
Review: Seeing Red (Scorched, #1) by T.C. Orton

Down the twists and turns of the London alleyways, where Chinatown meets the highstreets, lies a small venue where unknown rock bands often play to crowds of less than one-hundred.

Isaac is nineteen, living on the sofa of his best friend’s brother – Eric – after his bible-loving parents tossed him aside because of his sexuality. After two years of struggling to make sense of his life, Eric and Charlotte convince Isaac to attend Red’s gig; an up and coming rock band with a small cult following.

All hell breaks loose and Isaac is left injured, with the whereabouts of his friends unknown and his body crippled on the ground. It’s then that the four members – Troy, Nicolai, Kyle and Moss – aid Isaac by infecting him with a ‘magical’ virus that grants immortality in exchange for consuming blood.

The ‘Paranorm’ world is exposed to Isaac. Vampires, werewolves and warlocks lurk in the depths of the city he has lived in his entire life, but he won’t become one with the night until he completes his nine-month transition, leaving him in the hands of the band and at the mercy of vampire politics.


This story is part of the Omega Moon universe, but is a standalone tale.

This story is a gay vampire romance featuring intimate scenes.

Isaac is a sweetheart, and of course isn’t at all prepared to find himself in transition to be a Vampire. But with Nicolai’s loving care, along with his new friends Kyle and Troy, who all share a nest with the steely Moss, he will get through this.

I thought this was fun. The world-building was thorough. I understood what was going on from the beginning, and I really enjoyed how Isaac transitioned on his journey.

His relationship with Nicolai was sweet and nurturing, and as Isaac develops a darker side, the relationship becomes a little less shiny.

I like that Isaac had enough presence of mind to wait to be with Nicolai. I liked getting to know Isaac and the other characters. His interaction with Kyle brought out a more playful side to him, and I thought the dynamics in the nest worked well, even with Moss who was reclusive and unapproachable.

The UST was sexy, and I really enjoyed where the relationships went. It was pretty perfect actually. Saying more would be spoiler-ish.

I haven’t read any other stories in this world, or by this author so I can say with certainty that this can be read as a standalone. I did not feel lost at all, and there were no real references to any other story. This world was developed fully in this book.

Recommended for those who enjoy Urban Fantasy and slow burn romance.

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review

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