
Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit: Amy Lane

AMY LANE IS HERE! AMY LANE IS HERE! I'm not sure she needs much more introduction than that because HOLY CRAP, Amy Lane is here! *squee*

BMBR: What are your favorite M/M themes? 
Amy: oooh… friends to lovers, rescue puppy rescues back, small towns, animals in peril-- I do tend to revisit a few ideas again and again.

BMBR: What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers? 
Amy: Hm… Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay, anything in the A Matter of Time universe by Mary Calmes, the Whyborne and Griffin series by Jordan Hawk, the Magpie Lord by K.J. Charles, Holmes and Moriarity series by Josh Lanyon, the Dirty series by Rhys Ford-- the list goes on and on...

BMBR: What's your go-to tasty beverage? 
Amy: Well, it's been diet coke, but I've been developing a taste for upside down caramel machiattos when I'm traveling. I blame Mary Calmes. All her fault. 

BMBR: Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know. 
Amy: Sadly enough, any talents I have are so few and far between that they are not secret. It's well known that I'm bi-craftual-- I knit and crochet. I have naming mojo--but sometimes it shorts out because of solar flares. And I can only cook something once because I can't remember what I threw in the pot. So, say, tonight, I am queen of curry fish soup. Next week, I will not remember how I made it, and I will be queen of mac and cheese with hot dogs. It's a crapshoot. It's why I love McDonalds-- consistency.

BMBR: If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either) 
Amy: I want to be the Beast, of Beauty and the Beast. Because A. He gets to be grouchy and beloved, and I'm usually only grouchy and scorned. And B. Because the beasty parts melt away.

BMBR: Who's your favorite porn star? 
Amy: Dru from Corbin Fisher a few years ago. I haven't seen him since, but I could watch that guy rabbit-fuck other men into the mattress for hours.

BMBR: Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"? 
Amy: Did you not see my Desert Island Keeper list? All those words, my precious, and none of them mine. Waeeeeeeee? Waaaeeeeee did I not write A Charm of Magpies. Waeeeee, oh Waeeeee did I not write Whyborne and Griffin? Waaaaaeeeeeeee????

BMBR: Any new projects you're currently working on? 
Amy: Always. I am never not working on something. But I am excited about what I have coming out in December-- both The Bells of Times Square and Candy Man are holiday offerings, and my next Johnnies book is out in January. Also, I"m currently re-editing my Little Goddess series, and Dreamspinner Productions is re-releasing it next year. I'm so excited because it's urban fantasy, which was my first love, and it's pansexual elves and tortured vampires and a kick ass heroine and it was written way before Twilight came out, and even before True Blood hit cable. I'm truly happy it's getting new life.

Thanks for stopping by and chatting with us, Amy!

Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit and Giveaway - Heidi Cullinan

WOOP WOOP!  Today we have the kinktastic Heidi Cullinan visiting with us!  Did she reveal any of her dirty little secrets?  I guess you'll just have to read on to find out.

BMBR: What are your favorite M/M themes?
Heidi: Hmm. I don't know that I have a favorite, but I'm loving new adult/college stories a lot right now, both to read and to write. I'll try about anything, but I don't like overly sad, emo without hope, horror, and I'm a very hard sell on mystery.

BMBR: What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?
Heidi: For gay romance? When I'm low, I reread everything by KA Mitchell. I lean hard on the Bad in Baltimore series. For books in general, Terry Pratchett. Favorite book in the whole world is Going Postal.
BMBR: What's your go-to tasty beverage?
Heidi: Coffee, but I also love mineral water, flavored and plain. I'd take a San Pellegrino over alcohol any day.

BMBR: Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know.
Heidi: Sometimes I can find things no one else can, even from thousands of miles away, and every now and again I'm a baby bit of a medium. Can't talk to ghosts, or even know they're around, but I can see people's loved ones/spirit guides. Like, it's not uncommon for people to post Facebook status updates especially of loved ones passed and pets passed/about to pass, and I get messages. Sometimes they won't shut up until I pass them on. But I actually don't really want to be a medium, so I shut that stuff off as much as I can. Which means I'm kind of a crap one because I don't practice.

BMBR: If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either)

Heidi: Oh, unicorn. And I'd ask it to please visit my daughter, because she's the one who would want to see it.

BMBR: Who's your favorite porn star?
Heidi: You know, I really don't have one. Hate to be boring.

BMBR: Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?
Heidi: Nobody's. I only want to be me, for better or for worse. Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett are my heroes, but I don't envy them. I want them to be there so I can enjoy them, and if I were them it would just be more work.

BMBR: Any new projects you're currently working on?
Heidi: I just finished Lonely Hearts, Love Lessons #3, and it's out to betas before being turned in to my editor. I'm starting Minnesota Christmas #3 right now, Winter Wonderland, which so far has a May-December relationship and a snow penis. After that I have to finish Clockwork Hearts, which is a steampunk thing which exploded out of me post-surgery in August. Then I'm working on Nowhere Ranch #2 and a standalone new adult which is kind of a gay Pygmalion. All this is supposed to get done before May, which is why I'm staying home as much as possible and working all the time. Which is how I'm happiest, so it works out.

BMBR would like to thank Heidi for stopping by. And she most graciously left a prize behind for one lucky winner - a free ebook copy of her latest release, Sleigh Ride

About the author:

Heidi grew up in love with story.  She fell asleep listening to Disney long-playing records and read her Little House On The Prairie books until they fell apart.  She ran through the woods inventing stories of witches and fairies and enchanted trees and spent hours beneath the lilac bush imagining the lives of the settlers who had inhabited the homestead log cabin and two-story late 1800s home on her family farm.  She created epic storylines for her Barbies until it wasn’t satisfying enough to do so any longer (age ten), and then she started writing them down.  Her first novel, The Life and Times of Michelle Matthews, was published when she was twelve in the school anthology and took up nearly half of it.

Though Heidi continued to write novels through high school (and still has the Rubbermaid tub full in her bedroom), she stopped in college, deciding it was time to grow up and do something meaningful with her life. When the specifics of that didn’t pan out, Heidi ended up in grad school to become a teacher, and through one of the courses rediscovered her love of romance novels. She began to write again on the side, continued to do so while she taught seventh grade language arts and reading, and when she quit teaching to have her daughter, she took up writing with more seriousness, both as a stress relief and as a potential means of bringing in money.

Many million pages later, Heidi has learned a lot about writing, more than she ever wanted to know about publishing, and most importantly, finally figured out that writing IS the meaningful something she wants to do with her life. A passionate advocate for LGBT rights, Heidi volunteers as often as she can for One Iowa and donates with her husband as a monthly partner to the Human Rights Campaign and Lambda Legal. She encourages you to support your own local and national LGBT rights groups, too.

Heidi enjoys reading, watching movies and TV, and listening all kinds of music.  She has a husband, a daughter, and too many cats. Heidi is an active social networker, updating on Twitter, FacebookBlog, and of course has good old-fashioned email.


To enter to win one ebook copy of Sleigh Ride please leave a comment on this blog post and let us know your name and a means of contacting you (e.g., email, Twitter handle, link to Goodreads account, etc.) 

The giveaway is open until 10:00PM (Pacific time) on 11/29/14. Shortly thereafter, we will contact a winner whom we will select using a highly scientific "names in a hat" method (or, you know, an internet randomizer). Please respond to the winning notification within 48 hours or we will choose another winner.

Good luck!

A Very Special Author Visit with Tom Webb & He's giving away a copy of his latest!!!

Tom Webb is special to several unicorns in the clubhouse. A few may say he started it all, so we're honored that he accepted our invitation to celebrate with us. Not only did he answer our super-serious interview questions, but he wrote a little something for us too!

I  Owe it All to…

A few months ago, Jenni Lea from Boy Meets Boy Reviews wrote a post called “I Owe it All to Tom Webb”. I saw it and I didn’t know what the hell to think. Why? What did I do to merit someone stepping out and thanking me in a public way like that.

Turns out Jenni Lea found Goodreads and this bunch of Misfit Toys because I mentioned it on one of my reviews she read. I was a link in one of those Six Degrees of Separation things, and was in the right place in the right time, so I like to think I may be a Godfather somehow to the unicorns. (Don’t call me a fairy godfather though. LOL Too obvious.)

So I look now, and they’ve reviewed so many great books and highlighted a lot of really wonderful authors, some of whom I hadn’t read until I saw them in a well written, nicely thought out review. How cool is that? They have a blog and spread goodness around like Santa’s elves.

Now, I get to say thank you to them. It’s because of people like Ann and Jenni Lea and Jo and Justin and Optimist King’s Wench and Shereadsalot…they read some of my books and thought they were worth a mention. They send me messages and ask about my dad, or what I am working on, or just say hi. I love it when readers say hi, and I have been appalled when some people have told me not to interact with reviewers, that I would get burned.

My mamma told me to be a gentleman, and to return kindness with kindness.

So thank you, Boy Meets Boy Reviews. You guys do a wonderful job, and I appreciate you. I’m a reader first, and you help me know what’s good out there.

That’s what it’s all about, right? All of us finding a really good book to read?



What are your favorite M/M themes?

I read almost everything. I have issues with non-con and rape, though. When I really get down to it, I love cowboys, cops, firemen. And I like a bittersweet story thrown into the mix every so often. It must be me, but I don’t mind cheating in a story. It happens in real life, and it may destroy relationships, but it can also be a wake-up call for a second chance. Real life is ugly and sticky and nasty sometimes. Oh, and I like werewolf or vampire stories that show originality. At the end of the day, I’m a realist I guess.

What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?

Anything by Amy Lane. The Johnnies books and Promise Rock. Mary Calmes’ A Matter of Time series. Andrea Speed’s Infected books. Chris Owen’s Deviations series, and Bare Back. Damon Suede’s Hot Heads. ZAM Maxfield’s St Nacho books. TJ Klune’s Bear, Otter and the Kid. Anything by my buddies Laura Harner, Lee Brazil and Havan Fellows, and Will Parkinson. They feed my soul

What's your go-to tasty beverage?

Diet Dr. Pepper. I’m diabetic and it tastes just like the real thing. Cinnamon, cherry and a bite. Yum! 

Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know.

I can piss anyone off. That’s my superpower, it seems. LOL Seriously, I’m a good cook. My mom taught me when I was a kid, and the whole family still gathers there every time we get together. The kitchen is comfort and love and family to me.

If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either)

Huh. The Beast. From Beauty and the Beast. Breaks my heart every time I see it or read a version of it. An anti-hero gets me every time. Oh, and Underdog. I loved that damned cartoon as a kid. I know I said two, but how can you say no to a dog???

Who's your favorite porn star?

I’m old school with porn. Jeff Stryker has the dirtiest mouth and cutest little ass. I’d love to…well, you get the idea. 

Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?

Sooo many. Zam. Nick Wilgus. Amy and Mary. I wish I had written Protection by T. Baggins. That book took my knees out from under me.

Any new projects you're currently working on?

Always. The Pulp Friction 2014 Finale. The third Broken Road CafĂ© book. Free Falling Crimson with Laura Harner, the third Altered States book. A new series called Matchmaker. A sequel to His Name was Harley Manfield. And the long-promised Second Chances follow-up, Robbie’s story.

Awesome author. Awesome person. Welcome on the blog any time.

Mr. Webb has graciously agreed to give away a copy of The Earthquake Collection, the latest in his Pulp Friction series to one lucky commenter. Leave a comment with your email address to be entered in a random drawing. Giveaway ends November 28th @ Midnight EST.

About Mr. Webb:
T.A. Webb is the writing name for the Mean Old Bear That Could. He's worked with people living with HIV/AIDS and with children in the foster care system for over twenty years, and takes the smaller pay for the chance to make a difference for those who can't help themselves. After hours, he's the proud single papa of two rescuer dogs, was born and raised in Atlanta, where he still lives, and is a pretty darned good country cook.

His sister taught him to read when he was four, and he tore his way through the local library over the next few years. Always wanting more, he snuck a copy of The Exorcist under his parents' house to read when he was eleven and scared the bejesus out of himself. Thus began a love affair with books that skirt the edge, and when he discovered gay literature, he was hooked for life.



Once again our thanks to Mr. Webb for celebrating our first anniversary with us.

Review: Manbot by Scarlet Blackwell

If a robot is programmed to obey your every need, wouldn’t you take advantage?

It’s the future and every home in the US owns a manbot or fembot—robots designed to make life easier and obey an owner’s every command.

When Gray Benedict's friend Mitchell expresses a sexual interest in his manbot George, it sets Gray to thinking about his own hotbot, Kavan, a six foot three powerhouse set to obey Gray's every whim. Gray doesn't want to take advantage of a machine but he’s lonely and needs satisfying.

Kavan makes it clear he's happy to serve and he carries detailed manuals on satisfying a human completely. Something about him is way too human though and he reaches Gray on a primal level. Soon the unthinkable is happening: Gray is falling for his manbot.

When it’s offered, what’s a man in love supposed to do?

Publisher's Note: This book was previously released by another publisher. It has been revised and re-edited for release with Totally Bound Publishing.

Imagine living in a society where every household had an humanoid robot. Think of all the cooking, cleaning and chores that could be done. Need a babysitter? A companion? A sex partner?

Don't worry, the robots don't look like this.
Gray, the owner of Kavan--the 6'3", well hung and plump arsed robot, has been treating his robot like a human in the last year since he got him. Kavan has been learning and assimilating, it is what he was programmed to do as all robots in this world the author created are.

But what happens to robots that develop feelings?

The author packs a unique punch in this novella. It's not my first human/robot MM romance but this was certainly one of the better stories about this subject. Gray is a lonely teacher who has a crappy, prick of a friend who has began sexing his own robot whether his robot wants it or not.

This only pushes Gray to humanize Kavan more than normal. But the thing about it that Kavan starts to develop feelings, quirks a human side. It was sweet and odd at the same time. I loved the bits of Kavan's robotic side - he spoke so plainly that it read funny (in a good way). Gray, the befuddled ginger that he is, can't help falling for his robot and before you start thinking this is a story about a man and his overgrown sex toy, it isn't.

Yes, there is some smoking hot sex scenes. (I mean, this is Scarlet Blackwell) But there's a quirky plot with some feels and minor crime. The story ends in a HFN way but when I think about it, what the possibility of a robot/human relationship could really be? What happens if Kavan malfunctions or his battery short circuits? Or he rusts out? There are plenty of questions to be asked about their staying power but at the core of it all, this story is a romance.

And with the odds stacked against them, I actually bought into Gray and Kavan's feelings for one another. Gray was a good guy who didn't start his relationship with Kavan with lecherous ideas in mind. That is what made this story work for me. I do recommend for readers who want to try something different but still has a romantic feel and aren't caught up in a definite HEA.

Find out more information on Goodreads and Booklikes!

Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit with Kim Alan!!!!

Hi all! Cupcake here. Today we have the lovely and talented Kim Alan with us. Kim Alan who appreciates a kilt and knows how to give good kink. A girl after my own heart. You know what else is great about this author? ALL HER WORK IS FREE!!! 
If you've not read The Mission X series, give yourself a gift!

Don't shortchange yourselves, my friends.

You know what else I like about this author? I dig an author that ain't afraid to use my nickname. Someone pays attention.

Good girl. *hands mic to Kim*

Thanks, Cupcake, for inviting me to your blog. I am truly honored, and I will answer your questions to the best of my ability, though I warn you I might do little more than expose myself as ((((sigh)))) ordinary. 

What are your favorite M/M themes?
I don't really have a 'theme' preference, but I am a sucker for ... big. Alpha males do it for me just as much as gentle giants. Put either of them into almost any kind of scenario, and I'm sold. I don't really care about genre/sub-genre, or whether they're human, alien, shifter, vampire or 'other'. I will confess, though, that I'm a giant wuss who does not want to be left shredded by a ton of angst.

What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers?
I am really bad with book favorites since they change so frequently, but the one that has stood the test of time for me is Stephen King's The Stand. Handy for a desert island, too, since it's, like, three novels long. I would also like to say that if I were to be stranded on that island, I would hope to have the Gone With the Wind sequel on me ... for kindling. 

What's your go-to tasty beverage?
There is a cup of coffee in my hand at any given time of the day. It has to be pried away in order for me to bathe and sleep. That's probably not what you meant, though. I'm not much of a drinker of alcohol, but on the rare occasion that I am able to get out with friends, have someone else to drive and have no kids to worry about (yeah, that happens a lot),  I have a weakness for a thick, slushy margarita with globs of salt on the rim. Sadly, such a splurge for me is pretty much guaranteed to be followed shortly by a nap. 

Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know.
Secret talents? Well, I don't know if it's a talent, per se, but I'm flexible. I was a gymnast 100 years ago, and I can still bend practically in half. It tends to come in handy at times. I'm sure you know what I mean, right? Yep. That's right. Cleaning. Scrubbing floors and whatnot. I can totally get to all those those hard to reach places.


If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why? (you don't have to say unicorn...but we won't say neigh either)
Huh. Believe it or not, this is not a question I've ever - ever - pondered.  Obviously a unicorn or Pegasus would be sweet, because I'd love to be able to fly. But I wouldn't want to be a bird. They kind of freak me out a little. I've always wanted to be a cat, though. Isn't there a mythical creature that's a cat with wings? That would be awesome.

Who's your favorite porn star?
Ugh. I've been dreading this question because it's embarrassing. Not, like, real life, getting caught watching porn embarrassing, but in our M/M Romance world embarrassing, because ... Ineverwatchporn. Whew. That was hard to get out. It's pathetic, I know, but it's true.  Worse, even if I were a connoisseur of all the best gay porn, I probably couldn't answer this question because I'm horribly bad with names. They would be 'that tall, thin guy with the matching dick," or the "beefy, hairy guy with the fat cock."

Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"?

Josephine Myles and JL Merrow can combine humor and steaminess (in their brilliant British voices, naturally) in an effortless way that sucks me in and makes me love their characters so, so much. Too often those things are mutually exclusive, you know? I like to think their personalities come through in their writing. While that is probably common enough, it isn't always necessarily a good thing. In their cases, it's a very good thing.

Any new projects you're currently working on *coughs* like a follow up in the Mission X series involving a triad *coughs*?

I have several unfinished projects, actually. I have a sequel to Yours in the works (Law's story) and another in the Mission series that I'm working on (Devin's story). While I haven't started that triad you speak of, I do have plans for those boys, so don't worry. :) I also have a couple pieces that are not related to any of my other books that I've been wanting to get back to. The bad news is, as you know, that I work full time and have three children. And, there's also the fact that I'm lazy and a procrastinator by nature (cat aspirations, remember?) I do have several days off scheduled that I plan on using to get some serious work done. Then again, I might end up using those days to nap. You just never really know with me.

About this author

I might be the least romantic person I know, but when I'm writing, I’m all about the happy endings and the love conquering all business. I’ll leave it to the higher talents to shock and amaze and terrorize you … or rip your heart out, if you like that sort of thing. From me, you’ll just find some good hot man lovin’ and a story that (hopefully) leaves you with a smile on your face. 


My thanks to Kim for agreeing to submit to our shenanigans and helping us celebrate our first anniversary.

Anniversary Shenanigans: Author Visit & Giveaway: Mia Kerick

Mia Kerick is here! She's stopping by and giving away one of my (Breann's) favorite favorites, Us Three. When Justin started squeeing over it, Jo, Lori and I had to jump in and read it, too! We all went fangirl over it together in our group review. Consider it unicorn approved. 

BMBR: What are your favorite M/M themes? 
Mia: I like to see unconditional love and I like to see a character who is saved by love. These themes are very romantic to me.

BMBR: What books do you consider Desert Island Keepers? 
Mia: The Locker Room by Amy Lane
Cut and Run Series by Abi Roux
Bareback by Chris Owen
The Twilight Series by Stephenie
Meyer Omorphi by Cody Kennedy

BMBR: What's your go-to tasty beverage? 
Mia: Go to drink is Arizona Sugar Free Pomegranate Iced Tea. I also like champagne and rum drinks…and Bailey’s Irish Cream on ice.

BMBR: Do you have any secret talents? Inquiring minds want to know. 
Mia: I have been known to hold a beer bottle between my breasts and drink with “no hands”, but it happens very rarely. Oh, and my kids know nothing about this talent so ssshhh. (I will deny it if asked about this talent in presence of kids)
BMBR: LOL! That is an awesome talent. One I am envious of!

BMBR: Who's your favorite porn star? 
Mia: Um. The only two I know from seeing them on Facebook are Jesse and Dirk. They seem like nice fellows with mega-huge muscles and they like the Boston Red Sox. So it would have to be a tie between them.

BMBR: Do you have author envy? Whose words do you read and think, "GAH, I wish I wrote that!"? 
Mia: I am inspired by Amy Lane. Sometimes I get compared to her, those are happy moments for me.

BMBR: If you had to choose to be one magical beast, what would it be and why?
Mia: Hmmm…. Does Pikachu count? I’ve always liked Pikachu.
BMBR: He's cute and totally counts.

BMBR: Any new projects you're currently working on? 
Mia: I am working on a YA Lesbian Romance right now- Kemina and Justine’s story.
BMBR: Can't wait for this!

Thanks so much for stopping by & chatting with us, Mia!

About the Author: 
Mia Kerick is the mother of four exceptional children—all named after saints—and five nonpedigreed cats—all named after the next best thing to saints, Boston Red Sox players. Her husband of twenty years has been told by many that he has the patience of Job, but don’t ask Mia about that, as it is a sensitive subject.

Mia focuses her stories on the emotional growth of troubled men and their relationships, and she believes that sex has a place in a love story, but not until it is firmly established as a love story. As a teen, Mia filled spiral-bound notebooks with romantic tales of tortured heroes (most of whom happened to strongly resemble lead vocalists of 1980s big-hair bands) and stuffed them under her mattress for safekeeping. She is thankful to Dreamspinner Press for providing her with an alternate place to stash her stories.

Mia is proud of her involvement with the Human Rights Campaign and cheers for each and every victory made in the name of marital equality. Her only major regret: never having taken typing or computer class in school, destining her to a life consumed with two-fingered pecking and constant prayer to the Gods of Technology.

Author Links: 

To enter to win an ebook copy of Us Three by Mia Kerick (a unicorn favorite) please leave a comment on this blog post and let us know your name and a means of contacting you (e.g., email, Twitter handle, link to Goodreads account, etc.)

The giveaway is open until 10:00PM (Pacific time) on 11/28/14. Shortly thereafter, we will contact a winner whom we will select using a highly scientific "names in a hat" method (or, you know, an internet randomizer). Please respond to the winning notification within 48 hours or we will choose another winner

Thank you for celebrating with us & GOOD LUCK!

Group Review: Two Steps Back by Lyn Gala

The poor economy has forced Dallin to return to prostitution to avoid homelessness, but when his old pimp hooks him up with a wealthy Dom, Dallin figures it’s too good to be true. William is older, wealthy, experienced, and a complete dominant. He’s the sort of man who can go to a club and pick up a dozen subs, and yet he wants to hire Dallin.

William knows how to succeed in finance and the bedroom, but trying to keep a relationship going is a far more difficult proposition. Instead of dealing with the messy reality of the club scene or dating, he decides to hire a sub. While William would like to have a long-term relationship develop, he’s not expecting anything. However the longer he plays with Dallin, the more he realizes that he wants more.

Dallin is willing to give his body to William—he enjoys the bondage, the games and ropes and toys. He’s more wary about trusting William with his heart. William is a master of domination, but for Dallin he wants to learn to love.

Breann- 4 hearts
There are sexy sex scenes and then there are SEXY SEX SCENES. Two Steps Back was full of SEXY SEX SCENES. For real. Whew.

Dallin and William balance each other perfectly. William is controlling, logical and has all sorts of dirty ideas. While Dallin is more go-with-the-flow, emotional and wants someone to do dirty things to him.

Dallin cracked me up. He has one heck of an attitude and I'm surprised he didn't get popped in the mouth. He's quick with his comebacks, he sticks up for himself, but this also leads to a lot of apologizing. And punishments. Heh heh. But I liked that he took care of himself when he could have easily handed over the reins to someone else.

William. Oh, William. Him and his 'logic'. At first, he was so stiff and almost robotic to me. He kind of bothered me. I didn't like how formal he came off. But then I came to realize that it wasn't a flaw in the writing, that's just who William was. He was awkward and anti-social. He really didn't see a problem with his 'logic' when helping Dallin because, really, his ideas were pretty darn logical (much to Dallin's dismay). I ended up really loving William and his awkward ways.

My only problem was the rushed ending. I couldn't believe I was at 99%. What? There's still so much I need to know! But, alas, it was indeed the end.

This was a total win. I couldn't put it down, but I would definitely love more.

Lorix- 4 Hearts
Dallin, wow, Dallin. I liked him a lot. Boy was he given some hoooot choices, by William. This was a good story with some very hot sexy times. Sometimes I wanted the storyline to develop just a tad more, especially Dallin's, but I really did enjoy this anyway. Another fun read from Lyn Gala.

Sunny- 4 Hearts
All the hearts for the sex scenes.

William...deliciously pervy.
Dallin...sweetly needy.

Sunny...incredibly turned on.

Wow.  This was amazing.  The things William did to Dallin, the choices he offered to him.  Poor Dallin, they really weren't choices.  He was so needy, he couldn't refuse.

Even outside the sexytimes, there were great moments.  Little things that showed so much about those two men.  I loved the characterizations.  William, wound a little tightly, practical, logical. Dallin, more random, less in control of himself, but determined to succeed.

Control as a theme was more erotic than I expected, than I've read before.  William making Dallin control his orgasms was expected, and hot, but it was the movement control and how that affected Dallin that got me going.  Poor, needy Dallin, having to stay there and take it without moving.  The frustration when he couldn't pull against restraints, the sounds he made...*shivers*

William was so intent and focused, especially with ass play. I liked that, a lot. 

What I didn't like was all the stuff that happened off page.  Don't tell me what happened, show me!  I liked the overall storyline, but I would have liked a little more...depth?  Sometimes it felt like the story was skimming the surface.

Those sex scenes, though...
*fans self*

*** I wrote this review before the author revealed William had Asperger's, and that gave me a new perspective, but it didn't change my thoughts ***

Find out more on Goodreads

Note: A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.