
Review: Come To My Window by Mia Kerick

Justine Laraby and Kemina Lopez are intimate acquaintances yet they have never exchanged so much as a single word. For months, high school senior Justine, and famed model, “Kemina, the Baby Vixen” of Nightingale Lingerie, have been peering at each other across a narrow alley between brownstones in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. This mutual observation soon turns into the exchange of handwritten messages on signs they hold up whenever they come to their bedroom windows. Via this “sign language,” a friendship grows, and Justine learns that Kemina is, like her, a high school senior, but with a controlling mother and a modeling career that requires her to maintain an unnaturally thin physique. And through the window, she also witnesses her new friend exercising fanatically, hoarding food, and being physically and emotionally abused by her ambitious mother.

Window messages evolve into clandestine meetings and soon a tentative romance blooms. But Justine must come to terms with her own “mommy issues,” as well as accept her gender identity and sexual orientation, before she can provide Kemina with the support she needs to survive a family life that resembles a ruthless business transaction.

Will Justine be strong enough to throw open the window so Kemina can escape society’s suffocating expectations?

I'm breaking our non-existent rules and reviewing a girl meets girls kind of book, instead of our usual boy meets boy. But it's Mia Kerick YA, so I just couldn't help myself. 

Justine and Kemina are neighbors and have been communicating through their windows by holding up signs to each other. They have yet to actually meet up with each other, but Justine already knows she has a thing for the hot girl next door. When they finally do meet, the chemistry is all that Justine hoped it would be. 

Justine wooed her girl. She was deliberate and confident in her wooing, but at the same time was completely unsure and had no idea what she was doing. She had no experience with such things, but tried to act cool. I'm pretty sure she was caught, I don't think Kemina bought her cool demeanor. All this only made Justine more adorable. She was completely taken by Kemina. Not just by Kemina's beauty, but by everything about her. Justine made sure to let Kemina know this at every opportunity. 

I absolutely adored Justine.  

She was naive, but strong. She was strong for everyone in her life. She stood up for the people she loved. Whether it was her brothers or her girl, they were all hers and she'd always make sure they were good. 

She was innocent, but also wise. She hasn't lived an easy life and doesn't have much faith in a mom's love. She's realistic. She knows what really matters in life. 

The positive message Come to My Window sends is strong, and so necessary.  It's about inner beauty vs. outer beauty, and the pressures young people (and adults!) feel to achieve "perfection". Kemi is striving towards this goal of "perfection" with her body. He mother sets unattainable goals for her and is an all-around horrible person. She's ruined her daughters confidence and forces her to be unhealthy. An all-around horrible person is too light a description... she needs to be punched in the fucking throat. I'd say I'd want to do it, but I don't pack enough of a punch.  

Then there's Justine. She's a voice of reason for Kemi. She shows Kemi what it means to be beautiful. She gives her the confidence to do what she should have done long ago.  

Can I just say one more time... I absolutely adore Justine. I felt like I knew her. I couldn't help but cry happy tears for her in the end. It was silly, what I was crying over. But I felt so much for Justine that I couldn't help but feel ridiculously happy for her.

This style of first person is so personable and let's me see a character in a way that's real. Again, I felt like I knew her. Mia Kerick does first person YA so well, I think this is where she shines. She really captures all the drama, excitement, irrational behavior and complete faith teenagers have in their first love. I never had to remind myself that Justine is just a teenager (as I often do when reading YA), because it was always there. In her actions and inner-dialogue, I could never forget who she was because her character was so well defined.  

Come To My Window should be shelved right next to Mia's The Red Sheet in every library, accessible to all teens. They need to read this dose of reality, one I'm sure most teenagers can relate to, and maybe find some hope in a hopeless time in their life.   

This isn't only an adorable story with a sweet girl discovering who she is, and getting the hot girl for herself (although, it is definitely that), it's powerful with it's message. Not only to the kids who are struggling, but to the adults who are responsible for them.   

Whether you're a F/F reader or not, I can't help but recommend this story to everyone. Notice the tag, 'Recommended to Everybody'.

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Find out more info in Goodreads!


  1. Fan-freaking-tastic review B. I'm not usually a fan of books with models/actors/rich people in...but I'm so tempted to try tjis. Plus, Mia Kerrick!

  2. Wow!! What an awesome review! Thank you for putting so much thought into your words. It is greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank YOU for writing such powerful words <3
