Louisa Masters is making her clubhouse debut to promote her Dreamspun Desires novel, The Bunny and The Billionaire! See our review HERE! She's also got a swag bag up for grabs! Good luck!
An interview with Ben Adams
Welcome, everyone! Today on Fictional Character Interviews we’re talking to
Ben Adams from The Bunny and The Billionaire. Hiya, Ben! I can call you Ben, right?
Ben Adams from The Bunny and The Billionaire. Hiya, Ben! I can call you Ben, right?
Ben: Yeah, sure. Why wouldn’t— Oh. You’ve heard about the whole bunny thing.
Well, it is right there in the book title. Your boyfriend really calls you bunny?
Ben: Nah. Well, not really. Only sometimes. Look, I didn’t even know about it for the first few months we were together. And Léo wasn’t the one who came up with it, anyway. His cousin did.
Your boyfriend’s cousin calls you bunny?
Ben: No! Okay, this has gotten out of hand. The first time Léo saw me, he apparently looked at me like I was his “prey,” and so Malik decided I was a bunny. I don’t know, this is just what I was told after. It’s kind of cool to think he found me that irresistible, though.
I think we might move on. Although… not to be mean, but I’ve seen pictures of Leo. He’s incredibly hot, wealthy, the son of a princess… and you’re… well….
Ben: Yeah, sometimes I don’t get it, either. I’m just ordinary, right? I’m even kind of klutzy occasionally. What’s he doing with me when he could have anyone? But then he looks at me and I can see how much he loves me because of all that. Some things just can’t be explained, I guess.
Love is a strange and wonderful thing. And how are you settling into your new home in Monaco?
Ben: It’s going really well! It took me a while to get used to Monaco, especially since I’ve always been a bargain shopper, and that’s not something that you can do here. But there’s something really special and charming about this place. It’s so very different from Australia. And I have Leo here, of course, which makes everything easier.
Do you miss Australia and your friends and family?
Ben: Yes. Especially my best friend, Dani. But in this age of technology, nobody’s ever that far away. I can talk to anyone I want whenever the urge strikes. And it’s not like we can’t go visit—or bring them over to visit us.
That’s right, you can! Do you mind if we talk about money?
Ben: Not really. You want to know about the inheritance, right? How I could afford the trip that changed my life?
Yes, if you don’t mind telling us.
Ben: Right, so I’m a nurse—I used to work privately, giving in-home care to terminally ill patients. My last client, Mrs. K, was fabulously wealthy. She was so awesome though, that her money was the least cool thing about her. When she was well, she used to travel all over the world, as much as she could, and she told me all about her trips, showed me photos, journals, the lot. She was such an incredible person, so much more adventurous than me. I really miss her. Anyway, when she died, I found out that she’d left me a lot of money—a drop in the ocean for her, but more money than most people ever dream of having at one time. It was an opportunity that most people never get, and I couldn’t stand the thought of “wasting” her gift, so I planned a trip in tribute to her—an odyssey to all her favorite places. And in the end, that’s how I met Leo. So I guess you can say he was part of Mrs. K’s gift to me.
Wow, that’s a beautiful way to look at it. Okay, I think we’ll wrap it up. Anybody who wants to know more can read your epic love story in The Bunny and The Billionaire.

The Bunny and The Billionaire
Released October 1 by Dreamspinner Press
Spending their fortunes and losing their hearts.
Hardworking Australian nurse Ben Adams inherits a substantial sum and decides to tour Europe. In Monaco, the home of glamour and the idle rich, he meets French billionaire playboy Léo Artois. After getting off on the wrong foot—as happens when one accuses a stranger of being part of the Albanian mafia—their attraction blazes. Léo, born to the top tier of society, has never known limits, and Ben, used to budgeting every cent, finds it difficult to adjust to not only Léo's world, but also the changes wealth brings to his own life.
As they make allowances for each other's foibles, Ben gradually appreciates the finer things, and Léo widens his perspective. They both know one thing: this is not a typical holiday romance and they're not ready to say goodbye.
Buy links:
Louisa is giving away five swag packs to mark the release of The Bunny and The Billionaire. Enter to win! https://tinyurl.com/yag5gasq
Author Bio:
Louisa Masters started reading romance much earlier than her mother thought she should. While other teenagers were sneaking out of the house, Louisa was sneaking romance novels in and working out how to read them without being discovered. She’s spent most of her life feeling sorry for people who don’t read, convinced that books are the solution to every problem. As an adult, she feeds her addiction in every spare second, only occasionally tearing herself away to do things like answer the phone and pay bills. She spent years trying to build a “sensible” career, working in bookstores, recruitment, resource management, administration, and as a travel agent, before finally conceding defeat and devoting herself to the world of romance novels.
Louisa has a long list of places first discovered in books that she wants to visit, and every so often she overcomes her loathing of jet lag and takes a trip that charges her imagination. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she whines about the weather for most of the year while secretly admitting she’ll probably never move.
Find Louisa on Facebook and Twitter:
Thanks for having me! xx
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