
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit and Give-Away: Jay Northcote

Today, auther Jay Northcote is in the clubhouse. Any excuse for Lorix to get the tea pot out! So with tea, hob-nobs and a warm fire we gave out our anniversary questions for the last time this year. Join us why don't you...

What are your favourite M/M themes?
There are so many it’s hard to choose. I mostly read contemporary, and there are lots of tropes I enjoy. Friends to lovers, coming of age stories, gay-for-you are a few that spring to mind.

What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?
Hot Head by Damon Suede, Superhero by Eli Easton, Red Dirt Heart by N.R. Walker—can I have the whole series?

What's your go-to tasty beverage?
Probably tea (white, no sugar, skimmed milk). How British of me. Or just water if it’s a hot day, and Prosecco if I’m celebrating something.

Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know!
I can play the melodeon. For those who don’t know what a melodeon is, it’s one of these noisy things:

If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (You don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either). 
Um…. Something that could fly I think, so maybe a winged horse or a dragon? That would be cool. I’d like to breathe fire too!

Who's your favourite porn star?
Colby Keller. I love him for his mind as much as his body, because he’s so damn intelligent and interesting. But he’s also an incredible performer.

Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?
I have this all the time, with too many authors to name. I have it with fanfiction authors as well as published authors. There are so many incredibly talented writers out there, I’d drive myself crazy if I compared myself to all of them. I usually try not to think about it while I’m reading, otherwise the envy spoils my enjoyment of the story.

Any new or forthcoming projects you’d like to tell us about? 
I have a Christmas novella called Cold Feet coming out on Monday the 8th of December. It’s a friends-to-lovers story about two guys who get snowed in together.

Best friends snowed in together. When the heat rises, will they get cold feet?

Getting snowed in at a remote cottage in Wales with someone he’d fancied for ages, isn’t exactly how Sam expected to spend Christmas. His feelings for Ryan are pointless. Ryan’s straight—or so he thought.

Until now, Ryan’s kept his feelings for Sam buried. Why ruin a friendship over what might only be gay experimentation? Playing it cool seems safer, until a cold snap makes sharing body heat vital. In their Welsh safe haven, anything seems possible.

As Ryan’s reserve melts away, Sam wants more than stolen kisses under the mistletoe. But a sudden thaw means making decisions. They could face the New Year together—unless one of them gets cold feet.

Author Bio 
Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England, with her husband, two children, and two cats.
She comes from a family of writers, but she always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed her by. She spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content. One day, she decided to try and write a short story–just to see if she could–and found it rather addictive. She hasn’t stopped writing since.


Thank you so much Jay, it's been a real pleasure.Also, I'm a huge sucker for Christmas stories, they're incredibly addictive!! Friends - Christmas - snow.... I can't wait to read this one.

Jay’s offering one of her backlist titles as a giveaway (winner’s choice). Comment below with your favourite Christmas memory - or - wish - or just something plain Christmas related!! A winner will be chosen on December 6th 12pm GMT. Don't forget to leave a way of contacting you (e-mail, twitter facebook etc)

To find out more about Jay Northcote, visit her Goodreads page.


  1. My favourite Christmas memory is my Dad handing out the presents from under the tree. He had this very flambuoyant silk dressing gown, which he only wore once a year, on Christmas morning and then it would disappear again until the following Christmas, he wore it for over 50 years!

  2. My dad hangs tinsel (icicles) on his tree every year. Every since my children were little it has become a tradition for them to go to poppop's house and help hang the tinsel. He taught them all to do it time. It looks wonderful unless you look at the back of the tree (that's where they throw tinsel when poppops back is turned). My children are now 22 and 24 but they still go over on Christmas eve and help poppop with the tinsel.

  3. Only just discovered Jay, love the clean style and British too! I do love a nice crisp walk over Christmas - on the shore, bracing Irish Sea winds!

  4. I wish I had one more Christmas where my mom, aunt, and grandma were around to make cookies with me as an adult. I have amazing memories of them making cookies for days when I was a kid.

  5. I used to make all kinds of cookies and candies at Christmas with my grandmother, too. I also helped her wrap presents. I definitely miss her!

    Thanks for the interview and contest! I had never heard of a melodeon before. Also, about the new Christmas novella. I love holiday stories.

    jen.f {at} mac {dot} com

  6. Making cookies with the kids and then going out to view all the Christmas lights!

  7. That melodeon looks a whole lot like what my husbands family would call a squeeze box!

  8. Oddly enough some of my favorite memories are those of being away from home at Christmas time. There's no pressure to have a tree and presents and all the trimmings. You can just focus on being happy to be with family and friends.

    Waxapplelover (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. My favorite Christmas memories are all about my family - decorating together, baking together. Thanks for the fun interview and the chance to win! amaquilante(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. When I was a kid there was this old world tradition that my grandparents kept alive, the kids would all be in the kitchen and St Nick would come to the back door and throw nuts and coins in. The kids scrambled around trying to pick them all up. Unfortunately the tradition was lost and most of my cousins and I don't live close enough to continue it. It wouldn't be the same with just my girls, they fight enough as it is. Thanks for the giveaway! jasdarts at hotmail dot com

  11. I love that every year we continue my husband's grandmother's tradition of giving everyone a tin of her famous cookies (I was the only one to ask for the recipe before she stopped making them and became a rock star when we started showing up with them each year). It's the best thing ever, and a once a year experience and I make dozens and dozens.

    Thanks for the giveaway. dmdkindle at gmail dot com

  12. My dad's extended family gets together every year before Christmas and after dinner we pull out the large hand typed packets of carols! My favorite one for over 50 people to try to sing together is Christmas Island!
    Thanks for the chance to win! aegger.echo(at)yahoo(dot)com

  13. I remember one Christmas when my daughter was about 3 or 4 and she was more excited about the boxes that things came in than the actual gifts!
    debdeege (at) optonline (dot) net

  14. Favourite Christmas memory - getting into bed with my mum and dad to open stockings!! It was a big treat for me and my brother.
    bjel @ btinternet dot com

  15. Recently read Nothing Ventured. Was a lot of fun :)

    Yay for gay for you! I love that theme myself. +D And I just read Superhero (finally) and liked it a lot too!

  16. Congratulations Jen CW - you are our randomly picked winner...we'll be in touch. Thanks everyone for joining in the fun. :)
