
Sunday Funday: RuPaul's Drag Race Season Six Fangirl Squeeage

Guess what?

Other than reading tons o' books, working, living life, being an awesome pet mommy, etc. I'm a television fanatic. How does she fit it in? I dunno. Like I have to schedule any new shows with my current DVR schedule. I had to drop a few to keep my sanity.

BUT there's one show I will not drop - RuPaul's Drag Race.

Season Six Queens!
And before you walk away because you're not a fan, you don't have to be to read my gush-ation of the show. This season was great...I still prefer last season to season six. (Alaska, I miss you so much darling!!) Maybe because the batch of drag queens seemed more polished, more savvy, more aware? The show still has the same great vibes that has carried it through but this season it was a little difficult to pick who I thought would be in the top three. (I'll admit I did expect Ben de la Creme to be there...color me surprised!)

Miss this bitch. Love you Alyssa Edwards!
Yes, baby, there's still drama and shade. Some memorable queens, antics and contests. My favorite episode was the Snatch Game. The RuPaul video with the top four was pretty good too. Oh and the Rusical!! I'd pay money to watch a full show. (Adore, you have a set a pipes on you. I still remember you from American Idol! Still great!!)

Love Manila too! :D
Lots of season highlights, surprises and memorable queens. Anyone else over Trinity K. Bonet with her Beyonce declaration in the beginning, then end up loving her by her elimination? She finally was herself when she let her secret out of the bag. I'm proud of Trinity, BTW. She should be proud for being so brave.

Or Milk? I wished she had a chance to shine for a few more episodes.

Look at her! Fab.
Or Gia?!

Absolutely. She added the comic relief. And the best part is she didn't know it.
She might have been annoying but Gia Gunn made the show more interesting. I was surprised she left so early.
P.S. What's up with his eye when he's in drag?

Love you anyway Gia. ;D
And I'm only going to mention this attention whore just once...she got on my last nerve very quickly. She's manipulative and fake--ha for a drag queen (insert drum roll here)

I'm sure she's talented but Laganja, watch the season with a true friend. No makeup, no BS., no shade and all T, you were playing a character. Be yourself next time.

Ben de la Creme?! Why isn't she in the top three? She's intelligent, funny and polished. Yes her outfits were becoming a little one note. But she's got moxie.

Michelle Visage has never looked so better
 But alas, not more worry about who should've been in the top three. Let's get into the actual top three.

Courtney Act: That lady is...a lady?
Before the season starts, I usually pick a few that I think I will love when their pictures are released. Courtney caught my eye.

She's flawless.

Her best outfit/costume IMO
But she also seems bored. Forget that she could pass for a woman. There's more to drag then being really pretty. Drag queen does not automatically you could impersonate a female. There's more to drag. And while she's the prettiest...she lacks the personality. Other than backhanded compliments, jealous snide, slick comments, singing (she's an Australian Idol runner up) and well crafted bikini outfits, what does she have to offer? What can she do for the title and crown?

She's peaked. She's not delivering anything new to the art of drag. She's seems over it all, the competition, etc. You could argue the show probably edited her this way but are they able to edit out personality and soul too? She's got a lot: talent, beauty, great clothes and she can beat her face to death (great makeup skills, in case you're unaware of the term) but she's a robot. A beautiful robot...but a robot nonetheless.

Adore Delano: My Drag Miley Cyrus

SRAL's drag what? Listen, Miley Cyrus gets a bad rep. She's twenty-one. We all do stupid shit at that age. And if I could ever party with her, I totally would. You know you're going to have a great time.

Same with Adore Delano. She's young, pretty, effervescent, talented as hell..."party"

Adore is charming as fuck! There's just something about her that draws you into her web. Is she as polished in her drag queen lane compared to the other two? No...but she's in the top three isn't she? There's something about her. She's real. She's dope and she can bust a rhyme quite lovely.

But to me, she's this season's Jinkx Monsoon, the queen that is rough around the edges. The underdog you can't help but root for...

...another Jinkx again, though? If Adore was able to compete again in a couple of years, she'd kill the competition. She's a star but she's not ripe yet.

Bianca Del Rio: She's Classy, Sassy and Brassy! My Drag Fairy Godmother?

Cruella deVille realness! EAT IT!
So let me begin if you're part of the Bianca is so mean to everyone crew. No, she is not. She's honest. She might use humor to sort of soften the blow but, hello, let me quote another great Drag Race quote:

You can keep that Kumbaya shit where it can the trash.
This is a competition. Bianca never fought dirty. I rather you say something about me to my face instead of behind my back. I don't like being fake nice. Give me truth or nothing at all, baby. All the way. And Bianca is nothing but truth. She says the things you wish you could say in the moment. And she's top notch in the drag department--I'll agree her dresses were becoming a little one note towards the end. But when you find a silhouette that works for you, you use it, right? Plus Bianca was helpful! If you ever get a chance to find out more about his background, please do. She's so hardworking, so earnest. She's the American dream. :D

I'm happy with the top three. But there can only be one winner!
It all boils down tomorrow night when a new queen will be crowned and the owner of one-hundred-thousand-dollahs! *my best Ru voice* I'm super excited to see who wins, truthfully it could be anyone's win but I love two out of the three so much. I wish them the best and much success in future endeavors.

Who am I rooting for?

Us blunt bitches must stick together. 
And you know what they say about us too? Under that blunt, sometimes perceived as bitchy veneer...there beats a heart of 24K gold. We can't let everyone know about it, so the quips & jokes throw them off the scent.

When else will I be able to use this one? Hopefully, Bianca will be saying this tomorrow night.
With love, of course.
So let me know who you think should win? Any season highlights you want to share? Have you voted on twitter or Facebook? The winner is ultimately chosen by RuPaul but let your choice be known! I'll be glued to the television tomorrow!!

P.S. Feeling a little hungry? Would you like a snack? Have some "Peanut Butter" by RuPaul feat Big Freedia.  My favorite music video since last year still going strong. You're welcome. ;D


  1. Love it Lady! I need your recaps on a LOT of shows!

    1. Thanks!

      Hmm...maybe True Blood since it's the last season and all. It hurts to type that. I love Eric Northman and Jason Stackhouse to bits. I might tear up at the series finale.

  2. Why do I feel like my team won the Superbowl? Drag Race is my type of sports. ;)

    Major ConDRAGulations to the winner!
