Review: Guns n' Boys: Bloodbath (Guns n' Boys #6) by K.A. Merikan

“I don’t even know who I am anymore.”
“All you need to know is that you’re mine.”

Seth would follow Domenico to the depths of hell. He promised to always be at Domenico’s side. But hell becomes all too real when they infiltrate the world of Toro - a notoriously security-obsessed arms dealer, who has eyes and ears everywhere.

Seth becomes unable to steal even a moment of intimacy with Domenico, and the tension grinds them down each day. Beyond the deceptive paradise of Toro’s villa, violence is an everyday occurrence, and the swimming pool could just as well be filled with blood. To survive, Seth has to become the man Domenico needs him to be, but in the process, he might lose who he truly is.

With Seth trained up, and Mark as backup, victory is so close Domenico can taste it. They just need to prove themselves to Toro as valuable assets. With each day though, Seth seems to be drifting away from Domenico, hidden behind a mask of cruelty and indifference. It is exactly what Domenico asked of him, so why is it so difficult to see Seth become his mirror image?

Clever, scary and just amazing.

Frankly, if you've not read this series, you really need to. I adore Seth and Dom (and Mark). I don't give a flying fuck that this series is violent and bloodthirsty and gruesome. I don't care that it makes me question my morals (before I remember it's only fiction). I just liove, love, love this series.

I have to admit - I may have paused in my reading and questioned Dom a little in the opening chapters of this story. He's tough, he needs to be tough and he makes choices most of us (sane and moral folks) couldn't. What KA Merikan do though is make me be on Dom's side. He's a killer who I've come to understand. Who I've come to support even...


If you love this series, this book only adds to it. If you've not read it yet, what are you waiting for? Just don't expect it to feature sunshine and roses and happily ever afters... (Though if the authors are reading this, I seriously hope the last book in the series does have an HEA, 'k???)
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.
For more information see Goodreads.

Release Blitz + Giveaway: Urgent Care (Hearts & Health #3) by D.J. Jamison

Celebrate the release of Urgent Care (Hearts and Health #3) with author D.J. Jamison and Signal Boost Promotions! Don't miss the $10 Amazon gift card giveaway!

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 61,500 words

Hearts And Health Series

Heart Trouble (Book #1) Amazon US | Amazon UK

Bedside Manner (Book #2) Amazon US | Amazon UK


Nursing student Xavier James is shocked to run into the first man to ever break his heart while at a gay club. His ex is sexier than ever, but Xavier is not going down that road again ... only, when they end up working together at an urgent-care clinic, his willpower will be tested.

Trent Cavendish made a huge mistake at age 18 when he walked away from his first love. Twelve years later, Trent is rattled when his friend suddenly dies. He takes a hard look at his life, realizing how empty it has become. Determined to re-evaluate his priorities and make amends, he returns to his hometown to win Xavier's forgiveness and maybe even his heart.

Times have changed. Instead of the sweet but tame boyfriend he left behind, he finds a smoking hot man dressed in bits of lace and silk. Trent's good intentions turn to lust, and love isn't far behind. But Xavier is wary. The villain of his memories is proving to be a decent guy, but has he really changed or is Xavier just a new goal to chase?


Xavier wore a pair of tight white shorts that practically glowed against his skin tone and an electric blue sleeveless top that showcased his muscles. He added just a touch of make-up, nothing too over-the-top, and his hair was unrestrained for once, spilling to his shoulders and brushing bared skin.

The expressions coming his way, a mix of confused and aroused, made Xavier grin.

His soft feminine touches emphasized his natural masculinity, and people weren’t always sure what to make of him.

He stopped at the bar to order a drink. In the mirror overhead, he watched a man approach. He was tall, lean and casually sexy in jeans and a T-shirt that hugged his thighs and chest in all the right ways. He had dark hair, which had always been Xavier’s type. He kind of looked like Xavier’s roommate at first glance, which was a bit weird, but Zane was a sexy fucker. No denying that.

This is promising. I might even get 8 hours’ sleep tonight unless he’s a total beast in the sack.

Xavier looked down as the man neared, not wanting to seem too eager. He felt the warmth of another body behind him and the press of a hand against his back. Slowly, the stranger’s hand slid up his spine to the nape of his neck, sending tingles through him.

This was one presumptuous fucker, but it was hot.

A breath whispered against his ear. “You are a goddamned treasure, you know that?”

Xavier couldn’t help it. He snorted a laugh. “You lay it on thick.”

The man gripped his hair, tugging Xavier’s head back. “I just go after what I want, and I don’t apologize for it.”

The words should have been sexy. But Xavier’s head tilted back, his gaze slid over, and he saw the face of the guy manhandling him.

“You sure don’t,” he said flatly.

Trent Cavendish’s expression froze. He looked stunned, an expression Xavier hadn’t seen in more than a decade. He hadn’t seen any expression on the man’s face since he left so many years ago.

His surprise faded quickly, replaced with lust as his eyes scanned Xavier’s body.

“Fuck, baby,” Trent whispered, his voice rough.

Fuck was right. Just his luck he’d reel in his ex-boyfriend from high school. The one who’d torn out his heart and stomped on it — and insulted his family and his principles while he was at it.

This excerpt was edited for length and does not match the content of the book exactly.

Author Bio

DJ Jamison worked in newsrooms for more than 10 years, which helped tremendously when she began her series centered on The Ashe Sentinel, a fictional small-town newspaper in Kansas. She lives in the Midwest with her husband, two sons and three glow-in-the-dark fish.

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Review: Positive Reinforcement (Daniel and Ryan #4) by Tamryn Eradani

It’s Hell Week at work, which means Daniel hasn’t seen Ryan in what feels like too long. A quiet weekend in is exactly what they need, and Daniel strives to make sure he’s exactly what Ryan needs.

Daniel doesn’t know how he ever thought they could do this without feelings.

At the end of Who I Am When I’m With You we know that Daniel is in a headspace where he wants to be Ryan’s. He is into more and more of their play and into spending much more time together. But this book begins with days of separation between the “not” couple as Ryan is busy with meetings during the week. But… those meetings allow for adorable moments with Daniel as he tries so hard not to check up on Ryan and fails.

This story now in book four of the serial series has begun as a recognition of submission to a revelation of a budding relationship. Daniel and Ryan are taking their time but the intimacy between them is growing along with the want of more than just scenes.

Daniel is finding new ways to be vocal with what he wants from Ryan and trying to accept that Ryan want Daniel in return. The few moments they had to together at work during Ryan’s Hell Week were sweet and the beginning to their weekend together was spanking hot.

This is another VERY short interlude of the men and how they are moving forward in their relationship and blurring the boundary lines of just an arrangement to more.

Ugh. I have to be honest and say I am beginning to get frustrated as hell with how short these are and how much of a tease it’s all becoming. Just when I settle into the story, settle into more of Ryan and Daniel… it ends. I get why it’s released this way and yet my frustration is teetering on disinterest and I really don’t want it to get there. I am almost upset that I have read the series like this and hope that the full story is released in some sort of compilation so that readers don’t have the blue ball affect that I am experiencing with waiting. Sorry, I am not as patient as either Daniel or Ryan. I am more Veruca Salt and I want more of them, now.

Blog Tour: Writers & Readers for LGBT Chechens

Alarmed by the events in Chechnya? Feeling helpless or don't know how to help?

Today we have a special post from some authors to raise awareness and provide tangible ways for both writers and readers to help. 

By Dale Cameron Lowry with Adriana Kraft and Naomi Tajedler

When the news started coming out of Chechnya about the organized police campaign of torture, imprisonment and murder being conducted against men perceived to be gay, it hit me hard.

Growing up in the Netherlands just a few decades after World War II, I learned to dread authoritarianism and genocide — authoritarianism’s frequent offspring — early on in life. On school and family outings we visited houses with secret rooms where families had provided refuge to Jews as they sought to escape Occupied Europe. Every summer, we would drive through northern Germany to see my cousins, and my mom would announce the sites of former concentration camps we passed along the way.

I felt compelled to do something about the situation in Chechnya — but what? How could I possibly help from the other side of the world?

I started talking about the topic with other LGBT authors. Fantasy author Olivia Helling volunteered to organize a charity auction. Over the next week or so, the idea grew into an effort that now includes three dozen writers, publishers, and other book people. We call ourselves Readers & Writers for LGBT Chechens. We raise money for human rights organizations working with LGBT people in Chechnya and the Russian Federation (which Chechnya is a part of) in a few ways:

·         letting our readers and fellow authors know how they can get involved

Adriana Kraft, one of our participating authors, talks about her motivations for getting involved: “We have a gay son who is fortunate to live in a nation where marriage equality is the law of the land, even though bias, prejudice, and discrimination still impact all our lives. This is one small way we can reach out to others whose very lives are at risk.”

And author Naomi Tajedler says, “I decided to participate in the auction because we should all strive to make sure that those men can be saved, that they are protected, that they're not going to be slaughtered because they're gay. I write LGBTQIA stories that show how everybody deserves happiness—deserves to live their lives to its fullest. That starts with actually being able to live without fearing for their lives.”

We hope you’ll get involved, too.

 Get Involved

Authors, Publishers and Artists

If you're an author or artist who would like help out, please sign up at Authors & Publishers for LGBT Chechens. There, you can also find answers to frequently asked questions about the auction, royalty donations, the charitable organizations that are helping out LGBT Chechens, and more.


If you are a reader who would like to learn more about the situation in Chechnya — including news updates and how to make a direct donation to a designated charity, buy a book from a participating author, or support the auction — please visit Readers & Writers for LGBT Chechens.


Please RSVP to our Facebook event and invite friends. It’s a great way to keep up-to-date.

Thank you!


Dale Cameron Lowry (Twitter: @daleclowry) is a romance and speculative fiction writer living in the Upper Midwest with a partner and three cats. Queer Mormons, immigrants and emigrants, people with disabilities, multilingual folks, and others who spend their lives navigating multiple cultures often appear in Dale’s writing.

Adriana Kraft (Twitter: @adrianakraft), winner of the 2014 Bisexual Book Award for erotic fiction, is a married couple writing sizzling romantic suspense and erotic romance for two, three, or more. With backgrounds in criminology and counseling, they combine their expertise in the criminal mind, trauma, healing and human nature with a passion for robust sexuality and life-long vitality.

Naomi Tajedler (Twitter: @Naomi_Tajedler) is a French writer working with Interlude Press, an LGBTQIA publishing house. Naomi wrote lots of fanfiction in the Glee fandom and is now working on a full length novel—always LGBTQIA and body positive.

Review: Just Like Cats and Dogs (Sanctuary #1) by BA Tortuga

2nd Edition

A Sanctuary Novel

Can cats and dogs ever get along, let alone fall in love?

Sam knows you can never go home again. As an orphaned feline shifter raised by wolves, being an outcast is nothing new to him. But the pack is still his family, and when one of them passes away, Sam returns to the New Mexico desert to say good-bye.

Gus is a loner who rarely returns to his pack, but as fate would have it, Sam is there when he chooses to visit. The history between Gus and Sam is tumultuous, to say the least, but when Gus gets an eyeful of the grown-up and gorgeous version of his childhood bully, he can’t control his reaction. And he isn’t alone.

The attraction is powerful, but so are their differences. And with trouble brewing in the pack and danger surrounding them, Sam and Gus might not have the opportunity to seek common ground.

This action-packed shifter novel is the ultimate opposites attract and enemies-to-lovers romance, and it includes a bonus novella, In the Dog House.

First Edition published by Torquere Press, 2011.

Shifter stories are always fun, and as this is an inter-species shifter story, there was the added spice of how they interacted and worked around their differences.

Sam was a spicey kitty, and I really loved his sass and take no shit attitude when it came to Gus. The problems that I had occured when he wasn’t interacting with Gus, and was back in his own space. Until Gus, it just seemed like none of Sam’s family really had his back. It didn’t make a great deal of sense to me, how Sam was so separate from his family, even as a different species, because in his internal musings, they came across as close. That wasn’t the case once we get to know them and this left me questioning why. He was still human as well, but it appeared this didn’t factor into the mix when dealing with his family. It was all about his feline to their lupine. I didn’t like that at all.

The fact that Sam was apart from the wolves did carry the story to where it was, so I’m going to go along with it, and pretend that it was necessary to get Gus and Sam where they needed to be. It did leave me a bit sour about the whole thing, but the relationship development managed to temper my bad feelings about Sam’s source of support.

Gus was a nice strong lead, and while I became somewhat frustrated with him, I think his development worked well. He is a lone wolf, so it’s ok for him to be away for extended periods of time, but I would have preferred a quicker resolution to the whole struggle with interspecies dating.

The second half of the story took a bit of a surprise turn, and I’m not sure how I feel about it all. I can’t give it away, but I’m not convinced by it really. It seemed so simple, and yet no one thought about it until that point?

Anyway. I will say that as always, the erotic parts of this story were steamy. The connection was there, and the push and pull in the beginning was convincing.

I am looking forward to the second book in this series.

A review copy was provided for an honest opinion

Find on Dreamspinner Press or Goodreads!

Review: Every Breath You Take by Robert Winter

When Zachary Hall leaves Utah for a job in Washington, it’s finally his chance to live as a gay man and maybe find someone special. In a bar he meets Thomas Scarborough, a man who seems perfect in and out of the bedroom. But Thomas never dates. He never even sleeps with the same man twice. Despite their instant connection, he can offer Zachary only his friendship, and Zachary is looking for more.

Thomas is tempted to break his own rules, but years before, he became the victim of a stalker who nearly destroyed his life. Even though his stalker died, Thomas obsessively keeps others at a distance. Despite his fascination with Zachary, he is unable to lower his barriers. Frustrated, Zachary accepts he will never have what he wants with Thomas and soon finds it with another man. 

But young gay men in Washington, DC are being murdered, and the victims all have a connection to Thomas. Once again someone is watching Thomas’s every move. Can it be a coincidence? When the depraved killer turns his attention toward Zachary, Thomas must face the demons of his past—or lose his chance to open his heart to Zachary forever.

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

Oh can't you see
You belong to me
My poor heart aches
With every step you take

When you first heard that illustrious song did you think it was a love song? I did. Until I really listened to the lyrics and thought:

Sting's seductive voice masked its underlying FAKE NEWS lub! What the song and this book are about is obsession.

Thomas had a stalker in Seattle that destroyed his life, forced him to change his name, cost him his job, any semblance of a relationship with his parents and prompted a cross country move. Thomas being painfully attractive and well aware of his irresistibility began his sexual journey at 14 and embraced the one and done. He tried the long term thing a couple times but it didn't take. One night he makes the worst smash 'n dash mistake of his life and lands himself in the sights of Creepy McCrayCray

Once he's free of Creepy he continues his philandering ways which, quite frankly, puzzled me. There is an explanation but... *squints* For argument's sake let's say I do buy it, so my question then becomes why continue to hit bars? Why not move to Grindr where the "come and go, thanks bro." mentality is more commonplace? What's more, why in the Sam hell does he continue to bring randoms back to his place? 

I did like Thomas but his self-denial where Zachary's concerned frustrated me and dragged out too long. Also, *SOAPBOX MOMENT* this whole fidelity thing in the romance genre particularly in this instance feels so contrived. I get that the majority of romance readers aren't interested in reading about their MCs being with others, but Thomas has acquired a line of dudes he's dicked down longer than a line for a Taylor Swift concert and I'm supposed to believe that he goes cold turkey after he and Zachary boink? Once?

I was born at night but it wasn't last night, ok?

Anywhat, enough of my soapboxing.

Zachary is younger than Thomas and he reads younger. He's like a gamboling puppy, speaks before he thinks and has a naiveté about him that makes him immediately likable. He's exceptionally forthright without artifice and isn't afraid to call people out when needed, like Thomas.

Every Breath You Take is told from several different perspectives including Thomas and Zachary. They aren't together for much of it, but they think about the other near constantly which was both sweet and salty.

However, when they are together...

Somebody unexpectedly becomes Bossy McTopperton and somebody got drilled! *grunts* Believe me when I say it was amazemagastic. This author doesn't hold back on the deets and bless him for it. If you appreciate the fine art of analingus and completely wrecking a bottom, you've found the gay sex equivalent of Mecca. Go forth, my friends, but make sure all your things are powered up. #ProTip

So, HUGE check on the sexual chemistry. I'm pretty sure in my "checking" of said box I left a gaping hole in the questionnaire. Oops. It's amazing how lead just goes straight through paper when you're busy swallowing your tongue. Like a knife through butter, I tell ya.
Since you've gone I been lost without a trace 

I dream at night I can only see your face 
I look around but it's you I can't replace 
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace 
I keep crying baby, baby, please

The narrative is balanced between the serial killer and romance plot lines. I didn't expect to be bowled over by the thriller plot line, but Winter did a great job making Psycho McWowsers incredibly deranged, diabolical and unhinged. I shuddered more than once. The action parts of the narrative were well done, though the end was a bit anti-climatic.

There were some splendid secondary characters too. If you read September then you'll remember Joe and Terry. I really love Joe and that he got a larger role in this book, but I think the Joe/Terry subplot was distracting. Randy is an amazing friend and I would not be upset in the slightest if he were to show up again somewhere. Torres is the investigating officer and she's smart, not easily intimidated nor egomaniacal. I'm seeing more and more strong female characters in m/m who aren't clichés and this is a trend I'm heartily in favor of.

While reading Every Breath You Take I experienced a range of feels and I liked it, but I do think it could've been tightened up. There were lulls in the middle I had to push through, but overall, the story was woven together strongly with good characterizations and a sweet HEA. Maybe the HEA was a little OTT and I waffled on whether or not the dialogue was cheesy. It probably is, but I'm guessing Thomas is mid to late 30's and in love for the first time, so let your sap flag fly, T! I ain't mad at it!

Recommended to fans of thrillers and smutters who go for AMAZEMAGASTIC, SMOKING HOT, TONGUE SLAP YOUR BRAINS OUT SEX!

You're welcome.

A review copy was provided.


Giveaway + Blog Tour: Risky Behavior (Bad Behavior, #1) by L.A. Witt & Cari Z.

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Guest Review: The Boy Who Fell to Earth by A. Zukowski

Jay Palmer is two months away from his sixteenth birthday. He doesn’t realise how his life will be changed forever when a gang of thugs leaves a badly injured boy on his doorstep. The biracial boy and his white single mum Maggie nurse the stranger, sixteen-year-old Aleksander Zukowski or Sasha. Sasha ran away from care two and half years ago. He sleeps rough, is addicted to drugs and sells himself on the streets of London to fund his habit. For the first time in his life, he has a reason to change.

Sasha confirms what Jay already knows about himself but it doesn’t make it easy for him to come out to his macho mates in a largely black neighbourhood. Sasha has an uphill struggle to stay clean when his past threatens to throw him back into the abyss. Are the two boys strong enough to stay together against all odds?

Reviewer: Lost in a Book

This book.

I’ll start off by saying this is my first rent boy read. I typically stay away from them but this one called to me for some reason. I was hesitant. I knew it would hurt but I was just hoping it would hurt so good.

At first I struggled with the writing style and then the actual story. But the promise of redemption for Sasha kept me reading.

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All of the heart breaking elements were present. You know, the ones where you need a bottle of wine to get through reading about them; Drugs, rape, molestation, prostitution, homelessness, cheating and let’s not forget…unnecessary drama.

Jay was a 15(almost 16) year old boy who lived with his single mom(Maggie). Sasha is a drug addicted, homeless rent boy. One night Sasha's raped and brutally beaten body was literally dumped on Jay's front yard. Jay and Maggie get him inside and begin the process of helping Sasha without the notification of police and social services. Jay took an instant liking to Sasha.

"I only knew I wanted him there, I needed to nurse him back to health."

Sasha was intrigued by Jay but really only wanted to "score" his next hit. He ends up leaving after a few days... but not before Jay kissed Sasha and Sasha jerked him off.

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This is where I started making excuses in my head based on Jay's age. Maybe being raped and beaten to his 15 year old self didn't make him stop and think that he should wait to pounce. But, I digress…

Sasha headed back to his squat and over the next few weeks Jay seeks him out.

"I came out today, not knowing why I needed to find him, but it was like he had put a spell on me and I’d follow him wherever he went like a child to the pied piper."

They spent time together at the squat and Sasha bathed at Jay's house. This was all dandy until Maggie catches them asleep and wrapped in a naked embrace.

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Maggie makes Sasha promise to stay away from Jay. This starts Sasha's downward spiral into getting as much of any drug he could and being even more unsafe with sex just to get money for his next hit; To feel numb.

Sasha hits bottom.


Luckily a bouncer, Big Al is there to catch him along with the Vicar, Eric.
"I took one last look at the mirror to remind myself of the horror of my decline and I unlocked the door and came out."
Redemption follows...

Yay!! That's a wrap. Let's tie a pretty bow on it…

Just kidding, that's only the first 57%

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From there, they go through way more drama. There are at least 3 more plot twists that send Sasha into a tail spin of... you guessed it... drinking, drugs and sex. These will leave you raging and wanting to do more damage than a cracked out 70s rock star to your kindle and surrounding objects.

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Ok, so let's put the story aside. The writing style for the first half was all about telling instead of showing. The book overall could go through another editing round. If I'm really digging a book, I typically don’t let it bother me. This wasn't a dialect issue, it's a word choice/spelling deal (ex. felt asleep in his arms). There were also time lapses everywhere and without warning. There was so much taking place I felt as if I needed to create a story map.

With alllll that said, I still wanted to give this 3 hearts. There was a story there... I just had to cut the crap to get it. However, all the added unnecessary drama at the end brought it to 2.5.

At least there was redemption… *shrug*