
Review: One Glimpse by Lydia Gastrell

For years Sir Samuel Shaw has secretly lusted after the handsome and popular Lord John Darnish, a man known for his good humor, expert riding prowess, and very female mistress. Certain that John is an unattainable fantasy, Sam is shaken when an accidental discovery reveals John might not be as unattainable as he once thought. But what is possible is not always likely, and Sam finds himself trapped between keeping a friend and risking everything for the unlikely hope of something more.

 John is terror struck when his drunken mistake threatens to shatter the double life he has worked so hard to maintain. His terror soon turns to hope when he finds himself drawn to Sam, who he is sure does not share his interest in men. But subtle things cause him to second guess, and fear that his hopes are making him see what he wants to see.

 Sam's risks and John's hopes turn futile, however, when blights from Sam's past resurface to threaten them and Sam's family. Can Sam choose between the love he has always wanted and the security of his family, or will forces outside his control hurt all the people he holds most dear?

Before starting 'One Glimpse', I re-read 'One Indulgence' (so not a hardship) where I was first introduced to Samuel, where his story broke my heart. I wanted his HEA so badly after reading that story and I was thrilled that I was finally going to get it.

Of course, the author had to put me through that awful story again, and with more detail, so, yes, there were tears. Ugh. Poor Sam, hiding his sweet, vulnerable nature to avoid cruel comments. Showing only rude, bad tempered behavior to put people off...he needed love in the worst way :(

And poor John, so scared of being found out. His sweetness a good match for Sam's. I liked them together, although I hated Sam's initial deception. Reading about the furtive glances, the secret desire they each had for the other, it all made me impatient for them to open up and get together.

When it finally happened, I was so happy, because they were so happy, reveling in the thrilling excitement of a new romance and that incredible, 'I can't believe this is real' feeling. But then the story started to drag for me at times. Part of it was the feeling of doom hanging over the story. I knew something bad was going to happen and I was dreading it. I wanted it over and done, I wanted the HEA, all villains vanquished. Instead, I had to wait as things got drawn out.

In the meantime, though, I thoroughly enjoyed the sexy times. Steamy, at times a little rough, and oh, so sweet...*sigh*

When the bad stuff did happen, it was almost a relief. Even though there were a few things that didn't make sense to me, the story picked up and the problems were being dealt with. Decent plot, but the strength was definitely in the characters.

In the end, John and Sam did get there HEA, and I was happy, but there were a few hanging threads. What is going on with Julian? According to the author, the next book is his, so we'll find out. I'm also hoping we get more on Evers, because I think he can be redeemed, and I want him to get an HEA, too, even if it is MF ;)

A feel good, enjoyable story that I'll be reading again.

Note: A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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