
Happy Hour Chat: In the Red by Kari Gregg

Good day, and happy January and 2015 to all of you lovely ladies and gents! This month's happy hour chat was delayed a bit due to holiday schedules and unicorns living Wild and Crazy Lives™.  

However, fear not! We are here! And we are chatty!

This month's happy hour chat book was In the Red by Kari Gregg. As you've no doubt guessed from the reviews that have been floating around BMBR this month, Kari Gregg is our January author of the month.

In case you missed it, there was also a great interview with Kari Gregg earlier this week. Now sit back, relax, and get ready for a squirmy and super sexy time!

Ann of Ween Gaybles: I loved the book, I hope I remember stuff
Sunny: me, too, Ann
Cuppers: Was it just the 4 of us that read it?
Lorix: I managed to read it before bed last night! Just - didn't think I was going to!
Sunny: 5, I think
Cuppers: 5 sorry
Sunny: lol...
Cuppers: ok… well… I hearted it real hard.
Cuppers: it were FUCKHAWT!!!!!!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: YES Cuppers - FUCKHAWT!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: i like that word
Sunny: I'm mad there isn't a sequel, though :(
SRAL: I really, really liked it! >:)
Audrey: Quick recap of the book's blurb: Forensic accountant Brian Foster was a rising star at TFOS -- the FBI's Terrorism Financing Operations Section -- until he was abducted, "questioned," and left for dead. His nine days of captivity broke him. Brian retreats to the mountains of western Maryland where he amasses enough weaponry to declare himself an independent nation and enough lamps to pinpoint his location from the International Space Station. He's losing the battle against paranoia. Too bad TFOS needs him. Brian stumbled onto something big when he vanished last year and TFOS needs that case resolved. Now.

The FBI tasks Special Agent Zachary Murdock with gluing Brian together and returning him to TFOS. Brian will steady once he focuses on work instead of his neuroses. As Zachary nudges Brian back into the career that cost him dearly, Brian's paranoia escalates. Personal and professional lines blur. Zachary isn't sure which presents the biggest complication anymore: Brian's peculiar brand of crazy, the case they're working, or the closeted submissive's surprising -- and enthralling -- kink.

Zachary and Brian both know, when the case heats up and they're forced to run, they're operating at a loss, though: they are in the red.
Sunny: My favorite scene...when they first opened the toy box...when Brian kept spreading his thighs hot.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: *nods* Brian has some seriously enthralling kinks

Ready to hear about Brian's kinks? Then click on and check out the rest of the chat after the jump! :)

We hope you and your loved ones are keeping toasty this winter! In the Red would no doubt help to get at least some of you hot under the collar, so grab your hot toddy (and your hot Todd!) and welcome to January's Happy Hour Chat!

Ann of Ween Gaybles: I loved the book, I hope I remember stuff
Sunny: me, too, Ann
Cuppers: Was it just the 4 of us that read it?
Lorix: I managed to read it before bed last night! Just - didn't think I was going to!
Sunny: 5, I think
Cuppers: 5 sorry
Sunny: lol...
Cuppers: ok… well… I hearted it real hard.
Cuppers: it were FUCKHAWT!!!!!!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: YES Cuppers - FUCKHAWT!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: i like that word
Sunny: I'm mad there isn't a sequel, though :(
SRAL: I really, really liked it! >:)
Audrey: Quick recap of the book's blurb: Forensic accountant Brian Foster was a rising star at TFOS -- the FBI's Terrorism Financing Operations Section -- until he was abducted, "questioned," and left for dead. His nine days of captivity broke him. Brian retreats to the mountains of western Maryland where he amasses enough weaponry to declare himself an independent nation and enough lamps to pinpoint his location from the International Space Station. He's losing the battle against paranoia. Too bad TFOS needs him. Brian stumbled onto something big when he vanished last year and TFOS needs that case resolved. Now.

The FBI tasks Special Agent Zachary Murdock with gluing Brian together and returning him to TFOS. Brian will steady once he focuses on work instead of his neuroses. As Zachary nudges Brian back into the career that cost him dearly, Brian's paranoia escalates. Personal and professional lines blur. Zachary isn't sure which presents the biggest complication anymore: Brian's peculiar brand of crazy, the case they're working, or the closeted submissive's surprising -- and enthralling -- kink.

Zachary and Brian both know, when the case heats up and they're forced to run, they're operating at a loss, though: they are in the red.
Sunny: My favorite scene...when they first opened the toy box...when Brian kept spreading his thighs hot.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: *nods* Brian has some seriously enthralling kinks
Sunny: "He whined in pained protest but split his legs farther still. Inviting Zachary in. Begging for more."
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I loved that he owned his sexy needs - rawe
Ann of Ween Gaybles: *rawr
Audrey: Raw seems to work, too, eh? :D
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I figured it could fly :D
Lorix: I liked the crime story. I liked the sex. I didn't think they worked together. Sorry!
Cuppers: Don't be sorry. It's your opinion.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: damn
Sunny: I liked both...and WANT MORE!
Lorix: My favourite was on the gun range. The first sexy scene - that was hot, hot, hot.
Cuppers: Indeed!
Sunny: another favorite..."Brian looked thoroughly debauched and infernally pleased about it. Sexy bastard.
Lorix: ^^^ liked that quote too Sunny!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I highlighted that one too Sunshine
Cuppers: I really liked that Zac went into the house knowing Brian was armed to the teeth. I liked that a lot.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I liked how Zachary was the "toppy Dom" here but he was definitely not the one driving the fuck truck to pound town
Cuppers: LMAO!!!!!!! FUCK TRUCK TO POUND TOWN!!!!!!!
Audrey: hahahahhahahhahahaa
Cuppers: *greatness*
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Road trip to POUND TOWN!
Audrey: Instant classic Peachy-ism!
Sunny: *adds to UM book of slang*
Ann of Ween Gaybles: WOOOOP
Sunny: *still laughing*
Audrey: All hitchhikers welcome, eh??? :D
Lorix: Brian was very in charge. You're not wrong Peachy
Lorix: I didn't like his Uncle. Not at all.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: "Zachary nuzzled. He sucked up a love mark on Brian's taint that made him squirm. And beg. And moan deliciously"
SRAL: He needed so well.
Sunny: oh, nice one, Ann!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Taint Hickeys is the name of my new band
Lorix: Good quote Ann.
Sunny: He was very needy. And I liked it :)
SRAL: Kari Gregg rocks a fuck scene
Cuppers: Seriously. That rimming scene… it just went on & on & on & GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!!!! FUCKHAWWWWWWTTTT!!!
SRAL: Like she's up there in the hall of fame
Ann of Ween Gaybles: And he was totally fine with his neediness, he owned that shit and that was hot!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Excuse me, FUCKHAWT
Lorix: I think the sex scenes were allllll good.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: *hands The Gregg the fuck scene crown*
Sunny: lol the fuck scene crown :D
Lorix: Except for using the term Babe. That got on my last nerve!
Sunny: Lori, the endearments got to me, too :(
Sunny: I don't usually mind them, but there were so many, and they didn't seem to fit with Zach
Lorix: Yeah. They weren't my thing - especially when Zach used them after knowing Brian for about two minutes!
Sunny: I loved all the sexy times...
Lorix: I did too. The rimming - it was smokin'
Sunny: *shivers thinking about it*
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I did like how Zac got all protective and whatnot. He was a big old softy and i liked it
Cuppers: What'd everyone think about the end?
Lorix: I liked the crime/mystery bit too
Sunny: but I hated we didn't get to see it play out!
SRAL: I was happy...enough with the end.
Lorix: I want to know more with regards to that...I was convinced it was...someone...and not so sure now
Ann of Ween Gaybles: That drove me nutters too Sunny! I need to know about the kid.
Lorix: Is it the end or is there another one?
Sunny: No sequel :(
SRAL: There will be no more. This is it
Cuppers: I don't think so Downton
Lorix: WHAT???
Lorix: Okay - that may have just changed my rating to less....
Lorix: I assumed there was another one - if not that has peed me off too! I hate unresolved storylines!
Cuppers: I kinda liked it. Like they're off on their own adventure. Taking down bad guys & going to pound town. Nightly. Or daily. Or morningly. Whatevs.
SRAL: I made up my own sequel, it was fucking awesome
Ann of Ween Gaybles: *settles in for L's storytime*
Sunny: L, I loved your end!
Sunny: We should add it to the post *nods*
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Brilliant Sunny!
SRAL: My sequel? Have at it.
Audrey: We'll add it to the post!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Ok, see, now I'm good with it.
Sunny: *grumbles* I wanted more sex, too, though :(
Sunny: I'm greedy like that
Lorix: I guess my issue was, the sex was HOT. SO HOT. There was a great crime storyline...but it felt like all she wanted to write was the hawt and sexy times and really a PWP book would have worked better
SRAL: The ending wasn't bad. It felt like a beginning to their relationship, the suspense stuff was alright
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I think the mystery all had to be there to explain how Brian was how he was, etc.
Cuppers: It definitely fueled his PTSD.
Lorix: Don't make me invest my soul in something that is going nowhere.
Cuppers: Downton's fussy.
Cuppers: It's kinda cute.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I like when she's fussy too - she's adorbz
Lorix: I am. An ending I don't like can spoil a whole book/film/series for me.
Sunny: I felt the same way, Lori
Audrey: Ditto, Lori.
Sunny: Don't get me interested in characters and then leave it hanging...tell me more!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: He needed "Light, guns and sex". Without all the shite he went through that makes no sense
Lorix: Yeah, Ann - I see why it was done...but it could have been done without making the reader (ME!!!) invest themselves in the character and story and then just be left hanging!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I was ok with the end. I wanted more, but i'm down with how they left off
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I have a REALLY short attention span
Audrey: Random Q: Do you guys see Nicholas Sparks books/movies as romances?
Sunny: I won't read/watch Sparks...NO CRYING
Lorix: *hangs head* never seen one Audrey (as far as I'm aware). Not even the notebook.
SRAL: That's the notebook guy, I only watched the notebook. His movies are depressing. No thanks. So romance, I guess? I'm no good on him. I've never read, don't plan to.
Audrey: Just curious - the whole how-a-story-ends thing makes me wonder.
Cuppers: The Notebook is the extent of my Sparks experience.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Not a Sparks fan. I like explosions and Sharknados
Audrey: Notebook made me bawl like a baby.
Sunny: I don't mind ambiguous endings, but this had a storyline that needed to be resolved
Sunny: What happened to the kid?
Sunny: That kind of thing is important!
Lorix: I'm first to admit an HEA is top of my must haves....unless it really fits the story. I HATE unresolved storylines though.
SRAL: What kid?
Cuppers: The one that tipped them off.
Lorix: What was the point in introducing Jason if there was no more to his role other than to tell 'em to get the hell outta Dodge?
Ann of Ween Gaybles: That's the one thing I needed to know about, the kid. That could just be a whole new book!
SRAL: Oh the hacker kid...
Lorix: Sorry. I'm feeling really grumpy about this.
SRAL: In my sequel, he's 21 and ready to party with another dude, 6'8" and ginger

SIDE NOTE: HERE IS SRAL'S SEQUEL IN FULL, LIVING COLOR WORDS, AS QUOTED FROM HER REVIEW ON GOODREADS: This is what I'll pretend happened after the end of this story: Brian and Zach leave the sloppy FBI behind. Jason comes out of the woodwork and helps them take down those evil terrorist motherfuckers. Zach maybe a takes a bullet or knife wound in the process of protecting his boo thang, Brian. Brian overcomes his PTSD by killing one of the terrorists while he and Zach are under attack. Jason is saved! So are Zach and Brian!

Jason turns out to be this 6'8" gawky, redheaded computer geek that likes buttsex and will have his own story. He's legal (don't worry)

Zach and Brian fuck like rabbits once they're healed. And then fuck again. The End!

Sunny: let's talk about rimming again :)
Lorix: I have to say though, THE Gregg can write really well.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: RIMMING GINGERS
Sunny: Yes, she can
Sunny: A new band?
Sunny: lol...
Ann of Ween Gaybles: They open for the Taint Hickeys
Lorix: Her nooky is hotness itself - I just have issues with the story arc and that is a personal thing
SRAL: I like her contemporary but her other stuff, the paranormal/fantasy is better
Lorix: MAybe I'll try one of those for this month SRAL, you'll have to give me recommendations!
Cuppers: I, Omega
Audrey: 6'8" sounds like a guest star from your 14" dick angel book.
Cuppers: werd
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I've only read one other one and I definitely liked this one better. I think I just liked these two characters a lot and need to read more of the GREGG
Sunny: I liked I, Omega, especially if you like hurt/comfort
Lorix: I've read a couple of her Christmas stories.
SRAL: I, Omega is the best but I think Pretty Poison will be more Lori's style
Lorix: I'll try it SRAL. I think I, Omega has already been blog reviewed, right?
Sunny: Collared was good, too
Cuppers: I wonder why she writes em so short.
SRAL: Yep.
Sunny: lol...tentacles...
Lorix: It was short Cuppers.
Cuppers: I had issues w/Collared.
Sunny: What didn't you like?
Lorix: Do we know why the ending was left how it was and why there is no sequel?
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I had issues with Omega
Cuppers: I think I just bought Mating Season. Maybe. IDK I've slept since then.
Lorix: What were your issues with Collared and Omega?
SRAL: What I find from the Gregg is that she puts you into a slice of her characters' life. She gives you just enough to get to know them, try to understand them, fuck scenes are a rocking and good night
Cuppers: Omega issues, Peach? Say it ain't so.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Damn shame is what it is
SRAL: The Non-con/dub-con?
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I don't think my issue is that story in particular, it's the whole mate thing without even knowing the dude's name, etc. that I don't usually dig.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: That's why I don't read a lot of shifter books, I have trouble with that bit
Cuppers: Collared ended abruptly. Really abruptly before I could understand/grasp their dynamics. Twas jarring.
SRAL: Too animalistic instead of more human based?
Sunny: Pretty Poison didn't work for me
Cuppers: I'm not as big a shifter lover as some but I think that bit's authentic to animals mating. Maybe that's why it's so popular? Look at Cuppers gettin' her science on! >:D
Sunny: *admires lab coat*
Ann of Ween Gaybles: No, that part's cool. It's when they are "destined to mate for life" etc and they don't even know each other. I picture one of them turning into a huge douche nugget and then the other dudes like, "fuck, now I'm stuck with him"
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Totes impressed with Cuppers
Cuppers: *preens*
Audrey: Cuppers, FOR SCIENCE.
Lorix: For Science!
Cuppers: I know. I need a cocktail now. That took effort.
Lorix: Hmmmm....I'm thinking that, though The Gregg writes well, her books probably aren't really going to be my thing. I will try Pretty Poison though!
Sunny: Anything else for In the Red?
SRAL: Kari Gregg even writing Jizzmas can't help but making her characters kinda primal. *happy sigh*
Lorix: LMAO!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I think I had another quote - hold please
Audrey: Any favorite characters from this book?
Cuppers: Brian
SRAL: Brian and Zach
Sunny: I loved Brian. And Zach. Don't make me choose.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: "Eat like the good boy I know you want to be, and I'll suck your brains out through your dick for dessert"
SRAL: Cheesus was that a quote.
Sunny: omg, Ann!
Sunny: I love it :D
Lorix: No Sunny, I think I've said it's kinda weird when a book's well written but I don't really dig it anyway. (Reminds me of The Hunger Games. Hated those books! But they were really well written!)
SRAL: I don't have a quote. I enjoyed it all
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I dug on Brian, he was so interesting! And Zac was all softy alpha and it was perfect
Audrey: Softy alphas are great.
Cuppers: I liked that Zac bought "a battalion's worth of lube & condoms". I like that he was prepared. For the weekend.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Yes!
Sunny: For me, it's all about the characters, if I like them, and the writing doesn't suck, I don't really care what happens with the story
Sunny: does that make sense?
SRAL: yes it does
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Totally Sunshine
Cuppers: Ditto Sunny. Well said.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I liked when Brian said "You've fucked my sanity back into me" I think we have finally found the magical peen!
Lorix: I liked the characters fine (apart from the endearments). It was the sotryline I had problems with.
Lorix: Storyline! Doh
Sunny: I kind of like sotryline :)
SRAL: lmao
Lorix: I always feel like I should add a disclaimer. This view is personal to the reader and not reflective of the writing involved.
Audrey: That's what makes the chat fun, though - to hear different perspectives!
Cuppers: Downton's already apologizing for her not liking it as well as others. LOL
SRAL: Yep, yep, yep!
Sunny: I think about Natasha's favorite characters, and they are so opposite mine, lol...
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Zactly! If we all agreed that would be BORING
Lorix: It's the Brit in me. Must apologise!
Cuppers: I know! *pinches cheeks*
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I thought that was Canadians?
Cuppers: Then makes tea. Tea makes everything better.
Lorix: Tea!!!!!!
Lorix: See I've not even had a tea or coffee yet. I'm really still half asleep!
Ann of Ween Gaybles: MARTINIS!!!!!!
Lorix: No, Brits apologise too!
Cuppers: Martinis… *perks right up*
SRAL: I'm going to have some tea and cupcake soon!
Lorix: Martini sounds good - but 5.50am is a bit early for me....
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I'll have a dirty one for you Lori
SRAL: it's 12:51 here so it sounds like the right time
Lorix: Thanks Ann - that's true friendship right there!
Audrey: Mimosas for Lori, then. :)
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I'm a giver
Audrey: And a bellini!
Audrey: Any last thoughts on "In the Red" from you lovely ladies?
Lorix: Great sex. Great crime. But like oil and water didn't mix for me. And loathed the ending. (Sorry) ;)
Ann of Ween Gaybles: I loved it, the characters, their dynamics and the sexy times were off the chart FUCKHAWT
Sunny: Loved the characters, loved the sexy times, want a sequel.
Ann of Ween Gaybles: Sequel - ditto Sunny
Cuppers: I'd take a sequel but I'm happy with them being renegades.
Lorix: That might make me up my rating. It's dipped to two stars for me....don'[t leave this gal in suspense!
SRAL: Loved the characters, great story. Psst...check out the interview regarding sequels!
Lorix: Oooohhh....will do!

SRAL: I'm in the same boat as Cupcake

Interested in learning more about the book that got a unanimous "FUCKHAWT!" rating from the 'corns?

You can check out more info on In the Red on Goodreads

Let us know what you think, and we hope you have a wonderful, FUCKHAWT 2015! ;)


  1. Not sure about this one, still recovering from reading I, Omega.

  2. I have potty mouth. It's like hearing your recorded voice reading this. Eep!
