
Review: Testing the Limits (Daniel and Ryan #9) by Tamryn Eradani

Daniel and Ryan take their relationship to the next level, trying new things in scene and clarifying what they mean to each other.

With all that we’ve been through with Daniel and Ryan I was curious when I saw the title of this book. These two have done a lot with their relationship, scenes and pushing Daniel’s limits. After the last book, I admit I was wary of the possible next step but I took faith that the author knows her characters well and she sure as hell knows them inside and out.

Oh. Em Gee.

This. Was. Hot.

I don’t know what I thought I would get, well I did with the towel laid out but what I thought was going to happen didn’t and what I got was so much better.
Ryan’s the first person Daniel’s been with whom he could be happily, long-term monogamous with. He’s just not sure if Ryan feels the same way.
Daniel has always had the thoughts that Ryan was enough for him and that he ticked off every box Daniel could have or want in a relationship that includes his kink. Ryan has given Daniel everything and all Daniel wants is Ryan fully in return but neither man presses the topic. When Daniel gets a text from a Dom he’s played with at the club inquiring about his absence, he is unsure how to answer with sincerity and include Ryan in the answer.

That brings us to the newest scene with Daniel and Ryan and good lord, it was intense, erotic and off the charts filthy gorgeous.
“What do you say to make me to stop?”
“Red,” he whispers.
“Do you need to say it?”
“Please,” he begs.
“You’re going to scream for me,”
Is it hot in here? *pulls up hair and fans neck* I feel hot.

Anyway. This installment of the Daniel and Ryan serial justly takes the men to the limits of what they both can handle with kinky play, emotions and the future of their arrangement. Ryan has a plan to remind Daniel that the two of them are enough regardless of how much they enjoyed having Brett join them. I am still not sure who benefited from the scene more to ease their conscience, Daniel or Ryan. We don’t get Ryan’s POV so one would assume the confident Dom doesn’t question Daniel’s feelings and knows where both stand in every aspect of the relationship. And yet having Daniel’s cerebral POV we know what he wants to be monogamous with Ryan… and … ugh.

Again, I wish we could get a glimpse into Ryan’s head. This scene was so thoroughly orchestrated with a high level of dominance and eroticism that I really want to pick at his gray matter and know if he was as on edge as he had Daniel.

Though we get an answer to the text that Daniel and Ryan agree on, the excerpt for the next (and last?) book has me wondering on where we will leave the couple. I guess I will just wait and see.

A review copy was provided for an honest review.

Trivia Question: Name this enemies to lovers series featuring two detectives who are generally considered outcasts within their precinct & by book 2 across multiple precincts citywide. 10 pts

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