
Review: Handsome Slave Seeks Horny Hero (Handsome Heroes #5) by James Cox

Ever is hot, Rykna is cold and they’re about to melt each other’s clothes off.

Rykna is a rare Verglas breed. He has icy skin when he’s horny and his sperm turns in to snow. He survived war and vicious slavery. Rykna is on a mission to find his family and finds his sister is being auctioned off to the winner of a space race. Now, all this handsome slave needs is a pilot.

Ever is in need of money in order to return home and far from his stalking ex. The only way to do that is join Mr. Tall, dark and angry in the space race. He’s a pilot and horny for the grumpy Rykna. Ever also has a problem with his hot skin, burning his clothes off being the main issue. Trying to fly through asteroids and weapons pointed at them would go a lot easier if his junk wasn’t hanging about for all to see.

Can these two work together to win the space race?

All hail THE COX and his cum of many colors (and textures and flavors and temperatures ).

Before we talk about the incredibly varied ways James Cox can present cum and peen, I have to digress a little. You know what sucks? When RL takes over and you don’t get to do the fun stuff you really want to do. I actually read this back in November as soon as it hit my inbox. That is what one does when THE COX hits ones inbox. So, I read and I highlighted and I loved. Then RL happened and NOTHING fun got done for like, two months. Then things started to chill, I looked at my review list, had a mild panic attack with regards to how far behind I was and dove in. I started the review for Handsome Slave Seeks Horny Heroes and saw how much I had highlighted and there was no way I could do HSSHH justice without a re-read. Believe me, it was no hardship, so I read it again. Now I can write a review that isn’t dependent on my faulty memory and speak with some sort of authority on the cum and peen.

I had a crush on Rykna after Handsome Men Blow. He obviously had more of a story to tell and I really just wanted him to be happy. After the life he led he deserved it. I loved his grumbly self and really wanted to see who James dreamed up for him. He had to be a tough cookie to break down Rykna’s walls and thaw his heart. <------- see what I did there? Rykna is a Verglas, meaning his body core temp is lower than other species and when he gets horny his skin gets all ice crystally and when he cums it turns to snow. Yeah, Rykna can make CumCones. HOW COOL IS THAT?

Rykna is searching for his sister Nyka. They may be the last of their species and he hasn’t seen her since they were separated as children when their world was invaded and they were forced into slavery. He’s been outfitted with a ship by King Malvern but he’s admittedly no pilot.

“I fought and fucked like a beast, but I didn’t fly well.”

I gotta respect a man who knows his strengths and weaknesses.

He gets a lead on his sister but in order to get to her he needs to win the Space Race of Heroes. In order to win the Space Race of Heroes he needs to find himself a pilot. He actually gets pretty lucky when a pilot finds him. Rykna isn’t thrilled but he’s no fool and recognizes that this is his one chance and he better get over his independent ways if he plans on saving his sis. I knew James had written the perfect match for Rykna when Ever was introduced. He’s a fiery ginger with attitude and snark to spare. The pilot thing helped too. The Space Race of Heroes throws these two together in a life or death competition and challenges are thrown at them constantly. It was really a fun and adventurous read. And hey, guess what? When Ever has to take off the pendant he wears constantly his high body temp burns his clothes clean off. HOW COOL IS THAT?

So, Ever is racing naked and it is torturing the absolute bejeezus out of Rykna. Being a slave for so many years, Rykna has been denied all the lovin’ and has a lot of making up to do. When the race ends, the adventure doesn’t and these two are starting to feel more than lust for each other. Rykna is nervous, he’s never had the luxury of feelings for another this way before and he’s afraid to want too much. My Ever did not disappoint and he doesn’t leave Rykna alone to continue the search for his sister, Ever is in this adventure for the long run. He’s really just so damn cute in his good hearted and cocky horniness. And his eagerness to help Rykna and make him happy made me happy.

The ending was pain free and resolved pretty quickly, but I was good with it. I came for some adventure but stayed for the horny.

I remember when James was writing this book. He did this super cool thing on FB where his fans would give him a name and he incorporated the name into the story. I had to get in on those shenanigans and gave him my clubhouse alias to use and HE DID!

Sidebar: One time we were chatting in the clubhouse about some really stupid shit which I’m sure was hilarious at the time and we were coming up with what name we would have if we had to go with the “just one name” thing and always talked about yourself in the third person. Mostly because that’s what badass people with one name do. Seriously, it was really funny at the time. Well, to me and JL at least. So, of course I became Jet because when your name is Jet, you do badass shit and badass shit happens to you. JL became Jem because she is, truly outrageous. :End Sidebar.

I’m reading along and BAM, there’s Jet and I was so right, he’s a badass! He’s “a big burly man with a long black beard”. Yep, that’s Jet alright. He outfits Rykna’s ship with weapons because he owes Ever a favor and if it were cool for a person with one name to squee, Jet would have to admit that Jet squeed like a preteen at a boy band concert when she read it.

Thanks James for giving us another fun ride with the Handsome Heroes and for letting your fans play along with you and your men. Gotta go, Jet’s off to the next one!

For more info on Handsome Slave Seeks Horny Hero check it out on Goodreads.

**a copy of this book was provided for an honest review**


  1. Cum cones? Seriously? I was reading the review, taking it all in and then I read cum cones! The mind just conjure's up so many possibilities that all I can think that. You have successfully managed to corrupt the innocent ice cream cone!

    1. Challenge conquered!

      You know nothing around here is sacred, not even innocent snacks ;).

  2. Thank you so much! Your reviews are always so entertaining!

    1. When the COX is happy, the clubhouse is happy!
