

Now, Let's HUG it out!

According to Urban Dictionary (which is where I get all my important reference and research materials) a Unicorn Hug is:

"Engaging in a friendly embrace whilst sporting an erection"
Is there any better way to start the new year? Anyone? Anyone?
Noooooo, there is not.
So, from our clubhouse to yours, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And, thank you! Thank you for playing in our sandbox full of glitter with us. We hope you've had as much fun as we have in 2014 and we can't wait for new extra shiny shenanigans in 2015.
We have no formal plans as that is not how unicorns roll and goes against our carefully constructed business model of random. It's all about getting a wild hair and galloping away with it.

What we do know is that we have some wishes.

  • We wish you Unicorn Hug boners full of love in the New Year
  • We wish a ridiculous amount of cash and prizes rains on your pretty manes in the New Year
  • We wish you access to an endless plethora of your kink of choice written by your fave author in the New Year
  • We wish you the amazing discovery of new-to-you authors and we hope we can point a few your way in the New Year
  • But most of all we wish you good health, happiness and laughter in the New Year, you're a unicorn, you deserve nothing less.


  1. Well said and may all your random wishes for 2015 come true.

  2. Happy New Year 2015 to the boymeetboyreviews blessing (is it weird or cool that a group of unicorns is called that? I guess you are a blessing. . . a kinky odd blessing. . . .)

    1. Sounds pretty great to me. We embrace the weird aka awesome! Happy New Year to you, Donna!

  3. Happy New Year to you all too!!
