Do something new today.
Why he looks at his horoscope every day, Elias Hood doesn’t know. It’s all garbage, and no nickel fortune ever helped him climb all the way up the corporate ladder. He’s about to make Vice President. Rocking the boat with “something new” is the last thing on his mind.
But there’s this guy.
Ty Green can make friends with a tree and Elias can’t help falling for his easy-going vibe and his perfect smile. He’s a fellow Capricorn, like Elias, but that’s as far as their similarities go. Ty works to live—he doesn’t live to work. When Elias takes his horoscope’s advice and asks Ty out, both men are in for a shock. But as Elias’s walls start to come down, they might just realize that they have more in common than they think. In fact, they might even want the exact same thing.
Who knows? Maybe horoscopes aren’t just trash after all.

Sorry, I dozed off there for a minute... or
This was one of those reads that doesn't necessarily drag but nothing really happens. I didn't hate it. But I didn't like it either. I need something to hold my attention. Anything. This read was predictable and apparently an ode to regular daily events/thoughts with an abundance of detail.
Aloof Elias meets city worker (aka garbage man) Ty while walking to work one day. Ty gets on to Elias for putting trash into the wrong recycling bin and Elias is kinda an ass in response. After this encounter, Elias decides to follow the advice of his horoscope and treat others with kindness. With coffee day 1. Hot chocolate day 2. Then an apple turnover/ coffee shop invite day 3. Elias apologizes to Ty. It also doesn’t hurt that Elias notices how hot Ty is. While at the coffee shop, Ty mentions that he is moving and Elias jumps at the chance to help him move.
The move set their relationship in motion and from then on they are inseparable. We follow them as they go about their day to day. Both men are satisfied with their jobs and have to decide if they are going to take a chance with potential career changes and all that entails.
Elias and Ty are completely different with Ty’s outgoing and bubbly demeanor. They were a good fit when Elias wasn't making assumptions or letting judgmental viewpoints get in the way. They had an easily earned HEA with low conflict. Thankfully they had some chemistry. There was one scene that had me perking up a bit. The first kiss. Their first kiss had some heat. It was that I’m-saying-goodnight-without-kissing-and-came-back-because-I-couldn’t-leave-without-it kind of kiss. You know that one... right by the door and all passionate and grabby. There were other sexy times but they didn’t pull me out of the funk the rest of the story put me in.
We are treated to pages and pages of minutiae. It was as if every thought or observation they made in a day ended up on page. The circling of thoughts was downright frustrating. So much time was spent flip flopping points back and forth in their own heads.

I wish I could have made this work but we just didn’t click. Not recommended for those that want a little meat on their story's bones.

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