
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit and Giveaway: Avril Ashton

Today we have the woman who puts the filth in dirty, filthy sex scenes with us, Ms. Avril Ashton!  She's here to share her thoughts about glitter, porn stars and, of course, nasty boys.  You're singing the song now, right?  Go ahead, I know you are. 

BMBR:  What are your favorite M/M themes? 
Avril:  Ooh. GFY/OFY, Enemies to lovers. Love a good enemies to lovers, as I’m sure my readers can tell *side eye*

BMBR:  What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers? 

Avril:  Any MM book with an exquisitely detailed plot and nasty-for-no-reason sex is a keeper for me.

BMBR:  What's your go-to tasty beverage? 

Avril:  Coffee? Or Pepsi. Or wine. I’m good with any of that three.

BMBR:  Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know. 

Avril:  Ha. Nope. I’m afraid I’m stunningly average.

BMBR:  If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either) 

Avril:  Heh I’d like to be a fairy, I think. All that glitter and then there’s the wand, plus I get to fly. Yep. Fairy.
BMBR:  Yep. *nods*  We unicorns are all about the glitter 'round here.

BMBR:  Who's your favorite porn star? 

Avril:  OMG Is it bad that I don’t really pay attention to their names and stuff? I don’t fan girl over porn stars and I rarely look at their faces much less catch their names. I know, I suck.
BMBR:  In the immortal words of Jenni Lea, "Wait, they have faces?"

BMBR:  Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?

Avril:  Lawd. Everybody who isn’t named “Avril Ashton”. I’m envious of anyone who writes anything I haven’t.

BMBR:  Any new projects you're currently working on? 

Avril:  I’m in the process of wrapping up the first draft of (Watch Me) Body You, book two in my Run This Town series. Lots of GFY goodness, plus the usual nasty-just-because sex and some blood thrown in. You know how I do.

Thank you so much for visiting, Avril!  We hope to see you around again soon.

About The Author

A Caribbean transplant, Avril now lives in Stone Mountain, GA., with a tolerant spousal equivalent. Together they raise an eccentric daughter who loves reading and school (not so much school anymore). Avril’s earliest memories of reading revolve around discussing the plot points of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys with an equally book-minded mother.

Always in love with the written word, Avril finally decided to do the writing in August of ’09 and never looked back. Spicy love scenes, delicious heroes, and wicked women burn up the pages of Avril’s stories, but there’ll always be a happy ending; Av remains a believer of love in all its forms.

Addicted to cake, the ID Channel and the UFC, Avril writes award-winning GLBT and Erotic Romance.

Friend Av on:!/AvrilAsh
Amazon Link:

It's time for a giveaway!  One lucky winner will receive a PDF of (Watch Me) Break You.

To enter to win, please leave a comment on this blog post and let us know your name and a means of contacting you (e.g., email, Twitter handle, link to Goodreads account, etc.)

The giveaway is open until 10:00PM (Pacific time) on November 10th. Shortly thereafter, we will contact a winner whom we will select using a highly scientific "names in a hat" method (or, you know, an internet randomizer). Please respond to the winning notification within 48 hours or we will choose another winner. 


  1. Loved it when she said "stunningly" average, from now on, I'm going to be "stunningly" average!

  2. Yay, I've arrived - got some medicine for my IPad and we're recovering nicely! What have I missed?

  3. Looking forward to reading your stories!

  4. Great interview! Love your Brooklyn Sinners series.

  5. Thanks for the great interview and giveaway chance.

  6. This interview was awesome! I love nasty for no reason sex!!! Who doesnt???

  7. I read great things about this book and it sounds really good! thanks for this chance

  8. Great interview. . . that book is so on my TBR list.
    I'm Tully (Echo) Vincent at goodreads or you can email. Best to you!

  9. Oh my this sounds good.

  10. Your answer to porn stars sounds like mine... LOL


  11. Great interview.

  12. I just put this book on my tbr list.

