
Review: The Decisions We Make by R.J. Scott

Daniel Keyes is an orphan, fostered by the Walkers. The product of a lonely childhood, he is thrown into the chaos of the Walker family and into the life of his new foster brother Jamie.

This story is the journey of Daniel and Jamie finding their place in the world. Through Jamie being a victim of hate crime to coming out to family and friends, there are many decisions the boys have to make before they become men.

A heartwarming story about a grieving orphan and the foster family that helps him heal, and a sweet story about two boys who fall in love.  The characterizations were well done, especially Jamie's.   I could see him so clearly and I just loved him.  I also loved Daniel, so quiet and shy.  The author did a good job showing their feelings for each other, making it easy to see the attachment.  Although the transitions were a little abrupt, I also liked the flashbacks and how they let us see the strong bond between the boys.

After such a sweet set up, I was a little thrown by the craziness of Lucy's storyline. Although it did give us some touching scenes that showed more of the boys' feelings for each other, it was a little over the top for me. I also wish the aftermath had been shown more than told. The reactions and consequences that followed were mostly glossed over, with a quick summary of what happened.

Another storyline later on had the potential for more drama, but was also glossed over a bit. Although I understood Daniel's need for answers, his plan seemed to come out of nowhere. We weren't give any of that background until he put the plan into motion. It didn't help that the new character was particularly weak and I didn't buy her explanations. That whole scenario could have been a much bigger and better part of the story. 

Overall, though, I enjoyed this sentimental story. Full of tender emotions and warm fuzzies, it was an enjoyable read. For fans of feel good YA stories, it should be especially appealing.

Side note:
The boys were high school seniors, planning for college, but they both seemed so young, or at least more innocent than the boys I know and have known at that age.

Details like the foster care system could have done with more research, but I was more focused on the relationships, so I didn't think about it too much.

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