
Author Visit & Giveaway with Lisa Freaking Henry!


Who wrote Dark Space and Mark Cooper and Bliss and Tribute and… LISA HENRY!!!!!!

She graciously agreed to our silliness and in honor of her latest, Brandon Mills versus the V-Card… (which she's giving away BTW)

What are your favorite M/M themes?

I am a sucker for hurt/comfort. Also, Gay For You, even though I’m not a fan of the name. I prefer to call them Out For You. And anything with a first time in it is usually a winner for me. Basically, if I can find an M/M book where the MC is a virgin who identifies as straight, then gets hurt, falls for his male rescuer and realises he wants sexy times with him, I’ve won the lottery. 

Oh, and if at some point that MC can also be a rentboy…awesome! 

What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?

Okay, well I’m going to list some of the books that I lugged paperback copies of to GRL to get signed by the author, because I think risking excess baggage fees like I did shows real dedication to these books: 

Aaron, by JP Barnaby. I have only read this book once because it made me cry. One day I’ll work up the courage to read it again. 
Under the Rushes, by Amy Lane. It’s steampunky goodness! And it’s Amy Lane! Those are two of my favourite things. 
Release, by A.M. Sexton. I love this book so much! Like ridiculously a lot, because it doesn’t end the way you think it’s going to. So good!  
Calling the Show, by J.A. Rock. Okay, so I didn’t lug this one all the way to Chicago. I stole a copy from J.A. while we were sharing a room at GRL and made her sign it for me under threats of violence.  

What's your go-to tasty beverage?

Since it’s getting into summer here, how about the nicest drink in the world? I don’t think it has a name. It’s kind of like punch, but for incredibly lazy people. You’re welcome. 

You take one bottle of Midori, one bottle of vodka, one bottle of lemonade, and one bottle of pineapple juice. Mix and drink cold. It is so, so nice! 

Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know.

When I’m drunk, I can play pool like a god. Or at least I think I can. I also speak fluent sarcasm. Also, when I was in San Francisco recently, my friend Kate taught me how to make paper cranes. I’ve already forgotten how, but I’d like to count it as a secret talent that I had for at least an hour one night. 

A secret talent I always wished I had was the ability to draw and paint. And then I figured that it was okay if I didn’t have those talents, because I can write, and it would be unfair to be greedy about it. And then I saw some of J.A. Rock’s paintings, and I immediately hated her because they’re so good. J.A. knows how much I hate her. I tell her at least a few times a day. It’s an important part of our relationship. 

If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either)

As much as I love unicorns (who doesn’t?) I’m going to have to go with the griffin: the creature with the head and forelegs of an eagle, and the backend of a lion. I like them because they’re quite scary when you think about it, but also incredibly majestic. The kind of mythological creature you know could rip you apart in a heartbeat if you saw it, but hopefully won’t. I’m not sure what it says about me that I would chose to be something so terrifying and murderous. At least, I don’t want to explore it in depth. Next question! 

Who's your favorite porn star?

Is this the sort of place where if I don’t say Colby Keller I’ll get in trouble? Yeah…he’s nice and all but I’m going to go for Jake Bass. Because of his cheeky, cheeky smile. And a lot of other filthier reasons. 

Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?

I get this all the time. Usually whenever I read something by Alexis Hall. Hello, Glitterland. I actually stopped reading Glitterland for about two months when I got to the last few chapters because I didn’t want it to be over. But the one story that gave me the most amount of author envy in the last year (and I’m counting it as this last year since it was rereleased) was When You Were Pixels by Julio Alexi Genao. I love this so, so much and can’t wait for more stories set in this world. The writing blew me away. Just incredible. 

Any new projects you're currently working on?

At the moment I’m still slogging away at the sequel to Dark Space, and J.A. Rock and I are writing the third book in our Prescott College Series. It’s tentatively titles Liam McDermott versus Authority. We’re also working on another book in the Boy series, and it’s so exciting to catch up with Derek and Lane after so long and see what they’re up to. Hint: kinky stuff. They’re up to kinky stuff. They are always up to kinky stuff. 

I’m also writing a short companion piece to Bliss, with Heidi Belleau. 

Oh, and did you guys read the fantastically creepy Kraken by M. Caspian? I’m also working on a project with her, and it’s shaping up really nicely!  

I don't know about you guys but I just imploded. No worries. I'll be back to normal soonish.

Ms. Henry is giving away an ebook of her latest to one lucky commenter. Leave your email address with your comment. The winner will be picked at random December 5th.

Brandon Mills cover and blurb :

Smart, shy Prescott sophomore Brandon Mills is working hard to overcome his troubled past and be normal. With the help of his friends Mark and Deacon, and his brothers at Phi Sigma Kappa, he’s slowly coming out of his shell. But when he accidentally drenches a freshman in orange soda, he faces something he’s not ready for: a boy crushing on him.

Alex Kekoa pledges Phi Sig because it has everything he wants: a house full of nerds who won’t tease him for being smart, a dog, and Brandon Mills. Brandon is just the type of guy Alex needs to help fulfill his college ambition: losing his virginity. Except Alex doesn’t know that Brandon can’t stand to touch or be touched.

When Alex and Brandon are drafted onto the Phi Sig Academic Challenge team, their mutual attraction grows. If there’s anyone who can help Brandon discover it feels good to touch and kiss, maybe it’s klutzy Alex with his cute glasses and his dinosaur obsession. But as the competition--and their relationship--heats up, Alex’s determination not to die a virgin clashes with Brandon’s vow of lifelong celibacy, forcing them to examine what’s truly important to each of them about love.

I'd like to thank Lisa for helping us to celebrate our first anniversary in a way I think only (possibly) she could truly appreciate… 

You're the bestest!


  1. Thanks for the great interview! So nice to see Under the Rushes get a mention. I loved that book and it seems like it did not get much attention. Also, the go-to drink sounds really yummy (even though it is heading into winter here).

    jen.f {at} mac {dot} com

    1. The go-to drink is wonderful. I'm so glad you liked Under the Rushes too! Great book.

  2. Fantastic interview! I also would love to be able to draw and paint! I can't even draw a recognizable stick figure! Thank you for the chance a the giveaway.


  3. Loved the interview! I wish I could draw, a number of my extended family were very good, but I never had the talent for it. Thanks for the chance to win your latest book, it's been on my wishlist since it came out. :-)


  4. I have really enjoyed reading each of the interviews by the different authors. I'm looking forward to reading Brandon Mills Versus the V-card, it's at the top of my TBR list. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.
    flutterfli01 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. I like the blurb with shy Brandon and klutzy Alex. Thanks for the contest!
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  6. Loved your talent at sarcasm. :) thanks for the chance to win.

    waxapplelover (at) gmail (com)

  7. Thanks so much for the comments, everyone! Keep em coming! :)

  8. Thanks for the drink recipe Loved the interview. I'm not crafty at all. My one daughter knits and crochets. I can crochet but it gets on my nerves i have to stop. Oh well I can read. I'm very good at that!!!! Thanks for a chance to win your new book. It is on my buy list.

    1. Oh! My mum can knit and crochet and sew and everything... I keep telling her it skips a generation. I tried to knit a toy penguin once. I got confused when I thought a knit was just a backwards purl, and I couldn't remember what way I was holding it...and it was a disaster.

  9. I can't draw or paint either. I wish I could but even a straight line is beyond me! bjel at btinternet dot com

  10. I'm happy to say I can draw and paint. It's one of the things I enjoy most besides writing and crochetting/tatting. Making things is so relaxing! I tried making my own patterns too, but gave up pretty quick. That's a whole different science.
    Thanks for the interview! I love reading quirky things about authors :D

  11. Glad I'm not the only one, Barbara!

    And Shayla, I am insanely jealous of you right now. :)

  12. Have been so looking forward to reading Brandon Mills Versus The V-Card. Lisa Henry is quickly becoming a favorite author for me!

  13. Great interview. I am adding this one to my list.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  14. Ah! Yes. Aaron would be a total desert island read for me too, which is amazing because I didn't want to read it at first, and then I read it and loved it.

    Please count me in. I've read it but I want to own my own copy. Borrowed it from a friend to read it.

  15. Thanks for the comments, everyone!

    @Samantha, Aaron made me ugly-cry so, so hard. I loved it so much though.
