
Review: Noticed Me Yet? by Anyta Sunday

Jacob’s in a pickle. He needs a new flatmate, and soon. And what better way to advertise than on the noticeboards around campus?

Trouble is, someone is taking down his ads.

Jacob writes to the offending thief, little expecting to be answered—and soon he finds himself in a deeper pickle: who is this Mr. X that he keeps writing to?

And how can Jacob be falling for him?

Well, that may have been the cutest “meet-cute” in the history of all “meet-cutes”.

Jacob is a college student looking for a new flatmate, but someone takes down all his notices. Needless to say Jacob is not happy and leaves a note on the bulletin board for the thief. Well, as one note leads to another, Jacob strikes up a kind of relationship with the mysterious Mr. X. The back and forth on the bulletin board goes from antagonistic, to curious, to anxiously awaiting the next note. There are three potential applicants for the spare space and all Jacob knows is that one of them is really Mr. X. But which one???? Also, will Jacob choose wisely????

Most of the story is told uniquely through the notes on the bulletin board. The clever banter back and forth is really well done and I could see the connection between the two of them growing through them, even though one’s identity is a mystery. Jacob interviews each applicant and then spends a little extra time with them to figure out which would be the best fit. Problem was, each of them was a potential good fit and Jacob was falling for the Mr. X in the letters pretty hard, how was he to reconcile that with the real life applicants?

At the same time Jacob is working on a project with his ex, his long-time friend, and first love. This part of the story was so well done and cleverly handled. Whenever I read about someone coming off a breakup, I feel badly for the next guy. There is always that niggling little voice that makes me worry the ex will show up, the MC will be torn and new guy will get hurt. That always breaks my heart a little. In Noticed Me Yet? the ex is there, but the closure is perfect and it shut that niggling little voice right down. The presence of the ex did lead to a little minor drama, but thankfully the angst was short lived and Mr. X and Jacob worked it through, so communication between them continued.

I have to say, I couldn’t have been happier at the moment of the big reveal. Mr. X was exactly who I wanted it to be and while Mr. X was a little worried he would disappoint Jacob in real life, he had no reason to worry as Jacob couldn’t have been happier either!

The resolution of the room worked well and while it was slightly convenient it wasn’t implausibly so. The epilogue worked it’s magic and the final notes made me swoon.

This is the perfect little morsel of a love story to read in between heavier or angstier reads, highly recommended way to spend a little time.

This is one of Jenni Lea's favorites and her love of it made me jump on this one to review. Read her thoughts here on Noticed Me Yet?

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