
Blog Tour & Giveaway: Grand Adventures with Rhys Ford, Andrea Speed, and Tinnean!

Today brings us a special set of stories to chat about: the Grand Adventures anthology! We're proud to be a part of this very special anthology's blog tour, and we have a great set of authors visiting today. Grand Adventures is a wonderful collaboration between a number of authors and Dreamspinner Press, and 100% of the income from the book will be donated to Eric Arvin and TJ Klune. Read up on this beautiful set of stories to celebrate a beautiful couple and then check out what contributing authors Rhys Ford, Andrea Speed, and Tinnean had to say.

P.S. There's giveaway info, too!

On September 1, 2011, TJ Klune wrote, "'s not about the ending, it's about the journey..." in a review of Eric Arvin's Woke Up in a Strange Place. With those words, two men began a journey of love and invited us to ride along. TJ and Eric have shared so much with us: their wonderful books, their smiles, their humor, their lives, and their inspiring devotion to each other. In December of 2013, their journey took a detour when Eric was taken to the emergency room. He survived the surgery to remove a cavernous hemangioma from his brain stem, but the challenges TJ and Eric face are far from over. 

The authors in this anthology donated their talent as a way to support Eric's continued recovery, to help bring strength to TJ, and to show both of them just how much love surrounds them. Grand Adventures is a diverse range of stories about the journey of love. We’re going on some grand adventures for a great cause. Thank you for joining us. 

One hundred percent of the income from this volume goes directly to TJ and Eric. 


Rhys Ford

1. Tell Us about your contribution to the anthology.
RF: Cops and Comix is about a comic book store owner who stumbles on a dead body one morning while opening his shop—and the police detective who is assigned the case. I wanted to do something a bit geeky but fun. Well, as much fun as dead bodies in a comic book store can be.

2. What is your favorite TJ & Eric Memory (either in person or not)?
RF: My favourite moment probably is TJ coming up to me to say hello for the first time in person in Albuquerque. We’d known each other in pixel format for a while but it was good to see him in the flesh. He’d just met Eric a little while before and was literally gibbering and so fricking happy you could feel the joy roll off his entire being. It was like a moment when you say… Yep, something huge just happened and I was glad I was there to see it. That joy in his face and spirit—that was so lovely to see.  

3. Why did you choose to participate in the anthology?
RF: Wow, how could I not? It’s the boys. Really. These words cobbled together are a small thing. Such a tiny drop of something in a big ocean of support they’ve gotten from everyone in the community and beyond. Really, it’s all about the boys. I want the best for them. The very best.

4. Do you have anything you want to say to TJ & Eric?
RF: We love you both. I enjoy knowing I share an earth with you, air and space and flowers and fricking everything. You warm our hearts. We hope you feel as precious, cherished and treasured as we think you are. You guys rock. Hard core rock.


Andrea Speed

1. Tell Us about your contribution to the anthology.
AS: I contributed a short story called The Exhibition. It concerns the stars of my Infected series, Roan and Dylan, traveling to a gallery opening where some of Dylan's paintings and photos are on display. Roan is his usual smart assy self. 

2. What is your favorite TJ & Eric Memory (either in person or not)?
AS: Can I be super corny and say my favorite memory has yet to come?

3. Why did you choose to participate in the anthology?
AS: How could I not? Come on. I couldn't say no. And as a natural fighter, Roan wanted to help too.

4. Do you have anything you want to say to TJ & Eric?
AS: Hang in there, we're all rooting for you. Odds, like rules, are meant to be smashed to pieces. Go kick its ass. 



1. Tell Us about your contribution to the anthology.
T: What You Will is a short (*very* short for me, since I generally write in the high 80s and up) that takes place in my Two Lips, Indifferent Red universe. Kipp and Hyde's eight month wedding anniversary is coming up, and Hyde wants a formal photograph to commemorate the occasion. As you know, we were originally going to incorporate TJ's characters into our stories, but on top of everything else that was going on, it became too much for him, so a bit of reworking became necessary. You can see the part Otter would have played.

2. What is your favorite TJ & Eric Memory (either in person or not)?

T: My favorite memory is one from this past GRL, when TJ surprised Eric by asking him to marry him. I've only seen this online, but I always get misty.

3. Why did you choose to participate in the anthology?

T: These men are part of our community. We've watched as they met and fell in love. This was a horrendous thing to happen to them, and while we all know life isn't fair, this went way beyond that. I wanted to help out in any way I could, so I contributed to their support fund, I wrote a story for the anthology, I bought the book, and I also ordered a print from Paul Richmond.  

4. Do you have anything you want to say to TJ & Eric?

T: This is probably what quite a few people will say, but Let's go, let's go, let's go!

You can order Grand Adventures on the Dreamspinner Press website:


Enter to win some awesome Grand Adventures prizes by signing up through the Rafflecopter links below!

Grand Prize: (Sponsored by the tour bloggers)
Large Cover Art Print Signed by the Artist 
Paperback copy of Grand Adventures

2nd Prize: $30 Dreamspinner Press Gift Card (sponsored by Dreamspinner Press

* By entering the giveaway, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
* Winners will be selected by random number. No purchase necessary to win. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. 
* If you win, you must respond to my email within 48 hours or another winner may be chosen. 
* Winners may be announced on participating blogs following the contest. By entering the contest you are agreeing to allow your name to be posted and promoted as the contest winner. 
* In the event of technical problems with the blog during the contest, every effort will be made to extend the contest deadline to allow for additional entries. 
* Void where prohibited by law.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to hear more? Check out the other stops on the Grand Adventures blog tour to find out what other contributing authors are saying!

A special thanks to Will at Pride Promotions for providing the Rafflecopter and graphics used during this tour.


  1. I'm reading the anthology now, and love it! It's so great to learn about all the contributors through their love for Eric and TJ!

    Trix, vitajex(at)aol(dot)com

  2. Thanks for contributing to the tour and especially the Antho Rhys, Tinnean, and Andy :)

  3. I'm really enjoying reading all of these author interviews! This anthology is such a wonderful thing.

  4. I'm absolutely loving the anthology so far. And, great interviews here!! <3

  5. I'm reading the book one and just want to say Thank you to all the authors involved. You Rock.

  6. I had fun chatting with many of the authors yesterday. Thank you all for your contributions. This is the anthology of all anthologies!

  7. This brings tears to my eyes...the love this community has for TJ & Eric is so beautiful.

  8. This book and the reason behind it are wonderful. It is so great to see so many people helping TJ and Eric. They deserve all the good things that come from this.

  9. I love reading these short interviews from the contributing authors. The love and support from our community is amazing!

  10. I was so excited to get the anthology but more to help TJ and Eric in any way we can.

  11. I've ordered my copy of the anthology and send lotpf love to TJ and Eric.

  12. Thank you all for this present to TJ and Eric.

  13. Thank you to everyone who participated in creating this book! Got my copy and looking forward to reading it soon.

  14. Thanks to all of the authors who donated a story, they are wonderful!

  15. So much awesomeness! You all rock.

  16. Great interviews! It awesome of you all to do this!

  17. Great interview! Can't wait to read!

  18. I'm enjoying reading each author's thoughts!! This is a wonderful thing you are all doing!!

  19. Enjoyable interviews

  20. I love the cover, it's simply beautiful and fits so well.
