Celebrate the release of All Souls Near & Nigh (Soulbound #2) with author Hailey Turner & A Novel Take Promotions! Read an exclusive excerpt, find out more about this urban fantasy series in the Q&A below & enter in the giveaway of 2 ebooks of your choosing from the author! Good luck!
Exclusive Excerpt for BMBR
“I’m busy, Carmen. I don’t have time for your games.”
“You are never too busy for us.” She came to a stop before both of them, her gaze locked on Patrick’s face. “Come along, bastardo. You know better than to keep my master waiting.”
Patrick was mindful of the fact they were still in public and didn’t hesitate to conjure up a tiny mageglobe that nestled against his p
alm, mostly hidden from sight. He cast a silence ward through it, restricting the static to their area only. A bubble of quiet settled over them, his ears ringing from it.
“No, really,” Patrick demanded once it was safe to talk. “How did you find me?”
“How’s that dead body you found the other night?”
“The fuck do you mean by that? Is Lucien fucking with the werecreature community here?”
“He best not be,” Jono said in a flat voice full of leashed anger.
Carmen waved off his words. “We aren’t the ones dealing shine.”
Patrick snorted. “This time. It still doesn’t stop you from taking in the addicts.”
“When food shows up willing and free on our doorstep, we aren’t going to tell it no,” Carmen said derisively.
Carmen’s hand was a blur when she reached for him, but Jono was faster. He grabbed her hand in a way that made it look like they were romantically involved if one ignored the way they both sought to use their strength against the other to break bone.
“You don’t touch him,” Jono bit out, the threat in his voice easy for Patrick to make out.
Carmen smirked. “You might have claimed him, but he owes us. I’m sure you understand the price of a debt.”
“I understand Patrick isn’t going anywhere with you alone.”
Carmen raked her talons over the underside of Jono’s wrist as she wrenched her hand free, drawing blood. “We thought as much. Lucien is waiting, Patrick. Now be a good puppet and do as you are told.”
“Fuck you,” Patrick ground out.
“If you like,” she practically purred, licking Jono’s blood off her fingers. “I doubt your wolf would approve.”
The action, mystery, and heat are kicked-up another gear in this second installment of Turner's addictive, original and immersive Soulbound series.
— Layla Reyne, author of the Agents Irish and Whiskey and Trouble Brewing series
Nobody writes like Hailey Turner. Her world building is extraordinary, as are her edgy action scenes. However, she never loses sight of her central relationship, or her razor sharp and witty characters.
This series is amazing.
— Bestselling author, Lily Morton
All Souls Near & Nigh by Hailey Turner
Series: Soulbound 2
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date (Print & Ebook): March 19, 2019
Length (Print & Ebook): 104,100
Subgenre: LGBTQ Urban Fantasy
Reader Warning: This book contains on page sexual assault.
Book synopsis:
You can’t bargain with death if you’ve already sold your soul.
Special Agent Patrick Collins has been reassigned by the Supernatural Operations Agency to New York City. Learning to navigate his new relationship with Jonothon de Vere, the werewolf he’s now soulbound to, is nothing compared to dealing with territorial disputes between the vampires and werecreatures who call the five boroughs home. But the delicate treaties that have kept the preternatural world in check are fraying at the edges, and the fallout is spilling into the mundane world.
Manhattan’s club scene is overrun with the vampire drug known as shine and the subways have become a dumping ground for bodies. When the dead are revealed as missing werecreatures, Patrick and Jono find themselves entangled in pack politics twisted by vampire machinations.
Learning to trust each other comes with problems for both of them, and the gods with a stake in Patrick’s soul debt aren’t finished with him yet. Bound by promises they can’t break, Patrick and Jono must find a way to survive a threat that takes no prisoners and is stalking them relentlessly through the city streets.
Old and new betrayals are coming home to roost but the truth—buried in blood—is more poisonous than the lies being spun. Trying to outrun death is a nightmare—one Patrick may never wake up from.
All Souls Near & Nigh is a 104k word m/m urban fantasy with a gay romantic subplot and a HFN ending. It is a direct sequel to A Ferry of Bones & Gold, and reading the first book in the series would be helpful in enjoying this one. Please see the disclaimer in the Look Inside for content some readers may find triggering.
Author Hailey Turner says All Souls Nigh & Near is: An exciting sequel that builds on the series plot and will keep readers wanting more!
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Q&A with Hailey Turner:
What comes first, the plot or characters?
This is like the chicken or the egg question. For me, it’s a mixture of both. I feel my characters play off the plot, but I need the outline of the book and series to really create a character and their motives. Characters and plot are pretty intertwined when I create a book, so I can’t say one comes first above the other.
Describe a typical writing day.
I usually write in the morning and evenings around work on weekdays, and for a block of hours on the weekend around errands and time spent with friends and family. On weekdays, I get up early in the morning (I’m talking 5:00am here) to get some writing in before work. I try to make time to write every day otherwise it would be difficult to finish a book if I didn’t.
How do you come up with the titles to your books?
I like to have themes with my titles and they tend to have the same sort of word structure for the entire series. For my Metahuman Files series, the titles spoke to the missions in each book. For Soulbound, every title has a hint of the mythology I’ve incorporated into that particular book. It varies with every series but I honestly can’t start a book without a title.
About Hailey Turner:
Hailey Turner is big city girl who spoils her cats rotten and has a demanding day job that she loves, but not as much as she loves writing. She’s been writing since she was a young child and enjoys reading almost as much as creating a new story. Hailey loves stories with lots of action, gritty relationships, and an eventual HEA that satisfies the heart.
Newsletter: You can keep up with Hailey's future projects by joining her newsletter, where you can instantly download two free Metahuman Files short stories and the Soulbound short story Down A Twisted Path: http://eepurl.com/cAEejL
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