
Blog Tour + Giveaway: Wanted - Bad Boyfriend

Welcome author T.A. Moore as she hosts the Wanted - Bad Boyfriend blog tour! Today's stop features not only an exclusive excerpt but a $20 Dreamspinner Press gift card giveaway!

Title: Wanted-Bad Boyfriend by TA Moore
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release: August 21, 2018
Cover Artist: Reece Notley

Blurb: Wanted - Bad Boyfriend
His mother. His best friend. The barmaid at the local pub. Everyone is determined to find Nathan Moffatt a boyfriend. It’s the last thing Nathan wants. After spending every day making sure his clients experience nothing but romantic magic, the Granshire Hotel’s wedding organizer just wants to go home, binge watch crime dramas, and eat pizza in his underwear.

Unfortunately, no one believes him, and he’s stuck with lectures about dying alone. Then inspiration strikes. He needs the people in his life to want him to stay single as much as he does.

He needs a bad boyfriend.

There’s only one man for the job.

Flynn Delaney is used to people on the island of Ceremony thinking the worst of him. But he isn’t sure he wants the dubious honor of worst boyfriend on the entire island. On the other hand, if he plays along, he gets to hang out with the gorgeous Nathan and piss off the owners of the Granshire Hotel. It’s a win-win.

There’s only one problem—Flynn’s actually quite a good boyfriend, and now Nathan’s wondering if getting off the sofa occasionally is really the worst thing in the world.


Post Content:

Thanks so much for having me! Wanted-Bad Boyfriend is a contemporary M/M romance set on Ceremony, a small, English island that’s made romance into a cottage industry. Of course, the other thing that small island communities excel at is gossip...and Ceremony is no different. Especially when they have such fertile fodder as Nate and Flynn, the main characters of Wanted-Bad Boyfriend.

The Hotel

It was nearly dusk by the time Terry Carroll reached the Granshire Hotel in his rattly old pick-up. He’d made this trip once a fortnight for the last five years, but he still held his breath as he coasted under the low arch of stonework. The worn, grey slabs just cleared the top of his cab -- just like it always did -- and he rolled into the small, cobbled courtyard.
He parked in front of the old servant’s entrance -- the flagstones worn shiny and dipped from years of use -- and honked the horn once. While he waited for the bar staff to come out he scribbled the date and time on the delivery invoice.
The crack of a hand on the side of the car made Terry jump and look up. He squinted through the grubby windshield into the wide, white grin of Nat, the young assistant bar tended. And Terry’s nephew.
“You won’t believe who was here the other night,” Nat chattered as Terry hopped out of the driver’s seat. “Flynn Delaney.”
“Someone’s car break down?” Terry held out the clipboard, and groaned when Nat scribbled his name without reading it. “Don’t sign anything until you’ve checked the delivery, Nat.”
Nat scratched the red piercing in his eyebrow and Terry tried to pretend he’d not noticed that.
“I trust you, Uncle Terry,” he said cheerfully. “No, looked like a date or something. The boss was in a foul mood all night.”
“Yeah,” Terry said. “He would be.”
He went around the back of the pick-up and unloaded a crate of freshly bottled and labelled beer. The glass rattled and clinked as he shoved it towards Nat, who took it but didn’t go anywhere.
“So what’s the story there?” Nat asked as he propped the crate on his hip. “You were mates with Delaney right, before he left the island.”
“I knew him. We weren’t friends,” Terry said. He grabbed the second crate and gave Nate’s foot a kick to make him move. “Your Grandad would have tanned my hide if he found out I was hanging out with Flynn Delaney.”
“Grandad?” Nat said sceptically.
Nat’d met the old man after he’d mellowed, found sobriety, and lost the angry God he used to believe in. It had been easier to like Terry’s Dad then.
“He was trouble. Flynn, not your grandad,” Terry said as they picked their way over the damp cobbles. “Always in hot water over something or the other. Never did the right thing when he could do the wrong ‘un.”
Nat gave a low, wicked chuckle. “Sounds like fun.” He turned to put his shoulders to the heavy door back into the bar. “So what is between him and Max?”
Maybe, these days, Terry had more sympathy for his Dad than he used to. He remembered when he’d thought Flynn was someone to follow, when the bruised knuckles and hangovers had looked cool. Part of him still did. Not the part that was a doting uncle, though.
“Rumour has it that him and Max had a thing back then,” he said. Guilt pricked him for giving weight to that old gossip, but… “Max was 15. Then Flynn pissed off on the ferry, never gave back.”

Author Bio:
TA Moore -
TA Moore is a Northern Irish writer of romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance novels. A childhood in a rural, seaside town fostered in her a suspicious nature, a love of mystery, and a streak of black humour a mile wide. As her grandmother always said, ‘she’d laugh at a bad thing that one’, mind you, that was the pot calling the kettle black. TA Moore studied History, Irish mythology, English at University, mostly because she has always loved a good story. She has worked as a journalist, a finance manager, and in the arts sectors before she finally gave in to a lifelong desire to write.

Coffee, Doc Marten boots, and good friends are the essential things in life. Spiders, mayo, and heels are to be avoided.

Twitter: @tammy_moore

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