Review: Starlight (Dark Space #3) by Lisa Henry

Brady Garrett is back in space, this time as an unwilling member of a team of humans seeking to study the alien Faceless and their technology. It’s not the first time Brady’s life has been in the hands of the Faceless leader Kai-Ren, and if there’s one thing Brady hates it’s being reminded exactly how powerless he is. Although dealing with the enigmatic Faceless might actually be easier than trying to figure out where he stands with the other humans on board, particularly when one of them is his boyfriend’s ex.

Cameron Rushton loved the starlight once, but being back on board the Faceless ship forces him to confront the memories of the time he was captured by Kai-Ren, and exactly how much of what was done to him that he can no longer rationalize away. Cam is used to being Brady’s rock, but this time it might be him who needs Brady’s support.

This time Brady is surrounded by the people he loves most in the universe, but that only means their lives are in danger too. And when Kai-Ren’s fascination with humanity threatens the foundations of Faceless society, Brady and Cam and the rest of the team find themselves thrust into a battle that humans have very little hope of winning, let alone surviving.

Brady and Cam hold a special place in my heart. I loved ‘Dark Space’ in all its grittiness, and it remains on my favourites shelf.

‘Starlight’ doesn’t really add anything new to Cam and Brady’s relationship, but it does affirm what they’ve built since first being thrown together.

They’re tough, committed, and so completely in love with each other and their little family with Lucy. Yes, I did in fact swoon quite a few times!

The two men really do complete each other, and they’ve remained true to themselves despite everything they’ve been through.

Brady is still the scrappy refugee kid terrified of the black, willing to do whatever it takes to get to his sun, beach, and little sister. And Cam is still the level-headed soldier who works towards the greater good, and believes a future with Brady is just around the corner.

They’re an odd mismatched pair, but they just work.

Book 3 picks up not long after ‘Darker Space’, with the specially-chosen humans onboard the Faceless ship. They’re none the wiser for their trip into the black with the very monsters that humanity fears the most.

The only thing that’s clear - the humans are there safe and sound only because Kai-Ren finds them faintly interesting.

The constant level of danger and uncertainty made this a really gripping read!

I thoroughly enjoyed getting a look at the Faceless in their own territory. They were fascinating - so completely different from humans, and so unbothered by the fact that humanity consider them an existential threat.

Does it say something about me that I like Kai-Ren? He’s awful by human standards, but downright cuddly for a Faceless.

I won’t give away any spoilers, but ‘Starlight’ more than delivers on nail-biting action, twists and turns, and some heartstopping moments!

The ending was brilliant and perfect for Brady, Cam, and Lucy. But there has to be another book - I still have questions that need answers.

If you’re looking for amazing MM sci-fi, I can’t recommend the Dark Space series enough!

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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