
Blog Tour: Reading Alley

Unicorns! Love reading? Ha! Silly question... I know... Want to to it for FREE? Yeah, another silly question... 


Calling all passionate book reviewers!

Reading Alley is officially launching and we are marking it in a big way with our Grand Opening event! Join us on this 3-month fun-filled bonanza, where we will have plenty of fun, games and challenges. What’s more, there will be lots of irresistible prizes, including an Amazon Kindle and various gift certificates, up for grabs!


Reading Alley is a site that caters to passionate book reviewers. Book reviewers get the chance to read the latest books in the market for FREE. In exchange, the only requirement is for them to submit their honest, unbiased review afterwards.

We feature a variety of books from different genres such as Romance, Mystery and Thriller, Erotica, LGBTQ, New Adult, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Young Adult, and more. These books are from both known and up-and-coming authors. Examples of books currently up for review at the site are:

Authors are welcome to set up their books for review at a reasonable price. By joining Reading Alley, authors gain instant access to this community of reviewers who can share their thoughts and recommendations, leading to greater awareness and exposure of their books.

Learn more.

Sign Up for a free account and join our Grand Opening celebration!


  1. Is BMBR endorsing this? this more for bloggers rather than an avid reader?

    1. No, it's not for bloggers. Anyone can join and use the site. When you sign up there is a list of books you can receive in exchange for a review. Kind of like netgalley, but without the need for a blog link. Your review can be what you'd post on goodreads.

      It's just a friendly promotion for another book site, is all.
