Dual Review: A Serious Thing and A Casual Thing by Annabelle Jacobs

Patrick Mason travels to Bristol to spend the summer with his brother, Ben. He’s cat sitting for the first two weeks while Ben goes on holiday. But Ben neglected to tell him he wouldn’t be doing it alone. Will Adams—Ben’s mate and Patrick’s long-time crush—is staying in Ben’s guest room while he waits to move into his new house after a breakup.

Against his better judgment, Patrick convinces Will that a little no-strings fun is just what they need. Patrick doesn’t want to get involved with a guy on the rebound, and Will isn’t interested in starting something serious with a student. But Patrick’s never been good at separating sex from feelings, and this time is no exception. As their weeks together draw to a close, they need to decide if they have something worth pursuing or if it’s really just a casual thing.
Patrick has a plan, and he’ll go to great lengths to see it through.

After three weeks apart due to work and school commitments, he and Will are finally getting to spend some time together. Patrick is staying with Will over the Christmas holidays, and he intends to tell him how he feels on Christmas Day. It’s going to be perfect.

But of course, Patrick’s plans don’t always go smoothly…

I'm not sure I can say how much I loved these stories. I don't know about you guys, but I have certain reading 'moods', where I crave different types of stories; fantasy, angsty, paranormal, heartbreaking, erotic...and many more, I read books like I eat, at different times I fancy different things.

One 'mood' I come back to time and again is the need for a simple romance story. The type with low to no angst. The type that will make me smile. The type that feels like a warm hug I can just melt into. I will never not crave these stories and with Will and Patrick, Annabelle has absolutely nailed it as far as I'm concerned.

In A Casual Thing we meet these two guys, brother and best friend of Ben. To add a little something into the mix, Will (best friend) is the object of Ben's (brother) desires, and has been forever. The resulting story is everything I hoped it would be; sweet, romantic, sexy, fun, delicious. Heartwarming. I'm getting a stupid smile on my face just thinking about it as I write this. It's all just gorgeous. They decide to have a fortnight of no-strings fun...


As if. I like strings and sexy romantic blokes falling in love.


In A Serious Thing, we see that no-strings didn't really work out. At all. GOOD. It means the romance continues in this short story that is a perfect follow up. My melted heart just got meltier. It is just perfectly gorgeous and I loved every second of these stories. 

If you're after a plain old toe-curling romance, look no further than these two British boys; I guarantee they'll melt the hardest of hearts.

Oh and A Serious Thing is FREE at Dreamspinner Press. 

A copy of these books were given in exchange for an honest review.
Find out more on Goodreads.

Review: Yesterday by Mickie B. Ashling

In June of 1978 Grady Ormond, eighteen-year-old son of diplomat Peter Ormond, accompanies his father to his new posting as US Ambassador to Pakistan. Neighboring Iran is on the brink of a civil war, with the monarchy in danger of being overthrown.

Grady will be leaving for New York City in late August to study cinematography and has been warned to keep his homosexual orientation tightly under wraps while on vacation. Repercussions in the predominantly Islamic region could be severe.

On their first night in Karachi, his father hosts a cocktail party to meet the local dignitaries. Grady is introduced to His Highness Prince Kamran Izadi, nephew of the shah of Iran. Twenty-three-year-old Kamran has recently returned from the UK, where he spent eleven years, first as a student, and then as a financial analyst.

The attraction is immediate—unforeseen and dangerously powerful—but neither one dares to make a move. Odds are so stacked against them it's futile to even entertain a friendship, but they do, and their world tilts precariously.

With his country in turmoil and Grady about to leave for college, Kamran makes a decision that will change their lives forever.


I'm conflicted about this book. I liked a lot about it, but if I'm being honest with myself what I liked most were the historical references rather than the romance. For the past few years I've become increasingly convinced that this time period between Iran and the U.S. was the genesis of the current contentious state in which we find ourselves, and therefore, fascinated by it. That it is the setting for Yesterday is what piqued my interest.

It can be very didactic with some information dumps.

Kam, nephew to the Shah, is living in Karachi just prior to his ousting in favor of Ayatollah Khomeini. He's a prince and has ties to the imams. Due in large part to his sexual orientation as well as his pernicious father he's spent very little time in Iran. He was sent to boarding school in England very young then proceeded to make every excuse to stay until family obligations brought him back, namely making a good marriage. 

His time is running out when he meets Grady at a diplomatic dinner. Grady is 18 and reads 18. He's idealistic and earnest. Naturally, Grady is in love with Kam in the span of 2 days so instalove... 

Instalove and I are strange bedfellows.  Sometimes it works for me and sometimes I fear my eyeballs will get stuck like that. And sometimes I find myself with a book like Yesterday where I can believe an 18 yr old capable of falling instantly in love with a near stranger but I never truly felt it. 

Maybe that's because it's all told from Grady's perspective and Kam seems so reserved. Maybe it's because the bulk of the book happens over the span of about a week and a half. Nevertheless, the fact remains I didn't invest in them. I was told too much and not shown enough. I need to see the relationship develop through the innocuous-caresses, stolen moments, softly spoken words and, yes, I want to roll around in the sappy nectar of the can't live without you kind of love. I also need for that to continuously be woven throughout the story and it wasn't. 

I want to be made to believe it, to be taken on the ride and for words like the below to translate to the page.

"Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit."

The sex is medium hot with a winning buttsex deflowering. They spar pretty frequently, so there is passion. But I think the opportunity to show how possessive Kam can be was lost and that could've taken this book from 3 to 4 hearts. I also think these characters weren't fully developed; they're still two-dimensional to me. Maybe if things weren't so rushed and given time to breathe this book had the potential to be great, but it's just out of reach.

My only other quibble is sort of spoilerish so look away if you don't want to be spoiled.

As I previously mentioned Kam has ties to the imams. He's a devout Muslim who's loyal and loves his country. He hates that it's in such upheaval, but he's resigned himself to this sham marriage and doing what he can to stabilize Iran. Then he does a 180 and wants to defect to the U.S.? A country he fundamentally mistrusts? Why? Rhetorical question. I know why but it made me lose a tiny bit of respect for him. To my mind, he could've been instrumental in the transition and possibly avoided bloodshed. It wouldn't have been historically accurate nor would it have provided an HEA, but it seemed out of character and disingenuous. I sometimes wish authors would take the road less traveled, be bold and break our hearts instead of playing it safe and giving an HEA that's forced.

It's probably just me. *shrugs*

So, a mixed bag. I enjoyed the Italians, the turtles and the historical references but the romance was superficial and disappointing. The epilogue I found unnecessary and meandering.

An ARC was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Find out more on Goodreads or Dreamspinner Press.

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Of Gods and Monsters: Hades by Wulf Francu Godgluck

Wulf Francu Godgluck is here to talk about his newest release, Of Gods and Monsters: Hades! Anyone else as excited about this release as I am? Wait no more, because it's here! Make sure you enter the giveaway for your chance to win an ebook copy.


The meat-eater flexed his massive arms over his chest, making the flesh stand out, tattooed forearms riddled with angry muscles, cutting deep indents and protruding veins. Rex didn’t let his stare travel up nor down the dark hair flowing over the man’s hard stomach, to the patch sticking out over the white towel hanging too low around his beefy middle. And becoming looser as that bulge under the white grew. He snapped his gaze back to the beast’s chest, pinning his attention there. Rex swallowed, “I don’t have any other place to go.”

The goliath-monster-man stared at him. Rex had nothing—okay, he had some money, but how could the man stand and stare at Rex and be this cruel, this heartless?

“My eyes are up here, little boy!” the giant crowed, a deep barbarous sound making his chest rumble like an erupting super-volcano. “There’s going to be rules, till I decide where to put you up.” The colossus bounced forward and Rex couldn’t help stepping back, tripping over his own feet while he was at it.

“Careful.” Big hands caught him, and Rex wasn’t sure whether his heart was attempting to flop out of his chest because he had almost planted his face on the floor, or from the gentleness in the beast’s voice and hands holding him, or… he was so damn close to burnt caramel skin, radiating heat and warming his cheek. And he could smell him, hot and clean, dominated by sweaty musk.

Buy the book:
Amazon: http://goo.gl/W9fzMt
All Romance: https://goo.gl/mtnWW3
iStore: https://goo.gl/qysemF
Kobo: https://goo.gl/bKaV5v
Barnes and Noble: http://goo.gl/tnzQyb

Meet the author:
They come to me in the night, creeping into my head. Their voices are all different, their stories all dissimilar, but they keep saying the same thing…

“Show us, tell us, bring us into your world, and make us known.” 

Then I sit and they take over. They tell their tales of love, loss and sinister misfortune. Not all of them get a happy ending, but they are pleased when their part is written.

I sometimes find myself lost in my own mind; a world very similar to our own yet so different. Things don’t go bump in the night— they squeal and crawl under your skin, making you grind your teeth, and making your stomach turn over and putting your nerves on edge. Then there’s the drama. Oh, the drama!

Wulf Francú Godgluck hails from South Africa. His work is not for the faint-hearted! In his books you'll find... all the beasties with their nasty claws and teeth, and some you didn't even know existed.
But the monsters aren't all real. Some live inside us. Who knows what he will make you discover about yourself, lurking in your heart, behind the closed walls in the deep, black recesses where no light penetrates? Wulf will steal your heart and never give it back. More than likely, he'll pin it to the wall with a bobbypin and sit there sipping his tea while you writhe and squeal on the floor...

Where to find the author:
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheWulfChronicles/?ref=hl
Twitter: @turboverse
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7083639.Wulf_Francu_Godgluck
Publisher: Wulf Francu Godgluck
Cover Artist: Wulf Francu Godgluck

Tour Dates & Stops:

A special thank you to Will at Pride Publishing for organizing this blog tour. 

Review: Of Gods and Monsters: Hades by Wulf Francu Godgluck

This is not a story about a hero, or some bad boy-badass-antihero.
This is a love story between two monstrous villains and one valiant kid, held together by their entwined heartstrings.
It won't be pretty.
It won't be pleasant.
There's no fluffy good feelings about it.
It will rip out your heart and never give it back.

Breno Hades el Oscuro took no bullshit from anyone. He ruled the crime world of the United States. When the King fell, what was left in the ashes was not the small boy that grew up without his father, not the same kid that chose a life of crime at seventeen, nor was it the King who had killed and clawed through a river of blood to stand at the top.

The King was dragged from his throne of bones into a deep dark pit, leaving only the raw flesh of a savage monster to crawl out of Hell.
One that knew love, but didn't want it again.

Kemono Orochi was destined to inherit the legacy of his father, known as The Dragon's Tongue. It was an inheritance he never wanted it, never desiring the power that came with the title of Dragon. Kemono ended it all by tearing off the Dragon's head, watching the serpent's remains be consumed in hellfire. Now tormented by the scars of his past inflicted by his father, he is struggling to come to terms with the Akuma he has become.

One that wants to devour everyone in his path to protect the only one that matters to him.

The only person that had ever made his icy heart beat.

His heart. His love. His beautiful pride.

Rex Hunter dreams of becoming a principal ballerino...all fierce, like a Phoenix. But this Phoenix has lost his wings and fallen prey, straight into the clutched claws and callus hands of two vicious beasts. Each bore the blackest of hearts, each desiring to keep him safe, cherished and loved unconditionally. Or was Rex just destined to be the goo that would stick two shattered souls together and prevent them from forever falling to pieces?

There will be blood, gore and nasty shit.

There will be watersports, crude, angry, sometimes sensual and other times just downright dirty and dysfunctional sex.


There will always be LOVE...

Because even villains understand the tortured scars love leaves in its wake.

 Hades is brutal and raw and intense. It's everything I love about biker stories. Big, badass biker was brought to his knees by falling in love. What better type of person to fall in love with you than someone as intense as Hades? Ha! Just kidding. But it definitely worked for Rex.

Hades was busted out of prison and went to his condo only to find it was occupied by a cute red head, Rex. Rex is the kid of one of his fallen brothers, so Hades certainly wasn't going to kick the boy out. They just had to cohab until they could figure something out. Or start fucking. Whichever came first. 

Spoiler alert: The fucking came first.

Hades was still in love and hurting over his first love, Beo. He didn't think there was anyone else out there to love him for the way he was, both the mental and physical ugliness he felt he had. So, Rex being interested in him was a bit of a shock for Hades, but he was going to hold onto him for all it was worth, while it lasted.
"Even if it is for this short intense moment, this rare breath of life."
Aww! He really was just a big marshmallow. A scary, overbearing, slightly insane marshmallow... but a little fluffy on the inside, nonetheless. 

Hades and his little Rex had some Daddy kink and it was hottttt. Their sex was just as intense as Hades was. Hades wanted to pleasure his boy and he made sure to do just that. Hades didn't care about stereotypes, he didn't care that he was gay and he didn't care what anyone else thought. He was going to do what felt good. 
"'You feel good inside Daddy, little lion,' Hades whispered and bit Rex's lip. 'Now fuck Daddy's hole.'"

For reals, this is the kind of dirty talk they had all the time. If that's dirty and wrong, I don't want to be right. Because damn

I will say the dialogue is something to get used to. There's a lot of "baby butter" and "fuckpecker" and "pussy hole". It was over the top and redundant, but I was expecting that after reading the first book. If you liked book 1, then you'll be fine with Hades.

I would have liked to get to know Rex more. I felt disconnected from his character. As much as I loved Hades, I don't feel like I know Rex at all. I'm not sure what motivated him to want to be in a Daddy-type of relationship with Hades. I felt his attraction and their connection, but I wanted more from his character.

It was good. I can't wait for book 3, especially since we're left on a cliffhanger. But especially, especially because I'm seeing the name Komainu being thrown around. 

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Find out more info on Goodreads.

Audiobook Review: The Lightning-Struck Heart Audiobook by TJ Klune

Once upon a time, in an alleyway in the slums of the City of Lockes, a young and somewhat lonely boy named Sam Haversford turns a group of teenage douchebags into stone completely by accident.

Of course, this catches the attention of a higher power, and Sam's pulled from the only world he knows to become an apprentice to the King's Wizard, Morgan of Shadows. When Sam is fourteen, he enters the Dark Woods and returns with Gary, the hornless gay unicorn, and a half-giant named Tiggy, earning the moniker Sam of Wilds.

At fifteen, Sam learns what love truly is when a new knight arrives at the castle. Sir Ryan Foxheart, the dreamiest dream to have ever been dreamed.

Naturally, it all goes to hell through the years when Ryan dates the reprehensible Prince Justin, Sam can't control his magic, a sexually aggressive dragon kidnaps the prince, and the King sends them on an epic quest to save Ryan's boyfriend, all while Sam falls more in love with someone he can never have.

Or so he thinks.

ALL of the hearts. Every fucking one of them.

I spend a lot of time in my car commuting. I hate it. I like my job, I love the people I work with, but again, my commute? I hate it sooooo hard. So, when the commute from hell started a few years ago I got started listening to audio books. What better way is there to sit in traffic than to listen to a man tell me a story and at some point or 10 talk dirty to me? There is no better way, just so you know. When the request came through for a review on The Lightning-Struck Heart I was ALL over that shit. I loved Michael Lesley’s narration of TJ’s Tell Me it’s Real so I was pretty happy. Then I started listening and I had so much fucking fun I was ecstatic!

If you’re a fan of TJ Klune when his manic humor is on high, then this book was written for you. Besides the absolute hilarity of his writing, he manages to sneak real feels in there giving the story and characters depth that sneak up on you like a tackle hug, make you happy in your heart and grin like a loon. This wasn’t just a story, it was an odyssey and it was ridiculously fun. I fell in love with every character, even the ones I should hate. I loved hating Tina at the fan club FFS.

As I said, I listened to the audiobook version and I do honestly believe that Michael Lesley IS the voice in TJ Klune’s head. I am truly amazed at how he managed to have a completely unique voice and tone for each character. You could take out every “he said”, “she said”, etc. and I would still have had no trouble distinguishing between who was talking at any given point. It was like being in the middle of a one man play that is so elaborate you forget you are only listening to one man. I laughed out loud so many times I’m going to have to listen to this one at least two more times to make sure I didn’t miss parts of the story for the LOL’s.

I was trying to figure out who my favorite character is and I gave up shortly into listening. Sam had me wrapped around his magical little finger and then Gary came along and I would follow his Unicornian buns anywhere. I was telling a friend about The Lightning-Struck Heart not long into listening. I walked into the office and he asked me what I was snortling about and I told him all about Sam and Ryan and Gary and Tiggy and etc. and etc. Now this friend is relatively new to the wonder that is the MM romance world. I’ve bought him some of my favorite books and steered him in the direction of authors I think he would like and he’s so damn happy about it all. He had no idea these stories and this world even existed. For me it’s amazing to have someone in my RL to talk books with on a daily basis!

Anywho, I babble. SO, I was telling him about this one and said, “Please, you have to listen to Gary for a second.” It was a scene where he and Sam were having a debate/discussion about Sam being fay fairy married and he looked at me with wide and happy eyes. I immediately went online and bought him a copy. We’ve been texting back and forth constantly ever since. He just met Kevin, I can’t wait to see what he has to say about Kevin. This is one of those treasures I’m going to keep in a safe place forever. It’s officially my Go-To, Feel-Good, Fuck-All-Y’all-I-Gotta-Fantasy-World-That-Needs-Me-To-Love-It-Right-Now Epics. And yes, all of that is capitalized because it’s a thing.

For more information on Lightning-Struck Heart check it out on Goodreads.

**a copy of this EPIC treasure was provided for an honest review**

Release Day Review: Dancing Lessons by R. Cooper

Two years of living with his controlling boyfriend left Chico worn down long before that boyfriend revealed he’d been seeing someone else. With no other choice, Chico moves in above his cousin’s garage in a small town in the redwoods, where he merely goes through the motions. To get him out of the house, his cousin pushes him to volunteer at a local dance studio to help with their annual show.

He’s not expecting to end up in a dance class, or to start feeling alive again in the arms of his dance instructor. Rafael is the studio owners’ son and was once a well-known dancer in his own right, but now enjoys being a teacher. Although Chico likes him, he’s afraid of taking a chance. But Rafael is determined, and it only takes one dance for Chico to start to realize he might still have something to learn.

You know what this story had that I f’ing love?


Anyone who reads any flavor of romance knows what I’m talking about here. I can only imagine how difficult it can be to write one successfully. There can’t be too much verbiage or it will kill it and the description of the physical happenings between characters has to be enough to picture but not too much so that the beauty gets lost in the detail.

Chico has escaped from the city to the small mountain town of Brandywine to lick his wounds and try to figure out just who the hell he is. His relationship with his ex has wrecked his self-confidence. The author did a really good job of showing the past without giving me a laundry list of events to make sure I understood. The details came out organically as they were relevant to what was happening in the story.

One thing I really loved about Chico was how real he read. He could have easily become “pathetic” but he didn’t because he knew what his problems were and anyone who has been cheated on and dumped will know exactly the struggles Chico is facing in his own head. The author didn’t rely on magic peen to solve all Chico’s problems either. Chico truly did not understand how Raf could be attracted to him and instead of getting frustrated with Chico it just made me so sad for him. He’s a realist and he’s been through the wringer so any other reaction would not have been anywhere near realistic.

Soooo, speaking of Raf. DAYUM. I could stop there, BUT I won’t. He’s charming, confident and remarkably humble considering the package he comes wrapped in.

“The dance teacher was some kind of sexy dancer whisperer.” 

He really could not have been better for Chico, and vice versa. The author described Chico’s feelings in one interlude between the characters as “twitterpated”.

“Chico stopped to heave a breath. ‘And now you’re flirting with me, and it’s so nice I don’t know what to do.’” 

For one, that word does not get used enough in general and secondly, it was the perfect description. Chico is really so charming when he’s lost like that and Raf falls for that reaction and Chico’s Bambi eyes hard.

The story and the relationship between Chico and Raf evolved at the same pace as Chico found his footing again. He would apologize for not being the man he once was and for not being on top of all the adult things he thinks he should have a handle on. Slowly he realized that how skewed his perspective was with all the BS his ex had fed him. I loved reading his revelations and respected the hell out of him for not falling into old habits. He knew he had to be strong Chico for himself before he could be any good for anyone else. That buried strength and self-awareness is present throughout and as glimpses of it came out I could sense Raf falling for him harder and harder. Those little glimpses showed Chico’s true personality and sense of humor and he was so proud of himself when he could make Raf laugh.

I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about the secondary characters. Chico is living above his cousin Davi’s garage and Davi is just so amazing. He’s supportive without being sappy and he has no problem giving Chico a kick in the ass when needed. Davi has a story I would love to read. Chico’s parents are charmingly traditional and wholly supportive of Chico and Davi. They were there for Davi when Davi’s parents failed. I could sense their closeness even if Davi didn’t have tons of page time. Raf’s parents were a total kick. His tiny little mother as the grande dame of the dance school was both intimidating and wise as she spoke to Chico and always knew exactly what to say to him. She fed his new found confidence without coddling him. While Raf’s dad didn’t have a lot of dialog, his actions and place in the family couldn’t be overlooked. It speaks to the strength of his character in that he didn’t need to have a huge time presence to have that much of an impact on other characters.

Moving back to the MOMENTS. Dancing and the upcoming recital played a big part of the story and so were a vehicle for the relationship between Chico and Raf. The author didn’t bury the characters in obvious dancing metaphors or overkill the mechanics of dance and Raf’s history. Instead she used it in such a smart way, to show me the connection between Chico and Raf. Raf’s hands were a big deal for Chico and the thought of Raf’s hands on him made him melt. When Raf would reach his hand out to Chico, there was no denying the importance of the gesture throughout the story. At 78% the big MOMENT that slayed me happened. There was very little actual dialog but the UST pouring off the pages was palpable. In a short 2 pages there were revelations, acknowledgements, happiness and heat. Good Lord, so much happiness and heat. I read it three times.

Because it’s imperative to some readers I do have to say the story ends on an incredibly optimistic HFN. It really was completely fine for the story and where the characters were in their fledgling relationship. That would be my only complaint, that isn’t even really a complaint, I just plain want more. I don’t think an epilogue would have been enough, but I can hope that the author would be willing to revisit Brandywine and continue Chico and Raf’s story.

For more info on Dancing Lessons check it out on Goodreads.

And to get your own copy, head over to Dreamspinner Press!

**a copy of this story was provided to us for an honest review**

Review: Out (Shamwell Tales #3) by JL Merrow

When the costs are added up, will love land in the black?

Mark Nugent has spent his life in the closet—at least, the small part of it he hasn’t spent in the office. Divorced when he could no longer deny his sexuality, he’s sworn off his workaholic ways and moved to Shamwell with his headstrong teen daughter to give her a stable home environment.

His resolve to put his love life on hold is severely tested when he joins a local organization and meets a lively yet intense young man who tempts him closer to the closet threshold.

Patrick Owen is an out-and-proud charity worker with strong principles—and a newly discovered weakness for an older man. One snag: Mark is adamant he’s not coming out to his daughter, and Patrick will be damned if he’s going to start a relationship with a lie.

Between Mark’s old-fashioned attitudes and a camp, flirtatious ex-colleague who wants Mark for himself, Patrick wonders if they’ll ever be on the same romantic page. And when Mark’s former career as a tax advisor clashes with Patrick’s social conscience, it could be the one stumbling block they can’t get past.

Product Warnings: Contains historically inaccurate Spartan costumes, mangled movie quotes, dubious mathematical logic and a three-legged pub crawl.

JL Merrow is one of my most read authors, she's a go to read for me. Of the three Shamwell Tales books, this one has been my favourite. Like the other books, this is set in the fictional English village of Shamwell and has a very English vibe to it. I like that about it.

Divorced, workaholic, single parent Mark is settling into life in the village. He's learning how to deal with his strong-willed teenager at the same time as he's learning to find himself. Actually, learning is a good way to describe this book; it's all about learning and growing. Learning to be, learning to accept other points of view, learning to stand up for your beliefs, learning when to compromise and when not to.

Which makes it sound very goody-goody and boring... but it isn't. It's hilariously funny at times and subtly funny at others. Patrick and Mark are so different in just about every way (and kudos to JL Merrow for managing to write characters that are so different without resorting to the bear/twink formula. Not that I've anything against said combo, but I do like to read something different from tome to time), yet they work. I mean, not without some work, it doesn't all slip into place with no effort, but it's not overly ridiculously difficult. The (please forgive me for using this word) journey they had, from first meet to relationship, was tricky, but it felt real and not unnecessarily angsty.

I have to mention Fern, Mark's teenaged daughter. I liked her a lot. Feisty and rebellious and opinionated with a heart of gold and a strong sense of right and wrong. She's smashing, one of my favourite characters.

A fun, easy read with humour and joy. recommended - and it's released today, lucky ducks!

For more information see Goodreads.
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.