Review: Arctic Wild (Frozen Hearts #2) by Annabeth Albert

When a plane crashes in the Alaskan wilderness, the best place to land is in the arms of a younger man…

Hotshot attorney Reuben Graham has finally agreed to take a vacation, when his plane suddenly plunges into the Alaskan wilderness.

Just his luck.

But his frustrations have only begun as he finds himself stranded with the injured, and superhot, pilot, a man who’s endearingly sociable—and much too young for Reuben to be wanting him this badly.

As the sole provider for his sisters and ailing father, Tobias Kooly is devastated to learn his injuries will prevent him from working or even making it back home. So when Reuben insists on giving him a place to recover, not even Toby’s pride can make him refuse. He’s never been tempted by a silver fox before, but something about Reuben is impossible to resist.

Recuperating in Reuben’s care is the last thing Toby expected, yet the closer they become, the more incredibly right it feels, prompting workaholic Reuben to question the life he’s been living. But when the pressure Toby’s under starts closing in, both men will have to decide if there’s room in their hearts for a love they never saw coming.

High-powered attorney Reuben Graham agrees to a trip with his friends through remote Alaska. Things don’t get off to the best start, when Reuben’s colleagues can’t make their flight.

Luckily, the persuasive and attractive younger tour guide convinces Reuben to make the best of the situation.

Tobias Kooly is ever the professional, no matter how sexy the silver fox is. And no matter how much both men begin enjoying their time together.

However, the careful distance disappears when the worst happens, and Toby and Reuben’s plane goes down in the wilds of Alaska.

I’ll admit it took me a while to really get into the book. The initial part of the book with the trip seemed fairly similar to all the touristy stuff in book 1. And though I liked both Reuben and Toby, neither immediately grabbed my attention.

But once things got a bit crazy, I was in for the ride. Nothing like a near-death scenario to really whet the appetite.

The experience forges a bond between Reuben and Toby. And Reuben, normally a very sedate and orderly man, decides to take a chance and spend the summer being Toby’s nursemaid.

Was it an odd and quick jump from strangers to roommates-on-the-cusp-of-more? Yes. Did I mind? Not too much. I wanted to see the big silver daddy take care of his young pilot!

The two made a cute pair, becoming closer as Toby recuperates from his injuries. And beneath that budding friendship, there’s a strong undercurrent of attraction that had been there from almost the moment the two men first met.

When they give in to it, it was hot. Kudos to them for finding ways to work around Toby’s injuries!

This isn’t a particularly drama-filled book. The angst comes from real issues that might face any long-distance relationship between two people from very different backgrounds.

I did think there was a bit too much family. I could have done with less of Reuben’s daughter’s constant surliness, though I did think her relationship with Toby’s sister was sweet.

Though the pace was a bit too slow for me, I really liked Toby and Reuben’s HEA! If you’re looking for an easy-to-read family-centric romance with a bit of action, give ‘Arctic Wild’ a try!

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Release Blitz + Giveaway: 9 Willow Street by Nell Iris

Nell Iris and Signal Boost Promotions celebrate the JMS Books release of 9 Willow Street! Learn more about the shifter romance and enter in the giveaway to win a signed copy of Finding the One!

Length: 28,153 words

Publisher: JMS Books 

Heartbroken after the death of his beloved Nana, Hannes, the family outsider, finally allows himself to grieve. The legal battle over Nana’s quirky old house -- the only place he’s ever felt accepted and loved -- is over, and he moves in and finds a sense of peace.

... And a rabbit.

An adorable bunny with a huge personality moves in, too, and refuses to leave. Hannes instantly falls in love with the sweet animal who helps heal his heart. But one morning, Hannes’ view of the world changes when the rabbit transforms into a man. A man named Mattis.

After the initial shock, Hannes and Mattis discover a connection between them that runs deeper than it seems. Will their newfound feelings survive unraveling secrets and meddling families, and grow into something real? Something deep and everlasting?

Nell Iris is a romantic at heart who believes everyone deserves a happy ending. She’s a bona fide bookworm (learned to read long before she started school), wouldn’t dream of going anywhere without something to read (not even the ladies’ room), loves music (and singing along but, let’s face it, she’s no Celine Dion), and is a real Star Trek nerd (“Make it so”). She loves words, poetry, wine, and Sudoku, and absolutely adores elephants!

Nell believes passionately in equality for all regardless of race, gender, or sexuality, and wants to make the world a better, less hateful, place.

Nell is a forty-something bisexual Swedish woman, married to the love of her life, and a proud mama of a grown daughter. She left the Scandinavian cold and darkness for warmer and sunnier Malaysia a few years ago, and now spends her days writing, surfing the Internet, enjoying the heat, and eating good food. One day she decided to chase her lifelong dream of being a writer, sat down in front of her laptop, and wrote a story about two men falling in love.

Nell Iris writes gay romance, prefers sweet over angst, and wants to write diverse and different characters.



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Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Release Blitz + Giveaway: Salmon & The Hazel (Rowan Harbor Cycle #8) by Sam Burns

Author Sam Burns and Signal Boost Promotions celebrate the release of Salmon & The Hazel (Rowan Harbor Cycle #8)! Learn more and enter in the giveaway for a chance to win an eBook copy of Blackbird in the Reeds!

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK - Exclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow with Kindle Unlimited

Length: 43,000 words approx.

Cover Design: Melanie Farlow @ Clause & Effect

The Rowan Harbor Cycle Series

Book #1 - Blackbird in the Reeds - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Book #2 - Wolf and the Holly - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Book #3 - Fox and Birch - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Book #4 - Hawk In The Rowan - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Book #5 - Stag and the Ashe - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Book #6 - Adder and Willow - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Book #6.5 - In Any Light - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Book #7 - Eagle In The Hawthorn - Amazon US | Amazon UK


Jesse’s only priority in life is protecting the people he loves, so he’s determined to see Rowan Harbor’s wards rebuilt. There’s just one problem: they’re missing an ingredient that can’t be ordered online.

Jesse volunteers to search for the missing component in the realm of the fae, but his boyfriend, Sean, isn’t letting him go alone. The town has an enemy among the fae, so they’ll need to keep a low profile. Along their way, they find unexpected allies, surprising enemies, and a whole host of problems.

The journey is a test of their endurance, but also of their relationship and their faith in each other. Can they find what they need and get back home in one piece in time for the summer solstice?

Sam wrote her first fantasy epic with her best friend when she was ten. Like almost any epic fiction written by a ten year old, it was awful. She likes to think she’s improved since then, if only because she has better handwriting now.

If she’s not writing, she’s almost certainly either reading or lost down a Wikipedia rabbit hole while pretending to research for a novel.





Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Release Blitz + Giveaway: Eran's Release by Dianne Hartsock

Author Dianne Hartsock and IndiGo Marketing celebrate the release of Eran's Release from Less Than Three Press! Learn more about the contemporary romance and enter in the $10 Amazon gift card giveaway!

Title: Eran's Release
Author: Dianne Hartsock
Publisher: Less Than Three Press
Release Date: July 3, 2019
Heat Level: 4 - Lots of Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 44,000 words
Genre: Romance, erotic, contemporary, gay

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It's cliché to fall for the cute barista at the coffee shop, but Paul can't help it. Eran's shy smile and heated gaze are driving him wild. Convincing Eran to go out with him, however, is a lot harder than expected.

Eran's been burned before—by family and more, enough to make him jump at shadows and avoid intimacy. But Paul is determined, and with the help of counselors, classes, and an unexpected modeling gig, Eran might just find that taking a risk on what scares him the most, has a worthy payoff.


It's cliché to fall for the cute barista at the coffee shop, but Paul can't help it. Eran's shy smile and heated gaze are driving him wild. Convincing Eran to go out with him, however, is a lot harder than expected.

Eran's been burned before—by family and more, enough to make him jump at shadows and avoid intimacy. But Paul is determined, and with the help of counselors, classes, and an unexpected modeling gig, Eran might just find that taking a risk on what scares him the most, has a worthy payoff.


Paul rested his chin on his hand and watched the snow come down harder outside the window, already sticking to the sidewalks. The roads would be next. It was beginning to look bad for anyone flying into Denver for the holidays.

"Any news?" he asked the man opposite him.

Shelton flicked him a glance then looked back at the text message on his phone. "The airport's still open, but they're worried about ice, and Nevil's plane doesn't land for another hour. It might end up being diverted. Damn this snow."

"It's a week before Christmas. They wouldn't dare close the airport."

"From your lips to God’s ear."

"Anything else, sir?"

Paul looked up into pale blue eyes, clear and earnest as they met his. Men shouldn't be allowed to have such pretty eyes. Especially not when they were surrounded by soft layers of dark hair cut in a bob at the chin, giving the man an almost feminine beauty.

"Can I have another espresso?" he asked, cursing himself for not requesting Eran's phone number instead. Eran was the main reason Paul had started favoring this coffee shop. He'd chatted the young man up, soon realizing he was both witty and friendly, though he danced around any personal questions. That had only intrigued Paul further. What was his story?

They both reached for his empty cup, and Eran pulled his hand back as if stung. Color flushed his cheeks and he murmured an apology as he grabbed the mug and hastened across the room, retreating behind the counter.

Shelton dragged his attention from the snow piling up outside to give him a questioning look. "Why don't you ask him out?"


"Don't play innocent! You've been inviting me here for the last two weeks, then ignore me whenever you catch a glimpse of the lovely Eran."

"Sorry, dear. Feeling neglected?"

Shelton snorted. "Save your lines for Eran. But Nevil's coming for the holidays, and I won't be able to play chaperone anymore."

Paul widened his eyes with a sudden thought. "I bet he thinks we're dating. Shit."

Shelton shook his head. "He does not."

A teasing smile curled Paul's lips. "Shelton, you're delicious. If I hadn't sworn off older men I'd definitely be attracted to you. Eran must be playing it cool because he thinks I'm with you."

"I'm not sure that's it." Something in Shelton's tone made Paul give him a closer look. Shelton shook his head. "I think he's interested in you, but something's holding him back from acting on it."

"Maybe he's just shy," Paul suggested.

"It seems more than that to me. Look at him. He's beautiful and sweet. He should be walking around this coffee shop as if he owned the place. Or posing on some magazine cover. Instead, he's waiting tables. He seems fragile. Something's not right…"

Paul missed his next words as Eran approached with his coffee. He gracefully skirted the crowded tables, slim in dark jeans and tee-shirt and the green apron tied around his hips. Paul felt mesmerized as he took the drink from Eran's hands and murmured his thanks. Eran lingered to wipe the edge of their table with a rag, not quite meeting Paul's gaze. Shelton nudged Paul's shin with the toe of his shoe, rousing him.

"Oh, right. Eran, this is my co-worker, Shelton. We work in the loan department at the same bank." Paul motioned in Shelton's direction, sure he was babbling. "I'm keeping him company while his lover's out of town." He rushed on as Shelton snorted and Eran raised a brow. "I mean, we're just friends. If you were wondering," he added lamely.

A smile touched Eran's lips and he leaned over and tucked a strand of Paul's hair behind an ear. "In that case, the shop does close in five minutes, if you want to meet me out front."

Paul gaped at him, and Eran's smile widened, showing even white teeth. "See you soon."

Paul turned his baffled gaze on Shelton as Eran left them. "Did you hear him? Was I dreaming?"

"Merry Christmas. Now let’s go. You don't want to keep him waiting." He waved off Paul’s protest. "I can catch a cab. It’s no problem."

"Thanks." Paul slid money for their drinks and a generous tip under his untouched coffee, then grabbed up his coat. Happy, he surprised Shelton with a kiss on the cheek before they went to the door. Maybe Shelton was right and Eran had a past. But that was what first dates were for, right? To learn about each other? Whatever it was, Paul was sure it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.


Less Than Three Press | Amazon

Meet the Author


Dianne is the author of m/m romance, paranormal suspense, fantasy adventure, the occasional thriller, and anything else that comes to mind. She lives in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play. She says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write. There’s something about being cooped up in the house with a fire crackling on the hearth and a cup of hot coffee warming her hands, which kindles her imagination.
Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | eMail | Instagram | Amazon


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Release Blitz + Giveaway: Eyeliner and Lace by Ruby Moone

Celebrate the release of Eyeliner and Lace, a new addition to JMS Books' Hot Flash series, with author Ruby Moone and Signal Boost Promotions! Learn more today and enter in the back list eBook giveaway!

Length: 4,067 words

Publisher: JMS Books


The day Ryan Fulton realises he’s in love with Jamie Holt is the day he knows he’s losing him. With blue-tinted white blond hair, eyeliner, and a personality to match, Ryan knows he’s a bit much. But can he change? Can he tone it down and, if he does, can he live like that? He’d never suspect Jamie of cheating, but maybe his closeted boyfriend decided flamboyant Ryan wasn’t worth the effort.

But Ryan isn’t going to take it lying down. Determined to win Jamie back, Ryan even decides to get rid of the black and blue lace undies he just bought.

Then Jamie comes home and says they need to talk.


An hour or so later, the door slammed, and there was Jamie. He looked tired. His tie was loosened, and the top button of his white shirt undone. Rain curled the ends of his dark hair. They’d been living together for two months now, and it still made Ryan’s chest feel all achy when Jamie came home from work and smiled as though he was happy just to see him.

Jamie shrugged wearily out of his jacket and hung it up, then, when he spotted Ryan, his face just lit. Just as it always did. “Hey, you.”

Jamie held out his arms, and Ryan walked into them. They held each other tight, and Ryan kissed Jamie’s jaw. He was shorter than Jamie, skinnier, so he fit perfectly into his arms. He gave the best hugs. Hard, but warm and safe. All the craziness melted away when Jamie held him. Maybe things weren’t as bad as he thought.

“I’ve planned dinner,” he said, kissing him again.

Jamie nuzzled his neck and made a soft humming sound. “What’s for dessert?”

Ryan pulled back and smiled up at him. “Wait and see.” He gave him a suggestive wink, patted his backside, and set off for the kitchen with a swish. He glanced back to see Jamie checking his phone. When he noticed Ryan watching, he slid it into his pocket.

“Who was that?” Ryan tried to keep his voice normal. He opened the fridge door and concentrated on pulling salad things out rather than look at him.

“No one.”

Ryan’s chest hurt. He paused and closed his eyes for a second before speaking again. Making sure his voice was even.

“Do you want to shower before dinner?” he organised the food on the counter.

“Yeah. Why not.” Jamie stood behind Ryan, pulled down the neck of his T-shirt, and nibbled the nape of his neck sending shivers all over him as always. “Won’t be long.” He squeezed Ryan’s arse cheek and headed for the bathroom.

Ryan tapped the cucumber against his lips for a moment, they shoved all the salad stuff back in the fridge.

He gave Ryan chance to get into the shower, then ran up to the bedroom, stripped off, and followed him. The shower had been Jamie’s idea. A walk-in affair, definitely big enough for two. He watched Ryan. He was so beautiful it was hard to breathe. He had his back to him as he rubbed soapy bubbles over his chest, under his arms, around his neck. Muscles rippled across his back, and his backside clenched when he soaped further south. Ryan’s mouth went dry.

My name is Ruby Moone and I love books. All kinds of books. My weakness is for romance, and that can be any kind, but I am particularly fond of historical and paranormal. I decided to write gay romance after reading some fantastic books and falling in love with the genre, so am really thrilled to have my work published here. The day job takes up a lot of my time, but every other spare moment finds me writing or reading. I live in the north west of England with my husband who thinks that I live in two worlds. The real world and in the world in my head...he probably has a point!

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Virtual Book Tour + Giveaway: Dancing with the Lion (Becoming #1) by Jeanne Reames

Today we welcome author Jeanne Reames & Riptide Publishing who are here celebrating the release of the first in this historical coming of age story, Dancing with the Lion: Becoming! Find out more below & be sure to leave a comment to be entered in the unique & enticing giveaway from the author. Good luck!

Xairē! That’s ancient Greek for “Howdy.” [KHAI-rae]

Welcome to my blog tour for Becoming, Book 1 of the Dancing with the Lion duology, about the young Alexander before he became “the Great.” It’s an historical coming-of-age tale with a love story embedded.

Best known for conquering most of his known world before the ripe old age of 33, Alexander made even Julius Caesar weep (for not being him). But who was he before his meteoric rise? And how did his best friend and lover, Hephaistion, give him the emotional support needed for him to become Megalexandros (the Great Alexander)?

Dancing with the Lion Website:
Contains everything from cut scenes, to videoblogs of Macedonia (Northern Greece, where Alexander grew up), to audio pronunciations of those weird Greek names!

For our GIVE-AWAY, I’m going to offer something a bit different. Yes, there’s a $10 gift certificate from Riptide Publishers. BUT, for the lucky winner, you get your very own scene request. Want to see a scene in the novel from a different character’s point-of-view? Want to know what happened after a scene ended, or before it began? Or is there something you’d like to see that wasn’t in the novel? Ask for it! I’ll write it just for you.

About Dancing with the Lion: Becoming

Two boys, one heroic bond, and the molding of Greece’s greatest son.

Before he became known as Alexander the Great, he was Alexandros, the teenage son of the king of Makedon. Rather than living a life of luxury, as prince he has to be better and learn faster than his peers, tackling problems without any help. One such problem involves his increasingly complicated feelings for his new companion, Hephaistion. 

When Alexandros and Hephaistion go to study under the philosopher Aristoteles, their evolving relationship becomes even harder to navigate. Strength, competition, and status define one’s fate in their world—a world that seems to have little room for the tenderness growing between them. 

Alexandros is expected to command, not to crave the warmth of friendship with an equal. In a kingdom where his shrewd mother and sister are deemed inferior for their sex, and his love for Hephaistion could be seen as submission to an older boy, Alexandros longs to be a human being when everyone but Hephaistion just wants him to be a king.

About the series Dancing with the Lion

Alexandros is expected to command, not to crave the warmth of friendship with an equal. In a kingdom where his shrewd mother and sister are deemed inferior for their sex, and his love for Hephaistion could be seen as submission to an older boy, Alexandros longs to be a human being when everyone but Hephaistion just wants him to be a king.

About Jeanne Reames

Jeanne Reames has been scribbling fiction since 6th grade, when her “write a sentence with this vocabulary word” turned into paragraphs, then into stories…and her teacher let her get away with it—even encouraged her! But she wears a few other hats, too, including history professor, graduate program chair, and director of the Ancient Mediterranean Studies Program at her university. She’s written academic articles about Alexander and ancient Macedonia, and does her best to interest undergrads in Greek history by teaching them (et al.) to swear in ancient Greek.

One lucky person will win a $10 voucher for Riptide. But this giveaway also includes something much more personal:
Your very own SCENE.
I’ve committed to write, for the give-away winner, a scene of her/his/their choice.
Would you like to see X scene described from a different character’s POV (point-of-view)?
Or would you like to know what happened just before X scene, or right after?
Or maybe there’s something I didn’t write about at all, but you’d like me to write it for you?
There are some parameters, especially for the third category (write a scene not included). The request is subject to my agreement that the characters would engage in the requested behavior. So keep that in mind. (I wouldn’t write a scene wherein Alexander beat his dog, for instance.)
But I look forward to the winner’s scene challenge!
I have some “cuts scenes” as well as “missing scenes” (in the year between the novels) that will be available on my website ( after July 1st
When done, this one will join them.

Each tour stop is a chance to enter by leaving a comment below. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on June 6, 2019. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following along, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!