
Review: A Place for Dreams by Deja Black

Raksha has arrived from Nepal, along with his people, to reclaim his mate, but Cole Brightside is a young man afraid of a past he doesn’t fully remember. The two have only connected in Cole’s dreams, where Raksha is both beast and man. Now, Raksha wants them together again in the real world.

Can Cole make it past his own fears to become the man Raksha needs him to be? Can Raksha accept who Cole has become?
Can they find a place for dreams?

East meets West in Deja Black's A Place for Dreams.

Set in present day South Carolina, this urban fantasy novella stars adopted wealthy only child, Cole Brightside. He's been plagued with horrible dreams and images in his head since he was six years old. Someone is inside his head, touching his body, talking to him. Or should I say something...

(Don't worry, Scooby. He's friendly!)

Cole is now thirty two, a successful businessman and on medication after a stint in a mental hospital during his childhood. He's still troubled and tries to hide it from others. The voice is ever present and he wants his man.

Enter 6' who knows how many inches, Raksha, the yeti who seeks his mate. Raksha leaves Nepal to finish what was started between Cole and him. The big white blond man has finally tracked Cole down, after many years apart.

"I want you to know me now, for your body to recognize its master, and your soul to know its home."

The possessiveness was done mighty fine.

This isn't my first time reading Deja Black. I like the way the author writes her 'monsters'. You can get a sense of dominance without them entering into alpha-holeness. I think the story's best asset is the way the yeti mythology was intertwined into present day. The plot was interesting: past life vs. mates. And once Cole is an adult, the hint of sexytimes was ever present once Raksha shows up on the scene. And it didn't turn into a smutfest. (Don't worry smutsters, there's sex. It's once but it's hot)

The length works mostly. There was only so much where the plot could go once the lovers are reunited. But the story could have been tightened up in places.

The readers get a different side of yeti magic/mythos yet it's briefly mentioned. If it was supposed to be mysterious, a few facts wouldn't have hurt. I'm on the fence with Cole's reaction to having Raksha in his life. He was adamant about not changing his life, but the voice that's been in your head for 20+ years in now in front of you. He got over it fairly quick. Also, this is a personal pet peeve of mine: name dropping. It was luxury brands up the ting yang, from furniture to clothes. I think it's unnecessary but some readers like it. (I'm not adding my pet peeve to my rating) My biggest gripe is that the story could have went much further, delved deeper and explored the main characters. (It's from Cole's POV)

The author is fairly new and the skills are there. With more writing, it could be magical. There's something about the way they write paranormal being/human romance that makes for an interesting read.

Overall, in A Place for Dreams, the pace wasn't without minor hiccups. But the plot delivers a believable HEA considering Raksha and Cole's circumstances.

I'm wavering between 3.5-3.75 Hearts. I would definitely read more from this author. There seems to be more that can come from the world created (*cough* those people who need the forest for the full moon*cough*) Shifters? What kind?

I'm there.

Recommended for readers who want a quick urban fantasy romance read, like yeti and a little magic.


  1. Thank you so much! Made my day to read your review of A Place for Dreams. I'll get to work on those people who need the moon!<3 - This is me trying to make a heart.

  2. Neglected to click Notify me, so I'm doing it here. Thanks again!
