
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit and Give-Away: Suki Fleet

Today we are welcoming author Suki Fleet into the clubhouse. Once we'd settled her down with some Crabby's ginger beer, we interrogated her Unicorn style with our list of must-know questions. As you know, Unicorns are nosy inquisitive creatures. Here's what Suki had to say....

What are your favourite M/M themes?
As a lot of the stories I write would probably be classed as Young Adult or New Adult, Coming of Age definitely. Friends to Lovers. And it’s probably got a shorter name but I don’t know it--one of the character saving another, physically or emotionally, but not necessarily the character you’d expect.

What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?
Poppy Z Brite’s Drawing Blood. Harper Fox’s A Midwinter Prince.  Anthony MacDonald’s Adam.  Jeff Noon’s Vurt.  DorianStray’s Imaginary Beings.

What's your go-to tasty beverage?
Non alcoholic would be Lady Grey tea. Alcoholic would be Crabby’s ginger beer with raspberry.

Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know!
It’s not really a talent but I can probably still do the splits- I’m pretty flexible :P

If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (You don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either).
Unicorns are fab and my choice is related- a pegasus. I love horses and I’d love to fly so… perfect J

Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?
Gosh, whenever an author writes something that makes me catch my breath and think ‘wow that’s beautiful.’
Love DorianStray (as Lorix knows;p) amazing writer and her story, Imaginary Beings, is free! Harper Fox too, beautiful, beautiful writing.

(Lorix is paying a lot of attention to the next question...)
Any new projects you're currently working on? 
I’ve just finished a YA Story called The Glass House about mending shattered hearts, and I’m at the thinking stage for Julian’s story (from This is not a Love Story). This one will start a few years before This is Not a Love Story begins and will finish a while after it ends.
(Happy dance...This Is Not a Love Story is one of my favourite ever books, Lorix)

Suki has kindly offered an ecopy of one of books (readers choice)To enter to win, please leave a comment on this blog post and let us know:
(1) your name and a means of contacting you (e.g., email, Twitter handle, link to Goodreads account, etc.) and
(2) Your answer to one of our author interrogation questions. We like to get to know our blog readers too!

Good luck everyone, a winner chosen at random, will be contacted no later than December the 6th.

Thank you Suki Fleet for joining us today, it's been fun. To find out more about Suki check out her goodreads page.


  1. I'm going to answer the Go-To Tasty Beverage question. Non-alcoholic - sweet chai infusion (very licquoricy). Alcoholic - pastis/menthe syrup/water (sipped sitting outside at a French cafe in the sun!)

    Littlesuze at

  2. Mmmm...I love chai latte and actually most liquorice/aniseed/cinnamon flavoured drinks. Not had pastis for years...goos choices Suzi. Thanks for visiting & entering. :)

  3. This is Not a Love Story is one of my favorite stories ever too! I loved Wild Summer and I'd love to read Julian's story. I don't know what ebooks are in the giveaway but I have a few of Suki Fleet's stories.


  4. If I could choose a mythical beast to be, it would be a dragon shifter since they are so powerful and can fly. Thanks for the contest!
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  5. Secret Talent.
    I'm not sure if this is a complement or not, but my Granny says I'm smarter than I appear.

  6. I would chose to be a dragon shifter, if I was going to be a mythical beast.

  7. My desert island keepers would also include some books by Josh Lanyon.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  8. Any new projects you're currently working on? making cinnamon rolls!

    Thanks for the interview and the giveaway.

  9. Jen - congratulations, you are the randomly picked winner of this giveaway. We'll be in contact. Thanks everyone for joining in the fun. :)
