
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit and Give-Away: James Cox

Anyone who has logged into the blog more than a couple of times, will know that author James Cox is a firm favourite round here. Our first author of the month, he has been nothing but charming and endless fun since. It is more than a pleasure to invite him back into the clubhouse (heck, we don't even have to open the door, he has his own keys), and ask him a few questions. Of course we all agreed the standard questions we asked were just too boring for The COX, so, to see if there were any limits to what we could tease out of him, we came up with some unique questions. Hey, we only embarrass those we love....

Seems the answer is no, he really does like to share. Personally we think he ought to remedy the answer the question 2 quick smart - but we are a bunch of pervs....

 1)Exercise is important, got to keep those wrists flexible for many times do you spank it a day? 
I ‘spank it’ usually once a day (depends on my work schedule, sadly) and I try to hold out until after I write. I find writing with an erection is more stimulating and helps get my creative...juices flowing, lol.

2) Have you ever worn panties for "research" purposes or otherwise? *cough* photos *cough* 
Haha. I’m curious who asked this question. *wink* And no I have actually never worn panties. Although, Andrew Christian has a few interesting items that may qualify. I prefer my men commando and my women in some sexy lingerie. Not that I have either at the moment, I’m currently single.
NB: There are several manties fans in the clubhouse...

3) Which of your characters are you most like? 
I think there’s a little bit of my personality in every character. Each one gets a little touch of me. And I did not mean that to sound as sexual as it does. Lol. I like to refer to myself as that saying that’s been going around for a while, act like a gentleman but fuck like an animal. I will open the door for you but I’ll also be giving your ass a spank.

4) Of your characters, who would you most want to date? Which one do you most want to do? So basically, we're asking, of your characters, who would you shag, marry, avoid? 
Oh, that’s interesting. Let’s see. Dating, I would probably pick Ever from Handsome Slave Seeks Horny Hero. He’s just such a funny, flirty bitch. Lol. I also like that he can burn his clothes right off. It’d make certainly situations very interesting.
I’d like to have a sexy one night stand with Malvern from Handsome Men Blow. I think we’d clash because we’re both on the dominant side but I think for a night of fucking it’d be hot. He has a tail and rainbow cum which isn’t something readily available on Earth at the moment. Lol. Or Dusk from Handsome Hero Wanted. The guy has two dicks!

Marriage...I’m not sure. That would depend on more than just cock size and sucking ability. *grins*

And avoidance. I’m going to say Kendrew from Handsome Men Suck and only because his lover Leith a possessive brute.

6) Soooo.... outdoor shenanigans, yay or nay? Anywhere you'd like to share with us - we won't tell anyone promise... Maybe the zoo or a car on a major highway, we have reason to believe these places are particularly good >______> (ETA: one of the uni's then said this...he's an animal lover, he'd totally do it at the zoo.!!!!) 
Ha! I have yet to have sex in a Zoo. Might be adventurous. I love car sex, then again, who doesn’t. Balcony sex is on my list of things to do. I’ve seen it a few times since I’m in an apartment building and yes, had some fun while watching it! 

7) Character v plot - what comes first? (Ha ha, she said comes!) 
Cum is always the happy ending, lol. Usually plot but the characters quickly trump what I have planned and do their own thing, usually with a hard-on. 

8) Planner or not? 
Depends on what we’re planning. Sex is great spontaneous. *wink* With writing, I am a planner. Usually writing plot points down, maybe a few details I want to add.

9) The boss-man. We gotta ask about the boss-man. We're a bunch of romantic souls here at BMBR...tell us there will be a romantic resolution? You know we'll help in any way we can - singing telegrams, strippers, romantic or pornographic love-letters... 
Haha! My boss is one of those guys that’s extremely gorgeous but also really nice. I’ve been working with him for years and I’ve seen him with dates but never any men. One day I’ll gather my balls and let him know just how much I stare at his ass...and crotch. *grins

10) Since you like to write without your pants (trousers), what does that leave you wearing; boxers, briefs, a  thongs or a jock? Or au naturel?? 
Summer is either nude or boxers. Winter is usually boxers, sometimes just jeans depending on how cold it is. I like to wear them low on hips so I can get some swagger going but not so low, that you can see my ass crack. Lol. Snow is beautiful dusted over the city but not so great for naked lounging.

11) We're very into scientific research here at BMBR headquarters, so in the interests of, um, science: top, bottom or either/both ?  
I tend to be a top. I’m more dominant when it comes to the bedroom but I’ve been known to play bottom before.

12) If you could go back and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? 
I think I was lucky despite my history and I’d rather go back to all these kids now a days that can’t handle rejection from their parents for being Gay or Bi and let them know, life does get better. Let go of the hate, the sadness, the depression and think about your future. If you push all that negativity aside, you can accomplish your goals. You can be happy. And yes, you do deserve a happy ending. 

Thank you James so much for popping by, it has, as ever, been so much fun! Cheerio handsome, see you soon.

Horns, tail and rainbow cum...

What happens when a thief, posing as a king, gets his own harem? Malvern is a fake king, just trying to survive long enough for a ship to whisk him away to another planet. He never expects to get a ragtag harem of near rejects. One is a human that volunteered, that guy makes Malvern long for domination. Then there’s the redhead with scars on his back, red eyes and oh yeah, his cum glows in the dark. The last man in this messed up harem is in chains because he’s too violent.

When a wicked storm hits he’s forced to make a hard decision, stick with his own survival or save their lives. He also has limited time to make that choice because the real king is on his way to claim the throne.

How the hell is this going to end well?

Buy link.

James writes fabulous, fun and porny books, usually with a sci-fi twist to them.  He has agreed to an e-copy give-away of Handsome Hero Wanted. Soooo - if you'd like to be in with a chance to win leave the answer to one of the questions we put to James (they're not all filthy!) or a question you think we should have asked him... along with your name, and a way of contacting you (e-mail, twitter handle, facebook page etc).  This competition will close one week today and winners will be contacted no later than December 6th. Good luck! If you've not read James Cox before you're in for a world of fun!

To find out more about James Cox, here is his Goodreads page.


  1. You've had some amazing authors visit to celebrate, but this interview beats all the shenanigans going on by a mile wide. It was witty/flirty and so much fun, just like his books. It was a pleasure to read.

  2. Thanks guys, James is brilliant fun & all round nice guy with a side of super sexay! Having himvisit is always a pleasure. :)

  3. This is a new author to me. Loved the interview. I'd answer question #12-I'd tell myself that it doesn't matter what others think of you. Always be true to yourself and love yourself. Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. This is a new author to me. For #6, the only outdoors would be way outdoors. I could see my BF and I having a good time in a isolated camping spot. Though my BF has a thing about elevators...

  5. Love James!! This interview was hysterical! I will forever be a Cox Groupie!

  6. I do enjoy planning but spontaneous is the most fun.

  7. I noticed that James has written a number of Sci Fi/ fantasy stories. What are his favorite Sci-Fi authors or stories?
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  8. Congratulations Alishea our randomiser chose you as the winner! We'll be in contact. Thanks everyone for joining in the fun!
