
Guest Review: Out: The Complete Collection by Cara Dee

In this 150,000-word complete collection, Zach and Henry bare it all. You’ll get wild Los Angeles nights, the overwhelming emotional roller coaster of discovering yourself, plans gone awry, adventures, laugh-out-loud moments, and sizzling romance.

I had two things on my list when I arrived in Los Angeles. One, track down Henry Bennington, the uncle and guardian of my little brother’s best friend Tyler, and tell him to get his ass back to Washington—because his nephew was getting out of control. And two, figure out just how non-straight I was.

Nowhere on this list did it say, “Get Tyler’s uncle into bed and fall for him.”


This is the complete collection of every story revolving around Zach and Henry. All 150,000 words of them, starting with the first novel, Out, continuing with the holiday sequel, Out for the Holidays, and followed by a novella previously only available to Cara’s newsletter subscribers, Out Cruising, as well as brand new content titled Out and About.



Reviewer: Annery

Out - 4.5 Hearts

Zach grew up fast, became a parent to his brother and a caretaker to his mother. At 25 he got an inkling that perhaps he wasn’t as straight as he thought. Two years later, he came from his small town of Camassia, WA. to Los Angeles to confirm his suspicions, and to do something about it. Fortuitously he meets Henry Bennington, almost 20 years his senior, everything Zach is not and his life comes into clear focus. Zach just needs to convince Henry of the rightness of them as a couple and that Zach isn’t just sampling at the gay buffet.

This story is a breath of fresh air & sunshine. Yes, there’s age-gap, coming out, some familial strife, and yet the prevailing sentiment while reading it and once you’re done is a smile. The author astutely keeps the villains, such as they are, off stage and the bad things have already happened. The story is centered on Zach & Henry’s relationship & told from Zach’s P.O.V. which is genius as Zach is great company. He’s open and honest, particularly about himself, what turns him on or what he wants, and he’s funny too.

Things move fast. Pretty much from the moment Zach lays eyes on Henry his suspicions of gayhood are confirmed completely, skipping bi as a possibility. I liked it, no half measures for our Zach. Henry takes some convincing, even after he succumbs to Zach’s charms. He doesn’t see them as a lasting thing, lacking confidence in himself, he can’t fathom that Zach, his junior and a complete virgin to gay life, will want him, a guy who albeit handsome, educated, and of economic means, has shut himself in an obscure bookstore and a hamsterwheel life. Luckily, Zach is charming and persistent.

Fear not. Henry’s doubts about a lasting relationship don’t translate to the bedroom, their sexual chemistry is akin to Habanero Orange or Red on the Scoville scale. However for me the bigger draw was their quotidian interactions, how friends & family are at the heart of this story. I really enjoyed this slice of goodness and it lightened up the winter doldrums.

Recommend :D

Out for the Holidays - 4 Hearts

Henry and Zach are back. It’s their second Christmas together and plans go a bit haywire but not in any kind of tragic or drastic way. We just get to visit with a beloved couple, see how their imperfect, bumps, warts and all, fairytale plays out. As a plus when these two get together fun and smoldering sex are on the agenda. Sweet.

Zach has a successful modeling career but an unexpected work trip is threatening to derail his Christmas plans which entail nothing but being a homebody pampered by Henry. Fortunately the guys are resourceful, they turn lemons into lemonade, and get a chance to deal resolutely with a persistent pest. If that means smoking hot sex with Zach in the driver’s seat and certain people seeing them, what can you do?

I will note that though done organically, the story is populated by characters from other books in the author’s catalog, but they don’t in any way hinder or take over the story. They’re just part of the world Henry & Zach inhabit. I do think the reading experience would be richer if you know these stories too, and I’ve enjoyed the ones I’ve read.

Out Cruising - 3.5 Hearts

The guys, Zach in particular, need a distraction. A gay cruise with seven of their closest friends is just what the doctor ordered. Zach continues to have firsts as an out gay boy, and a fun time is had by all. You too, reader!

This short really just pushes Henry & Zach’s story, where they are in terms of friends & family, and defining what the borders of what life will look like. Fret not, certainly there are some creative sexy times, but the heart of the story really has to do with the couple’s desire to become parents and making that wish a reality.

Two things kept this under a four:

1) knowing the stories of the three other couples that feature, somewhat prominently, is highly recommended. If you’ve enjoyed reading this series, these others wouldn’t be a hardship.

2) in the bedroom Zachary & Henry have had since the beginning this Daddy/boy dynamic. To my eyes it was just a playful, erotic thing they did for play, but now it seems to be more front & center and the prevalence of it didn’t seem organic, more like everyone has a kink which … not necessarily true? Sometimes vanilla is just fantastic without any sprinkles. Obviously just my 2 cents and YMMV.

Out and About Briefly - 3 Hearts

This is an epilogue included in this collection of the OUT stories. It takes place eighteen months after “Out Cruising” and we’re on another cruise in December but this one is absolutely PG. Zach & Henry are fully immersed in parenthood and loving it. When they get home we get a Christmas & family love bomb. Enjoy xoxo


a) these should definitely be read in order
b) if you already own the first three books I’m not sure that buying the box set for the final story is absolutely necessary, though I understand completists' impulses. It’s probably 15 pages of Henry & Zach being happy.

I was given a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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