
Group Review: A Destiny of Dragons (Tales From Verania #2) by T.J. Klune

Once upon a time, the wizard’s apprentice Sam of Wilds got his happily ever after in the arms of his cornerstone, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart. A year has passed, and while Sam’s been captured five or six more times since then, things are pretty great. His parents are happy, Gary and Tiggy still eat sass for breakfast, Randall is somehow alive despite being older than the gods, the King rules with a gentle hand, Kevin the dragon is as gross as ever, Morgan sighs a lot, Ryan continues to be dashing and immaculate, and Sam is close to convincing Prince Justin they will be best friends forever.

Life is good.

Until it’s not.

Because Vadoma, the leader of the Gypsy clan and Sam’s grandmother, has come to the City of Lockes with a dire prophecy written in the stars: a man of shadows is rising and will consume the world unless Sam faces his destiny and gathers the five dragons of Verania at his side.

And she brings along her second-in-command, a man named Ruv.

Ruv, who Vadoma says is Sam’s true cornerstone.

The first book in the DESTINY FUCK YEAH! Trilogy (because sometimes, having a destiny is the stupidest thing ever).

Chelsea - 4.5 Hearts

“Fuck dragons,” Gary said. “You’ve got a destiny of dick ahead of you.”

Look, if you're reading this book it's means you've already read the first book and most likely freakin loved it! (If you haven't, well go read the first book!). The story is so riveting, I thought it'd take ages to read a book this long but I was glued to the friendship, love, humor and adventure on each page!

I adore these characters and want them tattooed all over my body, like every where! Kevin would approve!

“And then there’s Kevin. Who is also a dragon.”

“Kevin,” I snorted, trying to cover my unease. “If you could even call him that. He’s more like a perverted lizard with wings.”

This groups is broken, quirky and fiercely loyal and I love them.

I am soooooooo super dooper scared to continue this series though! Things were said that make me worry… I mean we all know TJ Klune has no problem writing heart shattering stories and quite frankly I'm a little (lot) scared…. But for now I adored this book and I loved seeing Ryan and Sam together *heart eyes*.

“We’re probably about to see unnecessary displays of testosterone,” Gary said. “And it’s going to be glorious.

I wondered what the hell they were talking about until Ryan muttered, “He could have at least put on more clothes before coming in. And why can’t he walk like a normal person? Is he trying to have sex with the air? Who does that?”

Read this series! So wonderful!

Jenni Lea - 5 hearts

A Destiny of Dragons is my most anticipated read of 2017.  I have been waiting for this book since I first read The Lightning Struck Heart and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.  Did it meet my expectations?  Nope.  It exceeded them. 

This story has a more serious tone than TLSH.  Now, that isn’t to say it doesn’t have humor; there’s plenty of snark and witty banter, but it doesn’t have the cracky hilarity that I found in the first book.  And, to be honest, I think I liked it better that way.  Sam’s got a destiny (fuck yeah!) that he’s trying his damndest to deny.  Avoidance isn’t working for him so has to suck it up and accept that he’s fated to be the hero.  It’s written in the stars, after all.

I loved that we got to know each of the characters on a deeper level.  My favorites were Ryan and Kevin.  So many layers to these two!  Ryan is a bit of a douche, but in a fondly exasperating way.  His jealousy was hella entertaining to read about.  And Kevin, well, whaddya know, he’s surprisingly deep when he’s not perving on everyone and everything. 

My favorite part of the story has to be the scene in the desert when Sam discovers just how awesome he really is.  My heart was in my throat the whole time I was reading that part.

And Tiggy!  We got more of Tiggy and I gotta tell you, that half giant is so amazing.  I love him so much!  Fierce protector and lover of brooms, Tiggy is wonderful and I would be proud to call him my friend.

So, go read this book.  It’s an epic story of grand misadventures, shenanigans, courage, awesomeness, betrayal,  friendship and love. 

You can’t go wrong with that, right? 

Ann - 5 Hearts

I’m with Jenni Lea on this one, this A Destiny of Dragons was the book I’ve been looking forward to the most this year and man, did this story deliver and then some. All the fabulousness was present, all the snark and all the dysfunctional unconditional love. We can all agree that Lightning Struck Heart was basically the most fun a person can have reading a book, agreed? Well, Destiny of Dragon’s is that much fun, but it’s also more. I wouldn’t say it’s heavier than TLSH, I would say it’s bigger. So much bigger. 

TLSH was an amazing book; A Destiny of Dragons is the beginning of an opus. 

Sam is . . . well . . . he’s Sam and he’s in denial about his destiny. He’s not thrilled about the prophecies he’s hearing and he reacts like the man child he is. Sam’s transition from wunderkind wizard to a man growing into his powers is represented perfectly in ADoD. He still has the cockiness of a teenager (absolutely NOTHING will come between he and his cornerstone, prophecies be damned!) but his instrospection grows as the story progresses and I appreciated the way the author showed me how Sam was maturing throughout. I felt like a part of the adventure and I took myself off the grid while I read because these moments were all about Sam, Team HaveHeart and me.

There’s more backstory and history that ties what we know of Sam and what we’re learning of his destiny. And while there is a lot to absorb and all the elders are all vague and whatnot, as prophetic destinies are destined to be, the plot is so well paced and tied together it flows organically and easily. The humor is front and center too, because how could it not be, but it does balance perfectly with the rest of the story. 

Sam is nothing if not loyal and as Sam matured his loyalty grew to encompass everything his destiny is calling on him to protect. He’s always been fiercely loyal to his biological and chosen families, but in Destiny of Dragons Sam’s allegiance to his country, his King and the citizens of Verania becomes everything and it’s overwhelming and wonderful all at once. It’s not easy and it speaks to his growth as a character as he works to unravel his fate and the fate of all he loves. 

I can’t recommend this book enough, it was so much more than I expected. All the moments and conversations that Sam had with new characters were always fun to read, because, Sam, but they also had a ton of meaning and I ate them up. Sam is growing into himself and he’s pretty badass in the most charming of ways. Ryan is delicious and immaculate, of course and Tiggy is quietly and unassumingly brilliant. Gary and Kevin slay me and I couldn’t love them harder if I tried. Morgan and Randall broke my heart on a lot of different levels, for their past pains and the inadvertent pains created. The King is the leader we all wish we could have and the Prince is growing on me a little more every time he makes an appearance. The banter is delicious as expected and I snortled out loud repeatedly. 

I anxiously await meeting more dragons, skipping out on RL and joining the adventures of Sam and his band of heroes. 

**a copy of this story was provided for an honest review**

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