #1's Kyle. Dax starts the book as the third in a temporary menage, a loner among yet another nomadic tribe that wants to move to Atlantis for stability.

Medina sense Dax's and Kai's fate and meddles in the only way she knows how.

It's hyper sexual vs. virginity, Dax and Kai couldn't be more different experience wise. But their chemistry is electric.

I like the route the author took with these two. It wasn't automatic jumping of bones, no sexy times happen until the last quarter of the book. The men get to know each other through a ocean road trip. Kai finally gets to experience life while traveling to England to help Dax check in on his former lover.

On the road, the two start opening up and learning about a common theme they seem to share, loners. But Dax thinks with his cock (that hasn't changed since book 1) and any time I fins myself liking him, he'd remember to be the jerk from book #1. He viewed sex as sex, Kai was a romantic. warning there is a sex scene with a MC and another person. That didn't piss me off. It wasn't cheating, but usually that's first third behavior of a novel, not so late in the game as the MC's start to get closer. I liked it. It remained true to his character.

It didn't read like insta-love, though the romantic aspect read short when coming to the romantic aspect. It took one of the men a little longer to realize his feelings. I felt it could have been played up just a little more for him.

Why this isn't 5 Hearts The goddess Medina seemed to be a main player in the beginning and them quiets (when hinted to being super powerful) and then shows up to not make much of an impact. The gods awakening is another larger series ARC but compared to the last two books, Dangerous Waves was weaker. We get to meet 2 new gods, add to Medina and series mainstays, Cari & Caspian, it's starting to get crowded. There are hints of conflicts to come, but it'd be nice if they were a little more defined. And the big conflict in the end? It was solved by a different being instead off the one who went to help. Something about the entire thing read anticlimactic.

Overall, a fun read.

There's opposites attract, mythology and magical hijinks. Plus, I'm enjoying the characters. I can't wait to read about Delwyn (Oracle of the past) in the future.

Not my fave pairing of the partnerships...but close.

If you're looking for a lighter urban fantasy series to try, I recommend giving the Mermen & Magic series a try.

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Interested in learning more about the series?

Review of Book #1
Review of Book #2

Review: Omega Studies by Casey Cameron

Matt Guerrero is ready for the freedom that college brings: freedom from his family, and the pressures of being an omega in an alpha's world. So when the school assigns him an alpha "mentor," he can think of nothing he wants less than a mandatory matter how hot the guy is.

Derek Fisher just wants to play it safe after a serious mistake almost cost him everything last year, but it's hard to keep his head down when his assigned omega keeps making trouble. He's never been into guys before, but Matt is attractive, smart, and funny, and spending time with him is seriously distracting. Derek wants more, but giving in to his desires could put everything at risk all over again.

When Matt uncovers a plot that could tear the school apart, he's all in--on fighting it, and on his relationship with Derek. Derek won't let him do it alone, but they'll have to fight the school administration and a ghost from Derek's past before they can be together the way Derek truly wants: as alpha and omega.

This is a 57,000 word stand-alone steamy gay romance with lots of heat, non-shifter alpha/omega dynamics, and a happily ever after ending with no cliffhangers.

This is the second book I’ve read from Casey Cameron and I still really love the world she’s built. So we have human Alphas, Betas and Omegas and all in a modern setting. In this particular story we have Matt who is an Omega and is a passionate advocate for Omega rights. He’s in his first year of college at a newly integrated A/B/O college and is annoyed as hell to realise every Omega has been assigned an Alpha to virtually babysit them. Derrek is Matt’s assigned Alpha and while he’s never identified as bisexual he’s immediately drawn to Matt’s intoxicating scent.

I found Matt quite a hard character to like at first. He’s obviously passionate about his cause but it's caused him to be very cynical of anything good to do with his biology or alphas in general. Matt takes a really long time to warm up to Derrek, probably because he’s constantly blaming Derrek for things he didn’t do and all based on his generalisation of Alphas being meatheads.

Despite that, I did really like these two together. Once they're together Matt’s tune changes and he really does like and respect Derrek. They work well as a couple and despite some dramatic reactions from Matt they actually do talk about their issues and keep moving forward together.

Now for those of you who are dying to know, never fear KNOTTING is here!!! Alot. Like a lot of knotting is done and its pretty damn yummy!!

There wasn’t alot I didn’t like about this story actually, Matt was probably the most annoying aspect, but everything flowed nicely and I really enjoyed Matt and Derrek once they were together. I think I’ll be coming back to Cameron when I want a A/O story with a twist.

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Release Blitz + Giveaway: 2016 Top Ten Gay Romance - Various Authors from JMS Books

JMS Books releases the 2016 Top Ten Gay Romance Anthology today! Read below for more information and enter the giveaway to win an eBook copy of JMS Books' 2015 Top Ten Gay Romance Anthology!

2016 Top Ten Gay Romance - Various Authors

Release: December 31 2016

Publisher: JMS Books

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | JMS Books


2016 Top Ten Gay Romance brings together the best-selling short stories published by JMS Books that year.

From first love to true love, from submission to sensual, from heat to sweet and everything in between, the couples in these stories are sure to keep you turning the pages as you fall in love with them.The 10 stories in this head-over-heels collection go beyond bedtime reading. Whether happily ever after or happy for now, there’s an ending for everyone in here!

Contains the stories:

· Me and My Big Mouth by Becky Black
· Captive by T.A. Creech
· Love Lost, Love Found by Rebecca James
· Accidentally His by Shawn Lane
· A Pint of Beer, a Bag of Chips, and Thou by J.L. Merrow
· For the Last Time by A.R. Moler
· First and Goal by Terry O'Reilly
· It's Not Yule, It's Me by Michael P. Thomas
· In His Line of Work by Tinnean
· And This is Ed by J.D. Walker

Review: Detective Fox and the Christmas Caper (Dick and the Sidekick #1) by Isobel Starling

Every good Dick needs a sidekick…

Actor Tom Lewis’s world came crashing down when a honey trap and tabloid exposé outed him and put pay to his flourishing career. The housewives favourite was most well-known for his role as ‘Detective Fox’ in the quaint British series Malmesbury Murders. But after the media speculation about his sexuality, the show is in hiatus and Tom hasn’t worked six months.

Now things are getting serious, the money he made from M.M is running out and he needs a job desperately. So when Tom’s agent offers him a six week seasonal acting job, he reluctantly agrees… and takes on the role of Santa for a top London department store. 

This decision changes Tom’s luck. Not only will he have an income for the holiday season, he’ll also be working with a very sexy young elf that he spotted at the auditions, named Eli Mason. 

While on a break Tom overhears two unidentified store workers discussing a ‘job to get a little Christmas bonus”. He realizes the job is of the illegal sort. Now, Tom could call the police, but then again, wouldn’t it be great for his flagging career if Detective Fox saved the day.

So Fox is on the case, and as every good Dick needs a sidekick, Tom decides Eli will fit the role, in more ways than one.”

I had a lot of fun reading this Christmas novella. It’s got humor, steam, a bit of mystery and did I mention steam? Detective Fox definitely read like the first in a series to me. Not that that is a bad thing, but there was necessary setup to the characters, plus the mystery plus the lead in to further episodes to cover in a novella length story, so much was touched on without a ton of detail. Again, not a bad thing and I’m hoping the bits I want more of will be further explored in coming tales. If they are, then I can see this as being the kind of series you want to reread once you get to know everyone and the whole series will end up balanced and complete.

The mystery isn’t overly mysterious and for me that worked considering the detectives here were not detectives by any means, so anything more complex would have been too unbelievable considering the time that was dedicated to solving the Christmas crime. The fun was in Tom, Eli and their band of merry elves working together to figure out how to be heroes so they can get a little face time. Tom is an actor after all and while I wouldn’t exactly say he’d been disgraced, he did have a serious slump going on with his recent scandal in the press.

I liked reading about Eli and Tom together and feel like we are just at the beginning of something with them. That pacing worked well even though that is a big part of the bits I want more of. If their relationship evolves how I’m hoping, the progression of their togetherness will be better than any mystery, and then the mystery can be a fun vehicle to move these guys forward. There is some delicious kink that the author tapped into that was a total treat and I most definitely need more of that. What I read was complete but because I loved the unexpected avenue the author went down with Tom and Eli, it felt like such a tease which has got me hooked and ready to read book two.

For more information on Detective Fox and the Christmas Caper, check it out on Goodreads.

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**a copy of this story was provided for an honest review**

Tag Team Review: Off Base (Out of Uniform #1) by Annabeth Albert

After trading the barracks for a fixer-upper rental, navy SEAL Zack Nelson wants peace, not a roommate—especially not Pike, who sees things about Zack he most wants to hide. Pike's flirting puts virgin Zack on edge. And the questions Pike's arrival would spark from Zack's teammates about his own sexuality? Nope. Not going there. But Zack can't refuse.

Pike Reynolds knows there won't be a warm welcome in his new home. What can he say? He's an acquired taste. But he needs this chance to get his life together. Also, teasing the uptight SEAL will be hella fun. Still, Pike has to tread carefully; he's had his fill of tourists in the past, and he can't risk his heart on another, not even one as hot, as built—and, okay, yeah, as adorable—as Zack.

Living with Pike crumbles Zack's restraint and fuels his curiosity. He discovers how well they fit together in bed…in the shower…in the hallway… He needs Pike more than he could have imagined, yet he doesn't know how to be the man Pike deserves.


Adam - 4 Hearts

Zack Nelson has always toed the line. Faced with the pressures of family, church, and the military, Zack suppresses his sexuality. It works until he gets a new roommate, out and proud, and undeniably attractive, Pike Reynolds.

Pike makes Zack want to live in the sunshine, but that means finally owning up to the truth. And while Pike is willing to be patient, he won’t live in the closet. Before they can be happy, Zack will have to learn how to be happy in his own skin.

As soon as I found out that Zack and Pike would be the MCs for this book, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Both MCs appear in Connection Error, but ‘Off Base’ can be read as a stand-alone.

Readers are introduced to Zack and Pike while they’re still acquaintances. They’re attracted to each other, but between Zack denying his sexuality and Pike refusing to sleep with a supposedly-straight man, it doesn’t go anywhere.

Zack’s behaviour didn’t win him any brownie points early on, with him denying his feelings to himself and the lengths he goes to hide his sexual orientation. But I could understand where he was coming from. I’d say Zack’s hang-ups had less to do with hating himself than with the pressures of those around him.

Pike was instantly likeable. He won’t settle for less than he deserves, but he’s willing to be patient and take things slow. He’s willing to make reasonable compromises to make their relationship work.

I really liked how the two became friends before moving on to something more. It made their relationship all the more believable. The two filled the emptiness that the other felt. Zack and Pike gave each other the shoulder needed to deal with the stresses of work and life in general.

Plus, they have great sexual chemistry. A virgin SEAL learning the joys of man-on-man sex? Yes please!

Throughout the book, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. It was clear that something had to give for Zack to come out, and for Pike to decide whether Zack was worth staying for in the long-haul.

When the shit finally hit the fan, the fallout tested Zack and Pike’s relationship to the limits. But I was really happy with the outcome. Both MCs pulled through, and their relationship came out the stronger for it. Zack completely makes up for what he put himself and Pike through.

Overall, I really enjoyed ‘Off Base’. The romance was angsty but the HEA was very sweet, and you can’t help but root for Zack and Pike. A great start to this author’s new military MM series!

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ - 3.5 Hearts

The OFY trope continues to be hit or miss for me, though Off Base was more hit than miss. What seems to work for me is if the protagonist is struggling with their own acceptance of their sexuality rather than their closetedness being fear of society's judgment based.

Zack is both. He's a SEAL with openly homophobic team members AND his family is small town religious right while also being a virgin who hasn't even indulged in gay porn.

Pike is at the other end of the spectrum. He's out and loud and proud about it. And he's got Zack's number. I really loved that he played along with Zack's "straightness" knowing to challenge it would've spooked him in a heartbeat. Zack is thirsty, curious and Pike is willing to keep things on the DL for the time being and it's not as though Pike's getting nothing out of their... activities. There is a good amount of sex that clocked in the low to medium range of hotness for me. But I am a filthy perv, so grain of salt. Or maybe more like a block.

Naturally events transpire that force both their hands, so to speak. In this regard, to me, the story was well plotted. The events might've been a tad cliché but not unfathomable and certainly relatable.

The usage of military terms and acronyms gave the story an authenticity without veering into overly technical territory all of which a thoroughly enjoyed and is primarily what drew me to the book in the first place.

What I'm 50/50 on is the dramatics/angst. Some of the internal dialogue for both men was, on the one hand, eyebrow raising in its intensity, an intensity that I didn't necessarily think matched their actions. On the other hand, it's very sweet and that sweetness mitigated some of the unpleasantness that gets lobbed at Zack along with my ire, so there is that.

What is preventing me from rating higher is I didn't sink into this story and become absorbed by it or either of these characters. However, I am invested in this series, particularly Apollo's story and would recommend it to MM romance fans, especially those who like military men.

ARCs were provided by NetGalley.

Find out more on Goodreads.

Tag Team Review: The Warders Volume #2 (Warders #4-6) by Mary Calmes

Most humans live in blissful ignorance, never dreaming of the frightening surprises and paranormal danger that lurks in the night. Most… but not all. These few who stand against the darkness are the Warders, men who fight demons and square off against all kinds of creatures from the pit with only their brothers-in-arms and their lovers—their Hearths—to strengthen them in the unending battle of good versus evil.

Novellas included:

Cherish Your Name

Sinnerman (June 2011), Nexus (October 2011), and Cherish Your Name (December 2011) were previously published individually in eBook format by Dreamspinner Press.


You didn't expect us to read volume one without immediately diving into volume two, now did ya?


Red’s Review

YAY and holy hell was this good! I loved Raphael when we met him in Tooth and Nail. He was fun with Dylan telling him all about the world of the Warders and he even saved Malic’s life even if it almost went too far. But when we get more of the kyrie in Heart and Hand and all he does for Simon and Leith I was so damn intrigued and then, he saves Jackson and the little bit he tells Simon about what he wants… yeah, I knew I needed this book.

So, it was interesting to get Jackson in the beginning all drunk and the other warders coming to help him out. You see, Jackson has, er uh had a Hearth but apparently, Frank couldn’t take what was required of him and decided to cheat on Jacks. First, I have issues with Frank because I am so sorry but the poor man couldn’t handle being fucked against the kitchen wall by an intimate and insanely passionate warder who would literally die to keep his heart safe? Poor thing but Frank is an ass and doesn’t deserve to be a hearth and though it was sad to see Jacks find Frank with his new lover, it’s the appearance of Raph that made me flip off Frank and shove him to the corner of the room.

I am in love with Raphael.  I can’t help it. I love that we get more of him in this and exactly what a kyrie is and what would happen to a kyrie if they are not claimed. Goodness, the need coming off Raph was so intense it made me squirm but knowing who Raphael wants made this super swoony.

Jackson is in a tough place, he loved his hearth and he is finding it kinda hard to get over Frank. But that one night, the one night he is used to Raphael always being there and isn’t he goes looking for the kryie and what happens had me swooning right off my bed. GAH! I love these two. I love that Raph gives Jacks exactly what he thinks he needs until that moment he gets it. When Raphael falls, he falls so damn hard and it was just a joy to witness.

I like that Jael felt the need to question his warders about bringing a kyrie in to the mix and how they all reacted. OMG and I loved Phoebe’s reaction to Jackson and her daughter’s reaction to Raph. Seriously, this book was just so much fun and so romantic between these two. It was great seeing all the warders and their hearths and getting just enough of Marcus and Joe to know that the next book would be another thrill ride full of passion and love.

Moving on.

Red:  Good lord. Frank is an asshole loser! Who wouldn't want to be fucked hard against the kitchen wall by a warder whose love is insane and passionate. He doesn't deserve Jackson at all. I love Raphael! GAH! He wants Jacks so bad and just saved him. I bet he follows him to Malibu and man, I hope they fuck on the beach!

JL:  Raph & Jacks's story is so heartbreaking at first but when you get closer to the end you really see how amazing Raph really is.
JL’s Review

It’s Raphael’s story!  Oh, how I’ve been waiting for this one!  We first met Raph way back in Tooth & Nail, Malic and Dylan’s story.  I was intrigued by this snarky maybe-demon and I was hoping that I would get to see more of him.  Thank Mary I got my wish!

Jackson is in the middle of a foot chase across the rooftops of the city when he spies his hearth, Frank in another man’s apartment.  He watches in horror as his life falls apart thus causing him to spiral into a deep depression.  Thankfully Raph steps in with some yummilicious angry sex before things go too far.

I loved how we got to see both Raph and Jacks grow as the story progresses.  At first it looked like the relationship would be a bit too toxic as Raph basically uses Jackson to get off and Jacks just lets him since he thinks that he’s no good for anything else any more.  I mean, his freaking hearth left him; he wasn’t good enough to even hold onto him.  But, bit by bit, Jackson starts to believe in himself again and you begin to see how truly amazing Raphael really is.  He was so patient with Jacks! 

Though I do wish we could have had more of Raphael’s snark in his book, I was happy that we got a peek into his loving soul.


Red’s Review

That title that, word… Nexus -  from Latin nexus "that which ties or binds together," goodness it means so much to this story.

I have to say how much I loved that we get an established warder/hearth couple of five years in this story with Marcus and Joe. We’ve met the couple before of course and know of Joe’s jealousy with Malic and how it all ended when Malic found Dylan. We know Joe is blind and that Marcus is a black man but what we don’t know is how they met and how they are the most adorable couple with the best banter!

This was a great addition to the series. Seeing Marcus go to Joe’s home to celebrate his grandfather’s birthday and being with Joe’s family was a lot of fun. Joe’s quips about them being special was so damn cute but when Joe needs the strength of his warder, things get deep and serious.

Let me say that Joe’s family and their reaction to what Marcus is was great but his sister’s and mothers reaction to Marcus’ warder family was hysterical even though I would have been the same way.

I love in this that we not only get Marcus and Joe but we get this clutch and all they have come to mean to one another. They have become so damn strong since book one with each of them having a hearth and realizing all they can do together when they are bonded. They are a true family and each one has their individual strengths but they are always stronger together and when they are needed by a brother, they drop everything to come.

Seeing another clutch, other warders and how they function was so bizarre but I get it was meant to be that way. Still, they need to get their shit together, you know?

But anyway. There are demons doing shit to Joe’s family they shouldn’t and being total douchenuggets to folks in town that Marcus and the boys need to do house cleaning at a club. Oohh the club! I have three words for you: Assless Chaps. I won’t say who wore them that would ruin the surprise but dayum boy!

Where was I. Oh yeah. The clutch is there to help Marcus take care of Joe’s family which is totally his family and Marcus does the unexpected, but not really. It was unexpected because it shocked me and then what happens had me crying through the last part of the book. Mary pulled out the feels with Dylan’s speech to Marcus and Joe’s as well. These men, these warders and their hearths are so amazing I am rambling my butt off about them but really, they are amazing.

Another great book in the series that keeps getting better.

Red:  They are adorable !!!

“Are you the only nonwhite guy in the room?” Joe asked.  
“Am I the only blind guy?”   
“Yes again,” I said, squeezing his hand.  
“And are we the only gay people here?”   
“For the third time, and the win,” I teased him, scanning the crowd. “I’m gonna go with yes.”  “Oh thank God, I wanted us to be special.”   
“No worries about that, love,” I assured him.  
“Awww, thank you, honey. I—hey, wait a minute… that’s not a compliment."

JL:  Lol, Joey is a hoot! And Marcus... swoon.

Red:  "It was just like Malic to go.  He would mever say he cared; he would just show it instead."

I love this series!!! I hope Raphael gets to kill the witch!

JL:  I love that Marcus and Malic are so close.  Malic needs a best friend and Marcus is perfect for that role.  This book made me cry near the end.  Marcus does something incredibly stupid and it broke my heart.  Don't worry, it all worked out in the end but Mary makes you work for it.

Red:  Lord.  If you cried I'll be a mess.   I just met Kyle and Shane. I loved Joe's family and how the handed Marcus being a Warders and their reaction to Leith was priceless!!

JL:  I love how Joe's mom went and put makeup on after meeting them.  I think she did it for Jackson? You're about to get to the part that made me cry.

Red:  Malic hugged him.. Ugh.  Joe saying he can live without Marcus but  doesn't want to... She does the best reunions.

JL:  that part just really got to me. Joe being so angry and upset made me cry. His heart was broken and mine was too. 
JL’s Review

This is my second favorite, after Tooth & Nail.  Marcus and Joe have been together for six years and are visiting Joe’s family to celebrate his Joe’s grandfather’s birthday.  I love that they are in an established, long lasting relationship.  I love that Joe’s family loves and accepts Marcus and have welcomed him into the fold like he was born there.  I love that Joe’s family finds out about warders and demons and hearths and instead of freaking out they just roll with it.  I just love this everything about this story!

BUT! (and it’s a big but) this story made me cry so much.  Marcus does something incredibly stupid and breaks Joe’s heart and it broke my heart as well.  I cried for Marcus because he felt like he let Joe down and doesn’t deserve him anymore.  I cried for Joe because what Marcus did was just devastating to him. (I’m just going to spoil you right here by saying no, Marcus didn’t cheat on Joe.  I know some of you won’t read a story with cheating in it.  Rest assured that wasn’t the stupid thing that Marcus did.)  And I also cried during Dylan’s speech at the end. 

There were so many feels in this one I had to take a break before reading the final book in the series.  My heart was broken but Mary, in true Calmes fashion, pieced it back together for me by the end.


Red’s Review

I went into this book thinking it was going to be so fun and light with Malic going home to meet Dylan’s family over the Christmas holiday and um, I was wrong. From the start, we get Dylan hanging out with his friends and leaving Malic behind. Sure, this was Malic’s choice but seeing him miserable enough to start doing handyman chores and yard work made me side eye Dylan. What the heck is wrong with this angel that he would leave Malic to the coldness of his family who obviously see the age difference between them and not the love?  Ugh.

But, the love is strong with Malic and his hearth that when a little jealousy gets tossed in, Dylan realizes what he is doing and freaks out. Of course his worries are for nothing because Malic loves Dylan beyond the beyond, he was just feeling lonely. When Dylan tells his story and why he needs his friends the way he does, my heart hurt. How much shit can he go through in his young life? Goodness. It’s a good thing he has a handsome warder who is built to protect at his side now eh?

I loved Dylan’s family and their turnaround with Malic. It was genuine and they all start turning to him for support, comfort and protection which is totes what Malic does best.

But…fucking Brad! I’m just going to say that because WTF Brad? Neighbors shouldn’t be like Brad but it did bring Ryan and Marcus to the Shaw house and seeing those men is always a good thing. I loved Marcus dealing with Brad and OMG Dylan’s mother and her reaction to the warder was hilarious. Again, the warders are mind blowing in so many ways that how else would a man or woman react to them? Sigh.

So shit went down, Malic handled it and he handled his hearth terrifically. This is another series by the Goddess Mary Calmes that, in the words of her characters, annihilated me with the pouring of emotions, of family, of fun banter and of swoony romance.

I am a Calmes addict and I will never get enough.

Red:  I thought  Malic and Dylan would  be cute but it's  hurting me. Poor Malic. I don't  like him  upset  and feeling left out this way when he's finally  found his hearth and his place

JL:  yeah, Dylan is acting a fool in this one but only for a little bit. He pulls his head out of his ass soon though, don't worry.

Red:  Dylan just told Malic about Ethan.  Kinda reminded me of Joey telling Marcus about Shane and that deal.

Red:  Malic just said his name is Dylan? I am so lost now. WTF did Brad do?

JL:  I know, right?  Fucking Brad!  He's such a douche!

Red:  Dylan being all bossy with Malic was hot AF! Love that boy!
JL’s review

Yay, we get more Dylan and Malic!  I was so looking forward to this book.  I needs me some more Dylan!
Malic and Dylan are visiting Dyl’s family for Christmas in Georgia (Marietta, in fact, which is about 20 minutes from my house).  This is the first time Malic has met Dylan’s family and it’s not going too well.  They feel that Malic is too old for Dylan and that what they have is just a passing fancy so they give Malic the cold shoulder.  Poor Malic!  If only they realized just how important Dylan is to Malic they would surely welcome him with open arms.

And Dylan isn’t making it any better with his running off to party with old friends every night.  Malic seeks solace with the neighbor and seriously contemplates just going home to spend the holiday with people who actually care about him.  I was so mad at Dylan at this point!  He’s taking Malic for granted and Malic doesn’t deserve the treatment he’s getting at all.

Thankfully, Dylan pulls his head out of his ass before too long.  Just in time, too, as there’s evil afoot.

This was a great ending to a remarkable series and I’m so glad that I was able to revisit this world.  Mary is an astoundingly creative writer who has created a fascinating world.  I just want to sink into the stories and never surface.  Thankfully I own the series so I can re-read them any time I wish.