
Review: A Few Bad Men (Outlaw MC #7) by James Cox

What if bad guys ruled the world and the good guys were the outlaws?

The war on mars is almost over. A small band of peacekeepers are hiding from the Outlaw MC. Grim has held his past from the club since he joined. He punishes himself for his sins years ago, no relationships, no friends, nothing but taking the government down. Then he meets a member’s brother.

Valentine just escaped from the prison on earth. He’s too young for Grim but that doesn’t stop the pull between them. As the club hunts down the last of the peacekeepers, Grim and Valentine have sex. It isn’t until afterward that the truth of his past comes out.

Grim was a guard at the very prison Valentine was in. Can lies be forgiven as the peace of mars is shattered?

I’m really not the forgiving sort when it comes to the big bad things. Once I’ve done been wronged the ‘wrong-er’ is dead to me, the ‘wrong-ee’ because, fuck you, that’s why. That goes double for doing my loved ones wrong and I consider my book characters to be loved ones. But, and this is a big old but, dammit if James Cox make me forgive a bad guy. I mean, FFS, Grim was a guard on earth! Yet, I couldn’t help but fall for the guy and it doesn’t hurt that I have a gaping hole in my heart that can only be filled by the damaged strong silent type and Grim is that guy in spades. I’ve been intrigued by his character from the beginning. I knew he had to have some deep dark secret he’s been punishing himself for, but I didn’t expect this! Although, James made me forgive a Peacekeeper, I really shouldn’t be that surprised.

Valentine was a completely charming character. He’s young but he’s seen A LOT. He’s survived his time on Earth and managed to get himself back to Mars, the man knows how to use resources to survive. He’s Romeo’s little brother and I liked reading about the two of them finding family again. He’s a badass in his own right, I mean, all these guys are, but each is his own unique flavor of badass and I liked Valentine a lot. Mars is finally becoming the land the Outlaws dreamed it would be but the fight is far from over. Earth is still colonized by prisoners, our poor Liam being one of them! And Da-Si is still out there. That guy cannot be underestimated.

Grim and Valentine are paired up (honestly, I love the sound of their names together) and I loved reading the push and pull between them. Grim ended up breaking my heart with how he punished himself and James handled the resolution perfectly. It wasn’t too pretty, making it too convenient and cheapening the storyline, but it wasn’t a dragged out angst fest either. I think these guys have been through enough that they intellectually know they have to grab on to happiness when they can and they’re not too stupid or stubborn to let it get away. What I’m really trying to say is, James writes strong male characters that break the alpha stereotype and yet still hang on to the wonderful traits that make them the men we love.

So, a few words about the ending. Holy fucking hell. That is all.

*wipes brow after reading the steaminess*

Check out more about A Few Bad Men and the rest of the Outlaws over on Goodreads.
** a copy of this story was provided for an honest review **

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