
Blog Tour: An Uncommon Whore by Belinda McBride

Welcome Belinda McBride who is here today promoting the re-release of An Uncommon Whore with Dreamspinner Press! Find out more about this fantasy romance and read an excerpt right here! See our review HERE!


“Good morning.”
I blinked against the inky darkness of the room, seeing the sheen of stars still in the sky. It must be very early morning.
“I’m sorry, Griffin. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” I shifted and felt the coarse weave of the bed linen against my naked skin. He must have undressed me as I slept.
“Stress can cause weariness. As can malnutrition and whatever’s been introduced to your body to keep you compliant.”
That brought me awake fast. “What do you mean?”
“Think, Helios. Whenever you get stressed, whether from too much anger or fear, or even humor, don’t you become sleepy? Earlier you slept while under the table.”
I thought about that and realized it was true. All these years I’d been oblivious to that reaction, yet he’d spotted it within hours.
“I imagine you have a cerebral implant that keeps you placid. It probably also took your memories.”
At that, a sharp spike of pain ran through my heart. Slowly I dropped back onto the hard pillow. I could feel him next to me, a warm, solid presence in the darkness. Impulsively I turned into him, seeking the comfort of his body. When his arm settled comfortably around my shoulder, I knew.
“We were lovers.”
I tried to see him in the darkness, to see if he smiled or frowned. I saw only his profile against the night.
“Long ago. We were young.”
“In school? The military?” I wasn’t certain how old I was, but he seemed older. More competent.
“In the army. As is the custom of our people, our first lovers are chosen from our brothers or sisters in arms. We fight better next to those we love.” He ran his hand down the length of my braid. “This is new. I think I like it.” He tugged and I winced.
“It isn’t a handle.”
Immediately he let it loose.
“I’m sorry, Griffin. It’s just….” I trailed off, knowing he understood. He’d used it earlier when he thought I was just a whore. As had countless partners who had preceded him.
“Sometime I’d like to see it loose.” His hand hand rested on my braid again, but now he stroked gently. “It must be beautiful when it’s loose.”
We lay quietly for a time, and a comfortable drowsiness crept up on me once again. Maybe it was indeed a reaction to stress, but frankly, I believed it had to do with the absence of the chastity ring. It was hard to get a good night’s sleep with that thing strangling me all the time. Yet there was still so much I needed to know.
“How did you recognize me?”
My eyes had adjusted to the darkness; I could see his profile against the faint light of the window. His eye gleamed, and I noticed that he lay between me and the entrance to the room.
“That trick with your teeth.” He grinned, his teeth flashing white against his dark skin. “You always knew just how to send me over the edge.” He chuckled hoarsely. I couldn’t help grinning back.
“I’ve never done that to anyone else, you know. It just seemed to be the right thing to do.”
His smile faded a bit then, and I knew he was thinking about the years I’d served as a slave… a whore. I rose on my elbow to look at him. I could feel the weight of his guilt.
“Griffin. I survived it. I survived it with all the grace I could muster. Please allow me that.”
He swallowed hard. He choked back all the words that threatened to come forth. It was an admirable effort. Instead of speaking, he pulled me tightly to his body, and I reveled in that hold.
“How did we end?” I whispered.


An Uncommon Whore Story
Pasha is a slave, whoring for travelers at the most treacherous bar on Warlan. The day Pasha spots the dangerous pirate in the bar, he knows he mustn’t let the stranger slip away, no matter what he must do to draw his attention. 
Captain Griffin Hawke spent the better part of a decade searching for his lost king, only to find Helios Dayspring crouched between his legs, swathed in the robes and shackles of a whore. Though he is appalled by the downfall of his king, Grif falls for the sensual creature who has taken his place. After a brutal invasion stripped his people of nearly everything, they desperately need Helios to lead them. But returning him to throne means smuggling him off the planet, disabling the chip that keeps him submissive and forgetful. They will face old enemies, traitors, and greedy opportunists who’d like to strip their new planet of its wealth. 
It might mean Grif losing his lover… and they’ve both lost too much already.
Second Edition
First Edition published by Loose Id LLC, January 2010.

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About the Author:
Belinda is an award-winning, top selling author of erotic romance, speculative fiction and LGBTQ romance. She lives in far Northern California with her family and a pack of Siberian Huskies and a few rogue Salukis

A graduate of CSU Chico, she managed to attend the notorious party school without once getting drunk, arrested or appearing in a "Girls Gone Wild" video. Her main focus of study was classical and archival history, cultural anthropology and 
theatre arts.

After several years in the workforce. Belinda purchased a laptop computer and from there, never stopped writing. 

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