
Audiobook Review: Femme by Marshall Thornton

Queeny cocktail waiter, Lionel, wakes up to find himself in bed with Dog, a straight-acting softball player and the two embark on a rocky road to romance. A journey that requires coming out of the closet, going into the closet, a pair of red high heels, many pairs of red high heels, a failed intervention, a couple of aborted dates, and homemade pom-poms. Mostly, Lionel and Dog learn what it means to be a man.

Listening Length: 6 hrs 23 min
Narrator: Joel Leslie

This review can probably be summed up in three sentences.

Freaking fantastic audio.

Lionel’s voice is superb.

Dog is a douche.

So feel free to go out and buy the audio based on those suppeerrrbbb sentences. However I will go into a tad more detail.

If you’ve read the book you’ll really enjoy this audio. Lionel and Carlotta’s voice were wonderful and queeny. It was a bit to get used to, as was Dog’s slow timbre but they molded into the characters effortlessly that nothing else would’ve worked in the end.

As for this story, if you haven’t read it and were thinking of trying it out, I’d definitely recommend it. This story is a wonderful story about being who you truly are and figuring out exactly what that means. This is absolutely a romance, but more of a self-discovery story than anything.

Now for the kicker, Dog is a douche, but possibly a realistic one. Dog is not your knight in shining armour main character. He’s scared and cowardly to a point where he hurts Lionel multiple times. He made me fairly angry at times but I find it hard to judge him to harshly, especially because he’s compared to someone as brave as Lionel. Realistically a lot of us are terrified when coming out to family and probably did or didn’t do things we regretted later on. Dog is just like that and he does absolutely make it up to Lionel!

Read this wonderfully uplifting story and if you’re looking for your next audio check this one out!!! Well worth the extra money.

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