
Review: Risky by Bruce Rose

Falling in love is always risky…

Shane Merrick has poured everything into his nightclub only to find himself days away from bankruptcy. Just about the last thing he needs is a blast from his past, especially one who broke his heart. Keeping his focus off his sexual urges and on his business has been easy. Until now.

Wealthy playboy Jake Lang has a lot to prove. Mainly that he can make something of himself without his father’s money. Opening a nightclub in Fairview seems just the thing, until he discovers the man he never forgot running one. Instead of competing against him, Jake has the brilliant idea of joining forces, but first he has to show Shane that he’s changed.

Will the two men be able to work together, or will old hurts and new suspicions destroy their second chance?

Shane is adorably geeky and owns a nightclub which is not doing so great. Jake, a college boyfriend who always seemed to flit in and out of Shane’s life, seems to be back, and even ten years later, Shane can’t disguise his reaction to the man.

Jake needs an investment, so that he can prove to his father that disinheriting him was a mistake. He’s got his eye on Shane’s club, and has every intention of making a business relationship work.

I really enjoyed this. I loved the premise. The reunited lovers, but with baggage. Delicious. Especially since Jake is such an arse, and it takes every bit of willpower Shane has to not fall into his trap.

Shane was a great character. I loved him. I wanted him to get his shit together, and get the guy who he deserved.

I warmed to Jake over time. He was arrogant and pushy, but also his heart was in the right place. Even if he didn’t seem to know how to approach the situation, he was trying his best.

As a team they worked well together, and the snark between them was delightful. It made the content not as depressing as it could be. Sometimes I just wanted to give Shane a big cuddle and pet his head until the world was awesome for him.

Jake’s life seemed to be crumbling around him, but he was making the best of a bad situation.

Character development was strong, and I felt that each personality came out well. The descriptive content showed me exactly what I needed to see, and the relationship development was convincing.

Recommended for those who enjoy a little humour with their reunited lovers Romance.

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