Release Blitz + Giveaway: Call It Love by Kristian Parker


Author Kristian Parker and Pride Publishing celebrate new historical release, Call It Love! Learn more and enter in the First Romance giveaway!

Call It Love by Kristian Parker

Word Count: 22,375
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 98



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Book Description

Charlie didn’t believe in love…until he set himself free.

It’s 1922 and after his house guest Frank Harris ran away with the under-butler, Charlie Fitzwilliam has been summoned to face the music. With the vindictive butler Bennett now watching his every move and his father planning out his life for him, Charlie finally faces up to who he is and makes a bid for freedom.

Alone for the first time in his life, he meets Michael Leonard, a kind, caring bookseller. Convinced that sex with men is only for fun, Charlie experiences a summer of self-discovery that takes him to the English seaside, the doorstep of old friends and the arms of a lover who shakes his whole belief system.

But disowned by his parents and cut off from the life he knew, can Charlie make a future for himself…and will Michael be a part of it? Is this affair something that can be called love?

Reader advisory: This book contains instances of period-typical homophobia.


I threw the ball with the top spin that had sent our team to the top of the league last term. It flew past Mateus’ head and smashed into the wickets.

“Oh, well done, Charlie,” shouted my mother from the sidelines. Nothing would have persuaded her to roll up her sleeves and join in. I smiled across and waved.

“Time for a break,” said a breathless Tilly, my baby sister. She couldn’t have been any different from my mother if she’d tried and had instantly plumped for the back stop, tucking her skirts between her legs.

We wandered across to the table where mother held court to our host, Domingos Graça. He lapped up her brand of flirtation and would laugh uproariously every time she gave him a little bit of gossip from London.

I picked up a glass of whatever they had served and took in the view. Vineyards stretched as far as the eye could see, rolling down the hill to the river. We were in the Douro Province in the north-east of Portugal—Port was big business in these parts, and the Graça family were the kings of their castle.

Their villa loomed behind us, proclaiming to all the rewards of their labour.

“She put you to work immediately? Hard luck, old chap.” Agnes had sidled up next to me without any noise. She had always been able to do that, even when we were small.

“It’s good to see you, sis.”

“You too.” She planted a firm kiss on my cheek. “At least I’ll have some fun now. Mummy and Daddy’s crusade for cash is getting embarrassing.”

I turned to see my mother and Tilly regaling the Graças with yet another story.

“Tilly is doing the work for all of us.”

“She thinks she’s getting the youngest boy, the one you nearly decapitated with your demon bowl just now. She isn’t. He hasn’t given her a second glance. Poor soul.”

Tilly had always been the odd one out. Two years separated me and Agnes, but Tilly was a surprise after my parents had taken a boat to India. We’d been sent away to school by the time she came along.

“Where’s Father?” Agnes asked.

I couldn’t even bear to think about it. “He’s locked away in his room with Bennett. They’ve been in there ever since Bennett and I arrived this morning.”

It had been two weeks since I had thrown my schoolfriend Frank Harris out of our house in England after one of our maids had caught him in a compromising position with an under-butler. I’d spent that time skulking around the house, ignoring the whispers from most of the staff.

“And how did you find travelling with Bennett? Naughty Charlie can’t be trusted on his own,” Agnes said, a twinkle in her eye.

Bennett hated anyone in this world who wasn’t my father, and my uneasiness at him being a part of this trip had built as each day passed. He had been smugness personified, attending to my every need but always with an undertone of insolence.

“A bloody bore.”

We strolled along the edge of the lawn. Agnes took my arm, and I realised I’d missed my sister.

“Come on, then. What the hell were you doing?”

I absentmindedly kicked the head off a wildflower that had dared to invade this garden of order.

“I didn’t do anything. I stupidly invited Frank Harris to stay, and he ends up buggering the help.”

Agnes laughed. “And I suppose you were in bed reading your Bible.”

“If you must know, I was entertaining Elsie.”

Agnes stopped and scowled. “That common little tart from the shop? Oh, Charlie, you can do better than that, can’t you?”

“Of course I can, but you know, any port in a storm.”

We carried on walking. The breeze was a blessed relief as the sun grew high in the sky. I hoped there were more sedate activities planned for the afternoon.

“Port.” Agnes growled. “I’m sick to death of hearing about it, drinking it, examining it. You’d think it was sent by God himself.”

It wasn’t like Agnes to be so cranky. Mother and Father had impressed upon us the importance of this trip. If we didn’t get our hands on a sizeable share of the Graças’ business, we would struggle to keep our house in the Oxfordshire countryside. Since the war had decimated the workforce, farms were struggling to pay rents, meaning big country houses were closing at a rate of knots.

“Has it been so bad?”

She scowled. “Worse. Three weeks of rattling around here. Tilly sucking up like her life depends on it, Daddy laughing at jokes that simply aren’t funny and Mummy attempting to flirt is hideous.”

I glanced at mother and Domingos. He was telling her some tale, and she was all a-quiver.

“She’s doing fine.”

Agnes’ gaze darted to the terrace in front of the house. Mine followed and there stood my father. All six foot four inches of him with a face like thunder.

“Charles,” he boomed. Every eye turned to me.

“Uh-oh. You’re for it now,” Agnes said through gritted teeth.

“Here. Now,” Father commanded.

It felt like the longest walk of my life. I trudged across the cricket pitch and up the ridiculously long flight of steps to the terrace. Bennett stood at the top with that look he’d worn for the entire journey here. I wanted to wipe it from his face.

“He’s waiting for you in the drawing room.”

“He’s waiting for you in the drawing room…sir.”

I had no idea what rubbish he had fed to my father, but I would not be disrespected by him. I stood waiting for a response.

“Of course, sir.” The smugness never left him.

I found my father pacing in the lounge. In his early fifties, he had an imposing presence. Hardly any grey ran through his dark hair and moustache. I will admit that my stomach churned when I walked in.


He stopped pacing and glowered at me. “Homosexuality in my house? What are you trying to do, boy?”

“I had no idea what Harris was up to, and I threw him out when I discovered, along with that good-for-nothing Tanner.”

Frank would never understand the position he had put me in. I could have spit in his eye.

“Of course I don’t expect you to know what your friends are getting up to when your back is turned.”

My body relaxed a little.

“But as for you creeping up to the woods with Albert Brown…”

The room had started to spin. How did he know about Albert? “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but that’s a lie.”

Someone cleared their throat behind me, and I whirled around to see Bennett.

“I brought your post, sir,” he said walking past me and placing a bunch of envelopes on the desk.

“How dare you come in here when I’m having a private conversation with my father?” I cried.

“I asked him to come in. Now, Bennett, tell my son what you’ve just told me.”

With an audacity I would pay him back for one day, Bennett put on his best pitying expression for me. “My apologies, young sir, but I had to bring it to the master’s attention. I happened to overhear Mr Harris and his terrible accusations.”

Always sneaking around, listening at doorways. I was shaking with fear and rage.

“Naturally I had to investigate this for myself. Poor Albert had no choice but to indulge you in your…unusual requests. He said you threatened to have his livelihood taken from him if he didn’t.”

“That is a lie. I would never do that. Albert and I—” I stopped.

“Albert and you what?” asked my father “That will be all, Bennett.”

“Yes, sir.” He left the room.

“I asked you a question. Albert and you what?”

I took a deep breath. “Albert and I enjoyed some mutual time together.”

Out of nowhere, my father slapped my face, so hard it threw my head to the side.

“How could you do this to us? Get up to your room. I don’t want to see your disgusting little face until dinner time.”

I started to walk away, my face still smarting.

“By then I will have decided what to do with you. You will not bring shame on this family.”

I pulled open the door and walked straight into Bennett. I grabbed hold of his shirt and pushed him against the wall. He let out a little yelp.

“You may think you’ve won some game, but you will regret this one day. You will never be anything other than a pathetic little man who listens to other people’s lives.”

I let go of him and started to walk away.

“I am taking care of the family. I do care.”

I spun on my heel. “I do care…sir. Know your place.”

I didn’t wait for the reply.

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About the Author

Kristian Parker

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

Follow Kristian on Facebook.


Enter for the chance to win a $50.00 First for Romance Gift Card! Competition hosted by Totally Entwined Group. 



Release Blitz + Giveaway: Finding Him (The Retreat #3) by L.M. Somerton

Author L.M. Somerton and Pride Publishing share new release info on Finding Him (The Retreat #3)! Read more about the latest in the series and enter in the First Romance giveaway!


Finding Him by LM Somerton

Word Count: 59,668
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 230



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Book Description

Sometimes, using a safe word gets you exactly what you want.

Canadian Zac Denman is young, rich and submissive. He’s also a kidnap risk who’s grown up in the shadow of bodyguards and security precautions. All he wants is to work out what kind of submissive he is in a safe environment and thanks to his very understanding father, he’s getting the chance to do exactly that. The Retreat in England is safe, discreet and willing to provide a selection of Doms for Zac to play with—a great way of discovering what he is, and isn’t, into.

Dale Gastrell is a friend of The Retreat’s owner, a member of The Underground BDSM club and a soldier turned landscape gardener thanks to an inconvenient bullet. Two weeks providing covert protection to a wealthy client who won’t even know he’s there seems like a perfect break from city life.

But life is never simple, and when Dale and Zac are thrown together, Dale has to fight his attraction. Zac is from a whole different world of wealth and privilege. He’s not for the likes of Dale who has to watch as Doms arrive at The Retreat to give Zac a taste of submission.


Carey Hoffman stepped out of the air-conditioned limousine into the burning heat of a Palm Springs summer’s day. The air shimmered, and he half-expected to see a mirage in the distance along with a camel train and a bunch of wandering nomads. The sun’s intensity made the greenery around him all the more astounding. Extensive, manicured lawns stretched to either side of the sweeping drive and in front of him stood the biggest, most palatial house he’d ever seen. He could only imagine how much watering all that lush grass would need.

“It’s enormous.” Pure white, the sun reflecting off the building’s curved walls was blinding. Carey slipped on his sunglasses to reduce the combined glare of the sun and the paintwork. He couldn’t decide whether he liked the property or not. There was no doubt that it was extravagant and no question it was unique. “Probably designed by some celebrity architect for an extortionate fee,” Carey muttered. “It must be worth a small fortune.”

“I kind of like the smooth lines, it’s all curves, no harsh edges.” Alistair, Carey’s partner and submissive, joined him, slipping his hand into Carey’s. “It doesn’t come across as ostentatious as the McMansions you see in California. It’s understated, restrained somehow.”

“That’s your artistic eye at work, love. There’s way too much white for my liking. What’s wrong with a bit of color? Or at the very least a shade of white that isn’t…misty cloud or curdled milk or something. There are whole pages of so-called whites on paint charts, though they mostly look the same to me.”

Alistair gave him a gentle smile. “The heat’s getting to you, isn’t it, Sir?”

“How do people around here not combust? This place is like a furnace—I feel like I’m desiccating just standing here. What I wouldn’t give for a dose of London drizzle right now and that’s not something I ever thought I’d say.”

“We’re English. Our bodies are not equipped for more than two hot days a year—and by hot, I mean low eighties, not high nineties. Everything here seems to be air-conditioned to the point of frigidity, and I’m sure the house will be, too, once we get inside. You’ll be much happier then.”

“It’s entirely your fault we’re here, you know that? Now you’re a famous photographer, everyone wants a piece of you. Even multimillionaires. A personal invite from Taylor Denman is not to be sniffed at.” Carey gave Alistair a kiss to demonstrate his pride. “I’m so proud of you love, even if I am being fried alive.”

“Do you wish I’d turned down the invitation?” Alistair gazed at him anxiously. “I would have if you’d asked me to.”

“Absolutely not! Ignore me, sweetheart. The heat’s making me fractious. I’m very glad you accepted the invitation and I’m intrigued to meet Mr. Denman since he sponsored your exhibition in San Francisco. It was an enormous success. I’ve never seen so many sold stickers at a show before and it wouldn’t surprise me if he bought some of the pictures himself. You worked really hard to get everything set up, the launch was wonderful but exhausting. Mr. Denman’s offer to spend a few days at one of his hotels was a perfect way to end our trip so you could hardly turn down an invitation to meet him in person. It’s a small price to pay for an all-expenses paid stay in the best hotel in Palm Springs.”

They walked toward the house, glittering quartz gravel crunching beneath their shoes.

“I have to confess I’m a little nervous.” Alistair gripped Carey’s hand tighter.

“There’s no need to be. I’m here and I’ll take care of you.”

“You always do.” Alistair smiled, and Carey’s breath hitched. Alistair was beautiful, the sun glinting on his blond hair, his skin showing a hint of tan from several weeks in the sun.

“And I always will.” There was no doubt about that in Carey’s mind. Taking care of Alistair was the single most fulfilling part of his existence.

As they approached the huge front door of the property, it swung open. Carey expected to see a butler or maybe a personal assistant, but it was Taylor Denman himself who stood waiting for them. Carey recognized him from pictures he’d seen in the press. Taylor was casually dressed in jeans and a light blue shirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal tanned arms and the curl of a tattoo. He was a striking man, about Carey’s age, his chestnut hair starting to silver at the temples. A trace of stubble shaded his jaw, and there were laughter lines around his eyes.

“Welcome, gentlemen. I’m so glad you were able to make the trip from San Francisco.” Taylor stepped forward with a welcoming smile.

“Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Denman,” Alistair said. “We’re so happy to meet you.”

“Call me Taylor. You’re Alistair of course, I know you from your catalog picture, so this must be Carey.” He shook hands with Carey first, then with Alistair. “Come inside, it’s hotter than the surface of the fucking sun out here, excuse my language.”

Alistair giggled. “You and Carey are going to get along really well.”

“I thought it was only us rain-soaked Brits who couldn’t handle it,” Carey said, following Taylor into the icy-cool interior of his home. “I’m melting.”

“I was born in Canada. Alberta. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the heat, but my business interests make having a home here convenient. I keep an apartment in New York but I thought you’d appreciate a few days here in Palm Springs after the bustle of San Francisco. It’s a lot more relaxing than The Big Apple.”

“We certainly appreciate it,” Carey said, gazing around the entrance hall. “It’s rare that we get to spend a few days alone together, and the exhibition was a little frantic. Thanks to you it drew a lot of attention.” He was impressed by the cool colors and sleek minimalist design. The area managed to be welcoming even though the cathedral-like ceiling height could have made it intimidating.

His eye was drawn to a wall displaying a single large picture. Carey smiled. It was one of Alistair's photographs, blown up to huge proportions. The original was one of Carey’s favorites. It showed a vast, ancient oak, standing alone in a rural landscape at twilight, its gnarled limbs outlined against the sky. A silhouette of a fox was just visible at its base. Ironically, it hadn’t taken hours of patient waiting for an animal to appear. He and Alistair had driven out to the Chiltern hills one afternoon and had been taking a stroll after an early dinner at a nearby restaurant. Alistair, his photographer’s instinct always active, had lifted his camera and taken the snap after spotting movement. He hadn’t even known it was a fox until he’d looked at the digital image. It had been pure luck that the picture had come out so well. It had sold at a London gallery, but the buyer had remained anonymous.

Alistair edged a little closer to Carey’s side, blushing. “Now you know what happened to the picture,” Carey said with a chuckle.

“I was curious,” Alistair admitted. “Anonymous buyers are intriguing.

“The original is in my study,” Taylor said. “I had this print made specifically for this space, and you have no idea how many compliments it draws. I’m loath to praise your work in public, Alistair because it never fails to increase competition for the pictures I want to buy. I’m a covetous man—I want the best for myself.”

“I’m so flattered. The picture certainly suits this space. I’m glad it went to someone who appreciates it.”

“Well, I’ve added several more to my collection thanks to the San Francisco exhibition. Shameless self-interest got me involved and as sponsor I got first pick, which caused huge annoyance to several acquaintances. An added bonus, I admit.” He grinned, mischief glittering in his eyes. “But I have to confess that it’s not the reason I’ve invited you both here. I’m afraid I have been somewhat dishonest. Of course, I sponsored the exhibition for absolutely genuine reasons, but over the last year things have come to light that I think you may be able to help me with. A personal matter.”

“You have my attention,” Carey said. “Does this have something to do with Alistair’s photography skills?”

“No. Actually, Carey, it’s you that I think can help. Let’s go sit in the sun room. I have light snacks set out in there, and cold drinks. We can relax and you can hear me out.”

Carey exchanged a curious glance with Alastair who shrugged, apparently unconcerned by the mystery. They both followed Taylor through the house pausing to admire the pictures and sculptures that were displayed everywhere.

The sun room proved to be constructed entirely of glass but managed to remain ice-cold. Several comfortable loungers surrounded a low glass table and there was a magnificent view of the sweeping grounds. Carey guessed that the hint of glittering water in the distance must be a pool.

They settled into their seats, Carey and Alistair next to each other, Taylor opposite them. Taylor offered them a selection of drinks. Alistair opted for chilled mango juice while Carey accepted a light beer, mirroring Taylor’s choice. On the table sat several platters of cold finger food, which was tempting but Carey wanted to hear what Taylor had to say before switching his attention to snacks.

“How do I start?” Taylor leaned forward, steepling his fingers.

“I find it’s always best to be direct,” Carey said.

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About the Author

L.M. Somerton

Lucinda lives in a small village in the English countryside, surrounded by rolling hills, cows and sheep. She started writing to fill time between jobs and is now firmly and unashamedly addicted.

She loves the English weather, especially the rain, and adores a thunderstorm. She loves good food, warm company and a crackling fire. She's fascinated by the psychology of relationships, especially between men, and her stories contain some subtle (and some not so subtle) leanings towards BDSM.

You can follow Lucinda on Facebook, Twitter and her Website.


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Release Blitz + Giveaway: Night of the Blood Red Moon (Prosper Woods Wolves #1) by Patricia Logan

 Author Patricia Logan and Gay Book Promotions share new release info for Night of the Blood Red Moon (Prosper Woods Wolves #1)! Read more about the series and enter in the eBook giveaway!


Book Title: Night of the Blood Red Moon

Author: Patricia Logan

Publisher: Westburg Publishing Inc (self-published)

Cover Artist: Alexandria Corza

Release Date: February 25, 2022

Genre: Contemporary MM paranormal (werewolf) romance

Tropes: Fated mates, Old-fashioned britches ripper

Themes: Forced marriage

Heat Rating:   3 - 4 flames

Length: 67 500 words/ 350 printed pages

It is a standalone story, but as the series develops, an underlying, multiple-story arc will emerge.

The book does not end on a cliffhanger.



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An old-fashioned britches ripper with a tooth and claw twist.


An old-fashioned britches ripper with a tooth and claw twist.

Being the prince of all werewolves sucks. 

Almost ten years ago, I did my duty and married a female even though I was desperately in love with an older man. When she died giving birth to a child who could never take the throne, I ran. I left home, shirking my responsibilities, knowing eventually they’d catch up to me. Well, they have. My father now insists I marry a female half my age so I can father a proper heir and secure our rule over the First House for several more generations. 

Being chosen to serve the king is a dream come true. 

Even though I grew up poor, I worked hard to support my mother. When my mentor chose me to travel to America with the king, I was unbelievably honored to meet his son, the future ruler of all werewolves. I didn’t know how to react when I first laid eyes on Prince Caster, but he cast a spell over me with a single glance, and my life changed forever. I was not only looking at my future king, but the man made just for me. The moment his lips met mine, I knew this story would end horribly…in either heartache or death.  

Denying destiny is a terrible idea. 

As desperately as I want to ignore my attraction to the common brown wolf, I cannot. The moment I saw the warm glow of his amber eyes, the need to take him into my arms and drag him off to my bed was overwhelming. Alas, I have a duty to perform, and it doesn’t involve the man Mother Nature made only for me. 

This story won’t end well…I just know it.

Night of the Blood Red Moon is a gay romance with an HEA ending. 


I was a complete and utter fool. The moment Lady Penelope stepped out of her limousine wearing three-thousand-dollar shoes, carrying a matching purse, I knew my mating with Prince Caster was doomed. She looked breathtaking standing beside the car with her mother at her side. She looked up at the prince who stood beside his father on the porch watching as her father walked down the steps to greet his wife and daughter. The smile which spread across her luscious cherry-red lips made her whole face light up. She practically shimmered.

I’d never seen a more beautiful creature in my life.

The diamonds around her neck, around her wrists, and on her fingers were no match for the sparkle in her bright blue eyes. They were framed with black lashes, a much darker shade than the light blonde of her hair which was twined in a ribboned braid and piled on top of her head. When she smiled at her father who bent to kiss her rosy cheeks, the whole world seemed to light up. Much worse than all of this were the thoughts that I heard in her head.

“In person, he’s so much more handsome than the portrait he sent. Oh…look at him. My mate is the most regal and kind man on earth. How could I be so lucky to have been blessed by such a wonderful soul. I hope he loves me. I already love him.”

Her unspoken words made the tatters of my heart sink. She wasn’t horrible at all. She was a lovestruck girl, and I’d never felt so lost in my entire life.

“Emory, get control of your thoughts. If I can hear them, others will. You’re slipping,” Claudio whispered beside me. We stood on the semi-circular driveway in front of the inn with most of the other servants who were ordered to stop whatever they were doing to come and witness the arrival of the future queen of werewolves. I glanced over at him, noting how handsome my best friend looked, standing up straight and tall with everyone else.

All in all, there had to be fifty servants standing at attention on either side of the crescent driveway. We looked good, well-groomed, and dressed in our best uniforms of black pants, long-sleeved white shirts, and black vests. Some of the senior staff wore suit coats. Claudio and I didn’t. It wasn’t required. The females wore their hair pulled up and the males’ shoes were all buffed to a high polish.

“You’re right. Sorry.” I nodded to my best friend, and then turned back, knowing by the frown on Claudio’s face, how miserable my expression had to be as we watched this farce playing out on the driveway. Only hours before, I’d woken in my lover’s arms, and he was now leaning down to take Lady Penelope’s delicate hands in his and buss both of her cheeks. I felt a sob rising in my throat and choked it back, relieved when Claudio’s hand slipped into mine and squeezed my fingers.

Tears burned behind my eyes as I watched Caster straighten and smile at Penelope before offering her his elbow. She blushed prettily and took the offered elbow with both small hands. As he waited for her to turn, he lifted his head and stared right past her much shorter form. When his ice blue gaze met mine, I felt a pang of longing run through me. As our gazes met, I thought I recognized a similar look in his eyes but just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone, replaced with the dark glare he now wore. I trembled in Claudio’s hold, and he crushed my fingers in his hand just as Caster dragged his gaze from mine and turned away, leading his bride into the house.

“Breathe, Emory. It’s over,” Claudio whispered.

I gasped, suddenly feeling so lightheaded, I thought for sure I’d faint. I looked over at him and recognized the pitying expression he wore on his face. I nodded.

“I’m fine. I’m…good.” My lower lip trembled, and my eyes filled with tears, belying my words.

About the Author

International bestselling author Patricia Logan, resides in Los Angeles, California. The author of several #1 bestselling romances in English, Italian, French, and Spanish lives in a small house with a large family. When she’s not writing her next thriller romance, she’s watching her grandchildren grow up way too soon, and raising kids who make her proud every day. One of her favorite tasks is coaxing nose kisses from cats who insist on flopping on her keyboard while she types. Married to a wonderful man for 35 years, she counts herself lucky to be surrounded by people who love her and give her stories to tell every day.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Review: Sink or Swim (Shore Leave #2) by Annabeth Albert

Winning and losing are subject to sexy interpretation…

Navy chief Calder Euler loves to win big. His latest score? A remote mountain cabin. Checking it out is supposed to be a quick trip, but Calder’s luck abruptly turns when a freak injury and a freakier snowstorm leave him stranded.

Oh, and the cabin isn’t empty. A silver fox caring for two young girls claims that the property is his, but Calder’s paperwork says otherwise.

Felix Sigurd is on a losing streak, and his ex-husband risking the cabin in a reckless bet is only the latest in a series of misfortunes. He’ll tolerate the handsome stranger for a couple nights--even care for his injuries—but that’s it.

Calder doesn’t know a damn thing about kids, but making pancakes for Felix’s girls is a surprising delight. Trapped in the cabin, the four of them slip easily into the rhythms of a family. But when the ice melts, they’ll have to decide if a future together is in the cards.

Calder’s lucky win quickly evaporates when the real owner of the cabin walks in with his two nieces in tow. His luck continues downward when he injures himself and gets snowed in with strangers.

But on the upside, Felix is a very attractive man and seems to cautiously return Calder’s interest.

The snowed-in trope is one of my favourites. You’d think I’ve read enough by now to be bored of it, but you’d be wrong. Give me all of the cliché!

In Shore Leave, the storm forces Felix and Calder to make the best of the situation. That includes playing in the snow with the girls, reading stories, and cooking together.


The close quarters also set off feelings that neither man had expected. And it isn’t just the physical attraction - it’s easy to share space and their thoughts with each other.

When the storm ends and they have to return to the real world, Calder convinces Felix to have dinner with him - not a date, just for fun. It sets a pattern - hangouts, long phone calls, and thinking about each other when they’re not together.

This isn’t a particularly angsty book, and actually quite slow. I really liked the cozy feeling.

The big hurdle is how different the two men are. Calder lives in the moment and likes to have fun. Felix is cautious and has to put the girls first.

I loved how they balanced each other - Calder brings Felix out of his shell, and Felix gives Calder a taste of the slower life. They’re both equally protective and caring.

The two have to adjust and eventually figure out how to mesh their lives together. It was sweet how Calder set out to convince Felix that he was all-in for a serious relationship and the kids.

Speaking of the kids - very much so present in the book, and adorable. Madeleine and Charlotte were just kids being kids.

Felix and Calder eventually reach a tipping point, and make decisions for their future. Their happy ending is sweet, and left me with warm fuzzy feels.

If you’re looking for a drama-free family-focused MM romance, give ‘Shore Leave’ a read!

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Release Blitz: Restored Ruins (Gentlemen Hackers #1) by G.R. Lyons


Restored Ruins (Gentlemen Hackers #1) is out now! Read more about the MMM paranormal daddy kink series from author G.R. Lyons and Gay Book Promotions today!


Book Title: Restored Ruins (A Paranormal Gay Daddy Romance)

Author: G.R. Lyons

Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Dana Leah at Designs by Dana

Release Date: February 25, 2022

Genre: Paranormal M/M/M Romance

Tropes: Age gap, second chances, hurt/comfort, found family, celebrity/commoner

Themes: Faith/belief/acceptance (not religious) of self and possibility, love

Heat Rating: 4 flames  

Length:  60 000 words/ 240 pages

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger. It has an HEA ending.

It is the first book in a new series.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 

Kidnapped by his idol? Yes, please!


Connor Jenkins is sick of rejection. Now, instead of getting close to anyone, he lives vicariously through other people's phones and webcams. Thanks to his skills, he always gets away with it.

Until he hacks his idol.

Brendan Shyth is haunted by loss. First, the death of his boy. Then the end of his music career thanks to a grief-induced drunken accident. Fringe science regrew his fingers, but he still can't bring himself to play again. Avoiding his fans, the media, and his manager, Brendan hides in his mansion, determined to be left alone.

Until he finds his webcam on and realizes someone is watching him. Someone other than the ghost of his dead lover, that is.

Brendan has Connor tracked down and kidnapped, meaning to teach him a lesson. But the teasing brat gets under his skin in a way that no one has in years.

A boy in need of security. A ghost in need of acceptance. A man in need of faith. With a career, sanity, and hearts on the line, can these men overcome their fears before it's too late?

Restored Ruins is the first book in the Gentleman Hackers series. It features a boy whose hair color never stays the same, a daddy who puts him in serious time-out, a ghost desperate to be seen, and an MMM HEA ending. No pianos were harmed in the writing of this romance (though they do make good horizontal surfaces).


Had he really been kidnapped?

First of all, rude.

He tried to blink the haze from his vision while he processed this strange, new reality.

Someone had actually managed to catch him.

Well, shit. Well done.

Connor started to sit up, then paused. Two things occurred to him at once. Three things, actually. One, it was somehow morning already. Two, he was in a bed. With some amazingly soft sheets, by the way. Damn. He was going to have to figure out what they were made of and get some for himself.

Not that he could probably afford them, but, hey, a boy could dream.

And, three…

He was naked.

Connor raised an eyebrow. Huh.

He stared up at the ceiling as he took stock of his body. The soft sheets cascaded over his naked skin, making him hyper-aware of every tiny movement he made. A slow inhale made the fabric brush teasingly over his nipples, and a slight shift of his leg had the sheets drifting over his groin. Connor squeezed his legs together. Holy fuck. Much more of that and he would be a horny mess, though it was already almost too late for that.

Connor paused, wondering if his kidnappers were watching him.

He bit back a moan at the idea, then muttered a curse and shook his head. He had to focus.

Connor drew his arms out from under the sheets. He wasn't restrained in any way. There was nothing stopping him from getting out of bed and exploring the room. And he didn't feel pain anywhere. Other than where the needle had gone in. That still stung.

Again. Rude.

Connor rubbed the spot and slowly sat up. At least his kidnapper had been kind enough to keep the ground from punching him in the face. That would not have been fun.

He paused, then probed all over his face with his fingertips, just to be sure.

Nothing hurt there. Connor: one. Ground: zero. Ha! Take that.

Chuckling to himself, he glanced around the room, trying to guess where he might be. It looked like a normal bedroom—bed, dresser, nightstands, lamps—but way more high-end than he was used to. Spacious. Elegant. Obviously expensive, but tastefully so. And it didn't have the rubber-stamp feel of a hotel room. Connor had seen plenty of those—from casual hookups with businessmen just passing through town—so he would know.

But this was different. This was custom. Unique. This was someone's home.

He looked to one side and saw a pair of glass doors leading out to a balcony, the view obscured by some gauzy curtains. Across from him was an open doorway into a washroom. Connor blinked. Holy shit. Even from that angle, the washroom looked enormous, and he was sure he wasn't even seeing half of it.

On the nightstand beside him was a small computer tablet. When Connor started to reach for it, the device detected his proximity and illuminated the screen, showing him a home control panel. There were options for room temperature, dimmed lighting, and blackout window shades, amongst other things.

Connor smirked. Don't worry, darling. I'll play with you later.

He grabbed the sheets, meaning to toss them aside and get out of bed so he could explore the room more thoroughly, then stopped when he heard the snap of a key in a lock.

Connor spotted the door—fancy double doors, in fact—and watched them slowly open.

He blinked stupidly and almost laughed as a butler appeared in the widening gap. An actual, real-life butler. White gloves and all.

Before Connor could voice his mirth, though, the butler stepped aside and bowed his head deferentially, revealing another man who'd been standing behind him.

The second man took a few steps into the room, glaring directly at Connor.

Connor's jaw dropped.

Holy shit.

Vesad Stromos. Right there. In the flesh.

He'd been kidnapped by Vesad Stromos. Forget just spying on the man through a hacked webcam. He was actually inside the famous musician's house.

Day. Fucking. Made!

About the Author 

G.R. Lyons stumbled into writing as a form of trauma recovery when traditional therapy wasn't working.

Then the story ideas just kept on coming.

Pulling from a vivid imagination as well as real-life experience as a trans man, a sexual assault survivor, and a person living with mental illness, Lyons has written multiple, interconnected series set within his fictional world of the Shifting Isles.

When not writing, Lyons can be found belly dancing around the house, studying anarcho-capitalist philosophy, buried in his never-ending TBR pile, or working out at the local CrossFit gym.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Release Blitz: Thick as Thieves (Aster Valley #4) by Lucy Lennox

 Author Lucy Lennox and Social Butterfly PR present the Thick as Thieves release blitz! Check it out!

Thick as Thieves, an all-new steamy mm romance that will have you laughing and smiling at every page turn from USA Today bestselling author Lucy Lennox is available now!

I've been in love with my best friend since forever. Okay, fine. Like, kindergarten. It started out platonic, obviously, but then became... nope. Still platonic. The problem is that Parker Ellis has been straight since forever. And that makes it difficult to convince him the two of us are meant to be together.
And now there's no point. All is lost. He's gone and gotten engaged to his high-school sweetheart which means I have to grin and bear it while pretending to be the happy, supportive best man while he prepares to commit his life to a woman I can't even fault. She's great. We've all been friends forever. I know he'll be happy with Erin, just not... just not as happy as he could be with me.

I'll admit. Sometimes I press the easy button. Like when Julian Thick had offered me half his sandwich back in grade school after noticing I didn't have any food. Or when I'd needed a date to homecoming in tenth grade and Erin told me she was it. Or when I'd used the one thing that came easy to me, skiing, to get my college tuition paid for. Or when Erin had showed back up in my life six months ago and told it was time to marry and start a family...
But for the first time in my life I'm facing something that's not at all easy. It's my wedding weekend and I've just been left at the altar. Not only that, but when my best friend whisks me away to drown my sorrows in a snowy cabin in Aster Valley, I accidentally discover Julian's been keeping secrets. Big secrets.

The kind of secrets that lead to hot experimental kisses in front of a blazing fire, tenative physical exploration in a way I'd never imagined before, and the kind of intimate, true confessions I'd never even dreamed of between me and the one person who's always been my true home.
But after twenty-plus years of thinking of Jules as my friend without benefits, is it truly possible to change who we are to each other? There's no easy button this time, but I'm willing to do the work. I only wonder if Julian is ready to trust I really mean it.

Fall in love today!
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Meet Lucy Lennox
Lucy Lennox is finally putting good use to that English Lit degree earned way back in the 1900s.
She stays up way too late each night reading M/M romance because she is a sucker for a good story.

Connect with Lucy
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Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Anticipated Angel by Laura Navarre

Author Laura Navarre and Other Worlds Ink share the new cover for upcoming release, Anticipated Angel! Check it out as well as the $25 Amazon gift card giveaway!


Anticipated Angel - Laura Navarre

Laura Navarre has a new erotic MM sci-fi romance coming out in April - Anticipated Angel (Prequel to the Astral Heat Romance) - and we have the cover reveal. And there's a giveaway!

On an alien world that crucifies men for prohibited desires, two boyhood best friends risk the ultimate punishment to explore a forbidden passion.

Nero: He’s the most intimidating guy at our intergalactic next-gen leaders’ camp, and his psycho galactic tyrant of a dad has a crucifixion fetish. Our two races are deadly enemies, but Dex was my boyhood best friend. Suddenly this summer, he’s all grown up—and suddenly he can’t seem to stop staring at me. I don’t know whether to be afraid that it’s all a figment of my telepathic imagination…or that every dangerous desire we’re forbidden to acknowledge is searingly real.

Dex: I’m one combat-to-the-death away from the imperial command I’ve devoted my life to achieve. All I need to do is keep my dick in my pants. Besides, Ben Nero’s my oathsworn brother. Not to mention the most gorgeous, most maddeningly unattainable, most sought-after guy at leaders' camp. There’s no way he’d ever look twice at a buttoned-tight, hyper-competitive, compulsive overachiever like me.

Until the night I blundered in on Nero in the shower. Which was a total catastrophic mistake. Because now I’ve seen what he looks like naked…now I’ve heard the way he sounds when he’s moaning my name…how in blazes do I keep him at arms’ length? Because my father crucifies men for loving men.

Which means letting Ben Nero in close, the way I’m burning to do, means risking the ultimate punishment.

For both of us.

Anticipated Angel is a steamy, angsty, friends-to-lovers MM new adult sci fi romance novella and the standalone prequel to the award-winning Astral Heat Romance Series.

Amazon | Universal Buy Link

About the Series:

The Astral Heat Romance Series is a steamy, angsty, enemies-to-lovers MMMF poly sci fi action romance series with M/M. Perfect for fans of Tymber Dalton, Kathryn Moon, Ariana Nash, and Pippa DaCosta. Here’s what early reviewers are saying about this category bestselling LGBTQ+ sci fi erotic romance series:

“Fast-paced, erotic, and brutal.” – Library Journal

“Intense and incendiary! This is hot stuff not for the faint of heart.” – Viragos Reading Odyssey

“This book just grabs and doesn’t let go….One of the steamiest books I’ve ever read.” – Amazon reviewer

“Astronomically out of this world action suspense drama, topped off with XXX sizzle! …Hang on to your space helmet, this is one wild ride!” – Goodreads reviewer

“This swashbuckling reverse harem Roman Empire in space saga turns up the heat to incendiary…a pulse racing read…Fabulous fun! I loved it!” – Alicia on Amazon and Goodreads

This award-winning series has notched contest wins in the RWA Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal On the Far Side Contest (speculative romance) and the 2021 Chesapeake Romance Writers’ Rudy Contest (erotic romance).

The Astral Heat Romance Series contains explicit M/M, M/F, and MMMF encounters.


Laura is giving away a $25 Amazon gift card with this reveal:

Direct Link:


Anticipated Angel meme

Still damp and dripping under the tunic and breeches he’d dragged over his desperately aroused body, breathless and panting from pounding through the jungle after his frenzied best friend, Ben Nero stood on the step outside Dex’s dormitory cabin and glared at the locked door.

Dex never locked his door. They’d been coming and going from each other’s dorms day and night for three summers straight.

Sure, Dex was arrogant, aggressive, pigheaded, surly, introverted, hypercompetitive, a compulsive overachiever. The golden boy at leaders’ camp. In other words, a typical Mogadon.

Nero had hated him on sight. Until everything changed.

Since the night Dex waded into battle to defend him, Nero had been secretly crushing on the guy.

Now—this summer—their final summer when they both gained their majority and left leaders’ camp behind forever, the sexual dynamic between them had torqued so much tighter. Their unspoken chemistry had condensed into an alchemical compound so volatile it was practically pyrophoric. With Dex grown into something between a deadly predator and a tawny god, Nero knew his secret summer crush stood in acute danger of developing into a connection fathoms deeper.

And far more lethal to his guarded heart.

But given Dex’s inherited battery of hang-ups and all that sexual baggage his best friend was carting around, the state of his heart was one secret Nero fully intended to keep.

Until tonight. Cat’s out of the cave now. Of all the possible, gods-cursed times for Dex to show up for a late-night shower…

For at least the twentieth time, he cursed his own rotten timing. Wryly he admitted the inferno of heat glowing in his chest and scorching his face had less to do with exertion than sheer embarrassment.

No use pretending it didn’t happen. Dex has been pushing me away all summer. What he just saw me doing while I moaned his name will probably finish the job and end our friendship for good.

Especially with their rival planets poised on the brink of war. Nero huffed out a breath harsh with frustration.

The next time I encounter Dex Draven after summer camp will probably be in deep space at the wrong end of a solar cannon.

Grimly Nero jabbed a finger at the entry button—for the third farking time. The chime caroled away like his whole world wasn’t imploding around him. Beyond that door, his psychic senses whispered, Dex was pacing his cabin’s spartan confines, wearing a path in the silica floor.

Staring at his own locked door, heart slamming against his sternum like a meteor bombardment. If he didn’t open it…if he didn’t answer…

Nero shoved a mental barrier between them to give the guy a little privacy as a basic matter of telepath ethics. Same way he’d been doing all summer. Fighting like hell to do the decent thing and respect his best friend’s boundaries and stay out of his head.

Now he scowled at the stubborn silence but held tight to his temper.

“Dex?” He pitched his voice to carry. “Let me in. We need to talk. Anyway, you, uh, left your blaster in the shower house.”

The silence stretched between them. A silence tighter than a pressurized airlock, shredded by the shrill scream of a hunting panther. Intuition told him the critter was on the prowl, hunting for blood and savage with hunger. If the cat tracked him to Dex’s doorstep, Nero would have to defend himself. Not with Dex’s blaster, which he’d buckled around his own hips, but with the psi fire he was learning to channel as he honed his rapidly expanding arsenal of psychic powers.

Doggedly he pounded on the door. “Come on, Dex. I know you’re in there. I could feel you fulminating halfway down the path. Open up.”

“No bloody talking. I’m not in the mood.” Dex’s muffled voice sounded surly. And more than a little desperate. “For gods’ sake, Ben, it’s after midnight. Go away.”

Nero squared his shoulders and hardened his voice. “Open this door or I’ll open it for you.”

Violet sparks flared at his fingertips. Fiercely he reeled in the billowing surge of psi fire sizzling through his channels before he lost control and blew Dex’s door through the opposite wall. Tonight he wanted to talk to Dex, not fight him. And a full-out assault would only trigger all those primitive Mogadon instincts Dex was always striving to suppress.

Apparently some god with a fondness for bisexual adolescent telepaths decided to take pity on Nero’s awkward dilemma and whisper a word of reason in Dex’s ear. With a chirp, the maglock released and the door swung wide.

“Finally.” Pushing out a breath, Nero strode into the moonlit darkness. “What the hells, Dex…”

His words stuttered to a stop.

In the narrow confines of the shadowy cabin whose angles and corners he knew by heart, Dex stood silhouetted against the viewport. Wearing nothing but an insubstantial pair of sleeping trousers that clung to his supple hips and spectacular ass.

The light of Paragon’s three moons limned his broad shoulders and corded back and bulging triceps in a way that made Nero burn to sink his teeth in and just nibble his way down the guy’s body. Starlight flamed in Dex’s cropped golden hair and caressed the sun-bronzed skin Nero longed to trace with his tongue.

Nero sucked in a hit of oxygen to clear his damn head and felt his senses spin. He was already half-drunk on lotus pollen, a seductive sweetness like spicy sugar tickling the back of his throat. Now his head was reeling with the potent kick of Dex’s scent—that heady whiff of pheromones Mogadon males exuded that telegraphed aggression, territoriality, or arousal.

Nero ached to know which of those stimuli was driving Dex tonight.

Ferociously he fought back the temptation to shove aside his inconvenient ethics, peek inside Dex’s brain, and find out for himself. And screw his farking ethics and screw his best friend’s privacy.

Author Bio

Laura Navarre

A long time ago in a galaxy far away, Laura Navarre was an award-winning dark historical romance author for Harlequin, while her diabolical twin Nikki Navarre wrote sexy spy romance. In a daring bid to escape a global pandemic, armed only with an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction and a professional background in weapons of mass destruction, Laura voyaged through a wormhole to an alternate universe where she crafts turbocharged, epic, hyper-erotic poly science fiction romance starring three sexy bi heroes, one seriously kickass heroine, and plenty of sizzling outer space action.

Interstellar Angel is a steamy, angsty, enemies-to-lovers MMMF poly sci fi action romance and your gateway to the Astral Heat universe, where Star Wars meets 50 Shades by way of The Hunger Games. Outer space adventure just got a whole lot hotter!

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Book Blast + Giveaway: CLUBBED TWO: Anxiety, Anger, Activism by Robert A. Karl


Author Robert A. Karl and Gay Book Promotions share info on LGBTQ Historical Fiction released earlier this year, CLUBBED TWO: Anxiety, Anger, Activism! Find out more and enter in the $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway! Good luck!


Book Title: CLUBBED TWO: Anxiety, Anger, Activism

Author: Robert A. Karl

Cover Artist: Nirkri with original art by Alejandro Mesurado 

Release Date: January 31, 2022

Genre: LGBTQ Historical Fiction

Themes: LGBTQ Pride; Diversity; Disability Awareness and Acceptance; Interracial Love; 1980s Queer Fashions and Fads; Ageism, Infidelity, AIDS Activism

Heat Rating:  4 flames   

Length:  81 516 words/ 291 pages

It is part of a series, but can be read as a standalone.

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 

Every day is a good day to be gay.


CLUBBED TWO is historical fiction, set in Philadelphia from 1982 to 1992. Club Sanctuary can be seen as a metaphor for the greater LGBTQ community, but it is written as a real place, with characters who are fabulous, funny and flawed.

The author combines historical characters and events with fictional ones, creating a story that's entertaining, informative and emotional. The love story between the two main characters, Joey and Henry, serves as a vehicle for connecting the stories of diverse, Queer characters.

This second book in the CLUBBED series continues the story as the LGBTQ community fights prejudice and ignorance in an effort to be recognized as people worthy of respect. Will the community be torn apart by fear, or will they come together to support PWAs? (People With AIDS)

Experience the drama, the beauty, and the excitement as well as the music, fashion and fads of the 80s with CLUBBED TWO: Anxiety, Anger, Activism. 


When he let himself into Kirk’s room, he found Kirk sitting on a small sofa in front of a 13-inch black and white TV with no cable. The picture was fuzzy and the volume was low while a rerun of Happy Days was on.

“Just put the box on the coffee table and we can eat here. And keep out two beers and put the rest in the fridge.”

Kirk proceeded to eat, with no hint that anything sexual was about to take place between them. This felt awkward to Jando who didn’t really know how to act on a date. He was used to quick fuck-n-sucks, usually in a public place like The Hole at the club. So, he copied what Kirk did. He figured Kirk knew how to act better than he did.

After a few minutes, there was only one slice of pizza left. Kirk looked at the young Puerto Rican guy sitting next to him with a mischievous grin.

“Hey Bae, you know what I always wanted to do?”

“Please don’t tell me you always wanted to smash a guy in the mouth with a slice,” Jando joked.

“No, not that. But you know how in the movies, a couple will share something they’re eating, until they end up mouth-to-mouth. And then they have to decide whether to kiss or what they’re gonna do next?”

“Yeah,” Jando said. And not just people do that. Remember in that cartoon where Lady and the Tramp were eating spaghetti?”

Kirk laughed, actually snorting a little as he thought about that famous scene.

“If you’re the Lady, I guess that makes me the Tramp,” Kirk said, still laughing.

“You wanna try it?” Kirk asked, reaching for the final slice, trimming it into a very slim slice and pointing the uncrusted end towards Jando’s mouth.

Kirk closed his eyes and started to eat the crust on his side of the slice. He felt the pull as Jando joined him, taking small bites of the other side.

Kirk started laughing again. “Damn! I didn’t think about that we actually have to stop to chew.”

Now both of them were laughing, as Kirk continued to hold the slice in mid-air between their two mouths.

“Keep going, Bae. Keep going.”

With gooey cheese dripping down and various pieces of pepperoni, green peppers, onions and mushrooms falling, and while they tried to keep from laughing, their mouths continued to inch closer. 

Finishing the slice, they were both chewing as their lips finally brushed up against each other’s. 

Swallowing hard, Kirk took the lead and kissed Alejandro forcefully. He pushed Jando back so he was prone on the sofa as he slid his tongue into Jando’s mouth, tasting the pizza but also the sweetness of Jando’s lips and tongue. Jando returned the favor, kissing with a passion that he’d been holding back for a few hours, needing some release soon. 

“I wanna do this right. Let’s go in the bedroom,” Kirk whispered, lifting himself off Jando’s writhing body. “And bring the beers with you,” Kirk reminded him as he took hold of a walking cane that was next to the sofa, unnoticed by his Bae.

About the Author 

Robert A. Karl is a native son of Philadelphia, PA, a retired educator, a queer author, and the proud Gay Dog Dad to Zuna, the Awesome Boston Terrier. He now resides in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where he enjoys the beauty and culture of La Isla del Encanto, The Island of Enchantment.

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