
Tag Team Review: Heartsong (Green Creek #3) by T.J. Klune

All Robbie Fontaine ever wanted was a place to belong. After the death of his mother, he bounces around from pack to pack, forming temporary bonds to keep from turning feral. It’s enough—until he receives a summons from the wolf stronghold in Caswell, Maine.

Life as the trusted second to Michelle Hughes—the Alpha of all—and the cherished friend of a gentle old witch teaches Robbie what it means to be pack, to have a home.

But when a mission from Michelle sends Robbie into the field, he finds himself questioning where he belongs and everything he’s been told. Whispers of traitorous wolves and wild magic abound—but who are the traitors and who the betrayed?

More than anything, Robbie hungers for answers, because one of those alleged traitors is Kelly Bennett—the wolf who may be his mate.

The truth has a way of coming out. And when it does, everything will shatter.


Annika - 5 Hearts

What an amazing world TJ Klune has created with this series. So vivid. Atmospheric and gripping. Heartsong was impossible to put down once picked up. Real life was not my friend while reading this wonderful book. Klune held me captive with his words. They all had meaning and together they created this amazing tale about a lost wolf finding his way back home.
The more time we spend in Green Creek the more intricate this world becomes, more layers are revealed. Wolfsong was kind of straightforward, Ravensong started to unveil the layers and complexity of this world, and Heartsong deepens it even more. Klune created a world so atmospheric and real that you could see and smell the trees, feel the sticky sap on your fingers and see the fireflies hovering before your face.

Heartsong wasn’t what I expected – but then again, when are Klune’s books ever predictable? The first thing that surprised me was the timeline. For a long time I couldn’t really get a grip on when this took place. It was surprising in a good way I might add. Personally it made me connect to Robbie in a new way. To feel the confusion that he felt, that things didn’t make sense or quite add up. That you were missing something, something vital. I loved it!

The majority of this book dealt with family. The fate and consequences of Robbie and what happened to him – and by extent the pack. The hurts and sadness but also the anger and mistrust. How they gathered together to start again, to rebuild what was lost and repair the damages. To reform those bonds that were missing. During all of this discovering and mushiness, there was this underlying sense of urgency. Building towards an epic show-down, with the alpha of all and her witch. A fight that would finish the wars once and for all – at least that was the hope. As always there were a few surprises along the way.

More than once I found myself wondering if Klune would break my heart. He is sneaky and I wouldn’t put it past him to kill off someone I’ve come to love. He never takes the easy road, that’s one thing that I know for certain. This suspense, the unknowing and uncertainty adds to the reading experience. I love that feeling of not knowing what to expect and that need to turn the page to see what happens next.

Heartsong was all about family. Pack. Brother. Love. Friend. Of finding your way back home. Starting over and anew. I still have a lot of questions, but I know one thing for sure; the release of Brothersong can’t come fast enough, because I haven’t gotten near my fill of the Bennett pack.
A copy of this book was generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

Lost in a Book - 5 Hearts

Ohhhhhhh, TJ… How have we gone from pinecones and epic and awesomeness to… this? I’m not mad at it. At all… but I could have used some pinecone moments when I was getting my ass kicked by your creative genius.

Not gonna lie, I started, Heartsong and had zero clue what was happening until…


And then it was all GASP. WtAF. And Rawwwwr. And more incoherent thoughts as I began piecing things together. Which turned into…

f this.gif

Then actual footage of me coping...


A lot happens in book #3 and giving spoilers or too much information would absolutely ruin the crazy ass (and totally amazing) dysfunctional, and horrific events that take place in Heartsong.

The love story between Robbie and Kelly is bittersweet and beautiful. I couldn’t help but feel ALL the feels while trying to calm the face leaking. Kelly is asexual and their love is sooooo pure and sweet. Don’t get all comfy cozy based on that description thinking that it’s smooth sailing. They get dragged through Hell and at the end of the day when that happens, you want your person with you through it all. Robbie and Kelly are just... so much green and then the deepest of blue and then green. packpackpack

TJ outdid himself with the horror creativity on this one. It's a freaking rollercoaster of events/emotions that left me hanging on for dear life and unable to put it down. With all the heaviness, heartbreak, hellacious moments, and holy-shit-gory-AF, there's comic relief with the Bennett pack that lets us catch our breath right when we are desperate for some air. Every. time.


With the direction of the series, everything in this book is necessary and masterfully crafted with the past and the future in mind. Definitely recommended while I figure out how to get a head start on Carter’s story… like yesterday.
Copy provided for honest review.

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