
Review: When Death Frees the Devil (Death and the Devil #3) by L.J. Hayward

Ethan is finally free. He’s left the Cabal behind and embraced a civilian life with Jack, the man he loves. The only problem is that the Cabal isn’t willing to let him go. A call in the middle of the night and a threat to Jack’s family, and Ethan is back in the game. The only way out is to take on the organization that spent years warping his life.

Jack’s boyfriend has a way of vanishing on him, but this time Ethan’s disappearance is more frightening than ever. A trail of mysterious clues, a hit against his family, and the handprint of the Cabal on everything means the greatest test of love and determination Jack has ever endured.

Torn apart by forces greater than they are, Jack and Ethan must fight harrowing battles to get back to each other. The Cabal is the greatest foe either of them has had to face. Ethan is willing to throw away everything to bring an end to the Cabal’s evil. And Jack is willing to do the same to make sure Ethan comes out the other side alive.

CW - teen suicide, suicidal thoughts, child abuse, graphic violence.

What a ride!

At the end of book 2, Jack and Ethan thought that they were finally on their way to a quieter life. But that’s never lasts long with these two!

The Cabal just won’t allow it.

And when Jack’s family is threatened, Ethan takes matters into his own hand. He goes after the Cabal once and for all, even if what he and Jack have is destroyed in the process.

I freely admit that I have a probably-not-so-healthy crush on Ethan. I’m willing to overlook his many morally-ambiguous qualities. And book 3 really explains why!

It’s his loyalty, his drive to protect someone once he finally considers them his own - and it’s because he’s a creature of his circumstances.

Readers finally get a clear picture of what Ethan’s past was like, and why he is the way he is. My heart hurt for the scared little boy who was forced to become a killing machine.


But he’s not alone anymore. Jack has Ethan’s back all the way, no matter the consequences.

Though events force them apart once again, these two men have an all-consuming love for each other. And they end up stronger for this final wringer that they’re put through.

Without revealing too many details, I’ll say that the grand finale delivered on all the staples from this series - twists and turns, explosions, car chases, one life or death situation after another.

Consider me highly entertained, and on the edge of my seat!

This book wraps everything up very nicely, and gives Ethan and Jack the happy ever after that they deserve.


I highly recommend the Death and the Devil series if you’re looking for spies, spooks, and two complex men falling for each other despite the odds!

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Don't miss today's When Death Frees the Devil (Death and the Devil #3) blog tour stop HERE!

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