
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit + Giveaway - Lisa Henry

These boots aren't made for walking. Strap in, kids. Lisa Henry brought'd it!

These boots

These boots? These boots are definitely not made for walking. Kyle’s been wearing them for two hours now, he can’t feel his toes anymore, and the twinges of pain radiating out from his spine are making him see flashes of white.

“That’s it,” Al says in an undertone. “That’s good.”

Kyle’s been crushing on Al for months now, which is the only damn reason he’s here at all. Al is a regular at the club where Kyle tends bar, and Kyle has slung so many free drinks his way it’s a wonder he hasn’t been fired, but Al still hasn’t noticed him. When Al put the word out that he wanted models for his latest shoot, Kyle figured why the hell not?

Except it hurts. It legitimately fucking hurts, and Kyle has no idea why Al is still taking photos, since he knows he sweated off his makeup under the hot lights a while ago, and the only facial expression he’s actually capable of right now is a grimace. How is that supposed to sell boots?

“Just a few more,” Al says, his voice low in Kyle’s ear. Kyle jerks in surprise at the unexpected sound, the movement sending a spasm of pain up his spine. He winces, stumbles, and only Al’s hands on his hips keep him from falling forward. Al keeps one hand on his hip. Slides the other around to his abdomen, and tugs him gently backward.

Kyle freezes under the bright, hot lights.

“Just a few more minutes,” Al says. He splays his fingers. “You can do that for me.”

Kyle nods, not sure if he believes it or not. He struggles to maintain his posture when Al releases him again. “These photographs won’t sell many boots though, right? I mean, I’m not making them look comfortable.”

The click and flash of the camera. “The people buying these boots don’t want their boys to be comfortable, Kyle.”

Kyle squints into the light. “What?”

Al is close behind him again, warm hands sliding down the quivering muscles in his thighs. “The people who buy these boots want their boys to cry.” He rubs a finger down the cleft of Kyle’s ass, pushing him up impossibly higher onto his toes. “Can you cry for me, Kyle?”

Kyle squeezes his eyes shut. “Yes, sir.”

“Good boy,” Al says, his voice low and pleased.

Well, he guesses he’s got Al’s attention at last. It’s going to be a long night.

About the author

Lisa likes to tell stories, mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters.

Lisa lives in tropical North Queensland, Australia. She doesn't know why, because she hates the heat, but she suspects she's too lazy to move. She spends half her time slaving away as a government minion, and the other half plotting her escape.

She attended university at sixteen, not because she was a child prodigy or anything, but because of a mix-up between international school systems early in life. She studied History and English, neither of them very thoroughly.

She shares her house with too many cats, a green tree frog that swims in the toilet, and as many possums as can break in every night. This is not how she imagined life as a grown-up.

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Hanging out on Goodreads? So am I: Lisa Henry

Make sure to leave a comment to tell Lisa what you thought of her fic AND to be entered for a chance to win the ebook of your choice from her backlist. Be sure to leave your email, Twitter handle or Goodreads profile by no later than Midnight EST November 19th so we can contact you. If there is no response within 48 hrs another winner will be chosen. Good luck!

Don't miss entering in our month long unicorn giveaway here!


  1. Oooooh! I want to know what happens the rest of the night. Sure Kyle's feet are not going to be the only sore part of his body...
    Thank you for the enticing story, Lisa

  2. Very tantalizing indeed (as is the photo)!

    Trix, vitajex(at)Aol(Dot)com

  3. Wow! What an image that fic made. Thanks for sharing...although I want more now. :-)

  4. Where's the rest? Where's the rest?! And those legs.... I really hope there is a lot to more to come, soon ��. Lisa Henry writes such a variety of themes, I haven't read one I haven't liked. (But I still haven't read The Island - my heart's in my throat just from the blurb). Thank you for the opportunity!

  5. I would love to know what happens next!!Man those boots look painful but they are sexy !!! I would love to hear the rest of this. Thank you

  6. Sexy pain! Great fic just needing more!!!

    Littlesuze at

  7. Goodness that picture..... Yum!

  8. Love the fic & pic. I hope Kyle gets a foot rub in the deal. :-)


  9. Great fic! But I want to know more! violet817(at)aol(dot)com

  10. And then what happens? I hope to read more of sexy Kyle and Al! Great post and I also hope he gets a lengthy foot rub.


  11. ohhhh...nice twist at the end!


  12. Great ficlet with a definitely eye-catching photo. Thanks for sharing.

    waxapplelover (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. I'm always in awe of anyone who can walk in shoes like that without breaking an ankle like I know I would! Thanks for the sexy fic!

  14. Oh, Lisa, my Queen of Daddy kink. If only Al had made Kyle call him Daddy! ;-)
    Love the pic and the fic.

  15. I enjoy seeing a guy in boots and even better so reading about one >.<
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  16. That was amazing,I loved the pic and that story was so great. I want more :(

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thanks to everyone for participating our Lisa Henry giveaway! We have a winner - Jen!

    There are plenty of open giveaways to check out and more to come this month!
