
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit & Giveaway with A.J. Rose

Today we welcome to the blog this cover:

I mean, the author of this cover. The cover of this author. No, I mean the author of the Power Exchange series that includes this cover! *wipes brow* Knew I'd get it eventually. Sexy cover is distracting. At any rate, the glorious AJ Rose is here today! I wonder if she knows the guy on the cover? There I go again. Can't trust me for a second.

What are your favorite M/M themes?

I am a total angst hoor, so if it’s clothes-rending, tear-jerking, sobbing-out-loud angsty, sign me up! I like paranormal stories, contemporaries, mysteries/thrillers, and pretty much everything. Except historical. It takes a lot for me to get into an historical, so I tend to steer clear or those. But otherwise, anything goes. As long as it makes me feel.

What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?

Edmond Manning’s The Lost and Founds series. KA Mitchell’s Life, Over Easy. Amy Lane’s Beneath the Stain. Kate Aaron’s Free Men series (and yes, I know it’s not done yet. It’s still one of my favorites for the first two books). The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. The Eyes of the Dragon, The Stand, and Insomnia by Stephen King. The Watchers and The Bad Place by Dean Koontz. Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. The Pact by Jodi Picoult. God, that book gutted me completely.

What's your go-to tasty beverage?

Red Bull and Vodka (if we’re talking alcohol) and if we’re not, Coke. Though a Sonic strawberry limeade with cherry add-in is sort of a comfort drink for me. And caramel vanilla cream kcups by Green Mountain Coffee. Or Strawberries and Cream tea from the Royal Horseguards hotel in London. Perfect on a chilly night.

Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know.

I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue. I can play the piano. And I can sleep anywhere.

If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either)

I would be a Shadowhunter from The Mortal Instruments. Who wouldn’t want that brand of self-confidence and the cool way the runes look on your skin like tattoos? They’re not exactly beasts, though, so if that’s a requirement, I’d be a free House Elf. Hopefully as full of joy for life as Dobby.

Who's your favorite porn star?

Anthony Romero.

Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?

Edmond Manning makes me feel like a high school kid just learning to think outside the box when it comes to creativity and turns of phrase. His writing floors me, and there’s no reason he can’t be one of the biggest writers of our time in any genre. I mean that.

Any new projects you're currently working on?

It would probably save me time to describe the ones I’m not working on. I have a five book series planned around an apocalypse, a spin off of the Power Exchange series floating around, a mental illness book, a sci-fi book with Kate Aaron planned, which could be a prequel to a sci-fi ménage I have been kicking around for almost a year. If there comes a day when I don’t have a handful of stories to choose from next, I may wonder what’s wrong with my idea generator and send out a search party for my muse. And I understand that’s actually not a lot of ideas for a fully engaged writer. I’m trying to do better.

I always get the cherry limeade at Sonic. My whole life has been a LIE! 

We unicorns would like to thank Ms. Rose for being a good sport and agreeing to submit to our anniversary shenanigans.  She's even agreed to give away an ebook copy of anything she's ever written. EVER! To be entered to win leave a comment with your email address and which ebook you'd most be interested in. Giveaway ends November 24th at Midnight EST.

Author contacts:

A big unicorn thank you to Ms. Rose for helping us celebrate our first anniversary.


  1. OMG, nobody I ever talk to know Eyes of the Dragon! I love that book! LOL Anyway, I'd definitely be interested in Power Exchange, because I've heard so many amazing things about the series, but I haven't started it yet!


  2. What a fantastic interview!!! Enjoyed it immensely.
    Thanks for the post and for the chance at a great prize.

    I would love to win a copy of the newest in the Power Exchange series Bk3-Consent.

    Thank you again and...
    hugs from your fan,

  3. Very enjoyable post! Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.

  4. Very enjoyable post! Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.

  5. I love all the Power Exchange books! Can't wait for the next one.

  6. Nice interview, AJ. Agree with you totally on Edmond's writing and will always feel indebted to you for making me drop what I was reading to read King Perry. Just so you know, you are one of my Island authors. (So don't enter me in the contest b/c I already own/have read everything).

  7. I read Eyes of the Dragon before I knew it was done by Stephen King. I would love Power Exchange, mostly because I still haven't started the series yet. I need to read this, I have read so many great reviews for the book.

  8. I'd love to have consent, actually any of her books really.
    ksmgll at yahoo dot com

  9. What a fantastic post. I enjoyed it a lot. Sounds like the power exchange books should be my choice.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  10. Another fantastic interview. The Power Exchange books are some of my favorites, but I would love to win a copy of Queers.
    debdeege (at) optonline (dot) net

  11. I've not read the Power Exchange books but I've read great things about them. Thanks for the interview.

  12. I have read the Power Exchange books, and they were fantastic. I would love to get a copy of Queers.

  13. New author for me but the books sound great. If I was to win I would like the first in the Power Exchange books.

  14. Love the Power Exchange Series!

    Please count me in the giveaway dmdkindle at gmail dot com
