
CANDYLAND THUNDERDOME Part III-The Oddest One of Them All…

You know that saying the third time's the charm? Was this one of those times? You decide.

The Stallion was coaxed out of the stables. A rarity indeed.
The Stallion didn't quite adhere to the rules of CANDYLAND THUNDERDOME…  
Then again, he answers to no one and makes his own rules. 
It's his stable. We just work here. 'Work' being a relative term.

Our synchronicity wasn't up our usual exacting CANDYLAND THUNDERDOME standards… 

He took off out of the starting gate like they were giving away free cars at the finish line. I mean, he dusted me so bad! SO. BAD. 

Maybe he had a cougar in the car with him. I don't know. I do know I had to get all jacked up on Mt. Dew just to try to catch him. However, even though he Ricky Bobby'd the bejeezus out of me, there were no losers in CANDYLAND THUNDERDOME.

Naturally, he was a gentleman and waited an interminable amount of time at the finish line for me to answer some post-DOME questions. *cough* Like three months but who's counting?

The Interview

Actually I did, but The Stallion made it crystal clear that while he did enjoy popping his fisting reading cherry he has never and will never be fisted nor does he have any desire to engage in any fisting type activities. Ever.

*puts away gloves and lube with a heavy heart*

1.  How awesome was your CANDYLAND THUNDERDOME experience?

The Stallion:  I had a blast! Cupcake is a hoot so it was a party even though it was just the two of us. 

Cupcake:  I popped The Stallion's fisting reading cherry. *buffs nails* It doesn't get much better than that.

2.  Did your challenger choose well or miss the mark?

The Stallion:  Cupcake nailed it when she picked Mark Cooper for me. I don't think I would have read this book if I hadn't been challenged to read it. And that would have sucked for me because it was fantastic! I liked it so much I couldn't wait to read book 2 of the series and downloaded it as soon as it was released. 

Cupcake:  I'll admit to being skeptical when I started Homo Action Love Story!, but The Stallion knows I love dudes being dudes and good characters and pirates. This was a win on all fronts. AND I picked up new lingo from this thing. Amusing AND useful? The book practically paid for itself!

3.  Favorite scene from the book?

The Stallion:  There's just too many to list but this passage really hit home when I read it:
"Deacon smoothed Mark’s hair back from his forehead. Asleep, with all his attitude stripped away, there was no trace of angry bunny at all. Just tired bunny. Sweet bunny. Maybe lost bunny, who had looked up at the stars only to discover that they were wrong, that he didn’t recognize them anymore."
 Awwww, this was so sweet and romantic! 

Cupcake:  I have 2. The first time Boots and Clemente hooked up-the whole sequence from their banter at Yon's to the microphone usage to dissipate Clemente's nervousness to tearing the sheets-the whole thing was a win. The other was them clinging to the ice chest in the middle of the Pacific, thinking it was the end and Clemente stroking Boots' face. So romantic.
Honorable mention for the lube "wrestling" bit. *eyebrow waggle*

4.  Would you willingly enter THE DOME again?

The Stallion:  HELL YES! My unicorns know me well and haven't let me down yet. 

Cupcake:  I ❤ THE DOME! It's so glittery and has a candy center! Plus, who can resist lubed up dudes wrestling? You never know what sort of things you might find in THE DOME. It's always a good time.

5.  Any chance you'd don some MANTIES for promotional purposes or y'know science? 

The Stallion:  *blushes* I'll never tell! ;)

Cupcake:  Well, it was worth a shot. 

That's all for now. The Stallion & I thank you kindly for reading.

Look for more CANDYLAND THUNDERDOME battles soonish. Til then remember to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.

Shake and Bake 4-ever!




  2. The Stallion and Cupcake - two peas in a pod that I wouldn't want to pop. Still trying to dismiss the smile on my face.
