
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Interview + Giveaway - Misha Horne

Time for a super serious interview of Misha Horne. Lookit how super serious we look. Ahem! Watch out Anderson Cooper.

BMBR: What are your favorite M/M themes?

Okay, I’ll get the obvious out of the way first and say BDSM, kink, fetish, especially anything spanking related. Enemies to lovers is another huge one for me, the more obnoxious and frustrating, the better! College romances, especially with roommates. First love, first kiss, anything involving self discovery, kink discovery, kink exploration. I’m totally down for practically-instalove, especially in NA. One night stands that turns into something more. Mostly plotless books filled with angsty, anxious characters who overthink everything. That’s a theme, right? Oh, and forced proximity romances! Trap a couple of obnoxious, kinky college guys together in a cabin, throw in an anxious first kiss and some spanking, and I am so there!

BMBR: What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?

Oh, that’s super hard. I’m going to forget at least fifty. The Secret Garden. Fahrenheit 451. The Outsiders. Anne of Green Gables. Valley of the Dolls. Little Women. You’ll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again. Morning Glory. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The Stand. Well, pretty much anything by Stephen King. Or Elizabeth Berg, or Judy Budnitz. (As you can see, I plan to have some big bookshelves on this desert island.)

As far as specifically M/M books, Amy Jo Cousins’s Off Campus is my ultimate reread, because it’s one of those magical books that somehow feeds whatever emotion that I need to have fed at the time. Richard Rider’s Stockholm Syndrome falls into that same category. I just never, ever get tired of it, and if I open it for a second, I’ll totally sit and read the whole thing. Anything by J.A. Rock, because, I mean, hello. Love her characters, love her writing, and so much beautiful kink. But, especially The Subs Club. And By His Rules. And Calling the Show. Well, yeah, just anything of hers. Lana McGregor’s His Roommates Pleasure. Zoe X. Rider’s The Roommate Situation. Hmm. I really do have a thing for roommates, I guess. That’s probably pushing the desert island book limit. But, I know I still left out at least fifty.

BMBR: What's your go-to tasty beverage?

If we’re talking G-rated beverages, Extra Large Dunkin Donuts coffee. Hot. I don’t mess around with the cold stuff, even during the summer. With a Diet Pepsi chaser. Yes, I do stay up late. Why do you ask? If we’re talking grown up beverages, vodka cranberry, sour mash, or any bottle of wine I can get for less than 8 bucks.

BMBR: Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know.

I can burp on command. Very, very, very loudly. I can also put IKEA furniture together really quickly. And I have super long arms. That’s not exactly a talent, but it does come in handy if, for instance, you drop something down a hole or behind a sofa. Call me up. I can reach it.

BMBR: If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either)

Um, can I say Bigfoot? I’m not sure they’re magical, but then, I’m not sure they’re not, since I’ve never met one. I kinda think they are. I’m excellent at avoiding humans, sometimes for years at a time, so, I think I’d fit right in with them. Plus, constant front page coverage in the tabloids, so that’s pretty sweet!

BMBR: Who's your favorite porn star?

Awww, I love them all the same! But, I love Andy Lee just a little bit more, so I’ll say him. And Rudy Valentino. And Jirka Mendez. But that’s all! I’m awful at picking favorites!

BMBR: Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?

I think I’m too selfish a reader to have author envy! When I read something amazing, it’s just the best feeling of all time. And I’d never get to feel that if I’d written it myself! I’m cool with just being me, writing the way I do, and being able to thoroughly enjoy all the awesomeness other people write. But, I'm always in awe of/in love with authors who make it look easy. The ones who write simply and cleanly and invisibly, and can ease you right into the story and make you forget there are words on the page at all. That’s kind of the ultimate goal for me.

BMBR: Any new projects you're currently working on?

Ohhh yeah! I’m one of those work-on-a-zillion-projects-at-once people, so I always have endless things in the works. I’m trying to keep it to a manageable level, but my brain doesn’t like to be managed so much. Right now, I’m working on finishing up the Benched series (3 more parts to go!) and on two more Old School Discipline books— a Bax & Alex sequel and a sort of spin off. Those each get a turn during the week, and the weekend is usually a free-for-all, when I work on whatever ideas have been trying to get my attention through the week. Lately that's been mostly an angsty rock star book and a labor of love slacker romance that’s been on hold forever. So, basically a huge stack of kinky spank-filled dirty romances!

BMBR: What are your feels on Papi's retirement?

Any gratuitous Red Sox fangirling is perfectly acceptable as well.

Waaaaaaaaah! That a feel, right? I’m so bummed. The Sox rip my heart out on a regular basis, but every time we lose one of the ’04 guys, it’s a special kind of agony. But to end it with Papi? Ugh. Sniff. Sob. No words, really. He’s the end of an era, and it totally sucks. I really hate the whole idea of going out on top. I mean, I get it, I guess, but I still hate it. Plus, I mean, come on! He’s crushing it this season. I've actually seen him run! So, is this even really the top? Who knows. Papi, don’t go! We need you! Forty is the new twenty!

I’d love to go all Red Sox fangirl here, but it’s postseason time as I’m typing this, and I'm mega superstitious, so I can’t risk jinxing anything by talking about how good we look. I don't know. It's a thing. I also keep my lucky shirt in the freezer. But, Go Red Sox! In general! Every year! :) 


About Misha Horne

Misha Horne is an author of deliciously kinky M/M erotica that's often sprinkled liberally with romance. She's drawn to stories of young men discovering their naughty sides and exploring what love, lust, and life have to offer them-- especially when it's not what they expected.

Please expect heavy doses of spanking, dirty talk, explicit sex, and untidy emotion-- among other things. If you like stories where things get heated and stay hot, you're in the right place.

When she's not writing, she's probably reading, complaining about the Red Sox, or being destroyed in Mario Kart by her little brother for the nine zillionth time.



If you'd like to commiserate about the collapse of the Red Sox or anything else Misha had to say please leave a comment! The unicorns would like to thank her for joining in the fun.

Enter for a chance to win an Ebook from Misha Horne's back list!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway is open until 12:00AM (Eastern time) on 11/18/16. Shortly thereafter, we will contact a winner! 

Please respond to the winning notification within 48 hours or we will choose another winner. Good luck!

Don't miss entering in our month long unicorn giveaway here!


  1. I do believe Misha is a new-to-me author. Thanks for the interview, nice to meet ya!

  2. New for me also! Great interview :)

  3. How did I not know about Misha (let alone the adult entertainers mentioned)? Good grief!


    1. Truly, I'm not the best at the social scene, lol! (Working on it!) Plus, all that adult entertainment keeps me so busy! ;) Nice to meet you, Trix! :)

  4. Thanks so much for hosting me today! It's so nice to meet new people, and I'm honored to be a part of the shenanigans! Happy Anniversary! :)

  5. It always cracks me up that m/m authors watch gay porn for research. I've never read any of Mischa's books before but I'm really intrigued by the old school discipline series.

    1. Lol, for me it's less research and more reward. Chocolate and porn are great motivators. ;)

  6. Thanks for the interview. Always great learning more about new-to-me authors.

    waxapplelover (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Thanks for taking to time to read it! This was my first interview, it was a little scary, lol! :)

  7. I have really enjoyed the Benched series and glad there will be a few more books to go, but will it end there?

    1. Hi Sula! I'm so excited that you enjoy the Benched series! Thanks so much! *happy dance*

      You're the first person who's ever asked me that question, so this is the first time I'm actually admitting that no, I don't plan on ending it for good-for good. :) I'll wrap Benched up with the next 3 books (a solid ending, no cliffhanger, I promise) but I do have some future plans for Kyle & Juno, so I'll eventually follow it up with another book when they're a little further down the road.

      I really love those guys, so honestly, I'll probably write them until people beg me to stop, lol. (And then I'll probably still write them anyway. ;) )

  8. Not a new for me author. I actually own the whole Bench and Smart Boy series. I haven't read them yet but I really like to horde ebooks and I got it at such a good price >.<
